INDEX OF GEOGRAPHICAL NAMES AND PEOPLE1 A Coruña 661 Assam, province (India) 148–9 Adriatic Sea 588 Astrakhan Guberniya (Russia, at Caspian Africa(n), see also South Africa 9, 29, Sea) 520 87–9, 98, 188, 191, 386–7 fn. 20, 581, Atlantic Ocean, see also North 585–6, 637, 650, 660–2 Atlantic 404, 648, 661 Aix-en-Provence (southern France) 190 Atmour Mistigid, hamlet (Egypt, north Akershus castle (Norway, Oslo) 404 of Aswan) 166 Akkerman, see Mauro Castro Aubagne (southern France) 190, 383, Albi (southern France) 239 390 Aleppo (Syria) 214 Augst (Switzerland), see Augusta Raurica Alessandria (Italy northern, Australia(ns) 51–2, 91, 93, 155, 174–5, Piedmont) 190 186, 383 Alexandria 569, 581, 585–7 Augusta Raurica (Roman precursor of Almería (Spain southern) 55 Augst) 127 Alps, Alpine113, 404, 411, 415–6, 648 Austria(n)(s) 127, 213, 371, 389–90, Alverdiscott, parish of (England, North 404–5, 507 Devon) 472–3 Avignon (Papal city, Provence) 109, 147, Ambala, district (India, province of 220–1 and fn. 68, 357, 521, 534 fn. Punjab) 154 115, 593, 618 fn. 27 Americas 92, 167, 186 Avon R. (England south-western) 459, North America(ns) 44–6 and fn. 52, 475, 477 58, 92, 120, 193, 513, 523, 541, 545 Aylesbury, parish (England, South America(ns) 92, 167, 182, Buckinghamshire south east), see 376–7 Walton 127–8 Amsterdam, see also Jordan 127, 146, 226 Båhuslen (medieval Norway) 670 fn. 7 Amur R. (Manchuria) 515 Baden-Würtemberg (Germany south- Andenes, bailiwick of (northern western) 404 Norway) 419 Balkan 195, 690 Anglo-Saxon (England) 127–8, 130, 134 Baltic Sea 99, 131, 133, 139, 394, 403, Ansford, village (England, 405, 407 and fn. 45, 569, 648 Somerset) 476 Baltimore (U.S.A.) 103 Antarctic Continent, see Macqarie I. Bangladesh, Bengal Apt (France southern) 190 Barnstaple (England, North Arctic Circle 418–9 and fn. 61 Devon) 472–3, 478 Arctic regions, see also Polar regions and Barcelona 585 sub-Arctic 417–9 and fn. 61 Basle (Switzerland) 405 Argentina 654 Batcombe, manor (England, Arthur Road (India, Mumbai), Somerset) 478 hospital 372 Bath and Wells, diocese of (England, Ascheim (Bavaria, Germany) 329, Somerset) 449–50, 459, 463, 475 389–90 Bavaria (Germany) 329, 389–90, 507 Asia 166, 193, 520, 621 fn. 34, 661 Beddingham, Roman villa Asia Minor, see also Turkey 586 (England, Sussex) 127 1 Regarding special letters, see introduction to the Index of Subjects, fn. 1, no. 3. O. Benedictow - 9789004193918 Downloaded from Brill.com09/30/2021 03:10:05PM via free access index of geographical names and people 731 Bay of Barnstaple (England, Burgundy (France) 114, 270, 593 North Devon) 472 Burma = Myan Mar 98, 185 Belgaum (India) 94, 102–3, 118 fn. 150, 140 fn. 224, 161–2, 198 Cadbury North and South, manors Belgorod(-Dnestrovskyi), (England, Somerset) 467 see Mauro Castro Caff a, see Kaff a Bengal East (Bangladesh) 148–9 California 172 Bergen (Norway) 113, 115, 136, Cairo (Egypt) 571, 575, 585 140, 332 fn. 84, 385, 393, 400–3, Calais (France north-western) 594 406–8, 418–9, 435, 502, 504–6 Calcutta (India), see Kolkata and fn. 41, 530, 536–7, 541–2, Cambridge, University of 35, 449, 517, 546–7, 550–2 566 Bergen, King’s Mansion Cambridgeshire, county of (England [= Kongsgården] 502 and fn. 22, 506 south-eastern) 271, 430, 455, 465 Bergenhus castle (in Bergen) 506 Camporegio, monastery and cemetery Bern (Switzerland) 10 (Siena, Italy), see also Necrology 218, Berkshire (England) 140, 465, 469 231, 245–68, 325 fn. 45, 675–9 Bethesda (U.S.A., Maryland) 371 Canterbury (England south- Bihar (India) 379 eastern) 224, 229 fn. 89, 426–9, 465 Birka (Sweden, west of Stockholm) 132 fn. 192, 479 Bishop’s Waltham, manor (England, Canton (Guangzhou, China) 90–1, 153, Hampshire) 482 202, 568 Black Sea 586, 588 Carcassone, (France south-western Bodmin (England, Cornwall) 475 and Mediterranean) 593 fn. 218 Cardiff (Wales) 185, 654 Bohemia 121 Cassis (France southern) 383, 390 Bohuslän, see Båhuslen Castlecary, village (England, Bombay, see Mumbai Somerset) 476 Bombay City and Island, see Mumbai Catalonia (Spain) 294, 298 Bombay Presidency, see Mumbai Catania (Italy, Sicily) 548 Bordeaux (France south-western) 114, Cathedral’s parish (Norway, 393, 477, 584, 593–4, 661 Bergen) 406–8, 435 Botnsa (Iceland) 681 Central Provinces (colonial India) 35, Brabant (Netherlands) 325 397 Brazil 120, 141 Cetatea Alba, see Trebizond Brenner Pass (Switzerland eastern) 404 Ceylon, see Sri Lanka Bridford, parish of (England, Chambery (County of Savoy/ Devonshire) 295 France) 241 Bridgewater (England, Somerset) 477 Channel Islands, see also English Bridport, parish (England Dorset) 468 Channel 594 Bristol (England) 14, 146–7, 185, 415, Charybdis (mythological whirlpool) 363 459–60, 465, 472–3, 475, 477–8 Cheshire, county (England Bristol Channel 478 central-east) 188, 287 fn. 28 Britain, British, see also Britain Roman Chester (Chestershire, England) 287 and England 36, 85, 101, 185, 210, China, Chinese 3, 13–4, 90, 94, 153, 166, 222, 243, 257, 336, 341, 371, 489, 182, 234, 291 fn. 4, 316, 334, 375, 491, 502–4 and fn. 26, 507–8, 553, 497–500 and fn. 17, 515, 517–8 and fn. 571, 584, 615–7 and fn. 21 69, 520, 523, 526, 534, 543, 566, 568, Britain Roman 128 620–1 and fn. 34, 656 Brough of Birsay, island north west of Chios I. (Greek, on the coast of Asia Orkney’s Mainland 129 Minor/Turkey) 588 Bruges (Low Countries) 104, 569 Christ Church, parish in Bristol 147 Brunswick (Germany) 216 Christ Church Priory (England, Buckinghamshire (England) 127, 465 Canterbury) 224, 229 fn. 89, 426, 429, Buenos Aires 654 465 fn. 192, 479 O. Benedictow - 9789004193918 Downloaded from Brill.com09/30/2021 03:10:05PM via free access 732 index of geographical names and people Church of Friars Minor at Bodmin Dnestr R., estuary of (Russia) 588 (England) 475 Dorset, county (England) 453, 465–71, Clevedon (England, Somerset) 477 478–9, 483 Colchester (England) 407 Dreux (France) 390–1 Cologne (Germany) 127, 324, 326, 330 Dubrovnik, (Croatia), see Ragusa Colombo (Sri Lanka) 95–6, 185–6 Durham, county (England) 271, 632 Colyton (England, Devonshire) 65, Durham priory 229 fn. 89, 428, 67–8, 142, 145, 202, 234, 295, 406 430 fn. 93 Comtat Venaissin (France, region ar. Avignon) 190 East Anglia (England) 151, 405, Congo, Democratic Republic 650–1 430 fn. 93 Constance (Switzerland) 404 Ecuador (South America) 376 Constantinople 82, 185, 323, 328, 331, Edinburgh (Scotland) 508, 510 393, 500 fn. 17, 562, 569, 577, 581, Egypt(ian) 58, 92, 94–5, 166, 182–4, 585–8, 661–2 214, 397, 520 and fn. 82, 585–6 Continent (Europe) 73, 181, 306, 319, Eisenach (Germany) 326 562, 579, 661, 664 Ely, diocese (England, Copenhagen (Denmark) 59, 386, 409 Cambridgeshire) 449–50, 455–6 Corfu (Greece, Kerkyra) 588 England, English 16, 34, 36, 48, Corhampton, manor (England, 77, 81, 85–6, 99, 111, 113–6, Hampshire) 482 119, 125, 127–31, 134–5, 147–8, Cornwall (England) 453–4, 471, 474–5 155, 169, 179, 185, 188, 195 fn. 5, Coron, see Koroni 209–10, 214, 216, 223, 225–6, Corsica I. (Genoa, to France 1768) 119, 234, 243, 255, 257, 269, 271, 140 289–90, 293–6, 299, 303–6, Corone, see Koroni 309–11, 322 fn. 30, 325, 327, Cottenham, manor (England, 331–3, 341–2, 346, 349, 352, Cambridgeshire) 271 369, 372, 393, 401, 403–5, 407, Couvin (Belgium) 39 and fn. 38 415–17 and fn. 59, 420–84, Coventry and Lichfi eld, diocese 489–90, 500, 502–4 and fn. 26, (England) 192, 445, 454–5, 460, 603 506–11, 513, 518–9, 530–1, 535, Crete I. 121 540–1, 554, 557, 560, 562, 565–6, Crimea 323, 331, 393, 500 fn. 17, 569, 571–2, 574–9 and fn. 69, 582–3, 581, 583–6, 661 585–7, 589, 593–6, 599–602, 605–7 and fn. 222, 611, 615–8, 629–32 Dalinor mines (Manchuria) 523 and fn. 76, 639, 648, 657–8, 661, Dalmatia(n) (c. present-day 670, 690 Croatia+Albania) 346 English Channel 596, 648 Damerham, manor (England, Essex (England) 405, 480 Hampshire) 482 Europe(an) 14, 17, 20, 26, 30, 35, 40, 42, Danube R. 128 48–50, 52–3, 56, 73, 75, 77, 87–9, Dean Prior, parish (England, Devon) 295 97–8, 100, 104, 106–8, 111, 113, Dee R. (England) 120–2, 126, 136, 140–1, 143, 148, Denmark 60, 125, 133, 135, 173, 179–81, 194–6, 199, 201–4 322, 394, 403, 504, 507 and fn. 45, and fn. 35, 207, 214, 221–2, 258, 269, 550, 572, 670 277, 291–3, 296, 299, 301, 305 fn. 40, Derbyshire (England), see also Eyam 77, 319, 323, 325, 327, 331, 340, 344–5, 188 fn. 101, 561 383–4, 392, 395, 397, 399, 415, 417, Developing countries 210, 396, 622 420, 432, 434, 464, 488, 490, 492, Devon(shire), county (England) 67, 119, 495, 501, 505, 507, 510–7, 527, 540, 287, 295, 433, 453, 466, 471–6, 478–9 554, 559, 562, 565, 568–70, 576–8 Dhund/Dhand, village and fn. 86, 580, 583–5, 592–3, 600, (India, Punjab) 94 607, 611, 613, 621 fn. 34, 642–3, Ditcheat, manor (England, 648, 657–8, 661, 664, 666, 668–9, Somerset) 478 673, 690 O. Benedictow - 9789004193918 Downloaded from Brill.com09/30/2021 03:10:05PM via free access index of geographical names and people 733 Europe Central 191, 392, 394, 521 Friuli (Italy) 330 Europe Eastern 195, 296, 331 Europe Northern 12, 73, 77, 98, Gabon (Africa West) 636 fn.
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