US 200701133 12A1 (19) United States (12) Plant Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2007/0113312 P1 Kawashima (43) Pub. Date: May 17, 2007 (54) NEW GUINEA IMPATIENS PLANT NAMED Publication Classification MSATO FG3 (51) Int. Cl. (76) Inventor: Moriya Kawashima, Nagano-ken (JP) AOIH 5/00 (2006.01) (52) U.S. Cl. ............................................................ PLT/318 Correspondence Address: JONDLE & ASSOCATES P.C. 858 HAPPY CANYON ROAD SUTE 230 (57) ABSTRACT CASTLE ROCK, CO 80108 (US) (21) Appl. No.: 11/272,989 A New Guinea Impatiens cultivar particularly distinguished by its high blooming temperature and large magenta flowers (22) Filed: Nov. 14, 2005 is disclosed. GENUS AND SPECIES including blooms, buds, and foliage of the plant; the colors shown are as true as can be reasonably obtained by conven 0001 Impatiens interspecific cross Impatiensxhybrida tional photographic procedures. VARIETY DENOMINATION 0012 FIG. 1. The photograph shows overall plant habit 0002 Misato FG3 including blooms, buds and foliage. 0013 FIG. 2. The photograph shows the mature inflo BACKGROUND OF THE NEW PLANT CSCCC. 0003. The present invention comprises a new and distinct cultivar of New Guinea impatiens, botanically known as DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE NEW Impatiensxhybrida, and hereinafter referred to by the culti CULTIVAR var name Misato FG3. Misato FG3 originated from an 0014) The following detailed descriptions set forth the interspecific hybridization between 2K-MC-1, an unpat distinctive characteristics of Misato FG3. The data which ented orange-flowered Impatiens hawkeri plant and 8B-4C define these characteristics were collected from asexual 1, an unpatented proprietary red-flowered Impatiens platy reproductions carried out in Salinas, Calif. The plant history petala plant, in Misato, Japan. In 2001, the two Impatiens was taken on plants grown for about four months from species were crossed and a population of F plants was propagation by terminal cuttings under greenhouse condi created. tions. Color references are primarily to the RHS Colour 0004 The F plants were evaluated in Misato, Japan in Chart of The Royal Horticultural Society of London (RHS), 2004 in an open field trial. Criteria for selection included 4" edition (2001). Anatomic labels are from The Cambridge mounding growth habit, tolerance to heat and cold, vigorous Illustrated Glossary of Botanical Terms by M. Hickey and rooting, magenta flower color and overall plant vigor. At the C. Kink, Cambridge University Press. end of the trial, one single-plant selection was made based 0.015 Detailed botanical description: on the above criteria and vegetatively propagated. The plant was trialed in Athens, Ga. and Salinas, Calif. The selection 0016 Classification: subsequently was named Misato FG3 and found to retain 0017 Family.—Balsaminaceae. its distinctive characteristics through Successive asexual propagations. 0018. Botanical.-Impatiens interspecific cross (ImpatiensXhybrida). 0005 Plant Breeder's Rights for this cultivar were applied for in Canada on Apr. 19, 2005. No sales or offers 0019 Common name.—Impatiens. for sale of this cultivar were made before Apr. 19, 2005. 0020 Parentage: SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION 0021 Female parent.—2K-MC-1, an unpatented I. 0006 The following are the most outstanding and distin hawkeri plant. guishing characteristics of this new cultivar when grown 0022 Male parent.—'8B-4C-1, an unpatented pro under normal horticultural practices in Salinas, Calif. prietary I. platypetala plant. 0007) 1. Magenta flower color 0023 Growth: 0008 2. Tolerance to heat and cold 0024 Time to produce a rooted cutting. The ter 0009. 3. Vigorous rooting minal 1.0 to 1.5 inches of an actively growing stem was excised. The base of the cuttings were dipped for 0010) 4. Overall plant vigor 1 to 2 seconds in a 1:9 solution of DIPN GROW (1 Solution:9 water) root-inducing solution immedi DESCRIPTION OF PHOTOGRAPHS ately prior to Sticking into the cell trays. Cuttings 0011. This new impatiens plant is illustrated by the were stuck into plastic cell trays having 98 cells and accompanying photographs which show overall plant habit containing a moistened peat moss-based growing US 2007/011 33 12 P1 May 17, 2007 medium. The cuttings were misted with water from 0050 Leaves: overhead for 10 seconds every 30 minutes until 0051 Arrangement. Opposite if two leaves are at sufficient roots were formed. The vegetative cuttings one node and whorled if more than two leaves are at were propagated in five to six weeks. one node. 0025 Environmental conditions for plant growth.— Rooted cuttings were transplanted and grown in 20 0.052 Length.-10.0-11.0 cm. cm diameter plastic pots in a glass greenhouse 0.053 Width. 4.0-4.5 cm. located in Salinas, Calif. Pots contained a peat moss based growing medium. Soluble fertilizer containing 0054 Shape. Elliptical. 20% nitrogen, 10% phosphorus and 20% potassium was applied once a day or every other day by 0.055 Margin. Serrate. overhead irrigation. Pots were top-dressed with a 0056 Apex. Acute. dry, slow release fertilizer containing 20% nitrogen, 10% phosphorus and 18% potassium. The typical 0057 Base. Attenuate. average air temperature was 24° C. OO58 Co.OOP- Upp er Surface:f CIOSestC1 to RHS136A 0026 Time to bloom from propagation.—6-8 weeks. (green) Lower surface: RHS138B (green). 0027 Plant description: 0059 Texture. Dull and sticky. 0028 Habit. Upright and branching. 0060 Variegation.—Absent. 0061 Fragrance.—Absent. 0029 Height.—38.0 cm as measured from soil line to top of foliage. 0062 Pubescence.—Slight. 0030 Spread. 45.0 cm. 0063) Pubescence color: RHS N155A (white). 0031 Time to produce a finished flowering plant.— 0064 Venation.—Pinnate. 6-8 weeks. 0065 Venation color:- Upper surface: RHS 138B 0032) Outdoor plant performance. Will flower as (green) Lower surface: RHS 138B (green). long as the temperature is above 5°C. 0.066 Petioles. Length: 2.0-2.5 cm Color: RHS 0033 Temperature tolerance.—Plants have been 138B (green) with RHS N77A (purple) specks Tex observed to continuously flower at a temperature ture: Dull: slightly pubescent. range of 5° C.-36° C. 0067. Flower buds: 0034 Life cycle. Tender perennial. 0068 Shape. —Deltoid (longitudinal cross-section). 0035 Time to initiate and develop roots.—About 4 0069. Length.-1.0 cm. weeks. 0070 Diameter:- 0.7-1.0 cm. 0036 Branches: 0071 Color:-RHS 141A (green). 0037 Number-10-12 per plant. 0072 Texture. Glabrous. 0038 Length.-14.0-15.5 cm. 0073) Inflorescence: 0.039 Diameter:-0.4-0.5 cm. 0074 Blooming habit. Will flower as long as the 0040 Stems: temperature is above 5°C. 0041 Length.—5.0-6.8 cm. 0075 Inflorescence type.—Single flower with spur. 0.042 Diameter.- 0.7-1.0 cm. 0076. Number of flowers per node.- 3-5 in bloom at any one time; about 8 buds. 0043 Internode length. 7.5-8.0 cm. 0077. Number of flowers per plant.—10-25, depend 0044) Color:—RHS 144C (yellow-green). ing on the amount of pinching during growth. 0045 Stem description. Strong; circular cross-sec 0078 Flowerform. Roughly circular with 5 radial tion. petals. 0046 Pubescence.—Absent. 0079 Lastingness of individual blooms on the plant.—12-16 days. 0047 Anthocyanin color: RHS N77A (purple). 0080 Fragrance.—Absent. 0048 Pedicels texture. Dull: slightly pubescent. 0049 Peduncles.-Length: 4.5-5.5 cm Color: RHS 0081 Flowers: 145C (yellow-green) Texture: Dull: slightly pubes 0082 Immature flower color—Same as mature Cent. flower (does not darken or fade over time). US 2007/011 33 12 P1 May 17, 2007 0083) Mature flower–Color: Upper surface: RHS to RHS N155A (white) Pollen amount: Heavy Pollen N66A (red-purple) Lower surface: RHS 61C (red color: RHS N155A (white) Pollen description: Pow purple) Eye Zone: RHS N57C (red-purple) Diameter: dery. 6.0 cm Depth: 0.5 cm. 0106 Pistil-Number: 5 Stigma color: RHS 144A (yellow-green) Style color: RHS 144A (yellow 0084) Petals: green). 0085 Shape. Obcordate. 0.107 Ovary arrangement.—Parietal. 0086 Length.—2.4-3.0 cm. 0.108 Fruit/seed set. Little to none observed. 0.087 Width. 2.5-3.5 cm. 0.109 Disease and insect resistance: None observed 0088 Apex.—Emarginate (cleaved). Comparison with Known Cultivars 0089) Base.—Attenuate. 0110 Misato FG3 differs from the female parent, 2K Margin.—Entire. MC-1, an unpatented I. hawkeri plant, in that Misato FG3 0090) has magenta flowers while 2K-MC-1 has orange flowers. 0.091 Petal texture. Glabrous. 0111 Misato FG3 differs from the male parent, 8B 0092 Color:- Upper surface: RHS N66A (red 4C-1, an unpatented proprietary Impatiens platypetala plant purple) Lower surface: RHS 61C (red-purple) Eye in that Misato FG3 has magenta flowers while 8B-4C-1 Zone: RHS N57C (red-purple). has red flowers. 0093 Spur: 0112 Misato FG3 is similar to the commercial Impa tiens variety Balfafusia (U.S. Plant Pat. No. 12.588) 0094 Shape. Tubular and curved downward. (known commercially as Fanfare Fuschia) however, there 0.095 Color: RHS N57D (red-purple). are differences as listed in the table below: 0096) Length.–5.2–6.2 cm. TABLE 1. 0097 Diameter.- 0.2 cm. 0098 Sepals: Comparison of Characteristics between Misato FG3 and Balfalfusia 0099 Shape. Lanceolate. Characteristic Misato FG3 Balfalfusia Growth habit Upright, branching Trailing 0.100 Apex.—Caudate. Flowering temperature Can flower above Cannot flower above 30° C. 30° C. 0101 Base. Subcordate. Flower diameter About 6.0 cm About 5 cm Petal color, Upper RHS N66A Closest to RHS 74A but 0102) Margin.—Entire. Surface bluer 0103) Texture. Dull: slightly pubescent. 0104 Reproductive organs: I claim: 0105 Stamens. Form: Fused; split into 4 lobes 1. A new and distinct cultivar of New Guinea Impatiens Number: Many Filament color: RHS 71B (red plant as shown and described herein.
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