Western Michigan University Kalamazoo Normal Record (1910-1918) Western Michigan University Year 1915 The Kalamazoo Normal Record Vol. 5 No. 8 Western State Normal School This paper is posted at ScholarWorks at WMU. http://scholarworks.wmich.edu/kalamazoo normal record/35 The Kalamazoo Normal Record Published Monthly, Except August and September by The Faculty and Students of the Western State Normal School l\.alamazoo, Michigan Entered as second class matter October 31, 1910, at the post office at Kalamazoo, Michigan, under the Act of March 3. 1879 The Business Advertisement of the Record is at the head of the Editorial Page Vol. 5 CONTENTS FOR MAY, 1915 No.8 EDUCATIONAL Practical Initiative .......................................... Fannie L. Ballou.... 297 LITERARY Mexico . 300 Arbor and Bird Day . 302 Music of the American People . 304 EDITORIAL Music a Necessity .................... _..................... 306 Music Festivals . 307 Commencement . 307 Summer School. 308 TRAINING SCHOOL 308 ATHLETICS Girls' Athletics ................................ :. 309 Baseball Record.... 310 ART AND MUSIC 312 Music Notes ................................................ _ ................. 313 Art Notes ...................................................................... 314 NEWS ARTICLES Manual Training . 315 Science Equipment. 317 Music Festival . 318 Organizations . 322 NEWS NOTES ................................................................................ 290,326 ALUMNI 293 ILLUSTRATION The Art Exhibit ................................. ,............................... 296 290 THE KALAMAZOO NORMAL RECORD The Specialization of Woodworking Machinery FOR MANUAL RAINING SCHOOLS Is One of Our Chief Departments of Manufacture OUR NEW Manual Training School Catalog is now ready for distribution. It is a book that ought to be in the hands of every Manual Training Teacher, for it is designed with a view to assisting the teacher, to some extent at least, in his class work. Your request for a copy will be complied with gladly. American No. 4 Spindle and Drum Sander American Woodworking Machinery Co. Executive and General Sales Offices: Rochester, N. Y. Sales Offices; New York City, Chicago, New Orleans, Portland, Ore., San Francisco NEWS NOTES. goes to Columbia next year, will be the guest of honor. Chester Wycoff, president of the Rural Seniors, was called home the A number of orchards have been last of April by the very serious ill pruned by students under the direc ness of his mother. tion of Mr. Petrie. Dr. Light's or chard of 225 trees, and one large or Susie Ellett, teacher of the Rural chard in Cass county, together with Observation School, recently contrib several smaller jobs near the Normal, uted an article on "County Normal have afforded splendid opportunity Training Classes in Michigan" to for demonstration work in pruning. "School and Home Education," pub lished at Bloomington, 111. The Girls' Club of the department of Rural Schools met this month with Students in the Rural courses plan Eva Robinson at her home in Axtell ned a picnic for May 22 on the Rob street and at the home of Mr. and inson farm, southeast of Kalamazoo. Mrs. Burnham. The annual Commencement reun The Rural Sociology Seminar pro ion of graduates and students of the grams this month have consisted of department of Rural Schools will be informal debates in which there has held in the late afternoon of Monday, been general participation by students. June 21, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. More formal parts of the programs Burnham at 1532 Grand Avenue. have been talks by Misses Goodrich, There will be no formal program. Op Ellett, Ferree, and Netzorg. The portunity to renew acquaintances and general topic for the term is "The So discuss the welfare of the department cial Service Possibilities of Rural will be afforded. Miss Goodrich, who Schools." THE KALAMAZOO NORMAL RECORD 291 The Juniors entertained the Sen iors at a delightful party Saturday evening, April 17th. A canopy of lav- endar and green made an attractive effect and other decorations carried out the color plan. Glenn Crosby was chairman of the decorating committee and Fischer's orchestra furnished the music. The Women's League was in charge THE NEW of the assembly program Tuesday morning, May 4, when an open meet ing followed a few brief addresses. Autographic Miss Ruth Thompson spoke on "The Relation of Girls to the Faculty;" Kodaks Miss Lydia Siedschlag on "Personal i|j>0 and up Appearances," which embraced the following topics: Dress, Hair, In the Ask for the New Autographic Halls, Courtesy; Miss Lucile Fleugal Catalog of the High School department talked on "The Relation Between High School and Normal Students," and Miss Goodrich of the faculty spoke y^^^J^^L on "The Relation Between Faculty HEWBURDICHBLOCK and Girls." Music was furnished by KALAMAZOO the Senior Girls' Glee Club and Miss Dorothy Bowen. In the annual oratorical contest It's Up to YOU held in the assembly room Tuesday evening, May 4th, honors were won When you go out to make your place in by Neal Nyland and Agnes Cagney. the world. Next to the 'Know-How' The complete program follows: nothing helps like having the right materi Music—Normal Orchestra. als to work with. Oration, "The Unrighteous Mam mon"—Howard Chenery. POST'S Oration, "Queen Victoria"—Flor ence Price. DEPENDABLE SUPPLIES Oration, "Prison Reform"—Homer For DRAUGHTSMEN Stryker. and ENGINEERS Music—Senior Girls' Glee Club. Oration, "National Prohibition"— encourage good work Whether it is a Forrest Bowers. thumb tack or a transit, when the house of Post is behind it you have a guarantee of Oration, "Disarmament of Nations" Quality and Satisfaction which better work —Neal Nyland. translates into dollars and cents for you. Music—Men's Glee Club. We shall be glad to send a bottle of Post's Oration, "The Mission of the New Standard American Black, the Ideal Draw ing Ink. to you, free. And while you are Woman"—Agnes Cagney. about it, ask for our 400 page Catalog. Oration, "Ideals and Life"—Ray mond Jones. The Frederick Post Co. Music. Dept. S, Irving Park St. CHICAGO Decision of Judges and Presenta tion of Prizes. 292 THE KALAMAZOO NORMAL RECORD NEW DICTIONARIES FOR SCHOOLS Genuine Websters > WEBSTER'S Shorter School Dictionary . $0.60 WEBSTER'S Elementary-School Dictionary ... .90 WEBSTER'S Secondary-School Dictionary . 1.50 The new Webster series of school dictionaries—the genuine Merriam edition is now ready, and from every point of view these books are unquestionably the most satisfactory dictionaries yet published for school use. They are abridgments of Webster's New International Dictionary, which is the recognized authority throughout the English-speaking world. In their compact, convenient form, in their low price, in the wise selection of their words, in the simple but exact language of their definitions, in their vari ous supplementary features, the Shorter School and Elementary-School Diction aries are made to suit the special needs of their chief users—the boys and girls in our common schools. The Secondary-School Dictionary with its vocabulary of 70,000 words is comprehensive enough to meet the general needs of the students of high schools, academies, normal schools, and colleges. New York A • t^| -i x">j chic.8o American Book Company Cincinnati __ _ -*- •> Boston 33U bast 22nd Street Atlanta CHICAGO Students Using Dietzgen Instruments the proper aids for correct drawings— are well prepared for accurate work Eugene Dietzgen Co. MANUFACTURERS Chicago New York San Francisco New Orleans Toronto Pittsburg Philadelphia American Steel Sanitary Desks ELECTRIC WELDED WARRANTED UNBREAKABLE Over 500,000 in use today in all parts of the world. Scientific and hygienic features of these desks have been indorsed by many of the well known physicians and educators. Let us send you our illustrated booklet B-L giving many interesting facts. Check your school supplies now, but before you com mence ask for our 120 page handsomely illustrated Price List B-S. A comprehensive guide for the econom ical purchaser of school essentials. American Seating Company 14 E. Jackson Blvd., Chicago Grand Rapids, Mich. THE KALAMAZOO NORMAL RECORD 293 We Have Your Bicycle That is, if you are interested in the classy line we are showing for Season 1915 Exceptional Quality at an Exceptional Price BUY AN EAGLE Get the GLIDING WHEEL with a COASTER BRAKE CASH OR EASY PAYMENT The Edwards& ChamberlinHdw.Co. ALUMNI. the past two years, has been engaged for similar work in the schools of Tuc Miss Rowena Smith, physical edu son, Arizona. cation, 1914, writes from Tulsa, Okla Supt. Charles Appleton of Nash homa, where she is teaching. ville, 1906, lost in the election for com Dan Stewart, manual training, 1914, missioner by two votes. visited the Normal the week-end of Miss Mary Ensfield of the class of May 1. 1906 has recently been offered a splen Vernon Chamberlin has recently did position in the Rural School de gone to Jackson to teach manual train partment of the Winona State Nor ing in the public schools. mal, Minnesota. Ralph Fisher, who completed the Miss Anna Bailey, 1907, is teaching Manual Training course in March, in the Cadillac public schools. 1915, accepted a position in the Pitts Miss Birdie Fraser, 1907, now teach burgh schools immediately after grad ing in Dowagiac, visited the Normal uation. this month. E. Duane Smith writes from Madi son, Wis., stating that he has en Friends of Mrs. Ruth Hendryx Mos- joyed a year at the University. ier, 1908, will be glad to learn of her Miss Pearl Hughes is teaching in re-election as school commissioner in Detroit and resides at 43 Hannori Ave Cass county by a generous majority. nue. Miss Bertha Woodard, 1908, is at Miss Gretchen Abrams is teaching 716 W. 30th St., Los Angeles, Cal. in Montana and has recently changed Miss Veryl Clark is teaching in the her address to Carter. Owosso public schools. Alfred Wilcox, who has been direc Miss G. Helen Cook is teaching in tor of manual training in Hastings Jackson.
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