Xavier University Exhibit All Xavier Student Newspapers Xavier Student Newspapers 1949-09-15 Xavier University Newswire Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio) Follow this and additional works at: https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/student_newspaper Recommended Citation Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio), "Xavier University Newswire" (1949). All Xavier Student Newspapers. 1844. https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/student_newspaper/1844 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Xavier Student Newspapers at Exhibit. It has been accepted for inclusion in All Xavier Student Newspapers by an authorized administrator of Exhibit. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Grid Season Opens Friday With Rosier Htie Than Usual stories Page 4 .Xuttitr lluturraity Ntws . Gi·ay, Page 4 j A. Weekly Newspaper By Students From The Evanston, I I l- . Downtown, And Milford Campuses. F1·. Steine1· Page 3 VOLUME XXXIV CINCINNATI, OHIO, THURSDAY, SEPT. 15, 1949 No. 1 REGISTRATION FIGURES SHOW DROP Eurolbnent Expecte.~1 To Be Two Hunclrecl J_,ess 1 Fr. Steiner Transferred To Detroit; As ~~~v::s~:u?!:~:t~:::stoF:: !!~:! !e;:gistrar .re Tai.re' s Over .Xa.v1·er Post Ray Fellinger estimated this week that enrollment at Xavier Fr. '- University would reach 1,700 students for the Fall semester. Magni This is approximately 200 less than registered at the same Now Heads 3_rd Largest time last year. U. S. Jesuit University Figures from the veterans of- Newsmen To Holcl Meet Participating in the simple fice pointed out one of the biggest ceremony for the second time in reasons for the deficiency. With Friday In Fielclbouse a month, the Very Rev. 'Celestin more than 660 veterans on Irwin A meeting of all students in­ J. Steiner, S.J., became president Beumer's lists he estimated there terestecl in becoming members of the University of Detroit would be 200 less veterans on of the Xavier News has been Thursday, Sept. 8. · campus this year, practically the called for Friday, Sept. 16 fol­ Fr. Steiner replaced the Very same number as that reported by lowing the Mass of the Holy Rev. William J. Millor, S.J., as the registrar. Ghost. head of the third largest Jesuit The same figure cropped up The assembly, which will be university in the country a bare again when Beumer checked on held in the Fieldhouse, will two and one-half weeks after he the number of veteran students be for all former members had. been replaced by the Very lost by graduation and transfers. as well as those who have had Rev. James F. Maguire, S.J. Obviously, noted Beumer, very no previous experience on the In assuming the head of the few of the freshmen are ex- News. Detroit school, Fr. Steiner re- servicemen. The News is open to all stu­ turned to his home town and Four hundred of the fledglings dents at Xavier, whether in the Evanston or downtown 1livi- alma mater. He attended the uni- joined with 1,300 returnees last sions. versity for two years before join- week and the first two days of Those interested in joining ing the Jesuit order. this. week to stand in the lines, the student paper but unable The ceremony of installation fill out the cards and sign their . to attend the Friday meeting which made Fr. Steiner presi- names countless times. To the old dent of the Michigan school was Councilman Gordon Scherer, Fr. Steiner and Fr. Magufre U. to timers it was an oft-repeated are instructed to submit their exactly the same, except for a r.) are seen in friendly conversation at Fr. Steiner's Farewell Re- story, 'but not enjoyed because of name to the editor in his of­ change in principals involved, ception Tues1lay, Sept. 6, in the Armory. -Photo by Keller the experience; the fi;st year men fice, Union Building, third floor. ·with that by which Fr. Steiner N S h } p •d R . looked on the chore as a novelty, relinquished the controls of Xa- .eW C 00 reSI ent eturnS but not a pleasure. vier to Fr. Maguire. With the Mass ' of the Holy M PJ x::1erst:~er t:a~~n:::::i~11 1a!~ To Cincinnati From West Baden ~h:~\~:!s!~r ::i~ta:chr:~~~~~gf:; asquers an week at the reception given in By Tim Dowtl that day. Tryouts For his honor in the Armory Build- Assuming the leaclerspip of Xavier University in its 119th Monday, however, both stu- ing. dents and faculty planned to O'N •11 c d Approximately 1,000 persons year of operatwn IS the Very Rev. James F. Magmre, S.J., settle down to the serious busi- ""' e1 ome y attended the reception to wish who became president on Aug. 21 in the traditional ceremony ness of education as Xavier be- Try-outs for the Masque So­ him well and to hear associates of the order. gan its 119th year of operation. ciety's initial production, Eugene and prominent Cincinnatians Fr. Maguire succeeded the Very Rev. Celestin J. Steiner, O'Neil's "Ah Wilderness," will be praise and review his contribu­ tions to the religious, academic S.J., h.ead of the school for the on Aug. 26, 1940. On that day, Two Departn1ents held in South Hall, Sunday after­ and civic advancement of Xavier past nme years. Fr. Maguire succeeded Fr. Steiner, noon at 2: 00 p. m., according to Victor L. Dial, director. and the entire community. Witkh~udt ptrior ~nntolulntc.ementt okf this time as president of St. Xa- Expand; Now Ahle · 'd d b t any m he ms a a ion oo vier high school. Less than an The play, one of three that Dial Fr. Stemer sa1 goo - ye o · · To ·Off er Minors · every one personally in the re- P 1ace at. 5:3d~ ?.m. m t 1.1e HJ.eslul1t hour after that Fr. Steiner took hopes to present this year, is (Cont' d p g B) commumty mmg room m m ~ e over the University. The extension· of facilities in tentatively scheduled for the last mue on a e Hall. In accordance with the 400- Fr. Maguire came to Cincinnati the psychology and speech arts week in October. It is a comedy, year-old custom of the order only and Xavier following a tenure as departments will offer students depicting the great American Gracluate Division the two principals and their im- rector of West Baden College, the opportunity to fulfill the spirit at the turn of the last cen­ mediate superiors knew of the West Baden, Ind. scholastic requirements for a min­ tury. Begins Registering administrative change. He is no stranger to Cincinnati. or in that field of study. Dial stated that readings are The event was a repetition of In addition to his term as presi­ Dr. Ignatius A. Hamel, profes­ open to all students of both the Stuclents Saiurday another ceremony in the lives of dent of St. X high he taught at sor of education, has been named Day and Evening Divisions. He Registration ·for the graduate these two men which took place (Continued on Page 8) acting chairman of the new psy­ urged that all those interested at­ school will take place Saturday, chology department and will be tend the first reading as he must September 17 with classes begin­ assisted by Glenn A. LaGrange. cast the show the first week in ning Monday, September 19, ac­ The scheduling of additional order to allow sufficient rehearsal cording to Dr. Raymond McCoy, psychology classes is the first step time. head of the Graduate Division. in a plan to ultimately offer grad­ Lou Bunning, president of the Early registration, however, can OFFICIAL BULLETIN uate studies in that field. In ad­ group, announced that a business be accomplished by appointment. dition to the classes a laboratory meeting will precede the try­ Classes will be offered on a for experimentation in psycholog­ outs. "round the clock" basis, on the ical . problems has been installed. Evanston Campus for the con­ Those students whose major venience of the teachers in serv­ It is good to be back in Cincinnati, amt I am especially happy field is English will be able to Mass Of Tire Holy Ghost ice. The late-hour classes, initi­ to be at Xavier University. Coming horn~ to Xavier with its minor in speech arts. Victoi: L. The first convocation of the ated last year, have proved suc­ proud record of accomplishments_ in so many fields these past Dial, head of the speech depart­ school year will be held Fri­ cessful and will be continued with years, is truly my good fortune. To hold the gains that have been ment, will conduct several classes day, Sept. 16, at 9 a.m. in the three courses offered on Tuesday effected is itself a challenge, but with your loyal support, and in expression and dramatics. with your prayers, Xavier University will go ever forward. Fieldhouse. evenings at 7: 30. 'l'he Very Rev. .James F. Saturday morning classes and As my predecessor, so am I ready to serve any of the Xavier X Student At ASN Meet Maguire, S.J., new president of, afternoon sessions from 4: 30 to Family who stand in need of whatever I can offer: my door lateh Paul P. Theimann, Jr., liberal Xavier, will celebrate the Mass 6: 00 p. m. complete the offerings. is out. While it will take a little time for us all to get acquainted, arts senior, i·epresented Xavier of the Holy Ghost in honor of Enrollment for the fall term is I know that I ean count on the wholehearted devotion of stu- at the biannual convention of the the new school year.
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