Ameriricans saviiing ^more rrmoney — - C 3 Banrbie tu rn s30—. D mmmmm >1 1 ^ C lailified s -1ft ______ __ 4 ' Gifcl^l- Declo^ F— I 4 “ f=r. “ fMiflntV{^■vex ittrtD'wrgood -Mu »inarymil a ^ r _________;----------- . .AUtfMM finmio, b w lynatnur SIS OITOjy win — «.»1».7SW066,- . J j l ( ving to n(lew jail —- Bl . 2 M arirkqtplagc_ G ^ .. V ' ^Tiehi nw ' _ . ««3>< V*ll», Il«wiw»iri me 35^ : t o 84th year. No. 31 0___________ ^^ln:Ealla,-l3,-ld«h0— .! -------- - TuescTayT^ Ja i"y^anuary-3'fr1'989"— T l e a jg a n nhay bee calked a s N ortlh f f i l1 witmless Knight'RiddcrScmceice—--------- - ----------------- --------—- Ocscli-lcfHntact-North's-I's-BUbpoena" f o r ' tivitics; a:aid to the (Nicaraguan) Coni'ontrfis’and served in a threeiree-page order. • ■ 'North ri’mams accuse'used of various coverMp ...................... .......Reagan'sR. testimony. Reagan;an mtiat remain Iran."- . Some partsfl <of the cx-preaident's diarary charges, cnnspiring lo defraudt the Internnl W^INGTON -- FormerF President Rea- avavailable, but the judge eaidid noi restrictions Gesell i1 said he would reconsiderr Ithe issue were turned overov lo independent counsinsel Revenue Service hy fuifunneling private pro- gan is "subJcct to call"air as a possible witness W(would.be imposed on the ex-pr;-pre8ident‘s trav- only if delIcfensc lawyers can show lhatlha the di- Lawrence E.WdWdlsh. ■ Contra dimaiinns througlough a tax-exempt foun* for the dofenso in the:he Oliver North coverup elei or activities without anotherher hearing and a aries conlmtain evidence that Reaganan had ad- "President ReaganR( has throughout thisth dation. illegiilly accopliropting a SI3.80Q secimty trial beginning today,lay, but President Buah new court order. vanco knonowledgo of, ordered'or condi■ndoned the m atter cooporatirated with independent counsinsel system for his home3 in suburban Washing* will not be required«d to testify, a federal Gesell also left open a, pipossibility that specific Iran-Contra activities foifor which and been respoijponsive to requests for doci)cu- lon, nnd converting to0 hishi personal use $^300 judge ruled Monday. North's lawyers could renewew their request North wasfas indicted, m enu." Gesell11 declared.di "He remains willirling worth nf traveler's checchecks intended foe the : for excerpts from Reagan’s diadiary. Reaganans diary entries would haveha' to be tb assist.’ ......... Contras, US. District JudJudge Gerhard Gesell Up to now, Gesell said, defensedc lawyers connecteded to charges that North madema false Eariier this3 month,m North won dism issasals On Tuesday, proseciseculors and defense 9 scrapped defense subpoenasau calling for have been able to make onlylly "a very broad statementmts, removed and destroyed■ed govern* of conspiracy andan theft charges arising froi*om lawyers will start solectieeting a jury to hear the [j Bush's testimony, asIS wellv, as access to White ... claim for information fronrom the diary of ment dococumcnts, obstructed congrIgressional a claim thathe he played a key role in thc ddi* case in Geselt's courtrootroom . The tria l will not. [t _ House documents andnd Reagan's personal di* everycv shape and doscriptio!Ition bearing on and presiisidcntial investigations, and;nd p a rtic i- version to thei Contras0 of millions of dollailars bc televised. Camerasas anda recording equip- *ary. ‘ ' PresidentP i Reagan's knowledgedge of N orth's ac- pated in1 ao fraudulent tax scheme,, GiGesell ob- in profits fromh saless£ of U.S. weapons to rrar'an. m enfare prohibited inin federalfc courts. - i- _Reccord Alamkacoh Id easess; y let wporkers b>orrpw flfunds star i inteerest-frcee for 5l-year pcperiod ris movi;ing souithwarc ii; Tlie Associated Prei . t m i m By KEN ARNRMSTRONG Times-Newsvs iw riter Prdbedrdropped - A2 | ANCHORAGE.:. AlaskaA — Tem- peratures fell as< tewbn os 61 degrees H H ALLS - Between 1980 and ' So arc othercr public( officials, past below zero againain Monday but f l city finance department and present, includinginc Tom'Condle, ' 1 an apparently illegal ' Alaska’s record c<&c d d eased in some H ' t w in FAL . who audited the city’s books during j ‘ vhereby employees codd _ '.areas.ava maaso{I o£ frigid air from V the cil ' the period in quiquestion and has sincc j < l or-IOUs to borrow-public— -------------above-thoArcticjGirjCircle-headcdto" ■ maintained — W f - ■ -becoihe-a cityco hout interest, The Times- wardthoLowor^.e^ . ^ t c s . ■ practice whe ^ “We never• fofound any discrepan- earned, Movement &f ^t o huge cold a ir J - - .... — use-checksoi ^ ., cies, and 1 wasrvas never m ade aw are j city employee Elizabeth mass that has mveove^ Alaska for A money withoi E ■ that there was'as such a program of . ,i| id neariy all of thc depart* ....aboii^.iwowe^.|cg.generaUd..high. f l New.shas leai a lOUs implementiented,” Condie said, "I I, ployees ot that lime bor* Wind th at prodiicedced extrem ely low Form or cii f personally can’tm’t imagine that anyone icy, leaving lOUs or post* wind chill factorars ini southern and Walden said i 1 would approveve of auch a program r :ks in one of two available 60u i h - c e ^ Alaakiu k a . ment’s emplc with cily funds,Js, vers. Employees had to And because ?6f^f the wind, the ' rowed monc> "1 would hatplatp to SCO anyone have check or replacc the cash Coast G uard o n ^M oonday i closed the > dated checks the opportunityity toi borrow city funds > I money was lo be deposit* CDRtioent's northeihemmost ice*free cash drawer ' for any reasonson for 'any length of i. y at the end of the month, .port, Valdez ^ r , to oil tonker'^^^B cover thc ch< limo. and that’sIt’s speaking as an audi* . id. S IrafRi: 'said1 ilit maj rem aio^^^r _, before the m ■ i '■ I tor." ds kind of-illcgol to me,” ‘tj' ■"WMarbirtwbdayB.tys. •*’' ...........................j I V ’ vd, usually a TOM COURTNE£Y • Cityofncialsslls said they began hear- 0 Attornoy General Jim The Alaska DiidMi^on of Eme^ ; Walden said. Not an authorized ppolicy ofthe formertper practice last week, .^ocy Services reireported continu* - • --^"U .sounds but they have.'c hotn been aible to con* sinion was seconded by c -:iog problems in nuruial Alaska vrith ■ ■ said Idaho ' current finance departmeniint employ- firm its existencience. ^ such th in g s'as com:ongeal|ng. ftieLoil_ Jones. Is County Prosecutor K, ees,e but all declined commelent. ____“If there wos'as isuch a policy, it ccr* | ' I lerrwhrsald'she'could not ^ and shortages of fuel and food. " That opin Although”Jones Mid hB e 'coiild not taihiy'w ould. notno have boon autho-............I'j p Some villages repoiaportcd power out* Twin Fallsny provision in the Idahq_ reachr a.firm conclusion onm the prac- rizod by the cityrity m anager o r t o City ' [,;| would make such a prac* ti ^ a p s and freezingg w ater and sew er ^ ■ j------------ Ellen'Baxter, lice's legality without be:being fully CouncTl."CourtniIrtney said, “It's certain- | ; flj pipes. : . * think of any briefedb on the facts, he referredre to ly not somethinjhing lhat is allowed or i' lafety Director Tim Qualls A y But the divisiOQon said it knew of , V Code that wo Article 7, Section 10 of the Idaholc Con- tolerated loday,"ay." e, who investigated the s ^ no im m ediate life-t]ie-threatening situ* V , ’ lice legal. stitution. That provision m.makes it a City Attomey*ney Fritz Wonderiich ist week before being or- fi ^ ations. ‘ it ■ Public Safe felony for any public olTicererto derive questioned whetl'hcther such a practice the -case^inter.viewed-two_a S ______.The, Alaslw Nati(atiooal Guard has said police, —a-profit-from-public-fundB,5,-or-to-use—would indeed-be-ibe illegal; --------------------------- ice department employees p ^ ' A been on ^Iwur al(alert to help deal' Wnitt practice last public funds for any purpososc not au- it dependsIs ono what-was being I ' iHing for a bus in Anchoriorage U a chilUng exp«r borated Walden’s account, t] ^ witb the cold. 2ndid 1Lt. Mike H aller dered off the thorized by law. done." he said,d, “W“ hat we’re hearing iloyecs told police that two___ @ " said:£ddmo"scoationta wen.helping Just the.iifl.cold,.but.tho cold.and the:_je:_.Dne"niQming,!L said.-Tam otherfinance ___ Asjivith most-Idgho-felo■Ionics, the is that checkss werew< written and then • r- M chop^ wood n e a r EliElim , where there wind,"’ saidss Bob Hopkins, a meteo*'* Sorvicol owner Arvin Kanjeriencc corrobore finance Jircctors, Bruce pprovision's statute of limitlitations is retrieved. In mmy y opinion th at’s not il- nd Bryce King, authorized threotl years, Jones said, Thj §5 was'a critical fuelfuel -shortage, and r o l o pst t withy the National .Weatherr not: too b ad .' maiia_CSib_ Those emploj 'hat means legal, althoughjh it’sil certainly improp- loaned fiwrto th^ ^ rv icee ini Anchorage, _ ________ ;o and took advantage of it^_nno legal action could'be taliiken if, os cr,"___________ ^ the Guard had loai __ JDuri*’? ^ weekend, 17m gos.-It'B ^ village of Tunt^uliiuliak’in'westem The cdcoldest temperatures in.theB low. temperature .recoil; Williams and5, ‘ aasserted by city officials,, thoI prac- Walden saidlid she told Courtney 3 was finance director titice ended in August 1 ^ , I Alaska, state w(were, recorded in^ interiorr thei state fell, the weathei17 all-Umc _ ‘li' practice t _ nbout thc practicictice when she resigned b Haller said fouru r Alaska Air Na* com munities un and near the Canadi-:• said.; ist 1980 to December 1981, If detected sooner, it mA-ould have in August 1985,85, but1 Courtney denies ^ds“ across"' s succeeded by King, who bbeen up to tho county pros tional Guard C-13G■130 aircraft have an borderder.
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