CITY OF CAMAS PLANT MATERIALS TABLE OF CONTENTS TREES FOR NARROW SPACES 1 SMALL TREES 5 MEDIUM TO LARGE SIZE TREES ... 12 PROHIBITED TREES 26 SMALL TO MEDIUM SIZE SHRUBS 29 ACCENT SHRUBS 30 ORNAMENTAL GRASSES 30 GROUND COVERS 31 SIZE OF PLANTING AREA, MICROCLIMATE, AESTHETICS, VISIBILITY, SAFETY, AND COMPATIBILITY OF TREES, SHRUBS, AND GROUND COVER SHOULD BE CONSIDERED WHEN SELECTING PLANTS. SUBSTITUTE VARIETIES ARE SUBJECT TO APPROVAL BY THE CITY OF CAMAS. SUBMIT A 1 "CHARACTERISTIC ’ CARD FROM A NURSERY INCLUDING INFORMATION ON MATURE HEIGHT, SPREAD, AND ROOT SYSTEM (DEEP OR SHALLOW) WHEN REQUESTING A SUBSTITUTE. FOR ADDITIONAL LANDSCAPING REQUIREMENTS, SEE CAMAS MUICIPAL CODE, TITLE 18, CHAPTER 18.13 LANDSCAPING. o s 5Q PLANT MATERIAL NOT TO SCALE DETAIL NO. oz F PLANT MATERIAL INDEX z PM1 ) s? 5 // r-t7 ~/ 9 CL WASHINGTON DETAIL APPROVED BY DATE REVISION: 1 DATE: 5/17/2019 S3 TREES FOR NARROW SPACES (Plant 15’-25’ apart, compatible with mature tree size) Typical size at time of planting: 2” minimum caliper (B&B or container) Min. Planter Common Name Botanical Name Height Spread Form Remarks Width (ft.) Densely upright in an inverted cone. Medium green foliage. Adirondack Crabapple Malus 'Adirondack 18 10 4 Columnar White flower bright red fruit. Very narrow and upright Prunus serrulata structure, pale pink spring Amanogawa cherry 'Amanogawa' 20 6 4 Columnar flowers Tolerant of hot and dry sites, attractive fall color, puple American smoketree Cotinus obovatus 30 30 4 Globe flower clusters Beauty plum semi- Prunus Large fruit early summer, needs dwarf salicinia' Beauty 1 15 15 4 Globe regular pruning Light pink and very fragrant Prunus x cistena spring flowers, dark purple Big Cis plum 'Schmidtcis' 14 12 4 Globe foliage An upright selection for hardiness and resistance to Black hawk mountain Sorbus aucuparia sunscald. Rounded with ash ’Black hawk' 25 15 4 Columnar maturity. Native to portland metropolitan Black Hawthorne Crataegus douglasii 25 20 4 Oval region, has thorns Stiffly upright in habit. Variegated cream and light Butterfly Japanese Acer palmatum green foliage with magenta tint Maple 'Butterfly' 12 6 4 Umbrella in fall. It is noted for its early profuse spring bloom, quality glossy Pyrus calleryana green foliage and often Callery Pear 'Capital 'Capital' 35 12 4 Pyramidal excellent fall color Purple to bronze foliage in Malus summer. Flower is rose-red. Centurion Crabapple 'Centurion 20 15 4 Oval Bright red fruit. Impressive red-orange fall Chinese Pistache Pistachio chinensis 25 25 4 Globe color, attracts wildlife Dark green foliage turns orange, red and purple in fall. Sparse Chonosuki Crabapple Malus tschonoskii 30 15 4 Oval yellow-green fruit. Glossy green foliage. White Cleveland Select Pear Pyrus calleryana flowers. Purplish-red foliage in (Chanticleer) 'Chanticleer' 30 20 4 Pyramidal fall. Laburnum anagyroides Dense clusters of bright yellow columnar goldenchain 'Columnaris' 20 10 4 Vase flowers in spring Columnar Siberian Malus baccata Crabapple 'Columnaris' 30 10 4 Columnar White flower, yellow-red fruit. Cornelian cherry Gold or red in fall, resistant to dogwood Cornus mas 20 20 4 Umbrella verticillium Page 1 City of Camas Plant Materials Latest Revision: May 2019 TREES FOR NARROW SPACES (Plant 15’-25’ apart, compatible with mature tree size) Typical size at time of planting: 2” minimum caliper (B&B or container) Min. Planter Common Name Botanical Name Height Spread Form Remarks Width (ft.) Oval habit. Glossy green leaves. Bright red flower with white Crimson Cloud Crataegus laevigata center. Bright red fruit. Hawthorn 'Crimson Cloud' 25 18 4 Oval Virtually thornless. Fall color, early to leaf out in flame maple Acer ginnala 'Flame' 20 20 4 oval spring, fragrant flowers Large number of varieties Flowering Dogwood Cornusflorida 25 25 4 Vase available Globe-shaped habit. Foliage is reddish purple or green turning reddish-bronze in fall. Bright Flowering Plum Prunus x blireana 20 20 4 Globe pink flower. Slender tree with very large leaves that are dull, fuzzy, and rounded. Drooping white Fragrant Snowbell Tree Styrax obassia 35 25 4 Globe flower clusters 4-8" long. Dramatic Foliage Color, Easy Care, Fast Growing. Considered Fraser's Photinia Photinafraseri 12 10 4 Globe a shrub. Robinia pseudoacacia Dense. Compact. Spineless. Globe locust 'Inermis' 20 20 4 Globe Yellow Fall Color. Fraxinus excelsior Golden Desert Ash 'Golden Desert' 20 20 4 Globe Golden twigs Golden Raindrops Malus Unique leaves, white flowers, crabapple 'Schmidtcutleaf' 20 15 4 vase small golden yellow fruit Cotinus coggygria x Outstanding summer and fall Grace smoketree obovatus 'Grace' 20 15 4 Globe color Upright spreading, in habit. Syringa reticulata Green foliage. White panicle Ivory Silk Tree Lilac 'Ivory Silk' 20 15 4 Oval flower. Covered in june with pure white, bell-shaped flowers. Japanese Snowbell Styrax japonicus 25 25 4 Globe Beautiful small tree. Stewartia Japanese Stewartia pseudocamellia 25 25 4 Umbrella Needs ample water Upright, spreading in habit. Green foliage. White panicle, Japanese Tree Lilac Syringa reticulata 20 15 4 Oval flower. Tree form only. very showy bark flakes off to show a patchwork of green, gray, brown, rust, terra-cotta, Korean Stewartia Stewartia sinensis 25 20 4 Pyramidal and cream. Kousa Dogwood Cornus kousa 25 25 4 Globe Shade tolerant Magnolia x loebneri Merrill Magnolia 'Merrill' 25 25 4 Pyramidal Fragrant white flowers Page 2 City of Camas Plant Materials Latest Revision: May 2019 TREES FOR NARROW SPACES (Plant 15’-25’ apart, compatible with mature tree size) Typical size at time of planting: 2” minimum caliper (B&B or container) Min. Planter Common Name Botanical Name Height Spread Form Remarks Width (ft.) Mt Fuji flowering Prunus serrulata Attractive Bark, Bird cherry 'Shirotae' (Mt Fuji) 25 25 4 Vase Friendly, Year-round Interest Spreading, rounded crown. Red Paperbark Maple Acer griseum 25 20 4 Globe fall color. Year round interest. Portugal laurel Prunus lusitanica 15 15 4 Globe Shrub species Purple to reddish green foliage. Excellent disease resistance. Long lasting pinkish red flowers Prariefire Crabapple MoIus 'Prairie Fire' 20 20 4 Pyramidal and small red fruit. Purple Prince Purple bronze foliage, rose red crabapple Malus 'Purple Prince1 20 20 4 globe flower Columnar habit. Reddish- purple leaves becoming bronze- green. Dark red flower. Dark Red Barron Crabapple Maius 'Red Barron 18 8 4 Columnar red,1/2" fruit. Green foliage. White foliage. Red fruit, very persistent Red Jewel Crabapple Malus 'Jewelcole 15 12 4 Pyramidal through the winter. roughbark maple Acer triflorum 20 20 4 Globe Fall color, textured bark Upright habit with bright Sango Kaku Acer palmatum medium green foliage and gold Japanese Maple 'Sango Kaku' 18 14 4 Umbrella fall color. Early-spring blossoms are pinkish-purple outside, white Magnolia x inside. Medium fast-growing, Saucer Magnolia soulangeana 25 25 4 Pyramidal good pollution tolerance. Amelanchier x Serviceberrv grandiflora 25 15 4 Oval White flowers, edible fruit Shirofugen flowering Prunus serrulata Pink buds, large fragrant cherry 'Shirofugen' 25 25 4 Vase flowers Snowcone Japanese Styrax japonicus 'JFS- Pendulous white flowers, water snowbell D 20 20 4 Globe weekly for first three summers The bright white flowers in the spring are followed by small, red-orange fruit eaten by birds. Fall color is good, providing a Snowdrift crabapple Malus 'snowdrift' 25 25 4 Globe dull yellow glow Magnolia grandflora Victoria' or 'Little Southern Magnolia Gem 25 25 4 Globe Large fragrant white flowers Orange-red fall color, pink spire cherry Prunus x hilleri 30 10 4 Columnar flowers in spring Dense compact crown, sheared Summer Sprite linden Tilia cordata 'Halka 20 15 4 globe appearance, yellow fall color Stewardia Tall Stewartia montadelpha 25 20 4 Globe Page 3 City of Camas Plant Materials Latest Revision: May 2019 TREES FOR NARROW SPACES (Plant 15’-25’ apart, compatible with mature tree size) Typical size at time of planting: 2” minimum caliper (B&B or container) Min. Planter Common Name Botanical Name Height Spread Form Remarks Width (ft.) Wedding Bells Holesia Carolina White bell-shaped flowers, silverbell 'Wedding Bells' 20 15 4 Oval yellow fall foliage Native to portland metropolitan Western Serviceberrv Amelanchier alnifolia 20 20 4 Oval region Better tolerance for summer Winter Flowering Prunus subhirtella heat and winter cold than most Cherry 'Autumnalis' 25 25 4 Vase of the flowering cherries. Page 4 City of Camas Plant Materials Latest Revision: May 2019 SMALL TREES Suitable Under Utility Wires (Plant 20’-30’ apart, compatible with mature tree size) Typical size at time of planting: 2” minimum caliper (B&B or container) to Minimum 3 Mature Canopy o= Planter 13 Common Name Botanical Name Height Spread Form T3 Remarks Width u (ft.) (ft.) QJ (ft.) a Upright spreading with bright green foliage. Delicate pink Prunus x yedoensis flowers in spring. Akebono Flowering Cherry 'Akebono' 25 25 4 Vase YES Yellowish fall color. American Hornbeam Carpinus caroliniana 25 20 4 Oval YES Needs ample water Showy flowers, gold Amur maackia Maackia amurensis 25 20 4 Oval YES fall color Dense branching and compact form ideal for limited spaces. Summer foliage is dark green. Yellow orange to red fall Acer saccharum color. Withstands Apollo Maple 'Barrett Cole' 25 10 4 Columnar YES heat well. Fast grower, narrow Liriodendron crown, susceptible to Arnold tuliptree tulipifera 'Arnold' 30 10 4 Columnar YES aphids Rounded shape with spreading branches. Foliage emerges with a red tint
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