Volume 2 Issue 9 March 2010 News Welcome to this month’s edi- Tour title, along with his second USBC Josh Hyde is a Honorary PBA tion of the Josh Hyde’s Bowling News- Master’s title. He did it by defeating Member since 2001 and a letter. As you might have noticed, we Chris Barnes by a score of 290-217 in BWAA Member since 2006. have a new logo that we will be having the championship game. The first game for the remainder of the second year of featured Ryan Ciminelli defeating Mike this publication. This month in the Scroggins 246-229. In the semi-final Strike Column, we will be taking a game, Walter Ray defeated Ryan 258- look at attending all of the majors. 224. It goes to show that Walter Ray is However, we do not have an interview still the best player at throwing the of the month. In place of it, there will bowling ball. be a DVD review called “The Dick In the sixty-seventh U.S. Open, Weber Tribute.” In addition, the Mo- no other than the “Real Deal” Bill ment of History speaks about how the O’Neil, won his first major tournament Crazy Pinz Pro Shop editor received a PBA Regional trophy of his career. He defeated Mike 6770 E. State Blvd from Parker Bohn III. So enjoy this Scroggins, 267-207 in the championship Ft. Wayne, Indiana month’s edition of the Josh Hyde’s game. Seeing three major champions [email protected] Bowling Newsletter. and two former U.S. Open champions (260) 749-9610 In the 3rd major of the ‘09-10, compete was a tournament of a life we finally saw a legend win a major time. It was also a great opportunity to Mon-Fri 9am-9pm tournament. That’s right! Walter Ray witness for a great bowling fan. Saturday 9am-12pm Williams, Jr. won his 47th career PBA In the opening game, it looked like Tommy Jones was going to take the News 1 tournament since he had the front six in the first game against Jason Couch, de- Strike Column 2 feating him, 245-192. Except Tommy Going to the Majors ran into transition against O’Neil. O’Neil defeated Tommy in the semifi- King Pin Column 3 nals 203-152. Just when you think you Hammer King of the Hill Moment in History 3 have the tournament figured out, transi- tions can change the day at the U.S. Scratch Tournament at DVD Review 3 Open. The spares that you have to con- Auburn Bowl in Auburn, -A Dick Weber Tribute vert are not single pin spares they can be IN PBA Trivia Wizard 4 harder spares, like the bucket of the wash out and a double wood spare. You PBA Trivia Wizard Winner 4 are also going to have to realize that a Every first Sunday of the Last Month’s Answers double is big in this test of bowling month Oct – May tournament. Pete Weber told me one For more info email Ken Commentary 4 time that it was mental drain because all Henry at the areas that you need to cover in order [email protected] or to bowl good at the U.S. Open. call (260) 302-6605 Page 2 Strike Column— Going to the Majors As a bowling fan, strikes in a row from the third best. To be eligible for this almost came back from being I’ve been to every major tour- frame in the semi-final game to tournament you had to bowl so far behind. This was a nament there is in profes- the fifth frame of the champion- 1/3 to 2/3 of the tournament of great tournament to be at. Josh Hyde’s Bowling sional bowling. The USBC ship match. He bowled a 278 in the PBA tour. In the 1993 Masters, U.S. Open, Touring the semi final against Steve TPC, Jason Couch and Parker USBC Masters Players Championship, PBA Hoskins. It looked like Dave Bohn III bowled for the title. The USBC Masters World Championship, and Husted was going to have his This was interesting, because was the last major tourna- the Tournament of Champi- hands full, and he already had a the week before they were ment I needed to make to see ons. These tournaments are hurt back. Still, he managed watching the previous tourna- all five majors. I wanted to go hard to win because they are to bowl a 266 over Paul Koh- ment in my living room on a to this tournament to see the usually demanding lane con- ler’s 245, so Dave ended up surprise visit. The next week great bowlers play for the ditions and low scoring, but winning the title. It was a great they were bowling for the title. title. Parker bowled great and all the greats have won at championship game and a high Jason had led the field by 500 had a great round the final least one of these majors. scoring affair for a major bowl- pins with a polyurethane ball. block before match play. It ing tournament. It was a thrill It was very interesting to see was interesting to see which U.S. Open being there to watch the greats him to that with an older ball. players could bounce back if My first major ever bowl the top tournament of the In the 1998 TPC, by the third they lost early, to see if they Volume 2, Issue 9 was the 1990 U.S. Open. As a year. round, Parker had led the field would make it. The last event nine year-old, I was not able by 500 pins so my mother and that I went to, at the conclu- to understand, but it was the PBA World Champion- I went that same night so see sion of the Masters, was the first tournament where I be- ship him bowl. In 2000, I saw Johnny Petraglia Roast by the came friends with a lot of Out of all the majors the Parker receive his first Player Midwest Bowling Writers top-name players. I remem- PBA, the World Championship of the Year Award at the PBA Association. This was a great ber meeting Tony Westlake is probably the greatest major. Tour Awards banquet. I also honor to go to. Sean Rash and when he made the show The first one I went to was in met Drew Carey later that ended up winning the 2007 and that was neat to see. 1992 and it was a surprise. My week. These are a few of my Masters. It was a great show In 1996, they decided parents tricked me into going to memories for the Touring to watch. The championship to combine the U.S. Open a bowling supply place and Players Championship. round was held at the Miller men and women’s. It was a after that we ended up going to Park Baseball field. Walter thrill watching both U.S. Toledo. This tournament pro- Tournament of Cham- Ray, Steve Jaros, Patrick Al- Opens simultaneously like motes the greatest bowlers in pions len, and Sean Rash made the Husted and Liz Johnson. Liz the world. In 1999, Chris Bar- In 2000, I went to the show. This was one of the won her first and Dave win- nes made the show and we Tournament of Champions. best championship rounds I ning his third U.S. Open title. ended up wearing the same This is what every pro-bowler have ever attended. Dave had bowled 300 in the shirt. A Brunswick Rep had dreams of winning. It was last game of the tournament asked Chris Barnes what shirt great because on the eve of the Conclusion before the championship he was wearing and ended up tournament, Parker Bohn III As you can tell, I take round. Overall, it was a neat getting me one also. This was a got inducted into the PBA Hall great honor at attending all 5 experience. thrill. In the 2001 PBA National of Fame. It was an honor being major tournaments. As the The year was 1995. It Championships, I saw Walter there seeing all the great bowl- greatest bowling fan it’s been was bowling’s toughest test Ray win his first of three PBA ers at one place. It was great an honor watching the great- the U.S. Open. Before the World Championships. In 2002, seeing Jason Couch win his est on such demanding lane championship round, all the I saw Doug Kent win the larg- second title. This was the first conditions and coming major bowling manufactures est first place check in PBA time a player defended his title through to win the title. were there showcasing their history. Finally in 2006, I saw in the Tournament of Champi- new products. There were Walter Ray Williams Jr. win his ons. Parker figured out the 7,200 people at this show in third PBA World Champion- lanes by the third round and Detroit, Michigan. Parker ship when he beat Pete We- called the night before and ber. The PBA World Cham- asked if my parents and I pionship is one of the great- wanted to come. We said est tournaments ever. “sure”. Dave Husted was trying to win his second U.S. TPC Championship Open Title. What a venue for The Touring Players the 1995 BPAA U.S. Open! Championship This tourna- Paul Kohler had strung 15 ment was the best of the Page 3 Kingpin Column Moments in History The year was 1996.
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