Posttidning B Swedish Dental Journal Scientific Journal of The Swedish Dental Association No. 3/14 Vol.38 Pages 101–160 contents The fit of crowns produced using digi- tal impression systems Vennerström, Fakhary, Vult von Steyern 101 Implementation of laser technology and treatment at county level in the Swedish Public Dental Service Bergholm, Östberg, Gabre 111 Orthodontic treatment by general practitioners in consultation with orthodontists – a survey of appliances recommended by Swedish orthodont- ists Petrén, Bjerklin, Ecorcheville, Hedrén 121 Outcome of orthodontic care and residual treatment need in Swedish 19-year-olds Göranson, Lundström, Bågesund 133 Anamnestic findings from patients The fit of crowns produced using digital impression systems with recurrent aphthous stomatitis page 101 Bratel, Hakeberg 143 Adverse events in Public Dental Service in a Swedish county – a survey of reported cases over two years Jonsson, Gabre 151 Swedish Dental Journal Swedish Dental Journal is the scientific journal of The Swedish Dental Association and of The Swedish Dental Society 2 swedish dental journal vol. 25 issue 1 2001 swedish dental journal vol. 25 issue 1 2001 3 Omslag nr 3 2014.indd 2-3 2014-10-07 09:49 supplements to swedish dental journal Swedish 216. Molar Incisor Hypomineralization. Morphological and chemical Dental Journal aspects, onset and possible etiological factors Scientific journal Tobias Fagrell (2011) 400 SEK of the Swedish Dental Association and the Swedish Dental Society Instructions to authors 217. Bonding of porcelain to titanium- clinical and technical possibilities issn: 0347-9994 Introduction References Per Haag (2011) 400 SEK Swedish Dental Journal, the scientific In the reference list the references should Editor-in-chief journal of The Swedish Dental Associa- be arranged in alphabetical order and 218. Factors Shaping Demand for Prosthetic Dentistry Professor Göran Koch, Jönköping tion and the Swedish Dental Society, is pu- numbered consecutively by Arabic Treatment with Special Focus on Implant Dentistry Associate Editors blished 4 times a year to promote practice, numerals. 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Omslag nr 3 2014.indd 4-5 2014-10-07 09:49 swed dent j 2014; 38: 101–110 vennerström, fakhary, vult von steyern The fit of crowns produced using digital impression systems Micael Vennerström1, Mobin Fakhary1, Per Vult von Steyern2 Abstract Compare the marginal and internal fit of crowns manufactured using four different digital impression systems with crowns manufactured using conventional impression technique, that served as a control group. Fifty all-ceramic crowns were fabricated using 50 standardized dies divided into five groups, each group representing one impression system. Each crown was cemented onto its respective model and sectioned into four segments. The marginal and internal fit were measured at 8 predefined points. A total of 1567 measurements were made, statis- tically analyzed and compared with crowns fabricated using the five systems. The following was found: (1) No significant difference was found with regard to mar- ginal gap when comparing the control group to any of the digital systems. (2) Lava™ had smaller marginal gaps than CEREC® and iTero®, (3) CEREC and Lava had smaller gaps in the chamfer compared to iTero and the control, (4) E4D® showed smaller gaps than CE- REC at measuring points 4-8 and CEREC a smaller gap at point 2, (5) Lava showed smaller
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