I Y That's entertainment At hom e at the track The Roaring Karl Kramer Jr. is in his rookie «l Find out what’s happening in ■ •yppt-- if, your area this week season at Wall Stadium MERCHANDISE CLASSIFIED (private party only) 4 Lines • 4 Weeks $20°° ** (each additional line $5.00) some restrictions apply Page 28 Page 32 I 800-660 4ADS Serving Aberdeen, H azlet Holmdel, Keyport, Matawan and M iddletown AUGUST 25, 1999 40 cents VOLUME 29, IMUMB&R 34 Housing proposed near new station Upscale development sionals, said JPI spokesman Jack Englert, who showed slides of fea­ would be in Aberdeen tures such as a clubhouse with an transportation center outdoor pool, a gathering room, and an executive business center with a conference room and com­ BY LINDA D eNICOLA puter with Internet access. The Staff W r ite r clubhouse also would include a fully equipped fitness center and a n keeping with the Aberdeen I surround-sound theater. Township Council’s plan to The proposed developm ent redevelop the area around the would include six, four-story new Aberdeen-M atawan Train buildings, each with 56 apart­ Station, the Planning Board heard m e n ts . an informal presentation last week Approxim ately 35 percent for a four-story, upscale apartment would be one-bedroom apart­ c o m p le x . ments; 55 percent, two bedrooms; The Dallas-based developer, and 10 percent, two bedrooms JPI Lifestyle Communities, con­ plus a study. structs and manages luxury apart­ The rental costs would range ments nationwide. from about $900 a month for a The project, called Jefferson at one-bedroom unit to $1,300 for Aberdeen, would be built on a the two-bedroom with a study. 12.5-acre site in the proposed Englert said the architecture of Commerce and Transportation the buildings would be in keeping Village Center, a 59.5-acre tract with the Victorian elements of the surrounding the new train station, neighborhood and would include which is nearing completion. The gables to break up the roof line. area includes one of the town­ The entrance would be off ship’s largest rem aining vacant lower M ain Street and an access properties, plus 23 privately road would run parallel to the owned lots. A U G U S T O F. M E N E Z E S Garden State Parkway. The apartment project would The Hudson River sloop C le a rw a te r was a picturesque sight on Sandy Hook Bay during the 24th Annual Clearwater Festival Sunday. For more pictures, see page 26. cater to 25- to 35-year-old profes­ Continued on page 27 Mid'town gets $90K for center Playground, picnic and Samuel Thompson (all R-13) The land where the new facil­ announced the state budget grant ity will be located is being area planned at that will help transform the ware­ acquired through the help of Church Street site h o u s e . New Jersey’s Green Acres pro­ K yrillos said, “W e tried to g ra m . BY LINDA D eNICOLA insure that the right thing hap­ The 14-acre tract, which Staff Writer pened to the property. W e are includes the recent purchase of happy that we can play a small the M adsen property, is dedicat­ S tate representatives handed part in this and present a big ed to passive recreation and will a $90,000 check to M id­ c h e c k .” generally rem ain pristine and dletown officials last week The state funding will be uti­ undeveloped, said Mayor that will go toward the creation lized to help the tow nship’s Raymond O ’Grady. of the Village Community Department of Parks and He commended local resi­ Center in the recently acquired Recreation make the center into a dents for their input. “They had a Banfield warehouse building on place where residents can enjoy vision for what they wanted their JACKIE POLLACK Church Street. the recreational facilities and Middletown Mayor Raymond O’Grady and Barbara Valese of Sen. Joseph Kyrillos and Middletown study a map of the area around the planned Village adjoining park, Kyrillos added. Continued on page 27 Assemblymen Joseph Azzolina Community Center. 2 INDEPENDENT, AUGUST 25, 1999 ° pfNlNG SAT I ( j V i'l ^ 1 AUG. 27th r i u 9 A M COMPLETE COLORFUL LINE OF PANSIES SHRUBBERY 5 FOR$10^° OUR BEST FALL /*L CROP EVER!! A \ W LARGE FIELD GROWN LARGE F L O W E R IN G SELECTION OF MUMS CABBAGE & KALE FALL BOWS . _ ALL COLORS a 5 FOR$I 0“ 5 potsf° r^ 1 0 ^ 5 FOOT OPEN 7 DAYS • MON-SAT 9 am-5 pm • SUNDAY 9 am-3 pm SCARECROWS • OPEN LABOR DAY • < / ^ 9 9 FEDERAL ROAD*ROAD. MONROE TOWNSHIP T i l JJ L i A J L i x Q?AC $9 EACH CALL FOR SIMPLE DIRECTIONS............................. t t W * / & V J ALBERTA LARGE BALES SPRUCE OF STRAW 99 FALL TRUCKLOAD SALE! !«ff?53 0 ° ° J l EACH •CEDAR MULCH 3 GAL CONTAINER 2 FOR $7°° • DECORATIVE STONE LARGE BALES •NUGGEIS 4BAQS 50 LB BAGS 1ST QUALITY OF PEAT MOSS •MINI NUGGETS ^ ly 3 CU. FT BAGS • TOP SOIL 2 - $ 1 0 00 • HAND WOOD MULCH <Mnoo • POTTING SOIL + tax • COW MANURE CENTER PIECE •PINE BARK MULCH * U • PEAT HUMUS RED (3 CU. FT. PER BAG) (40 LB BAGS) CEDAR MULCH 3 CU. FT BAGS MUMS + tax Index: JACKIE POLLACK Residents and firefighters packed the Holmdel Township Committee meeting Monday, overflowing into the hallway, to com­ ment on a number o f issues. Plans for the new Keyport borough hall unveiled. Firefighters, committee still at odds Page 22 Fire company refuses to new Centerville Road firehouse. Giamanco said. Pontrelli told the Independent th a t h e “You’re refusing to sign a lease sign lease for new was told if the firefighters did not sign the because we won’t buy a $400 remote door • Classifieds .... .Page 38 Centerville firehouse lease, they “would be kicked out.” opener,” she said. “W e allocated you over • Editorials .... .Page 12 “The township built a building which $50,000 and then another $40,000,” she BY CATHERINE I. AUMACK will cost m ore than $8,000 a year in utility continued, adding, “This is childish.” • Entertainment. .Page 28 Staff Writer costs alone,” he said. “Never mind the In a previous interview, Pontrelli said •L etters............ .Page 12 cost of maintaining the building. that the fire company has been approach­ HOLMDEL — W ith an overflow audi­ “This is a municipal building,” ing the township for “quite a few years” • Marketplace .. .Page 35 ence on hand, the Holmdel Fire Company Pontrelli said. “The m unicipality should regarding the need for additional equip­ • Milestones .... .Page 29 brought its case and its fire trucks to pay the costs involved with operating and ment and services to “adequately provide • Obituaries .... .Page 31 M onday’s Township Committee meeting. m aintaining it. for the protection of our com m unity.” After months of negotiations, township “You can’t expect volunteers to raise “W e’ve been turned away,” he said. • Police Beat .... .Page 30 officials and the fire company have been funds to support a municipal building,” he “The committee tells us that we should • Sports ............ .Page 32 unable to resolve disputes regarding the s a id . raise the money to buy trucks and equip­ financing of fire prevention services in the Pontrelli’s rem arks drew a heated m e n t. c o m m u n ity . response from Committeewoman M o l lie “W e’re volunteers who are giving our Jim Dunne, president of the fire com­ G ia m a n c o . time to attend the training necessary to be Phone num bers: pany, said he felt it was time that the “This committee has done more for the a firefighter and to respond to calls in the Editorial 254-7000 Ext. 8226 issues between the fire company and fire company than any other Township com m unity,” he said. “There’s only so FAX 254-0486 Township Committee be aired publicly. Committee in the past,” she said. “W e are much you can ask of a person. The town­ Fire Chief Ron Pontrelli reported to the being made to look like the bad guys. ship has a legal obligation to provide for Display Advertising 972-6740 com m ittee that the fire company had “If you don’t want to be in that build­ fire services in the community, and they FAX 972-6746 voted last week not to sign a lease for the ing, we will find someone who w ill,” are reneging on their responsibility.” Classified 1-800-660-4ADS Classified FAX 432-0016 Aodience angered over sewer vote Delivery problems? Call circulation at 254-1755 plan grew out of several related actions s io n . before noon on Thursday. Change would permit taken by the committee with regard to the Residents still in attendance when the Tanglewood area. action was taken expressed anger and dis­ sewers in HolmdePs The committee reviewed a cost esti­ belief over the com m ittee’s action. Tanglewood development mate for the installation of sewers in the “I can’t believe they just did that,” said Tanglewood area which was completed by Russell Dronne, a Republican committee Independent BY CATHERINE I. AUMACK Township Engineer Edward Broberg. candidate. “I thought that actions such as Staff Writer M ayor David Chai said the study was this had to be completed only after a pub­ completed at the request of residents of lic hearing.” HOLMDEL — W ithout public notice the area who had petitioned the committee Managing Editor Marilyn Duff Art Davey, Dronne’s running mate or input, the Township Committee voted to complete an analysis of sewer installa­ called the committee action a “kangaroo Sports Coordinator Lindsey Siegle M onday night to change the sewer master tion in their neighborhood.
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