Kanyakumari District Statistical Handbook 2010-11 1. Area & Population 2. Climate & Rainfall 3. Agriculture 4. Irrigation 5. Animal Husbandary 6. Banking & Insurance 7. Co-operation 8. Civil Supplies 9. Communications 10. Electricity 11. Education 12. Fisheries 13 Handloom 14. handicrafts 15. Health & Family Welfare 16. Housing 17. Industries 18. Factories 19. Legal Bodies 20. Labour&Employment 21. Legal Services 22. Libraries 23. Mining & Quarrying 24. Manufacturing 25. Medical services 26 Motor Vehicles 27. NonConventional Energy 28. Police & Prison 29. Public Health 30. Printing & publication 31. Price Indices. 32. Quality Control 33. Registration 34. Repair & Services 35. Restaurents & Hotels 36. Recreation 37. Social Welfare 38. Sanitary services 39. Scientific Research 40. Storage Facilities 41 Textiles 42. Trade & Commerce 43. Transport 44. Tourism 45. Birth & Death 46.Voluntary Services 47. Waterworks & Supply 1 1.AREA AND POPULATION 1.1 AREA, POPULATION, LITERATES, SC, ST – SEXWISE BY BLOCKS YEAR: 2010-2011 Population Literate Name of the Blocks/ Sl.No. Municipalities Male Male Female Female Persons Persons Area (sq.km) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 Agastheswaram 133.12 148419 73260 75159 118778 60120 58658 2 Rajakkamangalam 120.16 137254 68119 69135 108539 55337 53202 3 Thovalai 369.07 110719 55057 55662 85132 44101 41031 4 Kurunthancode 106.85 165070 81823 83247 126882 64369 62513 5 Thuckalay 130.33 167262 82488 84774 131428 66461 64967 6 Thiruvattar 344.8 161619 80220 81399 122710 62524 60186 7 Killiyoor 82.7 156387 78663 77724 119931 62173 57758 8 Munchiri 72.01 177225 89122 88103 131461 68366 63095 9 Melpuram 271.89 179535 88578 90957 137211 70560 66651 10 Nagercoil Municipality 24.27 208179 102907 105272 175248 88590 86658 11 PadmanabapuramMunicipality 6.47 20075 9967 10108 16282 8372 7910 12 Colachel Municipality 5.18 23787 11996 11791 18008 9275 8733 13 Kuzhithurai Municipality 5.15 20503 10069 10434 16712 8419 8293 TOTAL 1672 1676034 832269 843765 1308322 668667639655 Source: Census of India 2001 2 1.1 AREA, POPULATION, LITERATES, SC, ST – SEXWISE BY BLOCKS (Contd..) Scheduled Caste Scheduled Tribes Name of the Sl.No. Blocks/Municipalities Male Male Female Female Persons Persons 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 Agastheswaram 12797 6246 6551 521 247 274 2 Rajakkamangalam 6279 3062 3217 18 10 8 3 Thovalai 12381 6188 6193 690 360 330 4 Kurunthancode 5400 2678 2722 323 166 157 5 Thuckalay 5054 2485 2569 81 36 45 6 Thiruvattar 3449 1736 1713 2597 1275 1322 7 Killiyoor 2412 1208 1204 57 28 29 8 Munchiri 4756 2306 2450 205 98 107 9 Melpuram 4483 2147 2336 523 255 268 Nagercoil 10 7084 3504 3580 370 177 193 Municipality Padmanabapuram 11 2112 1050 1062 7 1 6 Municipality Colachel 12 1164 594 570 24 12 12 Municipality Kuzhithurai 13 341 161 180 27 13 14 Municipality TOTAL 67712 33365 34347 5443 2678 2765 Source: Census of India 2001 3 1.2. POPULATION BY BROAD INDUSTRIAL CATEGORIES OF WORKERS YEAR: 2010-2011 District Tamil Nadu Industrial Sl.No % to Category % to total Persons total Persons workers workers 1 2 3 4 5 6 Total Main 1 454378 82.91 23757783 85.22 Workers 2 Marginal Workers 93678 17.09 4120499 14.78 Total 3 548056 32.7 27878282 44.67 Workers(1+2) a) Cultivators 15659 2.45 5116039 18.35 b) Agricultural 82733 10.36 8637630 30.98 Labourers c) Household Industry Manufacturing, 36065 4.37 1499761 5.38 Processing, Servicing and Repairs d) Other Workers 413599 65.72 12624852 45.29 4 Non workers 1127978 - 34527397 - Total (3+4) 1676034 - 62405679 - Source; Census of India 2001 4 1.3 POPULATION BY RELIGION YEAR:2010-2011 Percentage(%) Persons SL. Persons in Religions in Tamil No. KanyakumariDistrict In the Tamil Nadu District Nadu 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 Hindus 859307 54985079 51.270 88.11 2 Muslims 70360 3470647 4.198 5.56 3 Christians 745406 3785060 44.474 6.07 4 Sikhs 31 9545 0.002 0.02 5 Buddhists 26 3265 0.001 0.01 6 Jains 77 83359 0.005 0.13 Other 7 113 7525 0.007 0.01 Religions Other 8 Religions 714 59344 0.043 0.09 not stated Total 1676034 62405679100 100 1.4 POPULATION BY TYPE OF DISABILITY Year: 2010-2011 In In Sector In Seeing In Speech Mental Hearing Movement 1 2 3 4 5 6 Rural 12636 1025 545 4760 1402 Urban 25879 2294 1105 8226 2767 TOTAL 38515 3319 1650 12986 4169 Source: Census of India 2001 5 1.5. POPULATION BY BROAD AGE GROUPS YEAR:2010-2011 Persons in Persons in Percent to total in Sl.No Age Groups Districts Tamil Nadu (in’000’) (in’000’) Tamil District Nadu 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 0-14 419 16826 25 27 2 15-29 174 6087 10 10 3 20-24 166 5917 10 9 4 25-29 154 5520 9 9 5 30-34 125 5038 8 8 6 35-39 123 4610 7 7 7 40-44 101 4054 6 6 8 45-49 102 3480 6 6 9 50-54 78 2889 5 5 10 55-59 67 2349 4 4 11 60-64 54 1940 3 3 12 65-69 43 1468 3 2 13 70-74 31 1130 2 2 14 75-79 19 686 1 1 15 80& Above 20 441 1 1 TOTAL 1676 62406 100 100 Source: Census of India 2001 6 1.6 POPULATION OF THE DISTRICT DECENNIAL GROWTH Year: 2010-2011 Period (Subject to Percentage the period of Region Population Variation Since availability) previous Census 1 2 3 4 Total 1222549 - 1971 Rural 1018144 - Urban 204405 - Total 1423399 16.43 1981 Rural 1177867 15.69 Urban 245532 20.12 Total 1600349 12.43 1991 Rural 1330240 12.94 Urban 270109 10 Total 1676034 4.73 2001 Rural 582107 (-)5.51 Urban 1093927 304.99 Source: Census of India 2001. 7 1.7 SALIENT FEATURES OF 2001 CENSUS BLOCK AND MUNICIPALITY WISE Year: 2010-2011 Literacy rate % among Name of the Sl.No. Block/Municipality in population males Male Female since 1991 in since Females per Females 1000 (%) (%) Density per Sq. Km S.T. Population in % S.T. Population S.C. Population in % S.C. Population Increase 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 AgasteesWaram 1115 102612.09 50.62 49.38 8.62 0.35 2 Rajakamangalam 1142 1015 7.8 50.98 49.02 4.57 0.01 3 Thovalai 300 1011 13.21 51.8 48.2 11.18 0.62 4 KurunthanCode 1545 1017 -2.22 50.73 49.27 3.27 0.2 5 Thuckalay 1283 1028 3.24 50.57 49.43 3..02 0.05 6 Thiruvattar 468 1015 1.53 50.95 49.05 2.13 1.6 7 Killiyoor 1891 988 3.54 51.84 48.16 1.54 0.04 8 Munchirai 2461 989 1.01 52 48 2.68 0.12 9 Melpuram 660 1027 3.52 51.42 48.58 2.5 0.29 Nagercoil 10 8578 1023 9.52 50.55 49.45 3.4 0.18 Municipality Padmanabhapuram 11 3103 1014 4.18 51.42 48.58 10.52 0.03 Municipality Colachel 12 4592 983 2.13 51.5 48.5 4.89 0.1 Municipality Kuzhithurai 13 3981 1036 6.64 50.38 49.62 1.66 0.13 Municipality Source: Census of India 2001 8 2.CLIMATE AND RAINFALL 2.1.Temperature & Humidity At Kanniyakumari Name of the Station: Kanniyakumari Year: 2010-2011 Temperature in Celsius Humidity(In %) Months Mean Maximum Mean Minimum 8.30 hrs.(IST) 17.30 hrs.(IST) Normal Actual Normal Actual Normal Actual Normal Actual 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2010June 30.7 30.6 24.4 24.5 80 80 77 81 July 30.1 30.3 23.8 24.0 80 79 77 73 August 30.4 30.5 23.8 23.9 77 76 77 75 September 30.6 30.6 24.1 24.2 77 75 78 77 October 30.4 30.5 24 24.2 77 78 78 78 November 30.2 30.3 23.8 23.9 76 78 74 78 December 30.0 30.3 23.5 23.7 72 77 68 70 2011 30.6 30.8 23.6 23.3 68 67 66 67 January February 31.5 31.5 23.6 23.7 68 66 67 68 March 32.0 32.1 24.8 25 69 65 69 68 April 32.6 32.7 25.9 26.1 72 69 72 70 May 32.4 32.6 25.9 26.1 74 72 75 75 Source: Deputy Director General of Meterology, Chennai. 9 2.2 MONTHLY RAIN FALL DATA- SEASONWISE Year: 2010-2011 (In millimeters) Period Normal Rainfall Actual Rainfall 1 2 3 1.South West Monsoon Period Total 327.8 507.6 2010 June 126.5 153.1 July 76.9 165.2 August 60.0 84.0 September 64.4 105.3 2.North East Monsoon Period Total 427.4 1087 October 179.9 363.9 November 181.2 436.3 December 65.4 286.8 3.Winter-Period Total 33.4 62.8 2011 January 14.8 25.6 February 18.6 37.2 4.Hot-Weather Period Total 217.4 224.8 March 38.4 29.3 April 87.4 139.4 May 91.6 56.1 Source: Assistant Director of Statistics, Nagercoil. 10 2.3 TIME SERIES DATA OF RAINFALL BY SEASONS (LAST 10 YEARS) Year: 2010-2011 South Hot North East Winter West Weather Total Monsoon Season Monsoon Season Sl.No Year from Normal Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal % Deviation (+ or – =) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1 2000- 559 894.6 526.0 360.3 50 73.9 322 419 1457 1749 20.02 01 2 2001- 559 650.9 526.0 484.8 50 28.2 322 342 1457 1506 3.34 02 3 2002- - 559 239.8 526.0 769.1 50 9.5 322 189 1457 1207 03 17.15 4 2003- - 559 230.9 526.0 486.2 50 10.5 322 381 1457 1108 04 23.92 5 2004- 559 603.4 526.0 337.4 50 32.8 322 462 1457 1436 -1.46 05 6 2005- 328 389.3 427.4 549.9 33 38.6 217 272 1006.0 1250 24.2 06 7 2006- 328 644.4 427 611.5 33 7.38 217 290 1006.0 1554 54.42 07 8 2007- 328 803.9 427 506.6 33 71.7 217 413 1006.0 1795 78.46 08 9 2008- 328 608.6 427 635.2 33 1.2 217 306 1006.0 1551 54.2 09 10 2009- 328 504.9 427 515.6 33 70.5 217 338 1006.0 1429 42.1 10 11 2010- 328 507.6 427 1087.0 33 62.8 217 225 1006.0 1882 87.1 11 Source: Assistant Director of Statistics, Nagercoil.
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