Glover Park MARCH 2015 The Monthly Newsletter of the Glover Park Citizens' Association Metro Considers Cuts to Glover Park Bus Service Randy Rieland The Georgetown Metropolitan The hile walking the dog one absurdly cold morning last week, I passed Wa group of people huddled inside the bus shelter near the corner of Benton and Tunlaw. Judging from the looks on their faces, they’d been waiting a while. Any sound would send their eyes westward, in search of a bus coming over the hill. But no. No D1. No D2. Glover Park is a neighborhood fortunate Wilson High School, and the Tenleytown lap or a ride on the roof of the bus.” enough to have a bus line cut right through Metro stop. Bob Cardina, who lives on 40th Street its heart. But with that fortune comes frustra- The Glover Park Citizens’ Association and rides the bus most days, says the same is tion—at drivers who don’t follow the schedule (GPCA) is expected to pass a similar resolu- true on the commute home. “Between 5 and or blow by clusters of commuters without tion at its March meeting. “The GPCA has 6, the buses are so packed. Most of the time, stopping, at buses so crowded sardines would long believed that Glover Park residents are they’re totally full. That’s why they shouldn’t complain, and at suggestions that the com- grossly underserved by Metro and additional b e c ut .” munity could make do with fewer bus runs. cuts are totally off the table,” said the orga- Cardina said that while “80 percent of So when word got out last month that nization’s president, Sheila Meehan. “What the time the buses are reliable and enjoy- the Washington Metropolitan Area Tran- needs to be discussed is how Metro effectively able and the drivers are pleasant,” he gets sit Authority (WMATA) was considering reconnects this neighborhood with its rail frustrated by what he refers to as “stack- a cutback in D2 service, it spread quickly. lines and expands its routes to connect Glover ing”—when buses get off schedule and arrive The proposal was deep inside a WMATA Park with the newly dynamic commercial in a mini-convoy. Others have complained budget document outlining what the transit areas east of Dupont Circle.” And Ward 3 about drivers skipping stops. “When an authority might do—in addition to a 10 cents Councilmember Mary Cheh issued the fol- empty D2 bus finally arrived,” wrote Heather fare increase—if it did not receive another lowing statement: “My office is watching this Marrinson, “it skipped two stops (at 40th and $140 million in subsidies from local jurisdic- issue and will oppose reductions in service, Calvert and 41st and Calvert) despite a large tions. In a long list of potential bus route especially because our residents depend so crowd of 15 to 20 people who had been wait- changes was this notation about the D2 line: heavily on bus service.” ing over 30 minutes in the cold. The driver “Reduce Saturday, Sunday and weekday peak WMATA’s finance committee postponed stopped at the next stop, and clearly saw a and midday frequency.” a vote on the proposed fare hike and service hoard of people running to catch it since he That prompted a quick response from cuts, but was expected to make its recom- had skipped us, but he continued on without the Glover Park/Cathedral Heights Advi- mendations to the transit agency’s full board acknowledgement.” sory Neighborhood Commission (ANC) 3B, after this issue went to press. Public hearings Regular bus rider Aviva Downing, how- which unanimously passed a resolution at will then be scheduled. ever, says she’s rarely experienced problems its February meeting stating that it “strongly Some Glover Parkers, however, are with drivers. “Most of the bus drivers are opposes any further cutbacks” to bus service already making their feelings known. Wrote lovely, kind, and considerate. In fact, when I on the D lines or the N lines on Massachu- 39th Place resident David King on the neigh- first moved to this neighborhood, I left my setts Avenue. It pointed out that just last borhood’s listserv: “I ride the D1 and D2 on iPhone on this bus and the driver brought it year, WMATA reduced service on the 30- occasion. It is insanity to cut any peak service back to me the next day.” line buses on Wisconsin Avenue and that on either route. Both are full to the gills by But if you do have a complaint about bus in 2011 it eliminated the N-8 line con- the time they exit Glover Park during the service or driver behavior, you can submit it necting sections of Glover Park far from morning rush, Burleith riders are usually left at: www.wmata.com/about_metro/contact_ Wisconsin to American University, with a choice between sitting on someone’s us/ridercomment.cfm. 2 Join In • Make a Difference Glover Park Participate • Get Involved • Engage Glover Park Citizens' Association (GPCA) President Sheila Meehan ([email protected]) Contents 1st Vice President Melissa Lane ([email protected]) 2nd Vice President Allen Tomlinson ([email protected]) Cuts to GP Bus Service ................ 1 Treasurer Cheri Meyer ([email protected]) Secretary Jarrett Ferrier ([email protected]) President's Report ...................... 3 Sergeant at Arms Jack Everett ([email protected]) GPCA February Minutes .............. 3 Federation Reps Patricia Clark, Frank Martorana, and ANC 3B Update .......................... 4 Karen Sprecher-Keating ([email protected]) Membership Director Allen Tomlinson ([email protected]) On the Avenue ............................ 5 Glover Park Day Amanda Gant and Cheri Meyer The Big Chili ................................ 5 ([email protected] or [email protected]) Business Community Liaison Paul Holder ([email protected]) Bamboo Poem ............................ 5 Stoddert Liaison Lisa McCluskey ([email protected]) Library Happenings ..................... 6 Gazette Staff Editor Cheri Meyer ([email protected]) Farewell to a Friend .................... 6 Design and Production Nora Korc ([email protected]) Glover Park Village ...................... 7 Contacts Babes in the Nabe ...................... 7 Advertising [email protected] Editorial [email protected] Commercial Strip Confidential .... 8 Delivery Dick & Elaine Sullivan ([email protected]) Tax Help ...................................... 8 The Gazette is distributed throughout Glover Park by volunteers. If you do not receive the Glover Park History ..................... 9 Gazette and/or would like to volunteer, contact Elaine Sullivan at [email protected]. Responsible letters to the editor will be published as space allows. Guy Mason Spring Classes ........ 10 What’s new in Glover Park? Check us out on both Facebook and Twitter! Science Fair ............................... 10 Call us at: 202-379-4824. Parenting in the Park................. 11 Visit www.gpcadc.org to keep up with community news! If you love living in Glover Park, get involved! Join the Glover Park Citizens' Association today! Generously support the group that takes care of your neighborhood. Preserve the family-friendly quality of our community. Communicate your ideas to improve your neighborhood. Act locally to get things done. Annual Membership fees Single $20 Double $35 Name(s) Senior $15 Business/corporation (no vote) $75 Address Donation $____ Return form and fee to GPCA, P.O. Box 32268, Washington, DC 20007 Make check payable to GPCA. Email Glover Park Gazette 3 President’s Report Say No to More Cuts in Glover Park Bus Service Sheila Meehan t may just be an opening move in the routes that connect the neighborhood with a complex process of fashioning a viable larger part of the city and a snow route that Glover Park Citizens' Association 2016 budget for the Metro system, but the works and is complemented with high priority I Tuesday, March 3 • 7:00 p.m. proposed cuts in D1-D2 bus service under- salting and plowing on the emergency route GP Community Center at Stoddert score a longer-term trend and a disturbing (including Benton, 39th, Davis, Tunlaw/37th, disinterest in and disrespect for Glover Park’s and Whitehaven). Police Report transportation needs. Resolution Opposing Proposed Cuts Glover Park is a compact, high-density Clean Up in Bus Service neighborhood with a mix of students, families, Hard to imagine spring flowers right now with Spring Clean Up young and middle-aged professionals, and DC in a deep freeze, but nicer weather will Glover Park Community Fund seniors. An ideal spot, in other words, for con- eventually be here and we’ll notice the clumps Pocket Park Locations venient public transportation. Unfortunately, of dead leaves and the residue of winter. The Election Committee Glover Park has seen its options steadily GPCA would like to resurrect a tradition that Membership trimmed or eliminated in recent years. many of our adjoining neighborhood already Treasurer’s Report What gives? Are we simply too small? have in place: an organized spring clean up to Secretary’s Report Do we not complain loudly and long enough spruce up our yards and tree boxes. New Business when we are presented with cuts? Have we At the March meeting, we will discuss simply been too willing to accept repeated re- selecting a date and how best to encourage Check www.gpcadc.org and the ductions in service and no service at all when neighbors and neighborhood organizations Glover Park list serv for updates. we have an inch or two of snow? to pull out their garden gloves and rakes and We hope you will join us on March 3 for showcase our tulips, azaleas, and dogwoods. the adoption of a resolution opposing any fur- would be able to accept tax-deductible ther cuts in bus service and a discussion about Community Fund donations. The question that remains is how what needs to be done to improve Glover We have passed a resolution putting aside best to obtain 501(c)( 3) status.
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