Cumulative Results Report Marion County, Oregon Official Results Registered Voters May 19 2020 Primary Election 81070 of 208283 = 38.92% Official Precincts Reporting 123 of 123 = 100.00% 5/19/2020 Run Time 9:14 AM Run Date 06/16/2020 Page 1 President - Democratic Party - Vote for One Precincts Voters Counted Total Percent Ballots Registered Percent 123 123 100.00% 34,331 61,144 56.15% Choice Party Absentee Voting Total Joseph R Biden 23,574 72.25% 23,574 72.25% Bernie Sanders 5,950 18.24% 5,950 18.24% Elizabeth Warren 2,409 7.38% 2,409 7.38% Tulsi Gabbard 694 2.13% 694 2.13% Cast Votes: 32,627 100.00% 32,627 100.00% Undervotes: 778 778 Overvotes: 6 6 Misc write-in votes: 920 920 President - Republican Party - Vote for One Precincts Voters Counted Total Percent Ballots Registered Percent 123 123 100.00% 34,058 59,358 57.38% Choice Party Absentee Voting Total Donald J Trump 29,446 100.00% 29,446 100.00% Cast Votes: 29,446 100.00% 29,446 100.00% Undervotes: 2,714 2,714 Overvotes: 3 3 Misc write-in votes: 1,895 1,895 US Senator - Democratic Party - Vote for One Precincts Voters Counted Total Percent Ballots Registered Percent 123 123 100.00% 34,331 61,144 56.15% Choice Party Absentee Voting Total Jeff Merkley 30,474 100.00% 30,474 100.00% Cast Votes: 30,474 100.00% 30,474 100.00% Undervotes: 3,323 3,323 Overvotes: 0 0 Misc write-in votes: 534 534 Cumulative Results Report Marion County, Oregon Official Results Registered Voters May 19 2020 Primary Election 81070 of 208283 = 38.92% Official Precincts Reporting 123 of 123 = 100.00% 5/19/2020 Run Time 9:14 AM Run Date 06/16/2020 Page 2 US Senator - Republican Party - Vote for One Precincts Voters Counted Total Percent Ballots Registered Percent 123 123 100.00% 34,058 59,358 57.38% Choice Party Absentee Voting Total Paul J Romero Jr 8,255 27.34% 8,255 27.34% Robert Schwartz 3,575 11.84% 3,575 11.84% Jo Rae Perkins 15,729 52.09% 15,729 52.09% John Verbeek 2,637 8.73% 2,637 8.73% Cast Votes: 30,196 100.00% 30,196 100.00% Undervotes: 3,477 3,477 Overvotes: 9 9 Misc write-in votes: 376 376 US Representative, 5th District - Democratic Party - Vote for One Precincts Voters Counted Total Percent Ballots Registered Percent 123 123 100.00% 34,331 61,144 56.15% Choice Party Absentee Voting Total Blair G Reynolds 2,734 8.49% 2,734 8.49% Kurt Schrader 23,086 71.68% 23,086 71.68% Mark F Gamba 6,387 19.83% 6,387 19.83% Cast Votes: 32,207 100.00% 32,207 100.00% Undervotes: 1,810 1,810 Overvotes: 1 1 Misc write-in votes: 313 313 Cumulative Results Report Marion County, Oregon Official Results Registered Voters May 19 2020 Primary Election 81070 of 208283 = 38.92% Official Precincts Reporting 123 of 123 = 100.00% 5/19/2020 Run Time 9:14 AM Run Date 06/16/2020 Page 3 US Representative, 5th District - Republican Party - Vote for One Precincts Voters Counted Total Percent Ballots Registered Percent 123 123 100.00% 34,058 59,358 57.38% Choice Party Absentee Voting Total Angela Roman 2,256 7.48% 2,256 7.48% Amy Ryan Courser 15,944 52.84% 15,944 52.84% G Shane Dinkel 5,280 17.50% 5,280 17.50% Joey Nations 6,692 22.18% 6,692 22.18% Cast Votes: 30,172 100.00% 30,172 100.00% Undervotes: 3,457 3,457 Overvotes: 8 8 Misc write-in votes: 421 421 Secretary of State - Democratic Party - Vote for One Precincts Voters Counted Total Percent Ballots Registered Percent 123 123 100.00% 34,331 61,144 56.15% Choice Party Absentee Voting Total Mark D Hass 13,005 40.99% 13,005 40.99% Jamie McLeod-Skinner 7,229 22.78% 7,229 22.78% Shemia Fagan 11,497 36.23% 11,497 36.23% Cast Votes: 31,731 100.00% 31,731 100.00% Undervotes: 2,252 2,252 Overvotes: 0 0 Misc write-in votes: 348 348 Cumulative Results Report Marion County, Oregon Official Results Registered Voters May 19 2020 Primary Election 81070 of 208283 = 38.92% Official Precincts Reporting 123 of 123 = 100.00% 5/19/2020 Run Time 9:14 AM Run Date 06/16/2020 Page 4 Secretary of State - Republican Party - Vote for One Precincts Voters Counted Total Percent Ballots Registered Percent 123 123 100.00% 34,058 59,358 57.38% Choice Party Absentee Voting Total Kim Thatcher 27,957 88.81% 27,957 88.81% Dave W Stauffer 3,521 11.19% 3,521 11.19% Cast Votes: 31,478 100.00% 31,478 100.00% Undervotes: 2,258 2,258 Overvotes: 1 1 Misc write-in votes: 321 321 State Treasurer - Democratic Party - Vote for One Precincts Voters Counted Total Percent Ballots Registered Percent 123 123 100.00% 34,331 61,144 56.15% Choice Party Absentee Voting Total Tobias Read 26,511 100.00% 26,511 100.00% Cast Votes: 26,511 100.00% 26,511 100.00% Undervotes: 7,400 7,400 Overvotes: 0 0 Misc write-in votes: 420 420 State Treasurer - Republican Party - Vote for One Precincts Voters Counted Total Percent Ballots Registered Percent 123 123 100.00% 34,058 59,358 57.38% Choice Party Absentee Voting Total Jeff Gudman 26,325 100.00% 26,325 100.00% Cast Votes: 26,325 100.00% 26,325 100.00% Undervotes: 7,421 7,421 Overvotes: 1 1 Misc write-in votes: 311 311 Cumulative Results Report Marion County, Oregon Official Results Registered Voters May 19 2020 Primary Election 81070 of 208283 = 38.92% Official Precincts Reporting 123 of 123 = 100.00% 5/19/2020 Run Time 9:14 AM Run Date 06/16/2020 Page 5 Attorney General - Democratic Party - Vote for One Precincts Voters Counted Total Percent Ballots Registered Percent 123 123 100.00% 34,331 61,144 56.15% Choice Party Absentee Voting Total Ellen Rosenblum 27,355 100.00% 27,355 100.00% Cast Votes: 27,355 100.00% 27,355 100.00% Undervotes: 6,589 6,589 Overvotes: 0 0 Misc write-in votes: 387 387 Attorney General - Republican Party - Vote for One Precincts Voters Counted Total Percent Ballots Registered Percent 123 123 100.00% 34,058 59,358 57.38% Choice Party Absentee Voting Total Michael Cross 24,452 100.00% 24,452 100.00% Cast Votes: 24,452 100.00% 24,452 100.00% Undervotes: 8,250 8,250 Overvotes: 1 1 Misc write-in votes: 1,355 1,355 State Senator, 9th District - Democratic Party - Vote for One Precincts Voters Counted Total Percent Ballots Registered Percent 34 34 100.00% 5,639 9,756 57.80% Choice Party Absentee Voting Total Jim Hinsvark 4,061 100.00% 4,061 100.00% Cast Votes: 4,061 100.00% 4,061 100.00% Undervotes: 1,481 1,481 Overvotes: 0 0 Misc write-in votes: 97 97 Cumulative Results Report Marion County, Oregon Official Results Registered Voters May 19 2020 Primary Election 81070 of 208283 = 38.92% Official Precincts Reporting 123 of 123 = 100.00% 5/19/2020 Run Time 9:14 AM Run Date 06/16/2020 Page 6 State Senator, 9th District - Republican Party - Vote for One Precincts Voters Counted Total Percent Ballots Registered Percent 34 34 100.00% 8,423 14,227 59.20% Choice Party Absentee Voting Total Fred Frank Girod 6,949 100.00% 6,949 100.00% Cast Votes: 6,949 100.00% 6,949 100.00% Undervotes: 1,419 1,419 Overvotes: 0 0 Misc write-in votes: 55 55 State Senator, 10th District - Democratic Party - Vote for One Precincts Voters Counted Total Percent Ballots Registered Percent 34 34 100.00% 11,893 19,478 61.06% Choice Party Absentee Voting Total Charles Womble 945 9.21% 945 9.21% Deb Patterson 9,312 90.79% 9,312 90.79% Cast Votes: 10,257 100.00% 10,257 100.00% Undervotes: 1,520 1,520 Overvotes: 1 1 Misc write-in votes: 115 115 State Senator, 10th District - Republican Party - Vote for One Precincts Voters Counted Total Percent Ballots Registered Percent 34 34 100.00% 11,104 19,397 57.25% Choice Party Absentee Voting Total Denyc Boles 9,070 100.00% 9,070 100.00% Cast Votes: 9,070 100.00% 9,070 100.00% Undervotes: 1,924 1,924 Overvotes: 1 1 Misc write-in votes: 109 109 Cumulative Results Report Marion County, Oregon Official Results Registered Voters May 19 2020 Primary Election 81070 of 208283 = 38.92% Official Precincts Reporting 123 of 123 = 100.00% 5/19/2020 Run Time 9:14 AM Run Date 06/16/2020 Page 7 State Senator, 12th District - Democratic Party - Vote for One Precincts Voters Counted Total Percent Ballots Registered Percent 3 3 100.00% 815 1,532 53.20% Choice Party Absentee Voting Total Arianna (Ari) M Blunt 81 11.98% 81 11.98% Bernadette Hansen 218 32.25% 218 32.25% Ross Swartzendruber 223 32.99% 223 32.99% Lisa Pool 154 22.78% 154 22.78% Cast Votes: 676 100.00% 676 100.00% Undervotes: 120 120 Overvotes: 0 0 Misc write-in votes: 19 19 State Senator, 12th District - Republican Party - Vote for One Precincts Voters Counted Total Percent Ballots Registered Percent 3 3 100.00% 1,442 2,659 54.23% Choice Party Absentee Voting Total Brian J Boquist 1,174 100.00% 1,174 100.00% Cast Votes: 1,174 100.00% 1,174 100.00% Undervotes: 254 254 Overvotes: 0 0 Misc write-in votes: 14 14 State Senator, 30th District - Democratic Party - Vote for One Precincts Voters Counted Total Percent Ballots Registered Percent 1 1 100.00% 0 0 0.00% Choice Party Absentee Voting Total Carina M Miller 0 0.00% 0 0.00% Cast Votes: 0 0.00% 0 0.00% Undervotes: 0 0 Overvotes: 0 0 Misc write-in votes: 0 0 Cumulative Results Report Marion County, Oregon Official Results Registered Voters May 19 2020 Primary Election 81070 of 208283 = 38.92% Official Precincts Reporting 123 of 123 = 100.00% 5/19/2020 Run Time 9:14 AM Run Date 06/16/2020 Page 8 State Senator, 30th District - Republican Party - Vote for One Precincts Voters Counted Total Percent Ballots Registered Percent 1 1 100.00% 0 0 0.00% Choice Party Absentee Voting Total Lynn P Findley 0 0.00% 0 0.00% Cast Votes: 0 0.00% 0 0.00% Undervotes: 0 0 Overvotes: 0 0 Misc write-in votes: 0 0 State Representative, 17th District - Democratic Party - Vote for One Precincts Voters Counted Total Percent Ballots Registered Percent 12 12 100.00% 1,559 2,746 56.77% Choice Party
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