. <■ '4 $ X •J I S' ■ • ' ' ' TUESDAV, JUNE <, 19B# PilGE SIXTEEN jHaitrlieker ^uj^ning l^eralli Average Daily ^et PreM Rail The Weather . r*r the Week KeM Ferteoat af V. g. Waathar Befaeg jiiM s, itsa Mr, and Mrs. James T. Nichols, hilsa Mary Barry. 115 Parker St., Flair aad eaal teulght Law one of the' members b( Senior Girl aU West 'Center St., left to­ S|»raks Tonight Gravell Elected Hrada PrBgraiii About Towii Scout Troop I who Is leaving for -day by auto for St. Louis. Mo< 12,068 arouad St. Tharaday, dry air aad Burope next week, was honored where they will attend the gradu­ ^ TbHeadKofC Announcement Masibwr mt She A M it madaratrly warn. High In a parr Robert BuUer. oon o f ' MrXand with a bon voyage party Saturday- ation of their daughter. Miss Gall ' BECAUSE OF THE BARKING PROBLEkl and 1 Ctrcnlattoi tea. night at her home, given ^y Mrs. Nichols, from Pri(iclpla Upper Mrs. Karl Butler o f Simebury, for- i Joseph J. Grqx^l was named FOR THE CONVENIENCE OF THE PUBLIC Manchetter— A City o f Villago Charm Phelps Rd., Manchester, John O’Neill, 148 N. School St. rSphopl on Saturday, -June 9 ; Council, Knighjta of Columbus, last ' y f u grsdusted with honors Sun­ Guests wkre present fronj Brockton ------ I.Councll, knights of Columbus, la s t, THE OFFICE OF DR. I. GERAh a NOF’F. OPTOMETRIST Mass., Boston. Masp;'Wepiersfield. j ..clarence lve>% vice president of day from Monson Academ y night In elections held at the K of VOL. tX X V , NO. 210 (THIRTY-TWO PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) ' MANCHESTER. CONN^ WEDNESDAY. lUNE 6. 195« (ClaaaUlad AdrartMag ao Poga Sd) PRICE nV E CENTS Monson. Mass. He uill enter the Bridgeport. HartJEotd and Manches-: cofmecticul Bank and Trust Home-on Main, St. He succeeds ; W ILL IE OPEN TUESDAYS tft 8 P.M. ' .IJBtveraity of Connecticut in the ter, A d e lic t ^ buffet luncheon ■ Hartford, will speak on the ^Joseph o, Gervals, who along with} was serVed^-'Mlsa Barry received' INSTEAD OF THURSDAYS faU. I purposes; aims and accomplish­ Edmund A. Hindie, w-aa elected as j many lovely gifts. ments of the Connecticut Develop­ three-year trustee. ^ '■ Members at Anderson Shea Aux- ment Ciedil Corp. at the meeting Eight other poata were fliledrin DR. I. DERSHANOFF, OptoiiNtritl m a ^ Fbet No. a 0 «. VFW, Friday SU Bridgets choir held its of the Klwanls Club Thursday ' last night’a election. The other Vital Parley afternoon visited an assembly of iJ ih ahnvel banquet Saturday, e v e -: ^ at 12;I5 at the Manchester new nfllcera include Stanley 916 MAIN STRKKT—TKL. Ml .MOSO or CH 7.S636 hlngnlng _.at , the VilU'---------- UiWisa. Bolton,-f Adlai Gets 60 over 185 Olrl SeduU and BrowTiies Cdii'Kjry Club. He is a memhei of Chorhan,. deputy grand knight;! and their leaders at the Buckley the rector, the Rev, John J. Del­ the executive committee of the ‘ Francis Mahoney. i chancellor; I for A id School and presented seven Amerl. aney. was one of the guests «nd ; , Started on the wivks or husbands of the.choir i coipoiatlon. j Herbert Carvey. recording aenre- can flsxs to the troops as flart of j tary; Frank PhllopeniiA warden;: .members were also present. After ' their Americanism prop^m. Mehibers of the Girl Scout I and Joseph E. McCarthy, Inside ' \ the meal Ujr group enjoyed singing In California organisation -'planning to attend} I guard. X, Steel Wage X ' and dsnclng. Mrs. Hsrold 'W. Gar- Mrs. Ronald Untard. 35 Hud­ the potluck supper' a t' Camp; Also, Dr. Jeah-Loula Hebert, son St., Is attending l«r 30th class rity. 141 Pitkin St. has been orgsn- ' outside guard; Atty. John J. st snd director of .the choir for M'errle'-Wood at «:30 tonight aiej reunion at Mhry Manse College 1 reminded to bring their own plate, i O'Connor, advocste; and Charles San Francisco, June 6 (/P) New .York, June. 6 (4*)— more then 20 years. In Toledo^-Ohio. cup and cutKry. In case of in- j J, McCartfiy- tressureA — Adlai E. Stevenson swept to "Big Three" st,eel wage n e ^ The olhcerSxW-llI be installed at Mies Joan Ungard. daughter of The- Boston Central Corps Band clement weather, the supper will he , a thunderous California vic­ tiations that could affect the ' held in the parish house, of Si. > a banquet June. 25. The place of Mi^ and Mrs. Ronald Ungard, 35 and Songsters w’ere- w-eekend the affair will be announced later. tory today that all but nation’a economy open here Hudson St., Is home from Boston guests of the local Salvatiop Army. Mary’s Episcopal Church.' „ WED. J. Robert f.'iirlU f ’lnyd Forde knocked Sen. Estes Kefauvep today. College, X where she Is studying Satu-rday evening they gave a fine The Hol.v Family, Mothers <?lr- out of the running for the ReprieaenUtives of the United music. Site was recently elected program in the Citadel. Mayor J. Robert oiirlls, vice chairman Town Schedules Floyd Foide. chairman of the vice preeidwt of the glee club. Harold Turklngton brought greel- l ie will meet at the home of Mrs. Democratic presidential nom­ States. Bethlehem and -Republic Carl Lombardo, 23 Ha^-thoine St., of the Waterbiiry Area Clllsens program committee for the 10th, ination. Steel Corporations meet in the This summer\^e will work in a irfg.s .at the opening of the service Committee for the Hoover Repoi t. Competitive Tests reunion of the cla.ss of 1946, Man­ Ike ■ Avoids' atbek com pany^t Cohasset, Mass. at 8 o'clock tomorrow- n)ght. Hotel Roosevelt to diacuaa the' 22- Saturday : evening and Captain will apeak to the Manufacturers chester High School, to be held Stevenaon took CalKbmia'n S8 point package asked by the United Issue of Gilt Splits L a l h l e w'ho accompanied the Division of the Manchester Cham-' Competitive examinationa for June 16 at the State Armor.v, an­ Democratic convention votes The Professional Women’s Club CulT Scout Pack,'"No. JI2, Wash­ S^lworlcera of America. ^ muslclank was the guest speaker. ber of Commerce and the local Ro- senior cleik-lvpiat and aenlor nounced toda.v that .final arrange- away from Kefauver by whet ep^. ^ e unipif is aiming for a "aub- will hold its annual dinner add The visitors took part in the serv- ington School, ended the season proecl^ed a.land^tde margirt end Support for' last Sundsy with a train.trip to tary Club tonight at the Man- ,.i^,.;j.,t,nographer jobs, with the menta for the program have been atantl^’’ but unspecified wage In- election of officers at Howard llces Sunday, and the brand played completed. forged ao far ahead of hia rival!) Johnson’s Restaurant, Manchester, New York City to attend a Yankee cheater Country Club. He la . Town of Manchester will be held! creaa^,^ 52-week layoff^ pay, Democrats in Hou^ at the memorial service Sunday An enjoyable evening la in alore. that he looked tik8'the man to beat tonight at «:30. ‘ baseball game. Both parents and treasurer of Curtis Products Co.,|gi Manchester High School on premium pay for weekend work, a afternoon In the'East Cemetery. fur those, attending. Class'niem- for hla party’a nomination. He waa Cuba enjoyed a wonderful day. president of the Waterbiiry Cham-j June 8 at 12:30.- i i company-paid insurance program Sen. Wiley! ber of commerce, chairman of the At the same lime, th'e town will bers who dp mJt already have getting 6Z per cent of the Demo- and a full union-shop as its major Wa-shinjEton, June 6 X^P)— President EisepKbwer pleaded to­ A bon voyage d l n ^ was held National Affairs Cooi-Tnltlee, a give promotional examinations for' tickela ahould conjact William $ eratlc vpte in California. items. day for CongrcBs to vote the foreign aidzlioney he askdd. Tha last w-kek at the Vllta Maria Hotel A daughter, Bonnie Marie’ wsas 1.00 Including yeaterday'a California, .Mullen. 99 .Maple St.^.'lnimediatel.v. born on Memorial D »y to Mr. and member oX the Waleibiiiry- holary ! these same Joba for preaent em- Any agreemcpt reached will set \yashingtpn, Jurie 6 (i<P)—. HoqsO' Democratic leadership quickhv^lit on the issue. in South Glaatpnbury in honor of niub and the Conneclicnt Piirchaa-1 ployea ipf the town, Those who cannpt attend ahould Montana and South Dakota a pattern for the' remainder of the President Elsenhower took a Mr. and Mrs. ’Bnrico Reggio, 38 Mrs. Henry Paquete of West Coi n- log Agknta Assn. i "fown employee who take the' retui-Vi reaervalion forms, as pei- prilnariea. Stevenson has 25B<4 steel industry and aer\-e as a Itell- . Ei.aenhower told hi.i new« conD|rince |t would be tragic If w-all, Vt. 'This is the fourth great hands-off attitude todk^ to­ Maple St., who are le a v in g ^ o r I exama will receive ratings en- [ manent files arc being compiled -Democratic convention delegatea whether- for negotiations in other CongreH.s doesn’t support hia foreign aid program. Italy oiv June 28. They received grandi^lld of Mrs. Luna Haling. r titling them to consideration in. by the copinilttee. BEACH BAG and Kefauver • 166. Other candi­ industries. ward the candidaty of Seq. In rapid auccession then dates have 226 total and 370 4 are gifts. and also money. / Mountain Rd., Glastonbury'. Mav Coii.Hlructi«m i the event job openings develop ■ An atgreement resulting in a Wiley (R-W is), who failed to House Speaker Raybitirfi of Texas aaid he would back a rga , I A .'k e 'o (ksiik 1 Within the next six months.
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