5 MB Geologic Map of the Central Grapevine Mountains, Inyo County

5 MB Geologic Map of the Central Grapevine Mountains, Inyo County

DIGITAL MAP AND CHART SERIES DMCH012 ©2012 The Geological Society of America. All rights reserved. DOI: 10.1130/2012.DMCH012 Niemi, N.A., 2012, Geologic Map of the Central Grapevine Mountains, Inyo County, California, and Published by Esmeralda and Nye Counties, Nevada: Geological Society of America Digital Map and Chart Series 12, The Geological Society of America, Inc. doi: 10.1130/2012.DMCH012. 3300 Penrose Place • P.O. Box 9140 Boulder, Colorado 80301-9140 117°20'00" 117°17'30" 117°15'00" 117°12'30" 117°10'00" 117°07'30" 117°05'00" 117°02'30" 117°00'00" 4 000m 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 000m 68 E 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 E 4800 ESMERALDA CO 8000 37°00'00" 30 5600 Tsv Trs OSes Mrs INYO CO 3200 Trs 3200 25 7200 7600 8000 Coyote 6000 40 000m Qa Trs 2400 3600 Qoa 4400 95 E Tsv 40 25 50 Opa Tsv Tm 30 Trs 30 Opn 6000 8400 8000 Trs 35 _n 7200 37°00'00" Qa 40 40 000m 2400 _bbl _nu E@tc 30 4800 CORRELATION 3200 25 40 Qa 30 MAP UNITS 4000 4400 55 6400 94 N 30 Trs 7600 80 Qt A' Tm NYE CO OF 4400 7200 7200 3200 _n _nu Tdt Qoa BONNIE 4800 5200 Grapevine _bbu ESMERALDA CO Trs 30 Oe Trw? 6000 6800 20 MAP UNITS Q2 3600 5600 Ranger 2800 Opa 40 8000 Qoa 5600 Trs 40 QTg 30 30 50 Trs 30 20 30 25 Tp Station 40 25 _n Qoa 94 2800 Mrs Qt Opn 7600 2800 Opa 35 Mrs Qoa 55 30 5200 Qa 30 Opn Opg _nu 40 Q2 5600 Opa Qa 7200 Qa Qt Tsv Qa 6400 93 5200 Qa 45 85 50 30 Holocene SURFICIAL DEPOSITS TERTIARY UNITS WEST OF TERTIARY UNITS EAST OF BEDROCK UNITS OF THE Q2 40 Mrs Qa Qoa Q2 65 MOONLIGHT _nd 7600 Op 50 QTg 30 20 THE GRAPEVINE MOUNTAINS THE GRAPEVINE MOUNTAINS GRAPEVINE MOUNTAINS 55 Trs _bbu 7200 Q3 85 85 70 75 E@tc Tw6400 5200 5200 Qoa Trs Trs 40 CLAIRE 7200 50 Q4 Q3 7600 6000 Trs 93 Canyon QTg 50 35 75 _nd Active Alluvium Sedimentary Rocks of Red Wall Basin Rhyolite of Sarcobatus Flat Rest Spring Shale Mrs 55 _bbl Qoa Trs QTls Pleistocene Qa Trw Trs Mrs 2000 3200 40 65 _bp 30 25 (Recent) (Pliocene) (Late Miocene) (Late Mississippian) NORTHERN Q2 Mark 75 65 Qa 60 80 7200 40 Qoa 60 Opn _bbu 15 Oe Qa 4000 THRUST 55 _nd 7200 Qa 92 Qa 25 25 4800 Opa Tp Qoa Active Talus Volcanic Rocks of Scotty's Caslte Trachyte of Donovan Mountain Lost Burro Formation Q3 OSes 15 7200 QTg Qt Tsv Dlb 2400 35 6000 Trs Tdt 25 Opa 6800_bbu 30 30 (Recent) (Pliocene) (Late Miocene) (Devonian) 5 Oe 6400 _bbl Canyon 6400 angular unconformity Pliocene 25 CANYON 6000 35 Question 20 15 7600 Trs Trw Tsv Alluvium Rhyolite of Rainbow Mountain Hidden Valley Dolomite 40 OSes 25 6800 Q2 Trr DShv 92 25 65 _bbl 7200 (Recent) (Late Miocene) (Silurian and Lower Devonian) QTg _bp 25 8000 unconformity SYSTEM65 20 6800 NYE CO Mrs 25 5600 25 40 25 _bp INYO CO 8400 Trs Alluvium Timber Mountain Group Ely Springs Dolomite Qa A 25 91 Q3 Tm OSes 20 25 35 55 Qt Canyon Qoa (Pleistocene and Recent) (Middle Miocene) (Upper Ordovician and Lower Silurian) Qa 25 Backthrust 4400 Mrs _bp Qt 25 Grapevine Peak Trs Tdt Late Miocene DEATH 50 5200 Tdt 3600 20 35 30 Alluvium Paintbrush Group Eureka Quartzite Q4 45 10 7600 Q4 Tp Oe 2400 85 Qa Tw Tm Tm 4000 Opn Trs Trr (Pleistocene) (Middle Miocene) (Middle and Upper Ordovician) 40 85 GRAPEVINE 5600 5200 25 25 20 25 6400 50 91 Qa 7200 45 FAULT _bp Qt _bp 36°57'30" Older Alluvium Crater Flat Group 2800 35 Tm Qoa Tc Pogonip Group 40 40 Opn _bp 8000 Trs Td (Pliocene and Pleistocene) (Middle Miocene) (Lower and Middle Ordovician) 4800 Tp 15 Q4 60 90 4400 DShv Tp 7600 5 Qa Landslide Deposits Wahguyhe Formation 6000 QTls Tw Op 60 7200 Undivided Phinney6800 50 Middle Miocene (Pleistocene (?)) (Middle Miocene) 36°57'30" 25 7600 _cu _cu Trs Tc _bp 50 Q4 Dlb Qt 7200 Opa Antelope Valley Limestone 40 35 Trs 6000 Terrace Gravels Panuga Formation 90 2000 VALLEY 3600 7200 _cu Tw QTg Tg GRAPEVINE _cm (Middle Miocene) 60 6800 (Pliocene and Pleistocene) Qa 45 E@tc Qoa Trs Opn Ninemile Formation _bp 7200 _cm 6400 40 7200 Tg 20 6000 Qa 7600 25 89 Titus Canyon Formation Q4 Mrs 25 30 E@tc Opg Q4 Qa Dlb? 6800 7600 angular unconformity (Oligocene) Goodwin Limestone 4000 _z 25 8000 20 6400_bp Qt 35 5600 _bp _cl 6400 _cu 40 6400 Eocene - Oligocene Q4 E@tc Td Mafic dike Q2 55 7600 Nopah Formation 40 5600 60 6000 (Tertiary) MOONLIGHT 5600 _wu E@tc6800 angular unconformity (Upper Cambrian) 89 75 75 Canyon _cm Dlb 12 Trs 5200 2400 Qa 55 35 8000 Trs 60 Moonlight Strozzi Ranch 6400 5 50 35 Mrs Mississippian Halfpint and Smokey Members 2800 35 6400 40 Qa QTg Qa 8400 _nu 3600 35 88 Q3 25 4800 75 Brier (undivided) Q3 30 4400 30 6000 35 Tw Wahguyhe Peak Dlb Devonian Q2 Dlb? E@tc Spring 6800 QTg Dlb CALIFORNIANEVADA _nd Dunderburg Shale Member QTg 3200 Qt DShv Q2 Q2 _z 35 35 Qa 2000 Z_wu 65 60 Silurian Zwl 6800 Q3 5200 5600 Dlb 40 FAULT 2000 40 Qoa OSes Bonanza King Formation Qa 2400 65 Zwm 40 Opa 4800 CANYON _z 35 5600 Trs 88 4400 25 _cu Qt 80 THRUST 30 (Middle and Upper Cambrian) 7200 55 7200 Qa 4400 45 65 _cm 35 6000 Oe Zwl _cl 7600 35 45 40 Ordovician QTg Q2 Qa 6400 Q2 45 Qt 55 6400 87 Op _bbu Upper Banded Mountain Member 50 65 35 7600 2800 FAULT Zwl 70 75 B' 1600 Q2 50 Zwl 4000 7600 _n 4000 7200 Mexican Camp _bbl Lower Banded Mountain Member Q2 Zse 5600 E@tc B 85 FAULT 7200 Qt 60 6000 _cu 40 _b 40 1600 DShv Zse 5200 Qa 40 50 7600 _bp Papoose Lake Member 87 Qt _bp Tc Cambrian 70 6400 _c 85 6800 Zwl 45 403600 Dlb? Trs 4000 4400Zse Z_wu 35 30 40 Carrara Formation Q2 Q2 70 GRAPEVINE Td 6000 _z _bp? 65 _cm 30 30 Qoa 86 55 70 DShv Qa (Middle and Lower Cambrian) Qoa QTg Tdt 6400 35 Z_w Q2 3200 Dlb? _z Opn 30 E@tc 6400 Qa Q3 Zwl 70 6800 36°55'00" Proterozoic 6800 40 _c 65 35 E@tc Tw Zs Undivided THRUST Qoa 40 4800 Qa ZONE 75 6400 NYE CO Qa 86 35 40 OpgMOUNTAINS Oe OSes E@tc C' 7200 6400 _cu Upper Member 6400 INYO CO Q2 2400 C _cu 6400 6000 6800 GRAPEVINE Trs 40 2000 Qa 35 30 45 5600 36°55'00" ZONE 6400 85 6800 7600 20 _cm Middle Member Q3 _cl 35 50 Qa TITUS Tdt Q4 35 7200 Qt Qa 40 Opa6000 6800 2800 5200 E@tc _cl Lower Member 3200 606000 6400 Tdt 35 80 6000 6800 Trs _cm 5600 6000 7200 40 30 Oe Qa QTls 35 OSes 6000 Zabriskie Quartzite 85 5600 5600 4400 30 5600 Opn _z CANYON Mt. Palmer 4000 60 75 Oe 7200 (Lower Cambrian) Q2 Qa 30 6800 6400 40 Q4 75 OSes7200 Opa 10 50 6400 84 50 50 QTls Trs Wood Canyon Formation Opa 15 Opn GRAPEVINE 75 Oe 6800 5600 (Upper Proterozoic and Lower Cambrian) 2400 McDonald 80 Canyon 6400 3600 80 Spring Q2 3200 OSes 5200 _bbu Tm 7200 45 75 Opg 15 Opn 40 _bp Opa 45 Z_wu Upper Member 4800 6400 50 Tm 84 Oe 89 Opg 6000 Tm QTg 60 80 Opg 4800 35 ANTICLINE 6000 Zwm Middle Member Q3 Qt 30 Tdt 40 2000 OSes 4800 Trs 6000 Qa 6000 83 QTg 30 6800 6560 6400 Zwl Lower Member _nu 6400 E@tc Canyon 2000 DShv 51 Q2 4400 6800 2800 Qa 5200 Qt Tdt 1200 Q2 Tc Qa Trw _nu 5200 CALIFORNIANEVADA 75 Oe _nd 6400 5600 Stirling Quartzite 85 5600 40 4000 60 Fall Q3 2800 70 45 _nd 6400 Qoa (Upper Proterozoic) 83 Q2 Qa 9 4000 25 75 Qa _bbu Qt QTls 20 70 45 6800 60 55 6000 Tdt 15 25 QTg 40 2400 THRUST 70 Canyon _bbu _nu E@tc Zse E Member Q3 1600 70 Op Qt 82 2000 5200 Qa Oe 50 _bbl Q2 5600 1600 Trw 70 50 Qa 85 Op _nd Q2 Trw _bp _nd 50 2800 5600 Tm 35 Q3 Qa OSes 65 5600 6000Tp Qt Q4 Trw 20 30 5200 Trw 3600 _bp 6400 _bbu 5600 Trr 3200 1200 10 Tc Qt 60 6400 30 _bbl 5200 35 6800 40 DShv FALL 6000 6000 2400 QTg 50 Wall 4800 Qa 6000 2000 _bbu Tw Q3 GRAPEVINE 4400 5600 82 20 25 30 5200 Qt 1600 6000 5600 QTg 45 4400 4400 Qa Tc Qt 35 65 3600 5200 Tp 4800 Q2 Q4 Trw Trw 40 6400 40 Q4 3200 4000 81 2000 4000 6000 55 4800 6000 6400 Tp Tm OSes 20 3200Red QTg MOUNTAINSTm 36°52'30" _nd Tw Titus Q2 CANYON QTg OSes3200 _nu _bbl 5600 Qa Oe Opa 45 4800 Trr Qa 4000 Q3 Oe _bb _nu _c Tw Qa Tp 55 4400 5200 36°52'30" 40 Opa 3200 Qa4000 45 Tp Tm Tm Cave Rock OSes 25 _bbu Tg 50 LEGEND 81 3200 Opn 55 4400 _bbu 5200Tg NYE CO Spring Tdt Opn 6000 5600 50 Tw 4000 2800 2000 Q3 35 50 35 Tc INYO CO QTg Trw Oe 75 25 Tw Tm 40 2400 25 _bbl 4800 30 Tw QTg 30 Qa Q3 2800 3600 40 E@tc 40 30 Tc 80 5200 35 Tc Tc 3600 4000 Tm 2400 Opa 25 15 25 Tg 35 1200 Q4 Trw 3200 3600 Opn 50 40 Tg 80 15 25 4800 1600 Tw Qa Tdt 4400 Qa 4400 E@tc Tg 30 2000 30 _nu Opn Opa 60 35 30 35 35 5600 Tm Certain Approximately located Inferred Concealed Opn 4800 5600 _bbu 4400 E@tc E@tc _bbl 4000 40 25 Contact 40 Q4 1600 25 30 Qa 5200 Tw 3600 15 25 Tm 3200 10 _z Tw Tw 6000 Qa 80 60 30 30 4800 800 5600 35 "tc 25 15 70 QTg 4000 Tm Q2 75 Qa 40 Certain Approximately located Inferred Concealed 15 10 D' _bp Tg Tg Qa 2800 5200 35 25 15 25 E@tc 79 3600 QTg _nu 45 20 25 Tc 35 _c 20 35 4400 Qoa 6000 6400 Thrust Fault 3200 30 20 Tm Tm 800 Qt 30 10 4800_bp Tw Tp _nu _bbu 4800 Qa 4800 25 15 _bp Tg 1200 _nd 35 _bp 15 20 Q2 2000 4400 E@tc Qa 25 3200 10 40 4400 65 2800 Tg Tw Qoa Certain Approximately located Inferred Concealed 45 5200 40 1600 TITUS 40 5 45 Qoa Tm 79 45 20 _bbu 30 20 E@tc Tm Qa 65 65 20 15 4800 35 Normal Fault 800 Q2 _nu 40 1200 30 55 _bbl 35 _bp E@tc Tp 40 Qa 35 FALL 35 Tp Qa FAULT 25 _bp 30Tg30 Qoa Tm 78 2400 Fall 30 Qoa Trw Qa Canyon 55 4800 35 Certain Approximately located Inferred Concealed 3600 Qa Trw _bbu 40 E@tc5200 5600 Tm Tp 65 30 40 3200 40 4800 Leadfield Qoa Strike-Slip Fault 35 35 _c E@tc 4800 30 20 _bbu _bp _bp QTg 2400 45 3600 35 20 45 35 55 70 Qoa 35 QTg QTg 4400 Qoa Tc 40 4000 Q4 4000 35 Q4 Qt 20 _bbu _bbl 3200 30 CANYON Tc 78 Q4 55 _bbl 35 Tp Certain Approximately located Inferred Concealed 45 30 _bp 55 Canyon 40 45 Tc 40 65 50 35 60 3200 4400 65 4000 30 65 40 Oblique-slip Fault 75 70 75 60 25 Klare 5200 Q4 35 60 _bbl 4800 Zwl 45 25 77 50 80 45 Spring 4400 65 Qa Qa Z_wu 35 10 CANYON 80 3600 45 65 Tw Qa Trw Zwm Tw 50 Certain Approximately located Inferred Concealed

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