#77 –“THE SEASON OF JESUS CHRIST: The Birth, Passion Week, Death, Burial; , Resurrection; Post-Resurrection; and Ascension of Jesus Christ” NOTES:*B.S.G. = Bible Study Guide; RMA = Required Ministry Assignment for “ON- LINE Ministry ”Participation Overall Theme – “THE MESSAGE OF THE BIBLE” Sub-Theme: “AM I READY TO GO TO HEAVEN…TODAY !” Dr. Loretta C. Johnson - Copyright Strictly Enforced SECTION 1: Preliminary Studies to “The Season of Jesus Christ…:” Bible Study Guide and Scripture Readings, including this terminology: “Lent” or “The Lenten Season,” beginning with “Ash Wednesday:” Introduction: Preliminary Information; Preparation: (March 10-17) 1) Definitions of Terms: a) “Ash Wednesday” (originally “Day of Ashes” - a practice of rubbing ashes on one’s forehead in the shape of the cross, signifying that he/she belongs to Jesus Christ, who died on the cross. Examples: I Samuel 4:12; II Samuel 1:20, 13:19, 15:32. “Ash Wednesday” always occurs on Wednesday, beginning the “Lent Season.” b) “Lenten Season” begins on Ash Wednesday and lasts 40 days before Good Friday. 2) Significance/Relevance of the “Lent Season” for Us, as Christians: “Lent” is a time of “pulling away,” mourning, confessing, and repenting to God for our unrighteousness/sinfulness, then asking Him to continuously forgive us of our sins. (The “pulling away” denotes depriving oneself from one or more “choice” things/items for the 40 day season [foods, beverages, social media, desires, pleasures, television/media, bad attitudes, bad habits, ungodly/unrighteous distractions, sins, etc.] **Fasting - with prayer - is the best means of “pulling away” for spiritual results.) 3) Goal: To permanently get rid of these and other items that keep us from entering into God’s Eternal Life and Habitation with Him. This year’s “Lenten Season” (Prayer and Fasting One Hour per day) will be 1) A time of Remembrance of what this Season is about 2) A time of reminding us of our mortality and that God is our “all in all.” 3) A time of reflection and increasing our focus of Jesus Christ through Prayer and Fasting - through meditation and consecration, through praise and worship, through reading and studying God’s Word, then making application of HIS Word to our lives – all of which enrich our lives and relationship with Jesus Christ! In preparation for this season, please read and conform to the information in this Study Guide. This information will guide you in participation in the fullness of the “Lenten/Lent Season”. While you are still participating in “Lent,” our current Bible Readings will be a “STUDY of “The Season of Jesus Christ,…” with the Book of Matthew as our foundation for Scripture Readings (KJV). SECTION 2. The Season of Jesus Christ: His Birth, Life, Death, Resurrection, and Ascension [with the Book of Matthew [always always used as our Foundational Scripture Readings] (March 10) Study Guide and Scriptures for these Readings - with Questions, statements, etc. from the harmony of the 4 Gospels - will be enhanced, as well as your readings of the Synoptic Gospels integrated through use of “Parts” and “Topics.” Note 1: Other relevant information may be inserted in various places. After reading each chapter from Matthew, read additional information as time allows. Note 2: Parenthesis only = Read these verses from Matthew; Other = Read Bible Book and verses indicated. PART A: The Birth of Jesus Foretold: (March 10) 1) Isaiah 7:4 2) Isaiah 9:6-7 PART B: Introduction to this Sub-Topic: John 1:1-14 (March 10 PART C: A Child is Born: (Chapters 1 and 2) Chapter 1: (March 101) The Geneology of Jesus Christ [Joseph] (1-17) 2) The Geneology of Jesus Christ [Mary] (Luke 3:28-38) 3) The Annunciation, Conception, and Birth of Jesus (Matt. 1:18-25; Luke 1:26-35; Luke 2:1-20; John 1:12, 14) Chapter 2: (March 10 1) Visit of the Magi (1-12) 2) Flight into Egypt (13-15) 3) Herod’s Slaughter of Children, ages two and under (16-18) 4) Jesus’ return from Egypt to Nazareth (19-23) 5) Jesus at the Temple (Simeon - Luke 2:21-35) 6) Jesus at the Temple (Anna - Luke 2:36-39) 7) Jesus’ Boyhood and Youth (Luke 2:40-51) -2- (Copyright: L & M Ministries, International, Inc.) PART D: The Early Life of Jesus: (Chapters 3 and 4) Chapter 3: (March 11) 1) Ministry of John the Baptist (1-12-17; Mark 1:5-8; Luke 3:2-17; John 1:6-8, 19-28) 2) Baptism of Jesus (13-17; Mark 1:9-11; Luke 3:21-22; Luke 3:21-22; John 1:29-34) Chapter 4: (March 11) 1) Temptations of Jesus (1-11; Mark 1:12-13; Luke 4:1-13 2) Jesus begins His Ministry (4:12; Luke 3:23, 4:14-15) 3) Jesus calls 4 Fishermen: Peter, Andrew, James and John(18-25; Mark 1:13-20; Luke 5:2-11) 4) Matthew follows Jesus (Luke 5:27-32) PART E: Jesus’ Years of Popularity: (Chapters 5 through 20) 1Chapter 5: (March 12) 1) The Sermon on the Mount [The Beatitudes] (5:1-12; Luke 6:20-49) 2) Jesus Teaches about Divorce (31-48, 19:3-11; Mark 10:2-12; I Corinthians 7:10-15 Chapter 6: (March 12) Sermon on the Mount, continued (1-34) The Model Prayer (6:9-13; Luke 11:2-4) Chapter 7: (March 13) 1) Sermon on the Mount, continued (1-29) Chapter 8: (March 13) 1) Jesus’ Miracles and Teachings in Galilee (1-3) a) Physical Healings: 1) Leper (8:1-4; Mark 1:40; Luke 5:12-14) 2) Centurion’s Servant (8:5-13; Luke 7:1-10) 3) Peter’s Mother-in-law (14-18; Mark 1:29-34; Luke 4:38-39) 4) Many others healed (Luke 4:40) b) Power over Nature: 1) Jesus Stills the Water (23-27; Mark 4:36-41; Luke 8:22-25) c) Demonic Cast Out: 1) Demons cast out at Gadara (28-34; Mark 5:1-21; Luke 8:26-40) 2) Demons cast out of many Others (Luke 4:41) 2) The Disciples Tested (19-22; Luke9:57-62) -3- (Copyright: L & M Ministries, International, Inc.) Chapter 9: 1) Jesus Performs Miracles: (March 14) a) Physical Healings: 1) Palsied Man (1-8; Mark2:3-12; Luke 5:18-26) 2) Woman with the Issue of Blood (20-22) 3) Two Blind Men Healed (27-31) 4) Other Healings (35) b) From Death to Life: Jairus’ Daughter (18-19, 23-25) c) Demon cast Out: (31-34) 2) The Call of Matthew (9:9; Mark 2:14; Luke 5:27-29) 3) Jesus Answers the Pharisees (10-15; Mark 2:15-20; Luke 5:29-35) 4) Preachings and Teachings of Jesus (37-38)- “The Harvest is Ripe,” etc. 5) Parable: The Garment and Bottles (16-17; Mark 2:21-22; Luke 5:36-39) Chapter 10: (March 15) 1) Jesus sends forth the Twelve (1-42; Mark 6:7-13; Luke 5:27-32; Luke 9:1-6; John 1:35-51)) Chapter 11: (March 16 1) Disciples sent to question Jesus by John (1-19) 2) Jesus – rejected – predicts judgment (20-30) Chapter 12: (March 17) 1) Jesus declares Himself as Lord of the Sabbath (1-8; Mark 2:23-28; Luke 6:1-6) 2) Miracles: a) Withered hand healed on Sabbath (9-14; Mark 3:1-6; Luke 6L6-11) b) Jesus and the Multitudes (15-21; Mark 3:7-12) c) Demonic Healed; Pharisees blasphemes (22-30; Mark 3:22-30; Luke 11:14-23) 3) The Unpardonable Sin (31-32; Mark 3:29-30) 4) Destiny in Words (33-37) 5) Jesus Foretells His Death, etc. (39-58; Luke 11:29-49) Chapter 13: (March 8) a) Parables - 7 Mysteries of the Kingdom: 1) The Sower (1-23; Mark 1:1-20; Luke 8:4-15) 2) The Tares among the Wheat (24-30, 36-43 3) The Grain of Mustard Seed (31-32; Mark 4:30-32) 4) The Leaven Bread (33-35; Luke 13:20-21) 5) The Hidden Treasure (44) 6) The Pearl (45-46) 7) The Fishing Net (47-52) b) Jesus returns to Nazareth, again; is rejected (53-58; Mark 6:1-6; Luke 4:16-32) -4- (Copyright: L & M Ministries, International, Inc.) Chapter 14: (March 19) 1) Herod has John the Baptist Beheaded (1-12; Mark 6:14-28; Luke 8:7-9) 2) Miracles: a) Jesus Shows His Authority/Power over Nature: 1) Feeds 5000 (15-21; Mark 6:30-44; Luke 9:10-17; John 6:11-15) 2) Peter’s Faith: Walks on Water (22-35; Mark 6:45-52; John 6:16-21 b) Jesus Physically Heals those who touch Him (34-36; Luke 6:53-55) Chapter 15: (March 20) Jesus teaches about Inner Purity (15-20; Mark 7:1-23) 2) Miracles: a) Devil cast Out: Cast out of Syrophoenician Woman’s Daughter (21-28; Mark 7:24-30) b) Physical Healings: Multitudes Healed - lame, blind, dumb, maimed, etc. (29-31; Mark 7:31-37) c) Jesus shows His Authority/Power over Nature: 4,000 Fed (38-39; Mark 8:1-9) Chapter 16: (March 21) 1) Jesus Rebukes False Teaching of the Pharisees (1-5; Mark 8:10-12) 2) Jesus interprets the Leaven (6-12) 3) Peter Confesses that Jesus is the Messiah [Christ, the Son of the Living God] (Mark 8:13-21) 3) Jesus Predicts His Death, His Resurrection, and His Transfiguration (21-28; Mark 9:2-13; Luke 9:22-36) Chapter 17: (March 22) 1) Jesus is Transfigured (1-13; Luke 9:28-36) 2) Miracle: Jesus Casts Out a Demon: Jesus Heals a Demon-Possessed Boy (14-21; Luke 9:37-43) 3) Miracle: Jesus shows His Authority/Power over Nature: Peter finds a Coin in the Mouth of a Fish (24-27; Mark 12:13) 4) Jesus, again, foretells His Death and Resurrection (22-23; Mark 9:30-32; Luke 9:43-45) Chapter 18: (March 23) 1) Jesus Solves Disciples’ Argument re: the Greatest in the Kingdom (6:6; Mark 9:33-37; Luke 9:46-48) 2) Parables: a) The Lost Sheep (11-14; Luke 15:3-7) b) The Unforgiving Debtor (20-35) 3) Teaching of Jesus: Treatment of One who Sins/Discipline in the Future Church (15-20 [note verse 20]) -5- (Copyright: L & M Ministries, International, Inc.) Chapter 19: (March 24) 1) Teaching of Jesus: Marriage and Divorce (3-12; Mark 10:11-12) 2) Jesus/ Dealings with Children and Individuals: a) Jesus Blesses the Children (13-15; Mark 10:13-16; Luke 18:15-17) b) Jesus’ Dealings with Individuals: 1) The Rich Young Ruler (16-26; Mark 10:17-31; Luke 18:18-20-note v 26) 2) Mary and Martha (Luke 38-42) 3) Zacchaeus (Luke 19:10-19) 4) Nicodemus (John 3:1-21) 5) The Woman at the Well (John 4:3-43) 3) Jesus’ Future Place in the Kingdom (27-30) Chapter 20: (March 25) 1) Parable: Laborers in the Vineyard (1-16) 2) Jesus: a) For the 3rd time, foretells His Death (17-19; Mark 10:30-34; Luke 18:35-43) b) The Request of James’ and John’s Mother (20-28; Mark 10:35-45) c) Performs a Miracle: 1) Heals Two Blind Men (29-34; Mark 10:46-52; Luke 18:35-43) -6- (Copyright: L & M Ministries, International, Inc.) .
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