Email: [email protected] Tel: 011-26172672 Fax:01l-26103100 .N.(\ •••. f.:dV ~ For Web Circulation only (.rwt~ ~. 'lmflRU) ~ EMPLOYEES' PROVIDENT FUND ORGANlSAlION (Ministry fA Labour • EmpIovment, Govl fA India) \I)••• 1f1'f ~ I Head Oft'ke ~ t-d'T~. 14-~ 1I5IIn' •• ~ ~-11O 066. BhaYishyaNtdhl Bhawan, 14, BhikaiJi Cama Place, New Delhl-ll0 066. No.Coordl9(2)2012IInter-state. Consultative bOdi~ Dated: 22.01.2014 To . ~)13rg 22 JAM LU14 All Addl. Central PF Commissioners, All Regional PF Commissioners, In-charge of the Regional Offices/Sub Regional Offices. Subject: Invitation to the Rajya Sabha Members in the official functions to be held under various Union Ministriesl Departments. Sir, Please fmd enclosed herewith a copy of Ministry of Labour & Employment, Government of India letter No. Z-ll 022/1 (7)/20 13-Coord dated 24th December, 2013 on the subject cited above for taking appropriate necessary action at your end. Yours faithfully, Enclosure: As above. ~~ AddLCentral P.F.Commis'sioner (Compliance) Tel: 011-26172672 c:lrkslmisc./etterlmisc.letter.doc Email: [email protected] Tel: 011-26172672 Fax:011-26103100 4cNia •••. f.dIf ~ For Web Circulation only (1JIq'lt't~ ~,'lm'r~) , I EMPLOYEES' PROVIDENT FUND ORGANISATION &. _ (Ministry fA Labour ErnpIovment, Govt fA Indla) "111If ~ I Headomce • ~*~. 14-~1IIiT'U •• ~W-II0066. Bhavishya NIdf1I Bhawan, 14, Bhllciljl cama Pfac:e, New Delhi -110 066. No.Coord/9(2)20121Inter-state.Consultativebodi~ Y' Dated:a01.2014 To 2 L JAN lUJ. All Addl, Central PF Commissioners, All Regional PF Commissioners, In-charge of the Regional Offices/Sub Regional Offices. Subject: Invitation to the Rajya Sabha Members in the official functions to be held under various Union Ministries/ Departments. Sir, Please find enclosed herewith a copy of Ministry of Labour & Employment, Government of India letter No. Z-11022/1(7)/2013-Coord dated 24th December, 2013 on the subject cited above for taking appropriate necessary action at your end. Yours faithfully, Enclosure: As above. sc1j_ (p.K.Udgata) Addl.Central P.F.Commissioner (Compliance) Tel: 011-26172672 Copy to: 1) PS to CPFC for information. 2) FA& CAO/ All ACCs in Head Office/CVO 3) Director (Audit)/DD (Audit)/Zonal Audit Officers 4) Director, NATRSS/All ZTIs 5) All RPFCs in Head Office including NDC 6) All Dy. Directors (Vigilance) u 7) Hindi Cell for Hindi Translation t~.\ .-.....J'l', dg ta) Addl.Central P.F.Commissioner (Compliance) Tel: 011-26172672 e: Irks\mise.letter \mise. letter. doc No.Z-11022/1(7)/2013-Coord. Government of India/Bharat Sarkar Ministry of Labour and Employment ~ Shram aur Rozgar Mantralaya ~\~. ( Coordination Section) ********* 57 Shram Shakti Bhavan, Rafi Marg, ~_ r New Deihl, the 24th December, 2013 NOTE ~ lI:~C . Invitation to the Rajya Sabha Members in the official functions to {W~ ~~~ be held under various Union Ministries/Departments. 't{'II'q--~~'"'I-IJY ~ tc;~o/~ . NO.RS/13/2013-MPLADS dated 22nd November, ~ 2013 and 9th December, 2013 received from Rajya Sabha Secretariat on the f)~' ()\' t 'tabove subject is enclosed for taking appropriate necessary action at their ~~d. ~ oc.. 1I- q; ~. ~. -ertO"f \ r P'F or~r'in\oation . \ -ao JJ-;;;;;:- , ~~iqr~~~<~:::,~~~\~;[jc;::, J A {crr"" 'f ~~'''1 ",,;M . ' •.••' ~.,..,.t.t'l1.,.,ot~ . (l "' ..•. 'f ;" -, ~ Dr - I. ',.bd . , (G.A. Raghuvanshi) Under Secretary (Coord.) ,~~ ,t~f-"-~ . 7;-. ";::,::;' _~~;~~_..---- .'.L Enel: as above. AS(L&E)/ AS&FA(L&E)/ LEAl JS(AP)f JS(AK)/ JS(DGE&T)/ JS(DGLW)/ EA ~ (KMG)/ DDG(DC)/ DDG(AKJ)/ CLC(C)/ DG(ESIC)/ CPBC/ DG(WGNU)/ ~ DGMSI DGFASLII DG(LB)I DIR(CBWE). t./ ~\ ~ . .. ,~~ Addl. c.ar.c. (Compliance} D':H')I N·.), __ Zoo 'lr:) Q;,ue. D ,! 0 • J ~ ~~ PARLIAMENT OF INDIA ~ ~ tiF1:Iqlcl4 RAJYA SABRA SECRETARIAT ~:~ Telegram: ''PARISHAD'' tom Fax : ~ Telephone: ~ : http://rajyasabhahindi.nic.in Website: http://rajyasabha.nic.in l-~ E-mail: ~~., Parliament Housel Annexe, ~ ~-110001 New Delhi-llOOOl OFf~CE MEMORANDUM-- Dated the 22nd November, 2013 Subject: Invitation to the Rajya SabhaMembers in the official functions to be held under various UnionMinlstrieS/D~part~ents. i ~,~ i, '_. , - I t 6 5 i In continuation of this Secretariat Office ~emorandum of even number dated the ...,,-_..J 17th May, 2013, on the subject mentioned.above,the undersigned is directed to forward herewith an updated Ust of Nodal Districts of Members of Rajya Sabha under MPLAD Scheme. The above informationis also availableon the websiteof the Ministryof Statistics& ProgrammeImplementation. 2. All the ~istries/Departments of Governmentof India are requested to invite the Membersof RajyaSabhain the functionsarrangedby them in their NodalDistricts. 3. Any furtherc\ariflcation in this regard may be obtained from the MPLADS Section (Telephone No. 23035577). / • LIST OF NODALDISTRICTSOF MP. @AJYASABRA)UND~ MPLAD SCHEME AS PER INFORMATION AVAILABLE ON THE WEBSITE OF THE MINISTRY OF STATISTICS & PROGRAMME IMPLEMENTATION AS ON 211t NOVEMBER. 2013 4 ; ANDHRA PRADESH SI. No. Name of Member Nodal District 1. Dr. K. Chiranjeevi Chittoor 2. Shri Y.S. Chowdary Ranga Reddy ":J. Smt, Renuka Chowdhury Khamman 4. Shri Devender Goud T. Rangareddy 5. Shri Mohd. Ali Khan Hyderabad 6. Shri Nandi Yellaiah Medak 7.. Shri C.M. Ramesh Cuddapah 8. Shri Jairam Ramesh Warangal 9. Dr. K.V.P Ramachandra Rao Krishna ro, Shri V. Hanumantha Rao Hyderabad 11. Shri Ananda Bhaskar Rapolu Warangal 12. Smt. T. Ratna Bai East Godavari 13. Dr. N. Janardhana Reddy Nellore 14. Shri Palvai Govardhan Reddy Nalgonda 15. Dr. T. Subbarami Reddy Visakhapamam 16. Shri Jesudasu Seelam Guntur 17. Smt. Gundu Sudharani Warangal 18. Vacant -- ARUNACHAL PRADESH Name of Member Shri Mukut Mithi ASSAM SI.No. Name of Member . Nodal District 1. Shri Birendra Prasad Baishya Kamrup Metropolitan 2. Shri Pankaj Bora Kamrup Metropolitan 3. Shri Biswaiit Daimary Kamrup Metropolitan 4. Smt. Naznin Faruque Nowgong 5. Shri Bhubaneswar Kalita Kamrup 6. Shri Santiuse Kujur Darrang 7. Dr. Manmohan Singh Kamrup Metropolitan , " .' r BIHAR SI. No. Name of Member Nodal District 1. Shri Sabir Ali Mothihari (East Champaran) 2. Shri Ali Anwar Ansari Patna 3. Shri Prem Chand Gupta Patna 4. Dr. Mahendra Prasad Jehanabad 5. Shri Ram Vilas Paswan Vaishali 6. Shri Dharmendra Pradhan Patna 7. Shri Ravi Shankar Prasad Patna 8. Shri Raiiv Pratap Rudy Patna 9. Dr. Anil Kumar Sahani Muzaffarpur 10. Shri Bashistha Narain Singh Buxar 11. Shri N.K. Singh Banka 12. Shri Ramchandra Prasad Singh * 13. Dr. C.P. Thakur Patna 14. Shri Shivanand Tiwari Bhojpur (Arrah) 15. Shri K.C. Tyagi Patna 16. Shri Ram Kripal Yadav Patna CHHATTISGARH SI.No. Name of Member Nodal District 1. Dr. Bhushan Lal Jangde Raipur 2. Smt. Mohsina Kidwai Raipur 3. Shri Nand Kumar Sai Jashpur 4. Shri Shivpratap Singh Surguja 5. Shri Motilal Vora Durg Name of Member Nodal District Shri Shantaram Naik , South Goa * Nodal District not opted/not available on the MPLADS website ., GUJAMT SI.No. Name of Member Nodal District 1. Smt. Smriti Zubin Irani Anand 2. Shri Arun Jaitley Kheda (Nadiad) 3. Prof. Alka Balram Kshatriya Mahesana 4. Shri Mansukh L. Mandaviya Bhavnagar 5. Shri Dilipbhai Pandya Patan 6. Shri Bharatsinh Prabhatsinh Parmar Broach 7. Shri Ahmed Patel Broach 8. .8hri Praveen Rashtrapal Ahmedabad 9. Shri Parshottam Khodabhai Rupaia Amreli 10. Shri Natuji Halaji Thakor Mahesana 11. Shri Shankarbhai N. Vegad Surendranagar HARYANA SI.No. Name of Member Nodal District 1. Shri Shadi Lal Batra Rohtak 2. Shri Ranbir Singh Parjapati Hissar 3. Dr. Ram Prakash Kurukshetra 4. Shri Birender Singh Jind ·5. Shri Ishwar Singh Kurukshetra HIMACHAL PRADESH SLNo. Name of Member Nodal District 1. Shri Jagat Prakash Nadda Bilaspur 2. Shri Shanta Kumar KanEfa 3. Smt. Bimla Kashya.p Sood Shimla JAMMU & KASHMIR SI.No. Name of Member Nodal District 1. Shri Ghulam Nabi Azad Doda 2. Shri G.N. Ratanpuri Pulwama 3. Shri Mohammad Shafi Baramullah 4. Prof. Saif-ud-Din Soz Baramullah JHARKHAND SI. No. Name of Member Nodal District 1. Dr. Pradeep Kumar Balmuchu E. Singhbhum (Jamshedpur) 2. Shri Parimal Nathwani Ranchi 3. Shri Dhiraj Prasad Sahu Hazaribagh 4. Shri Sanjiv Kumar Giridih 5. Shri Jai Prakash Narayan SinEh Deogarh 6. Dr. Kanwar Deep Singh Ranchi KARNATAKA 81. No. Name of Member Nodal District 1. Shri Rajeev Chandrasekhar Bangalore Urban 2. Shri Oscar Fernandes Udupi 3. Shri B.K. Hariprasad lJc 4. Shri M. Rama Jois Bangalore Urban 5. Shri K. Rahman Khan Bangalore Urban 6. Dr. Prabhakar Kore Belgaum 7. Shri S.M. Krishna Bangalore Urban 8. Dr. Vijay Mallya Bangalore Urban 9. Shri Aayanur Manjunatha Shimoga 10. Shri M. Venkaiah Naidu Bangalore Urban 11. Shri Basawaraj PatH GulbaI'ga 12. 8hri Rangasayee Ramakrishna Bangaluru Urban KERALA SI. No. Name of Member Nodal District 1. Shri Joy Abraham Kottayam 2. Shri M.P. Achuthan Thiruvananthapuram 3. Shri AX. Antony Alappuzha 4. Shri K.N. Bala&<pal Kollam 5. Prof. P.J. Kurien Pathanamthitta 6. Shri C.P. Narayanan Thiruvananthapuram 7. Shri P. Rajeeve Ernakulam 8. Shri Vayalar Ravi Alappuzha 9. Dr. T. N. Seema Thiruvananthapuram * Nodal District not opted/not available on the MPLADS website ~ 7 ~ (' MADRY A PRADESH I SI.No. Name of Member Nodal District l. Shri Satyavrat Chaturvedi Chhatarpur 2. Shri Ani} Madhav Dave Bhop_al 3. Shri Thaawar Chand Gehlot Ujjain 4. Dr. Najma A. Heptulla Bhopal 5. Shri Prabhat Jha Gwalior 6. Shri Faggan Singh Kulaste Mandla 7. Dr. Chandan Mitra Bhopal 8. Dr. Vijaylaxmi Sadho Khargone (West-Nimar) 9. Shri Ra~hunandan Sharma Mandsaur 10. Smt. Maya Singh Gwalior 1l. 8hri Kaptan SinEh Solanki Bho~al MAHARASHTRA SI.No. Name of Member Nodal District 1. Smt. Vandana Chavan Pune 2. Shri Husain Dalwai Murnbai (Sub-urban) 3. Shri Vijay Jawaharlal Darda Yavatmal 4. Shri Murli Deora Mumbai City 5. Shri Ani! Desai Mumbai City 6. Shri Rajkumar Dhoot Aurangabad 7.
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