MASONIC TOKEN. WHEREBY ONE BROTHER MAY KNOW A NOTHER,* VOLUME 2. PORTLAND, MAY 15, 1880. No. 12. Dr. Thomas J. Corson, of New Jersey. He W. Scott Shorey, Bath, 14 Published quarterly by Stephen Berry, spoke in flattering terms of the Saint John’s Charles R. Whitten, Buckfield, 15 No. 37 Plum Street, Portland. Goodwin R. Wiley, Bethel, 16 Day celebration in Portland and Fourth of George R. Shaw, Portland, 17 Twelve cts. per year in advance, Postage July celebration in Belfast last summer, and Samuel O. Wiley, Fryeburg. 18 prepaid. reported the crait in good condition through­ Charles P. Emery, Biddeford, 19 Grand Chaplains—Revs. Chas. C. Mason, Advertisements $4.00 per inch, or $3.00 for out the State. half an inch for one year. Kent’s Hill; Chas. C. Vinal, Kennebunk; J. The Committee on Returns reported 19,295 Riley Bowler, Rockland; H. C. Munson, No advertisement received unless tlie advertiser, or some member of the firm, is a Freemason in members against 19,473 last year, a falling off Wilton ; Edwin F. Small, Waterville ; Chas. good standing. of 178. The initiations this year show 608 J. Ketchum, Julian K. Smyth, Portland ; Si- mon Goodenough, Belfast; Asahel Moore, against 544 last year, indicating a recovery Brunswick; Thomas Tyrie, Gorham. Antony to Cleopatra. which will soon turn the tide to an increasing Cor. Grand Sec.—Jos. M. Hayes, Bath. Grand Marshal—A. B. Marston, Bangor. “ I am dying, Egypt, dying.”—Shakespeare. membership, as the number dropped from S. G. D.—George W. Deering, Portland. membership has fallen from 504 last year to I am dying, Egypt, dying, J. G. D.—Horace H. Burbank, Saco. Ebbs the crimson life-tide fast, 335 this year. Grand Stewards—Rotheus E. Paine, Cam­ And tlie dark Plutonian shadows Gather on the evening blast. The following officers were elected : den ; Austin F. Kingsley, E. Machias; Fes­ senden I. Day, Lewiston; Manly G. Trask, Let thine arm, oh! queen, support me, G. Master.—Chas. I. Collamore, Bangor. Hush thy sobs and bow thine ear, Bangor. Hearken to the great heart secrets D. G. Master.—Marquis F. King, Portland. G. Sword Bearer—John S. Derby, Saco. Thou, and thou alone, must hear. S. G. W.—Wm. R. G. Estes, Skowhegan. G. St. Bearer—Wm. H. Smith, Portland. Though my scarred and veteran legions J. G. W.—Archie L. Talbot, Lewiston. G. Treasurer.—Wm. O. Fox, Portland. Gr. Pursuivants—Wilford J. Fisher, East- Bear their eagles high no more, port; Cha’s N. Rand, Parkman. And my wrecked and shattered galleys G. Secretary.—Ira Berry, Portland. Strew dark Actinm’s fatal shore; G. Lecturer—T. J. Murray. Portland. Committee of Finance.—Oliver Gerrish, Though no glittering guards surround me, G. Organist—George M. Howe, Portland. Prompt to do their master’s will, Portland; Henry H.Dickey,Lewiston; B.F. G. Tyler—Warren Phillipa, Portland. I must perish like a Roman— Andrews, Portland. l_>ie the threat Triumvir still. Trustees of Charity Fund.—Albert Moore, Joseph M. Hayes, of Bath, was elected Let not Caesar’s servile minions North Anson; A. M. Wetherbee, Warren. Trustee of the Charity Fund for two years, Mock the lion thus laid low; ’T was no foeman’s hand that slew him, At 5 o’clock, the Grand Lodge called off to fill a vacancy. ’T was his own that struck the blow. until 2 p. m. Wednesday. The Grand Lodge closed at 11:45. Here, then, pillow on thy bosom, Ere his star fades quite away, Him who, drunk with thy caresses, Wednesday Afternoon. Madly flung a world away! The afternoon session of the Grand Lodge Should the base plebian rabble was occupied with routine business, and at GRAND CHAPTER. Dare assail my fame at Rome, Where the noble spouse, Octavia, 4:30 it called off until 9 A. m. Thursday. Weeps within her widowed home, The Grand Royal Arch Chapter met at 7 Seek her—say the gods have told me, Thursday Morning. o’clock Tuesday evening, Grand High Priest Altars, augurs, circling wings, That her blood, with mine commingled, The Grand Lodge met at 9 A. m. Joseph M. Hayes, presiding. 37 Chapters Yet shall mount the throne of kings. A charter was granted to Naval Lodge, of represented out of 44. And for thee, star-eyed Egyptian! Glorious sorceress of the Nile, Kittery* The Grand High Priest, in his annual ad­ Light the path to Stygian horrors dress, reported peace and prosperity through- With the splendors of thy smile. Petitions for new lodges at Athens and Bar Give the Ceasar crown and arches, Ilurbor were refused. out the jurisdiction, and the reports of his r.et> tits brow tbe laurel twine; I can scorn the Senate’s triumphs, A*new copy of charter destroyed by fire officers gave the same testimony. Triumphing in love like thine. was voted to Pownal Lodge at Stockton. The following officers were elected : I am dying, Egypt, dying; G. H. P.—Joseph M. Hayes, Bath. Hark! insulting foeman’s cry; Permission was granted Presumpscot Lodge D. G. H. P.—Joseph A. Locke, Portland. They are coming—quick, my falchion! at Windham to remove their hall to North Let me front them ere I die. G. King—Austin F. Kingsley, E. Machias. Ah! no more amid the battle Windham, without affecting their present ju- G. Scribe—Frank E. Sleeper, Sabattus. Shall my heart exulting swell; risdiction. G. Treas.—Rufus H. Hinkley, Portland. Isis and Osiris guard thee, G. Secretary—Ira Berry, Portland. Cleopatra!—Rome!—farewell! The Grand Officers were installed by Past Committee of Finance—J. H. Drummond, Grand Master Drummond, the following ap- Oliver Gerrish, Portland ; Nathan Woodbury, pointments being made: Lewiston. MASONRY IN MAINE. Wednesday Morning. district deputy grand masters. Annual Meetings. Sabine F. Berry, Houlton, 1 The Grand Chapter met at 9 o’clock. One GRAND LODGE. Stephen D. Morrill, Calais, 2 more Chapter was represented. Henry R. Taylor, Machias, 3 The Grand Lodge .assembled at 9 A. m. The petition for a new Chapter at Norway John B. Redman, Ellsworth, 4 Tuesday, May 4th, Grand Master Charles I. Lambert Sands, Sebec, (P. O. Milo) 5 was refused. Collamore, of Bangor, presiding. Clarence L. Dakin, Bangor, 6 Jerusalem Chapter, at Hallowell, having Grand Master Collamore, in his annual ad- Gustavus H. Cargill, Liberty, 7 lost its hall by fire, received permission to Charles W. Haney, Belfast, 8 dress, referred to the deaths of Grand Chap- George Roberts, Vinalhaven, 9 meet temporarily at Augusta, and its dues lain Curtis, of Augusta, Grand Treasurer Charles H. Fisher, Boothbay, 10 were remitted. Dodge, of Portland, Past Senior Grand War- Henry S. Webster, Gardiner, 11 A regulation was adopted that all changes Frank A. Smith, Waterville, 12 den E. B. French, of Washington, D. C., and Turner Buswell, Solon, 13 and amendments of by-laws should be sub- 90 MASONIC TOKEN MAY 15, 1880. mitted to the Grand High Priest before tak- G. Gen.—Isaac S. Bangs. Waterville. Fred M Richards, sw; John G Trim, jw ; G. Capt. Gen.—John O. Shaw. Bath. Leander M Kenniston, sec. ing effect. G. Prelate—Edwin F. Small, Waterville. Deering, 182, Deering. A G Schlotter- Past Grand High Priest Drummond was G. S. W—Charles B. Morton, Augusta. beck, m; E B Sargent, sw; H H Nevens, called to the East. He installed the Grand G. J. W.—J, Fred. Leavitt, Bangor. jw; John S Harris, sec. Officers, the following appointments being G. Treasurer—Charles Fobes, Portland. G. Recorder—Ira Berry, Portland. Freedom, 42, Limerick. Ephraim Durgin, made: G. St. Bearer—P. H Winslow, Gardiner. m ; Ebenezer Cobb, sw ; Augustine Sawyer, jw ; Fred W Libby, sec. D. D. G. H. P. 5th Dist.—James M. Nev- G. Sw. Bearer—W. P. Bailey, Skowhegan. ens, Bucksport. G. Warder—B. F. Andrews, Portland. Lafayette, 48, Readfield. Sewall J Hawes, D. D. G. H. P. 6th Dist.—Dan’l A. Camp- G. C. G.—Warren Phillips, Portland. m ; Nelson D Gordon, sw ; Phineas Merrill, bell, Damariscotta. The Grand Officers were installed and the Jr., jw ; Charles H Millett, sec. Grand Chaplains—Rev. W. E. Gibbs, Port- Grand Commandery closed at 10:30. King Solomon’s, 61, Waldoboro’. Jesse K land ; Rev. Charles C. Vinal, Kennebunk; Willett, m ; Samuel L Miller, sw ; Waiter E Rev Charles C. Mason, Kent’s Hill; Rev. Clark, jw ; Charles E Palmer, sec. Lodge Elections. Edwin F. Small, Waterville. Mt. Kineo, 109, Abbot. M L Hussey, m ; G. Capt. Host—Manly G. Trask, Bangor. Delta, 153, Lovell. Marshall Walker, m ; W S McKusick, sw ; 11 A Pool, jw ; L S G. Prin. Soj.—John O. Shaw, Bath. Marcus M Smart, sw ; George R Hamblin, Elynt, sec. G. R. A. C.— Ed. W. Morton, Kennebunk. G. M. 3d V.— Rotheus E. Paine, Camden. jw ; George T Hammons, sec. Parian, 160, Corinna. C C Libby, m ; G. M. 2d V.—G. H Wakefield, S. Berwick. Caribou, 170, Caribou. Cyrus W Hendrix, A J Knowles, sw ; S Fowles, jw ; Lewis G M. 1st V.—Carlos E. Kempton, Turner. m ; Fremont Small, sw ; Robert Irvine, jw ; Hutchins, sec. Grand Stewards—Charles W. Haney, Bel- Alonzo IV Boynton, sec. Tranquil, 29, Auburn. Algernon M Roak, fast; John W. Rowe, Augusta; Joseph Y. Messalonskee, 113, West Waterville. J m ; Albert R Savage, sw ; Elbridge G Heath, Hodsdon, Portland; John S. Derby, Saco. Wesley Gilmore, m; O E Cowell, sw; Cl jw ; James F Atwood, sec. G. Lecturer—T. J. Murray, Portland. Rowell, jw ; William Haines, sec. Freeport, 23, Freeport. Stephen A Thur­ G. Sentinel—Warren Phillips, Portland. Adoniram 27, Limington. J F Moulton, low, m ; Elden A Soule, sw ; Edgar S Soule, The Grand Chapter was then closed at 11:15 m ; Leonard Abbott, sw ; L S Edgecomb, jw ; jw ; Fred S Soule, sec.
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