Table of Contents STORIES Anderson; Yours Till Forever, David Gifaldi. Stoker Awards W inners......................................... 4 Reviews by Tom Whitmore ................................. 19 ABA Convention ................................................... 4 Tangents, Greg Bear; The Golden Thread, Paramount Bids for Time ...................................... 4 Suzy McKee Chamas; Desperate Measures, Random Buys Century Hutchinson...................... 4 Joe Clifford Faust; Catastrophe's Spell, Mayer THE NEWSPAPER OF THE SCIENCE FICTION FIELD Waldenbooks Goes to Jobbers.............................. 4 Allan Brenner; Yesterday's Pawn, W.T. Quick. ISSN-0049-4959 Satanic Verses Update........................................... 5 Reviews by Dan Chow...........................................21 EDITOR & PUBLISHER Noreascon Hugo Controversy Continues............. 5 To the High Castle Philip K. Dick: A Life 1928- Charles N. Brown Benford's Galactic Odyssey.................................... 6 1962, Gregg Rickman; Orbital Decay, Allen ASSOCIATE EDITOR Duane Impersonator Alert .................................... 6 Steele; On My Way to Paradise, Dave Wolver- Faren C. Miller THE DATA FILE ton. ASSOCIATE MANAGER Court Cases............................................................ 9 Reviews by Edward Bryant..................................... 23 Shelly Rae Clift Publishing News ..................................................... 9 The Book of the Dead, John Skipp & Craig PRODUCTION ASSOCIATE Bookstore News ..................................................... 9 Spector, eds.; Hot Blood, Jeff Gelb & Lonn Pamela F. Troy Magazine News..................................................... 62 Friend, eds.; Women of Darkness, Kathryn Pta- EDITORIAL ASSISTANT Announcements ................................................... 62 cek, ed.; Post Mortem, Paul F. Olson and David Scott Winnett Worldcon News..................................................... 62 B. Silva, eds.; After Sundown, Randall Boyll; CONTRIBUTING EDITORS Book News............................................................ 62 The Drive-In 2 (Not Just One of Them Sequels), Edward Bryant Rights & Options ................................................. 62 Joe R. Lansdale; Blue World, Robert R. Mc- Dan Chow INTERVIEWS Cammon. SHORT TAKES: The Horror in the Richard Curtis Greg Bear: Le Grand Jete ...................................... 6 Museum, H.P. Lovecraft; Pulphouse Issue Carolyn F. Cushman COLUMNS & DEPARTMENTS Three, Spring 1989, Kristine Kathryn Rusch, Karen Haber People & Publishing............................................... 7 ed.; Full Spectrum 2, Lou Aronica, el al , eds. Mark R. Kelly Agent's Corner, Richard Curtis .......................... 11 Distillations: Short Fiction Reviews Fritz Leiber Moons & Stars & Stuff, Fritz Leiber.................. 13 by Mark R. Kelly.............................................27 Frank M. Robinson The Media Scene, Frank M. R obinson............... 31 IASFM 6/89; IASFM 7/89, Playboy 7/89; Analog Tom Whitmore Locus Bulletin B oard........................................... 33 6/89; Analog 7/89; F&SF 7/89; Amazing 9/89; SPECIAL PROJECTS Locus Letters......................................................... 60 Midnight Graffiti Spring/89; Omni 6/89; Omni 7/ William G. Contento Editorial Matters................................................... 60 89; The Sixth Omni Book of Science Fiction, CON REPORTERS LOCUS LOOKS AT BOOKS Ellen Datlow, ed.; The Seventh Omni Book of Beth Gwinn Reviews by Fritz Leiber....................................... 13 Science Fiction, Ellen Datlow, ed.; Pulphouse Jane Jewell Strange Shadows: The Uncollected Fiction and Issue Two Winter 1988, Kristine Kathryn Locus, ISSN-0047-4959, The Newspaper of the Essays of Clark Ashton Smith, Clark Ashton Rusch, ed.; Pulphouse Issue Three, Spring Science Fiction Field, is published monthly by LOCUS Smith. 1989, Kristine Kathryn Rusch, ed.. PUBLICATIONS Editorial address: 34 Ridgewood Reviews by Faren Miller:..................................... 15 CONVENTIONS & CONFERENCES Lane, Oakland, CA 94611; telephone (415) 339-9196. The Stress of Her Regard, Tim Powers; A Hero- Writers of the Future at the United Nations.......34 Please send all mail to Locus Publications, P.O. 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