JUNE 2017 EDITION 3 INSIDE OUT TRANSPARENCY. HONESTY. INTEGRITY 2017: It’s The Year Of Action From left: Acting Director-General for Department of Military Veterans, Mr Max Ozinsky, Deputy Minister of Military Veterans, Mr Kebby Maphatsoe, Military Veterans Co-ordinator (Armscor) Mr Pumlani Kubukeli, then Minister of Public Service and Administration, Ms Ayanda Dlodlo and Armscor CEO, Mr Kevin Wakeford IN THIS EDITION: IGNITING GROWTH THROUGH EMPOWERMENT • DEFENCE MINISTER TABULATES HER 5TH DEFENCE BUDGET VOTE • POLICY IMPLEMENTATION KEY FOR EFFECTIVE SERVICE DELIVERY NEWSLETTER JUNE 2017 | 1 FOREWORD BY THE EDITOR INDEX Mondé Süssmann, Senior Manager: Corporate Communications Editorial PAGE 2 TOGETHER WE CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE From the CEO’s Desk: Jetting on the upward trajectory We have observed with shock the violent spate of will lead her to work within the defence Industry. All PAGE 2 gender-based attacks in the country. We strongly our facilities also hosted learners, the coverage of condemn such acts and encourage all citizens this story is on page 13. to be united in putting an end to such gruesome Igniting Growth Through killings. We welcome and fully support the Gauteng In our quest to address the imbalances of the Empowerment Department of Community Safety’s implementation past, given the legacy we have inherited, we PAGE 3 of the 356 days intervention programme aimed are thrilled about developments in the sector that at mobilising society to be activists in the social signify a new era of radical transformation. Recent Policy Implementation Key movement against this scourge of gender-based developments in the defence space reflect the for Effective Service Delivery violence. Because the youth are the future of our rapid speed with which the Department of Defence PAGE 5 country, the need to imbue and restore Ubuntu, seeks to reposition the defence industry to create morality and safety within all structures of society pathways for tangible transformation and growth remains an indispensable imperative. that will allow for greater inclusive participation by Defence Minister Tabulates designated groups i.e. the youth and women. Her 5th Defence Budget Vote As part of reaffirming one of our strategic pillars, PAGE 6 we hosted girl children on 25 May 2017 from Undeniably, however, the reduced defence budget Mmamogwai Secondary School (Winterveld), poses a risk to the viability of the sector, given the Armscor Turnaround, Curtis Nkondo and our employees’ girl children. recommendation of the Defence review of doubling Gaining Momentum We are of a firm view that our contribution and the the allocation from the fiscus. The Honourable experience they gained will make a huge impact Minister of Defence & Military Veterans delivered PAGE 8 in their decision-making process concerning their her Budget Vote Speech on 25 May 2017, in career journeys. which she bemoaned the decline in the funding Embracing Transformation allocation, as further loss of essential capabilities within the Defence Industry We have a huge responsibility to inspire and may ensue. Highlights of the Budget vote speech PAGE 8 nurture learners at an early age and attract are on page 6. them to the various opportunities available in the Cementing SA’s Ties with defence sector. We were quite humbled when one Don’t forget to send us your constructive reviews Russia of the learners expressed her appreciation and about the newsletter: we depend on you to improve. heightened confidence to choose a career path that Enjoy the read!!! PAGE 9 Unlocking Africa’s Defence Potential FROM THE DESK OF THE CEO PAGE 10 Kevin Wakeford The Art of Giving Back (CSI Corner) PAGE 12 JETTING ON AN UPWARD TRAJECTORY Cell C Take a Girl Child to Work Day First and foremost, let me congratulate the new On the same note, during the NDIC Inaugural work Armscor Board members. We have no doubt that session on the 19 May 2017, the Minister released PAGE 13 they will complement the formidable, reappointed the draft Defence Industry Strategy for public Board members well. We wish them all the best in comment and input. The strategy signals strides executing their new responsibilities. taken by the Department, supported by SADI, to SADI-PGZ develop and transform the industry for inclusive Opportunity for Cooperation We’ve just emerged from the first-of-its-kind participation. Our resolve to address the imbalances PAGE 14 workshop targeting Military Veterans. Proudly, of the past is steadily gaining momentum. we are delivering on commitments made last Leveraging on Property year during the Supplier Open Day during which On a sombre note, we at Armscor lost one of Assets (SAPOA) we committed to providing meaningful support to the EXCO Members during the month of April. PAGE 15 SMME’s, including Military Veterans, women and Mr Justice Motha left an indelible mark on the youth-owned enterprises. At the time, concrete organisation, instrumental as he was in ensuring solutions were identified, such as pairing SMME’s our consistent, qualified audit reports. We thank Fraud Awareness message with industry giants based on their service offerings him for his work ethic and dedication: we will keep PAGE 15 and capabilities. his legacy alive and embrace his code of ethics. Values As a global player that is outwardly focused, We also note with the concern the scourge of women PAGE 16 we are robustly on track to implementing our and girl-children being abused and murdered. strategy which is to be self-sustainable, to reduce We, as a society, must stand together to fight this Armscor Celebrates our reliance on the fiscus and to continue to serve atrocious behaviour and encourage all women and with integrity and within the principles of good girl-children to be extra vigilant at all times. We are Women’s Success corporate governance. confident that authorities will act swiftly to restore PAGE 17 peace and harmony within society, as every human As we are moving ahead full-throttle to implement being has a right to live in a free and safe society. Aardvark Roost Little Crow the Defence Review 2015, we are pleased of Conference advances which reflect the robustness of the We trust that you have made your input to the PAGE 18 defence sector to create pathways to transform the Defence Strategy before the deadline of 30 June industry, particularly in relation to Black-owned, 2017. This was your chance to make meaningful women-owned and military veteran-owned defence change. Be the change you want to see (Mahatma SAAF Museum Annual Air SMMEs. Gandhi). Show PAGE 19 2 | JUNE 2017 NEWSLETTER IGNITING GROWTH THROUGH EMPOWERMENT BY PROMISE RIBANE Moving swiftly to entrench its unflinching commitment to empower military veterans with the requisite knowledge of Armscor’s procurement and compliance processes, Armscor hosted a successful Military Veterans workshop on 23 March 2017. Armscor CEO, Mr Kevin Wakeford, welcomed the military veterans to the workshop and encouraged them to acquaint themselves with contents of the draft Defence Sector Charter and be prepared to participate actively as military veterans. “The main purpose of the Charter is to accelerate transformation in the defence industry, to ensure that all designated groups including military veterans participate in growing our economy,” he said. The high-profile event was graced by the Deputy Minister of Defence and Military Veterans, Kebby Maphatsoe, who also welcomed the decision to have a Defence Sector Charter that focuses on transforming the defence industry. He pointed out that issues mentioned in the Charter are of critical importance to addressing the plight of military veterans. “Revolutionising the defence industry will restore the dignity of our former freedom fighters,” said Maphatsoe. He also thanked Armscor for the much-anticipated, action-packed initiative to assist military veterans. Secretary of Defence, Dr Makhudu Gulube Speaking at the event, the then Deputy Minister of Public Service and Administration, Ayanda Dlodlo, called on Armscor to partner with entities that fall under the National School of Government and come up with courses that can benefit the military veterans. “This day belongs to soldiers of liberation and today we are no longer prisoners of hope, we are beneficiaries of the faith we had and now we sow the rewards,” she exclaimed. Various presentations were made by all the departments at Armscor, in order to provide more insight in terms of the opportunities available and which processes to follow. The event forms part of the Enterprise Supplier Development (ESD) initiative by Armscor and provided Armscor with the opportunity to interact directly with military veterans enterprises, and to respond to any matters which Workshop Delegates Deputy Minister of Military Veterans, Mr Kebby Maphatsoe, then Minister of Public Service and Administration, Ms Lulu Mzili, Ms Ayanda Dlodlo and Armscor CEO, Mr Kevin Wakeford GM for Marketing & Business Development,Armscor NEWSLETTER JUNE 2017 | 3 needed clarification or with which the veterans needed assistance, in terms of the applicable rules and procedures. Present at the event was also the Secretary of Defence, Dr Sam Gulube, Acting Director-General Department of Military Veterans, Mr Max Ozinsky and the Chairperson of the Portfolio Committee on Economic Development, Ms Busi Coleman. Programme Director, Ms Barileng Dichabe Mr Trevor Mketi, DOD Ms Nomsa Mkhwanazi, Armscor POLICY IMPLEMENTATION KEY FOR EFFECTIVE SERVICE DELIVERY BY BARILENG DICHABE At the Local Government Business Network, a critical need to adapt It is also crucial to note that the rapid advancement of technology to our fast paced era was identified as crucial to engagements that has changed the socio-political landscape. Given the seemingly enable us to deliver the quality services required by communities. gloomy economic outlook, automation and digitalisation may pose a The session, organised by the Local Government Business serious threat to job security in the near future.
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