Worm-eating Warbler M Swainson’s Warbler M Ovenbird M Birds of Louisiana Waterthrush M Northern Waterthrush M Common Yellowthroat M Backyard Birds of Quinta Mazatlan Yellow-breasted Chat M American Redstart M Quinta Mazaltan Tanagers Summer Tanager M ! Western Tanager X As you pass through the gates of Quinta Scarlet Tanager M New World Sparrows Mazatlan, you enter an urban oasis in the Olive Sparrow R heart of McAllen for both man and wildlife. Chipping Sparrow MW Clay-colored Sparrow M Lark Sparrow S Once on the grounds, you’ll be greeted by Savannah Sparrow MW our natives: Plain Chachalaca, White-tipped Lincoln’s Sparrow MW Old World Sparrows Dove, Common Pauraque, Great Kiskadee, House Sparrow RE Couch’s Kingbird, Green Jay, Clay-colored Cardinals & Allies Thrush, Long-billed and Curve-billed Pyrrhuloxia W Northern Cardinal R Thrashers, Olive Sparrow, and more. Rose-breasted Grosbeak M Blue Grosbeak M Another year-round resident is the Buff- 600 Sunset Drive Indigo Bunting MW Painted Bunting M bellied Hummingbird. During migration, our McAllen, TX 78503 Dickcissel M native gardens also attract Ruby-throated, Blackbirds & Orioles Eastern Meadowlark X Black-chinned, and Rufous Hummingbirds. (956) 681-3370 Western Meadowlark XW Red-winged Blackbird MW The birds enjoy selecting just the right nest An urban sanctuary in Great-tailed Grackle R Brown-headed Cowbird S cavity in our old palm trees. Look for Red- McAllen surrounded by Bronzed Cowbird S crowned Parrot, Green Parakeet, Black- Orchard Oriole M tropical landscaping and bellied Whistling-Duck, and Eastern Hooded Oriole S native woodlands attracting Baltimore Oriole M Screech-Owl. Altamira Oriole X many species of birds! Northern Finches & Allies The nature center is an oasis of food, water, Pine Siskin X Your bird observations American Goldfinch W and shelter making it a welcome stopover Lesser Goldfinch R for birds migrating through the Rio Grande are valuable! Please Valley in spring and fall. submit them to Cornell Lab of Ornithology at Quinta Mazatlan is a big backyard for www.eBird.org wildlife. By providing plants, water, and food you can provide important habitat for the birds! For programs and more information, Good Birding! please visit www.quintamazatlan.com Goatsuckers Bank Swallow M Lesser Nighthawk S Cliff Swallow M Legend: ! Common Nighthawk S Northern Rough-winged Swallow M R = Resident M = Migrant Common Pauraque R Barn Swallow M Chuck-will’s-widow M Cave Swallow RS W = Winter S = Summer Swifts Titmice Chimney Swift MS Black-crested Titmouse R E = Exotic or X = Rare Hummingbirds Wrens Introduced Buff-bellied Hummingbird R House Wren MW Ruby-throated Hummingbird M Carolina Wren R Black-chinned Hummingbird S Gnatcatchers Ducks Geese & Swans Rufous Hummingbird MW Blue-gray Gnatcatcher MW Black-bellied Whistling-Duck R Kingfishers Kinglets Upland Game Birds Ringed Kingfisher X Ruby-crowned Kinglet MW Plain Chachalaca R Belted Kingfisher X Thrushes Northern Bobwhite X Green Kingfisher X Wood Thrush M Grebes Woodpeckers Veery M Least Grebe X Golden-fronted Woodpecker R Gray-cheeked Thrush M Pied-billed Grebe X Yellow-bellied Sapsucker MW Swainson’s Thrush M Herons Ladder-backed Woodpecker R Hermit Thrush M Snowy Egret R Caracaras & Falcons Clay-colored Thrush R Little Blue Heron X American Kestrel WX Mockingbird & Thrashers Tricolored Heron X Peregrine Falcon X Gray Catbird MW Cattle Egret X Parakeets & Parrots Northern Mockingbird R Green Heron S Green Parakeet R Brown Thrasher X Yellow-crowned Night Heron SX Red-crowned Parrot R Long-billed Thrasher R Black-crowned Night-Heron SX Lilac-crowned Parrot X Curve-billed Thrasher R New World Vultures Red-lored Parrot XE Waxwings Turkey Vulture R Yellow-headed Parrot RE Cedar Waxwing MW Black Vulture X Tyrant Flycatchers Starlings Hawks, Kites, Eagles & Allies Olive-sided Flycatcher M European Starling RE Osprey X Eastern Wood-Pewee M Wood Warblers Sharp-shinned Hawk MW Acadian Flycatcher M Prothonotary Warbler X Cooper’s Hawk MW Yellow-bellied Flycatcher M Blue-winged Warbler M Harris’ Hawk R Willow Flycatcher M Golden-winged Warbler M Broad-winged Hawk M Least Flycatcher M Tennessee Warbler M Gray Hawk X Eastern Phoebe MW Orange-crowned Warbler MW Swainson’s Hawk MS Vermilion Flycatcher MW Nashville Warbler M Coots Brown-crested Flycatcher S Northern Parula M American Coot WX Great Crested Flycatcher M Tropical Parula S Plovers, Gulls, Terns, Skimmers Couch’s Kingbird S Chestnut-sided-Warbler M Killdeer R Tropical Kingbird R Magnolia Warbler M Laughing Gull X Eastern Kingbird M Yellow-rumped Warbler MW Caspian Tern X Scissor-tailed Flycatcher M Black-and-white Warbler MW Pigeons & Doves Great Kiskadee R Cerulean Warbler X Rock Pigeon RE Shrikes Blackburnian Warbler X Mourning Dove R Loggerhead Shrike X Black-throated Green Warbler M Eurasian Collared-Dove XE Vireos Yellow-throated Warbler M White-winged Dove R White-eyed Vireo R Prairie Warbler X Common Ground-Dove R Yellow-throated Vireo M Bay-breasted Warbler M Inca Dove R Blue-headed Vireo MW Blackpoll Warbler M White-tipped Dove R Red-eyed Vireo M Palm Warbler X Cuckoos, Roadrunners & Anis Philadelphia Vireo M Yellow Warbler M Yellow-billed Cuckoo S Warbling Vireo M Mourning Warbler M Groove-billed Ani S Jays MacGillivray’s Warbler X Owls Green Jay R Kentucky Warbler M Barn Owl X Swallows Canada Warbler M Great Horned Owl X Tree Swallow M Wilson’s Warbler M Eastern Screech-Owl R Purple Martin MS Hooded Warbler M .
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