European Community No. 26/1984 July 10, 1984 Contact: Ella Krucoff (202) 862-9540 THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: 1984 ELECTION RESULTS :The newly elected European Parliament - the second to be chosen directly by European voters -- began its five-year term last month with an inaugural session in Strasbourg~ France. The Parliament elected Pierre Pflimlin, a French Christian Democrat, as its new president. Pflimlin, a parliamentarian since 1979, is a former Prime Minister of France and ex-mayor of Strasbourg. Be succeeds Pieter Dankert, a Dutch Socialist, who came in second in the presidential vote this time around. The new assembly quickly exercised one of its major powers -- final say over the European Community budget -- by blocking payment of a L983 budget rebate to the United Kingdom. The rebate had been approved by Community leaders as part of an overall plan to resolve the E.C.'s financial problems. The Parliament froze the rebate after the U.K. opposed a plan for covering a 1984 budget shortfall during a July Council of Ministers meeting. The issue will be discussed again in September by E.C. institutions. Garret FitzGerald, Prime Minister of Ireland, outlined for the Parliament the goals of Ireland's six-month presidency of the E.C. Council. Be urged the representatives to continue working for a more unified Europe in which "free movement of people and goods" is a reality, and he called for more "intensified common action" to fight unemployment. Be said European politicians must work to bolster the public's faith in the E.C., noting that budget problems and inter-governmental "wrangles" have overshadolted the Community's benefits. Mr. FitzGerald praised the Parliament for regularly expressing a European viewpoint on important international issues. The new 434-member Parliament was elected in June by citizens of the European Community's 10 member states. The assembly has existed since 1952, but its members were appointed from national parliaments until the first direct elections in 1979. Washington office: 2100 M Street NW Washington DC 20037 I telephone (202) 862-9500 1 telex: 89-539 EURCOM EUROPEAN COMMUNITY INFORMATION SERVICE New York office: 1 Dag Hammarskjold Plaza, 245 E 47th Street New York, New York 100171 telephone (212) 371-3804 -2- Parliamentary Committees and Chairmen Political Affairs -- Roberto Formigoni (Italy) Agriculture, Fisheries and Food -- Teun Tolman (Netherlands) Budgets -- Jean-Pierre Cot (France) Economic and Monetary Affairs and Industrial Policy-- Barry H. Seal (U.K.) Energy, Research and Technology -- Michel Poniatowski (France) External Economic Relations-- Dame Shelagh Roberts (U.K.) Legal Affairs and Citizens' Rights --Marie-Claude Vayssade (France) Social Affairs and Employment --Michael J~ Welsh (U.K.) Regional Policy and Regional Planning -- Pancrazio de Pasquale (Italy) Transport -- Georgios Anastasopoulos (Greece) Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection -- Beate Weber (Germany) Youth, Culture, Education, Information and Sport-- Winifred Ewing (U.K.) Development and Cooperation -- Katharina Focke (Germany) Budgetary Control -- Heinrich Aigner (Germany) Rules of Procedure and Petitions -- Giuseppe Amadei (Italy) Verification of Credentials -- Dieter Rogalla (Germany) Institutional Affairs -- Altiero Spinelli (Italy) Women's Rights --Marlene Lenz (Germany) Political Groups, Membership and Chairmen SOCIALIST GROUP 130 Rudi Arndt (Germany) EUROPEAN PEOPLES' PARTY (CHRISTIAN DEMOCRATS) 110 Egon Alfred Klepsch (Germany) EUROPEAN DEMOCRATIC GROUP so Sir Henry Plumb (U.K.)· COMMUNIST GROUP 41 Gianni Cervetti (Italy) LIBERAL GROUP 31 Simone Veil (France) EUROPEAN DEMOCRATIC ALLIANCE 29 Christian de la Malene (France) RAINBOW GROUP 20 Else Hammerich (Denmark) Jaak H. Vandemeulebroucke (Belgium) Bram van der Lek (Netherlands) Paul M.J, Staes (Belgium) GROUP OF THE EUROPEAN RIGHT 16 Jean-Marie Le Pen (France) NON-ATTACHED 7 -3- EUROPEAN ELECTIONS Electora~e and turnout in E.c. sf~te-s~·inl979·: ... 'and 1984 r-· Country Electorate Turnout · Valid votes Belgium 1984 6,975,677 92.2 5,725,837 1979 .. 6,800,584 91.4 5,442 '867 Luxembourg 1984 215 '792 . 88.8 173,888 1979 212 '740 88.9 .• 170,759 Italy 198.4 .44,438' 303 83.4 35,093,046 1979 4~,19),369 84.9 35,042,601 Greece 19.84 7,790,309 77.2 5,956,060 1981 7,319,070 78.6 5,753,478 Germany 1984 44,451,981 56.8 24,851,371 1979 42,751,940 65.7 27,847,109 France i984. 36,880,688 56;7 io, 180,934 1979 j5,180, 531 60.7 20,?42,347 Denmark 1984 3,878,600 52.4 2,001,875 1979. 3,754,423 47.1;! 1,754,850 Netherlands 1984 10,476,000 50.57 5,297,621 1979 9,808,176 58.1 5,667,303 ' Ireland 1984 2,413,404 47.6 1,120,416 .1979. 2,188,798 63.6 1,339,072 United Kingdom 1984 42,984,998 32.56 13,998,188 1979 41,573,897 32.3 13,446,091 Total 1984 200,505,752 59 114,404 ;236 1979 191,783,52~ 62·.5 116,706,477 THE NEW PARLIAMENT ·. Former women· Dual Mandate Country MEPs MEPs· 1984 1979 1984 1979 Belgium 24 13 4 2 0 18 : Denmark 16 11 6 5 1 6 France 81 34 17 18 6 22 .. Germany 16 12 1 28 .. 81 56 2(1) Greece 24 6 2 5 0 Ireland 15 7 2 2 8 13 Italy 81 35 8 11 u 21 Luxembourg 6 1 1 1 5 6 The Netherlands 25 14 7 5 0 2 United Kingdom 81 51 12 11 7 9 Total 434 228 75 69 49 125 MEPs ~ Members of European Parliament Dual Mandate • Member of both European Parliament and national parliament (1) Elections in Greece 1981 .. 4- ELECTED MEMBERS BILGIUM Flanders Wallonia Christian Democtats ( 4 seats) Socialists ( 5 seats) Raf Chant.erie* Raymonde Dury* Lambert Croux* Ernest Glinne* Rika De Backer Jos6 Happart Po.l Marek* Anne-Marie Lizin* Marcel Remacle Socialists (4 seats) Libenls ( 3 seats) Jef Ulburghs Marijke Van Hemeldonck* Luc Beyer de Ryke* Karel Van Miert* Daniel Ducarme Willy Vernimmen* Michel Toussaint Freedom and Pro9ress (2 seats) Christian Democrats (2 seats) Karel De Gucht* Girard Deprez Gust De Winter Fernand Herman* People • s Union (2 seats) Ecologist (lseat) Willy Kuipers Franiois Roelants du Vivier Jaak Vandemeulebroucke* Ecologist ( 1 seat) Paul Staes Popular Movement against conservative People's Be ( 4 ·seats) Party (4 seats> Marie Jepsen J,Srgen &.svh* Poul Mj!lller* Jens•Peter Bonde* Jeanette Oppenheim lb Christensen Claus Toksvig Else HUifttlrich* socio.l Democracy (3 seats) Liberal Party (2 seats) OVe Fich* J,Srgen Br,Sndlund Nielsen* Eva Gredal* Tove Nielsen* · Ejner Hovgaard Christiensen Centre Democracx ( lseat) Socialist People's Party (lseat) Erhard Jacobsen* Bodil Boserup* (_John Iversen) 1 GREENLAND u·umut Finn Lynge(John Iversen will replace Finn Lynge on l January 1985) *re-elected -5- GERMANY Christian Democratic Union £!!!istian Social Union ( 41 seats) ~QY Social Democrat Party (33 seats) Jochen van Aerssen• Siegbert Alber* Rudi Arndt* Otto Bardonq Jiirqen Brinkmeier Philipp von Bismarck* Ludwig Fellermaier* Erik' Blumenfeld* Katharina Focke* Ursula Braun-Moser Bruno Friedrich* Elmar Brok* Fritz Gautier* Manfred Ebel Klaus H!l.nsch* Otmar Franz* Magdalene Hoff* Isidor Fri.ih* Jan Klinkenborq* Wilhelm Hahn* Rolf Linkohr* Karl-Heinz Hoffmann* Karl-Heinz Mihr* Eqon Klepsch* Hans. Peters* • Horst Lanqes* Dieter Rogalla* Gerd Lemmex* Mechtild Rothe Marlene Lenz* Willi Rothley Rudolf Luster* Joannis Sakellariou Kurt Malanqre* Heinke Salisch* Meinolf Mertens* Dieter Schinzel* Werner Miinch Gerhard Schmid* Gabriele Peus Heinz Schreiber Gero Pfennig* Horst Seefeld" Hans Poetschki Hans-Joachim Seeler* Hans-Gert Pottering* Lieselotte Seibel-Emmerlinq* Renate-Charlotte Rabbethqe* Barbara Simons GUnter Rinsche* GUnter Topmann Bernhard Salzer* Heinz Vetter* Konrad Schon* Kurt Vittinghoff Leopold Spaeth Thomas von der Vring* Kurt Wawrzik* Manfred Wagner* Rudolf Wedekind* Gerd Walter* Karl von Woqau* Beate Weber* Hans-Jiirgen Zahorka Klaus Wettiq* · Axel Zarges* Heidemarie Wieczorek-Zeul* Heinrich Aigner* Ecologists (7 seats) Reinhold Bocklet• Ingo Friedrich* Undine Bloch von Blottnitz Otto Habsburg* Friedrich-Wilhelm Graef zu Fritz Pirkl Baringdorf Ursula Schleicher* Benedikt Harlin Franz von Stauffenberg Brigitte Heinrich Michael Kleckner Dorothee Piermont Frank Schwalba-Hoth * re-elected -6- FRANCE Union of the Opposition (4lseats) socialists (20 seats) Jean-Pierre Abelin Jean-Paul Bachy Magdeleine Anglade Jean Besse Dominique Saudis Alain Bombard* Denis Baudouin GisiHe Charzat• Pierre Bernard-Reymond Jean-Pierre Cot Alain Carignon Louis Eyraud* Roger Chinaud Roger Fajard'ie• Nicole Chouraqui Leon Fatous Alfred eoste-Floret Yvette Fuillet * Michael Debatisse Colette Gadioux Jean Francois Deniau Max Gallo Georges Donnez* Lionel Jospin Anne-Mar.i:·E!-! Dupuys Marie-Noelle Lienemann Andre Fanton Charles-Emile Loo* Gaston Flosse Didier Motchane* Nicole Fontaine Nicole P~r:r·* Yves Galland* Henri Saby* Guy Guermeur Georges Sutra de Germa* Robert Hersant Bernard Thareau* Alain Juppe Marie-Claude Vayssade* Christian de La Malene* Jean Lecanuet* Gerard Longuet communists (lOseats) Philippe Malaud Jacques Mallet Robert Chambeiron* Jean-Francoia Mancel Danielle De March* Simone Martin* Maxime Gremetz* Jean Mouchel Jacqueline Hoffman* Francois Musso Emmanuel Maffre-Bauge* Jean-Thomas Nordmann*. Georges Marchais* Jean-Claude Pasty Rene Piquet* Pierre Pflimlin* Pierre Pranchere* Michel Poniatows~i* Paul verges* Bernard Pons Francis Wurtz* Andre Rossi* Jean-Pierre Roux Christiane Scrivener* National Opposition Front (10 seats) Jacqueline Thome P~~enotre Simone Veil * Bernard Antony Jacques Vernier Michel de Camaret Claude Wolff Dominique Chaboche Michel Collinot J M Le Chevallier Martine l.ehideux ·· Jean-Marie Le Pen Olivier d'Ormesson* G A Pordea Jean-Pierre
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