Microfilm Center Inc* P. 0. Box 45436 DaTUs Texas 75235 Santa Anna ews Phone 348-3545 iiHe Profits Most Who Serves Best” Single Copy— 10c VOLUME LXXXIl SANTA ANNA, COLEMAN COUNTY, TEXAS, MAY 2, 1968 NUMBER 18 Post Office Suilding Pre-School Santa Anna To Get New Roundup s Council Of The Santa Anita News re- < Santa Anna Teenagers Win First Mrs. Arthur Casey Wins SweepstakeITeeived; a telggjA&i April 29 ICC. lA j-U i.from;- ,! Congressman Omar ' ’’ i -2* b m m m I Burleson^::annaTOoing^;teafc: Pre-School roundup for the In 4-H Share-The-Fun Contest • SS S * H >ld ‘Award At.... AimnsI Flower Show approval had been granted students will be held at the A group of Santa Anna at : district contests on The Santa Anna Council of Mrs. Arthur Casey receiv- Afternoon programs. Class J jroin congress to erect a new Santa A n n a Elementary teenagers will be going to .Saturday was Susan Newman Church Women met Monday, td • the Sweepstakes award l Moseley, white; McNutt.; Post office building in Santa School on Friday, May 10, at College Station early in June the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. April 29, In the annex of the ;for artistic and the Award , ted. Casey, blue; Eachary, j Anna 2-30 and all students who to compete in the Texa, 4-H Tom Newman, who wen with. First Methodist Church. Mrs. C-f .Distinction at^ the annual; vt -low. Ci;-ss Hi. McNutt,' ^ p ost office Depart- will enter the first grade for Hound-up after winning first iuy 4-li i-cod in. i ;. e u i u.m J aox Alien, president of tho.r uuig F lower oh o, the red, Casey, white, Bivins,. ment completed their-survey *he i e ; 900 school term are place in the District 4-H Demonstration. The Junior group, presided at the busi- Mountain City Garden Club ellow; Herring, blue. of local postal facilities sev- invited' to attend along with Share-The-Fun Contest in 4-H members do not compete ;s meeting, , >heM in Santa ’Anna, at the. Class .11. A. McNutt, blue; eral months ago and recom- ti-cir parents, Sm Angelo last Saturday.; higher than the district, leva! The meeting opened with [ Lions Club building, Setur- Casey, red; Moseley, white; mended to Congress that a The students will spend EigiU of the nine senior 4-H, --------------------- singing "In The Garden." | day, April 27. Mrs. Bert I Herring, yellow; Mrs. Lola new facility be built in Santa time in some simple school member.-; in the singing group Mrs. Charles Benge gave the Turney received the Sweep- , Bilbrry. white, Anna. ' activities and in getting ac- ar>‘ !«i»' Santa Anna, and the devotion. .stakes award in the Horti- ’ Class 11-13. Bivins, blue: The building will be .least; quainted with the school en- pianist for the group is Jim­ Senior Band Mrs. Norvai Wylie used] culture division, with 32 blue -Sparks, white; Zachary, yel- by the postal department vironment and the teachers, my Benton, also oi Santa "History and Legends of ribbons. Other blue ribbons'low; Moseley, red; Herring, and will send out advertise- j The parents, will hold cori- Anna, Receives No. Roses" as her program topic, in the horticulture division while. C. Moseley, white; ments requesting contract I ferences with school health The 4-H talent -group has She stated that roses were went to Mrs. Richard Hor- c’uspy. bine: Zachary, red; bids. • f nurse, the principal and the appeared at several meetings 11 Rating the oldest, known flower, be-;nor, Mrs, Shirley Eubank, McNutt, yellow, and Turney, -------------------- [superintendent; plans for and activities since being or­ ing grown in China before t Mrs. H. L. Zachary, Mrs. C. white. ;1968-1969 will be explained. ganized about six weeks ago The Santa Anna Senior j Christ, also their nutritional ( m . Moseley, Mrs. A. C. Sparks E'vening programs. Class Two Local Men Also, some registration lor by Mrs. James Eubank. Sr., Band was in Brownwood lafdJ va*ue- Known as the secret. Mrs. Bunk Wagner and Mrs. 12. Sparks, blue; Casey, i W i l l At t e n d 1 Summer Head Start Program the 4-H sponsor. Costumes Friday to compete in theJfIower- ancient people hung Stephens. white: Zachary, red; Her- in the 4-H colors of grcc-n interscholastlc League con- roses over the table and what Theme of the show was ring, yellow. Class 13. Mose- AAdventist U V C liu s i JMeet .u c c i HeadwiI1 be Start held Program for the whichSummer is and white were bought for tests in Concert Playing and was said during that meal: Television and Flowers in.; Jey, red; McNuttr white; Bl- Mrs. Merl Roller and Earl 5 scpeduied t0 begin on June 17. the group, with donations of gjgpt Reading. The band re- was to be kept a secret. Color. Division II carried j vlns, blue; Herring; white. Ray of Santa Anna Seventh-] The jjea(j start Program trading stamps from inter- cclvcd a u rat!ng in con. The First Christian Church ;artlstic designs on morning Class 14. Moseley, blue; day Adventists will travel to ; is a vojuntary______ participation______ esu.:i friends helping to (ie- playing, which is exeel- being the host church served Pros?rams: A- News- ciass l-i^ N u tt. red; Casey, yellow, the Southwestern College at prograrn. n0 on e’ te requir^ fray the enst, lent. They were, judged with refreshments of cake, sand'- r'lrs- c - M- Mosc,e>’- rcd’ Mr3’ Ciass 15- Mrs- Luia Bilbrey, | Keepe, Texas, Sunday, M ay}^ sead chUdren to the stM- In tile District competition a III rating in Sight Heading, ■vichrs and sniped punch to Artilur Cafce>'- blue. Mrs. V er-. white; Moseley, red; McNutt, j 5, Fo attend the 20th biennial) mer classes, but it is believed * * 1 ■ ‘ * 1 Jr* * ' mnMr.on U’/txwtMinHerring, wnllnttfyellow ribbon.;I white; Casey, yellow; Herring,; convention of the Texas Con- the group sang '‘The Alamo" which, is considered good, Mrs. Jack Allen. Mrs. Jenny that great advantages are and "This Land.” using the The senior band is directed Oakes Miss Lena Boyd. Mrs. f 'iass 2' MrS- Alma McNutt, blue. j ference of Adventists. ; available in the experiences style of foiksingers. , Mem- , by J. D. Stokes, and is com­ Jasper McClellan from the ' ellow' Mrs’ Casey’ ^‘ue’ Mrs- Show jud°e3 were Mrs- w -i The-V are official delegates! {or the child. Head start & bers of the group arc Barba- posed of about. 50 students United Presbyterian; Mrs.u « Richard Horner, red, Mrs.; H. Buchanan, Mrs. Cravens) to the one-day.day conventionconvention | j nntno^ AAH,pn|,rfdedicated to teachteachlhfe hw ra Jones. Ann Martin, Sue from Junior High and High; pearl Wilson, Mrs. Mattie Herring, ,vnllc and Mrs. Fleming of Abilene.: which elect officers of the j academic Kmgsbery and Geneva Pit- : School. jMankins and Mrs Robert Sports, class 3 Mrs. Alma; ■ _ ; conferencp for the coming j pre-school activities a n d tard. Also Jerry and Dick- j -------------------- i Barton from New Hope Bap- McNutt, white, Mrs. Casey.: G H rd C H C l l l b To two-year period. Heading | that training which makes ic Horner, Jam*., Eubank. Jr. {_ . tisl: Mrs. Cennie Ladd, Mrs. red, Mr.;, Richard H o r n e r , __x t^..: 1 1 ___ n delegates from this city is | children ready for school. and Patrick Hp.-.i'h,.all of S;in- Bond Sales P.: B; Snook, 'Mrs<--He:nry New- yellow, Mrs. Otis Bivins! blue, Meet Fri., May 3 h b . Petry, pastor of the; it is expected that about ia Ann. ami Terry Kent of; Reach 34,842 man. Mrs. Ora Hunter. Miss­ Mrs. Herring, white. Ciass The Mountain City Garden church. i 20 will enroll in Head Start. i Club will meet, at the Santa The local' delegation will i Coleman. Vicki Jo Neff is During the first, quarter of es Ruby and R. Lee Harper, 4. Mrs. Moseley, yellow. Mrs. also a member of the sing- j united .States Savings ’; Mrs Joe Baker. Mrs. Roy McNutt, red, Mrs. Casey, blue. Anna City Library on Friday. join more than 450 persons; MRS. ,DOCia STAR ing group hut was ineligible ;Bond 5ft|cg !n Colwnan coun J Horne, Mrs. Hardy Blue, O. Weather C. Class 5. Zach­ May 3, at 3 p. m.. with Mrs. from all parts of Texas. T h e; DIES Ax AGE OF g7 to be in toe district contest;^, lotaled 534 842, according IY- C'heaney, Mrs. Tom Mills, ary, white, Moseley, yellow, Vernon Herring and Mrs. meeting will be held in the ;- Mrs starr> 87i dled as she was a member of t h c :^ g rcnort rccefved tod a y-and Miss Louwe Purdy from Casey, blue, Mrs. Elton Mc­ Melvin Flowers hostesses. The auditorium of the Keene jn Sugarland Sunday. April Quarter Horse Judging ^ am :?rom Robert I. Bowen. C h a ir-1'be Methodist; Mrs. Charles Donald white apd Kerrine, theme oi the meeting is Fun church. i 28, after a long illness. from Coleman county ...........man of. *.the Coleman......... Countv I Benge, Mrs, Wyne. Mrs. Cliff reel. Class 17. M:Nut: , red, with Flowers. Roll call is an Highlight, of the parley Services were held at the ither pLiro wmrwr Bavincs Bond Conmiitt.ee. I Stephenson. Mrs. Sharp and Cm ti\ vhitc, Zacliary, wlnte Idea for next year’s programs. will be the election of staff First Methodist Clnirch in Each member is asked to 25 per cent, of the county’s jMrs- 0scar Bwnigke from the Herr; ng blue officers and a conference Sugarland at 10:00 a.
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