~c lIi .'1 i K'13 . ,q q G. YUKON ECONOMIC STUDIES AN ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY 3rd - edition selVice to and from the Yukon TeII1toty, on BEAVER CREEK 1970-1986 • p.2 to 1.... , ~l...-..Jl Greater K1uane regional land NOGAP cumulative bU K1uane region tourism ,,--.-. ---- BERRY PROCESSING Sustainable developm£ framework. Dis A feasibility study to assess the production of annotated biblio K1uane region tourism smaJl fruitslben:tes in the Mayo-Stewart development in Repolt, Part 2: Te Valley area Phase 1: Progress repolt. Phase regions • p.2l! Kluane .~.~ _. ~ _____ The uaInlng and 9.•. Kluane . 2: Repon • p.l0 Pre-feasibility study: processing wild ben:ies in Canadlans: Yukon · p .23 Yukon ecnnor "konEconomic Development YUKON ECONOMIC STUDIES AN ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY 3rd - edition compiled by Wyrme Krangle and Peter Long K-L Services Whitehorse, Yukon 1996 "konEconomic Development © November 1996, Government of the Yukon, Economic Development ISBN 1-55018-772-4 (1996, 3rd edition), ISBN 1-55018-524-1 (1992, 2nd edition) Wbitehorse, Yukon, Canada Design and layout, K-L Services, Whitehorse, Yukon Cover drawing, Rob Ingram Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Data Krangle, Wynne Yukon economic studies : an annotated bibliography Includes index. ISBN 1-55018-772-4 1. Yukon Territory--Economic policy--Bibliography. 2. Yukon Terrttory--Economic conditions--Bibliography. 3. Regional planning--Yukon Territory--Bibliography. 1. Long, Peter. n. Yukon Territory. Dept. of Economic Development. m. Title. HC117.Y8K731996 016.330'09719'1 C96-980451-2 Table of contents Introduction . .. i How to use this bibliography. ii Complete alphabetical listing ............ 1 Subject, author, sponsor index ................................... 61 Title index ................................................. 106 Maps OveIView ........ .. 112 Tourism regions .. .. 112 Major mineral deposits ..................................... 113 Library locations . .. 114 Introduction The third edition of the Yukon Economic Studies: an annotated bibliography was produced in late 1996 to update the list of major Yukon economic studies. Previous listings were complied in 1985 and 1992 by the Yukon Archives and by the Policy and Planning Branch of the Yukon goverriment, EconOmic Development, respectively. This latest update-also undertaken by Economic Development-has retained a selection of the most important studies from the first edition, included most of the titles from the second edition, and added over 150 new items. The bibliography's scope covers Yukon-specific sectoral and regional economic studies, including initiatives of both the private and public sectors. Included are planning, feasibility, and strategic studies which deal with economic development by region andlor sector; infrastructure and institutional studies which analyze constraints to development; and socio­ economic impact assessments of particular projects. Bibliographies, theses and excerpts from larger studies are cited. The nwnber of govemment­ related studies exceed business studies because the work of a particular business is generally confidential in the short-term. The information in this bibliography also exists in a database format. For more information on access to this database, contact the library at Economic Development. The contractors, K-L Services (Wynne Krangle and Peter Long), wish to thank Margaret Donnelly and Thorn Stubbs for their support. As well, we wish to acknowledge the courtesy and professional support of the staff of the many libraries we contacted in the course of this project. YUKON ECONOMIC STUDIES. AN ANNOTATED BIBUOGRAPHY • How to use this bibHography A complete listing for each report appears once in the front part of this bibliography, listed in alphabetical order by title. The information provided has been taken from the cover, title page, table of contents, executive summary and introduction, as well as a scan of the report itself: In the library location line, "YG" indicates Government of the Yukon, "CTS" indicates Community and Transportation Services and "DIAND" refers to Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development. A complete listing of libraries with contact numbers appears on page 114. The following sample entry identifies each part, though not all·elements will appear in each entry. Ciele (1f rile word 'The" or "A" or "An" are 1'Ile ase of radiotnlcers to evalaate gold losses at tile first word of a Ciele, the Ciele will be filed __ BloDdlke placer m1Des. 1989 DdD1Dg season under the next word. in this case ·use. ") 1990; 59 pages, with graphs. tables date of publicar:ion, Inr.ernaCiona/ Standard BookNumber (ISBN) or/ Randy Clarkson; NEW ERA EngineeIing Corporation; Inr.ernsoonal Srandard Serial Number (ISSN), Whitehorse' prepared for: Klondike Placer Miners number of pages and amibutes • /'" Association; sponsor: National Research Council, author and/or corpoJate author. place, /'" Government of the Yukon prepared for. sponsored by . .. • ~ 'placer mining 'science and technology subject words (JdenCilied Wlth an ) This paper presents the existing and potential gold recoveries of a vatiety of sluiceboxes. It recommends sluicebox designs and operating parameters based on the / results of nudear tracer testwork in 1989 and Cbe descnpCion conventional samplillg program of 1988. Induded are two chapteLS on the value of gold losses and Cbe value of recovezable lasses. library locaCion and eaU number ________ YG. Economic Development. T 24 Indexes (by subject, author, sponsor on pages 61-105, by title on pages 106-111) The terms in the subject, author, sponsor index include words describing the contents of the item, name(s) of the author(s), corporate author(s), sponsoring agencies, and, if possible, the name of the agency for whom the report was prepared. After each index term the relevant titles are listed. The page number refers the reader to the full entry in the first part of the book. In the index, all Government of the Yukon departments are listed in alphabetical order under "Government of the Yukon," and all Government of Canada YUKON ECONOMIC STUDIES. AN ANNOTATED BIBUOGRAPHY departments are listed under "Government of Canada." For the pUIposes of the index, some liberty was taken to standardize on the currently accepted spelling or format of a name. Below is a sample index entry with the elements clearly marked. see reference refers the reader to ----------_ correct index term or terms to use emelVeDCY medical traDspolfatiO~HEALTH SERVICES index term - @atop addirional places in the index to _ see also FUEL PRODUCTS, HYDROCARBON DEVELOPMENT check for references IAssessment of irnpon substitution opponunities • p.2 riue and page number for..-""" Canyon Creek microhyclro project feasibility study • p.4 relevent references Cenua! heating plant wood chip boiJer feasibility· p.4 Maps with some of the geographic locations mentioned in this bibliography appear on pages 112-113. A few items that were included in previous editions could not be located this time. However, they are still included for completeness and because copies may yet be available somewhere. YUKON ECONOMIC STUDIES. AN ANNOTATED BIBUOGRAPHY • 11 AccesslDg Delta gu cbutDg tbe 1990s. A1sek Pass. Area developmeat CODcept MackeDZle corridor versus Dempster 1991; 136 pages with charts, photos, drawings, COrridor maps Abattoir feasIbDIC? stady aDd 1989; 51 pages plus appendices. with graphs, J.S. Peepre and Associates; Whitehorse; mln preH • ., agdca1tura1 development tables, maps prepared for: Government of the Yukon, strategy Kells Boland; PROLOG Planning Inc.; Calgary Tourism; Canadian Parks Service 1989; ISBN 1-55018-156-4; 149 pages with 'business 'hydrocarbon development 'pipelines •Alsek Pass 'IQuane National Park 'parks tables "transportation ·tourism A.J. Hunt and Assodates Consulting Limited; 'The purpose of this study is to determine the This report provides a development plan for the Whitehorse; prepared for: Government of the requirements, aJternatives and cam for Alsek Pass area. It includes background Yukon, Renewable Resources, Agriculture deliveIing Mackenzje Delta gas to south em infonnation on the site, access options, day use Branch; sponsor: CanadalYukon EconOmic markets dUIing the late 1990s. It provides a options, operation and maintenance, Development Agreement comprehensive tool for such groups as interpretation options, capital and operating "business "feasibility "import substitution producelS, consumelS, governments, northern cam summazy, marketing infol71lation and 'infrastructure "livestock residents, and pipeline companies to assess development impacts. This report examines two related aspects of cbe their position on Delta gas delivery and the YG. ToWism. TSID 74 Yukon's agricultural indusrxy, namely, the associated effects on northern development. A1tematlve ID8II8gement regimes for 00 feasibility of an abattoir and the development YG. Economic Development. EH 333.8233 PRO potential of cbe livestock industxy. Yukon aDd gas activities oasbore ID tbe YukOD fannas cannot produce meat in signfficant 'l'be .dmlnlstratlOD of YakoD 00 aDd gas. aDd ID tbe Beaufort Sea quantities without an abattoir, as they would resoarces: a proposed framework 1989; 101 pages have no way of marketing the meat. But, on the 1991; 135 pages plus appendices, with maps. Canadian Institute of Resources Law; Calgary; other hand, no one in cbe private sector is tables, charts prepared for: Government of the Yukon, going to establish an abattoir since cbere are Govier Consulting Services
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