Management Effectiveness, Governance, and Social Assessments of Protected and Conserved Areas in Eastern and Southern Africa A rapid inventory and analysis to support the BIOPAMA programme and partners August, 2019 The designation of geographical entities in this book, and the presentation of the material, do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of IUCN concerning the legal status of any country, territory, or area, or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. This publication has been produced with support of the 11th EDF and does not necessarily reflect the views of European Union nor of the ACP Group of States. The views expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect those of IUCN. Published by:BIOPAMA Programme, IUCN ESARO Copyright: © 2019 International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources Reproduction of this publication for educational or other non-commercial purposes is authorised without prior written permission from the copyright holder provided the source is fully acknowledged. Reproduction of this publication for resale or other commercial purposes is prohibited without prior written permission of the copyright holder. Citation: Campese, J. & Sulle, E. (2019). Management Effectiveness, Governance, and Social Assessments of Protected and Conserved Areas in Eastern and Southern Africa: A rapid inventory and analysis to support the BIOPAMA programme and partners. BIOPAMA, IUCN ESARO. Layout by PENROSE CDB Photos: Christine Mentzel, free domain Donors & Implementing Partners Management Effectiveness, Governance, and Social Assessments of Protected and Conserved Areas in Eastern and Southern Africa 2 Contents Contributions and Acknowledgements 6 Acronyms and Abbreviations 8 Glossary of Key Terms and Concepts 12 Executive Summary 18 1 Introduction and Background 23 2 Report Scope and Method 29 3 Scope and Focus of Assessments 32 Assessing Management Effectiveness 32 Assessing Governance 33 Assessing Social Impacts 34 Linkages and Distinctions between Assessment Types 35 Other Relevant Methodologies and Resources 37 Limitations and Challenges of Assessments 38 4 Scope and Distribution of Assessment Use 41 Overall Trends 41 Management Effectiveness Assessments 43 Governance Assessments 47 Social Assessments 50 Assessments with Combined/ Integrated Focus 52 Summary and Analysis 53 5 Reflections and Lessons from Assessments 57 Assessment Objectives and Motivations 58 Reflections on Who Convenes and Participates in Assessments 61 Resource Requirements for Assessment 63 Public Availability of Assessment Information 65 Best Practice Considerations 66 Questions and Considerations Going Forward 73 6 Conclusions and Considerations 76 References 82 Annex 1: Additional Information on Methods and Sources 96 Annex 1A: Individuals who shared information for report 96 Annex 1B: Survey Content and Questions 98 Annex 2: Summary of Inventoried Assessments and Other Resources 106 Annex 2A: InventoriedManagement AssessmentsEffectiveness, Governance, and Other and Resources Social Assessments by Country of Protected and Conserved Areas106 in Eastern and Southern Africa 3 Annex 2B: Assessments by Location, Year 60 113 Annex 3: Summary of Methodologies and Tools 152 Annex 3A: Management Effectiveness 152 Annex 3B: Governance Assessment 164 Annex 3C: Social Assessment 171 Annex 3D: Combined Assessment 173 Annex 4: Academic Studies and Other Resources in Inventory 176 Management Effectiveness, Governance, and Social Assessments of Protected and Conserved Areas in Eastern and Southern Africa 4 Contributions and support. Critical contributions were also made Acknowledgements by all those who participated in interviews, completed the survey conducted in support of this report, or provided information via email, This report was commissioned by the including1: Bastian Bertzky, John Bett, Nandipha International Union for Conservation of Bhengu, Dominique Bikaba, Francesca Booker, Nature’s (IUCN’s) Eastern and Southern Africa Neil Burgess, Neil Dawson, Marine Deguignet, Regional Office (ESARO) as a contribution to the Motuma Didita, Zakhe Dlamini, Nigel Dudely, Biodiversity and Protected Areas Management Zakaria Faustin, Phil Franks, Sandile Gumedze, (BIOPAMA) Programme. It is part of BIOPAMA’s Nancy Ingutia, Davis Kalima, Victor Kawange, broader efforts to assist African, Caribbean, Jennifer Kelleher, Nzigiyimpa Léonidas, and Pacific countries to address their priorities Mzokhona Mabaso, Franklin Masika, Thulani for improved management and governance of Methula, Peter John Mills, Barbara Nakagu, biodiversity and natural resources, including Emmanuel Nuesiri, Ramanantsoa Seheno, Kate by providing and assessing supportive tools. Shreckenberg, Rob Small, Jessica Stewart, Sue BIOPAMA is an initiative of the ACP Group of Stolton, Arthur Tuda, and Gretchen Walters. States financed by the European Union’s 11th (Please see Annex 1 for further details). European Development Fund (EDF), jointly implemented by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission (JRC). It supports protected area actors at all levels, including through the provision of tools, services, and capacity development, as well as opportunities for funding for site-level activities. It operates across 79 countries, which host 9,000 protected areas across diverse ecological, social and cultural landscapes (adapted from BIOPAMA website). The report was prepared by Jessica Campese and Emmanuel Sulle. We are deeply grateful to the many people who shared their guidance, insights, and expertise, all of which were critical contributions. Sue Snyman (BIOPAMA Coordinator, IUCN ESARO), Bastian Bertzky (BIOPAMA Point of Contact for Southern Africa, JRC), and Leo Niskanen (IUCN ESARO Conservation Areas and Species Programme Regional Technical Coordinator) provided supervision, guidance and direct technical 1 This is a partial list of individuals who contributed via survey response, interview, or email communication, comprised of those who consented to be acknowledged, listed in alphabetical order by family name. Management Effectiveness, Governance, and Social Assessments of Protected and Conserved Areas in Eastern and Southern Africa 6 Acronyms and Abbreviations BIOPAMA Biodiversity and Protected Areas Management Programme BCP Biocultural Community Protocol BirdLife IBA Monitoring BirdLife Important Bird Area Monitoring BNS Basic Necessities Survey CA Conserved Area CBD Convention on Biological Diversity CEESP IUCN Commission on Environmental, Economic and Social Policy EoH Enhancing our Heritage Toolkit ESARO Eastern and Southern Africa Regional Office (of IUCN) FFI Fauna & Flora International FSC Forest Stewardship Council GAPA Governance Assessment for Protected and Conserved Areas GD-PAME Global Database on Protected Area Management Effectiveness ICCA Abbreviation for “territories and areas conserved by Indigenous peoples and local communities” or “territories of life”2 ICCA SSP ICCA Self-Strengthening Process IEG Independent Evaluation Group (World Bank) Assessment IIED International Institute for Environment and Development IMET Integrated Management Effectiveness Tool IUCN International Union for Conservation of Nature 2 As summarised in (CBD/SBSTTA/22/INF/8 fn.23)“The term ‘community conserved area’ (CCA) was first used before the World Parks Congress … Subsequently, this term was expanded to refer more specifically to ‘indigenous and community conserved areas’ (ICCA). Today, these phenomena are more broadly referred to as ‘territories and areas conserved by indigenous peoples and local communities’ or ‘territories of life’, though ‘ICCA’ continues to be used as a general abbreviation”. Management Effectiveness, Governance, and Social Assessments of Protected and Conserved Areas in Eastern and Southern Africa 8 KII Key Informant Interview LMMA Locally Managed Marine Area METT Management Effectiveness Tracking Tool MJUMITA Community Forest Conservation Network of Tanzania (Mtandao wa Jamii wa Usimamizi wa Misitu Tanzania) MPA Marine Protected Area NGO Non-governmental Organisation NRGF (IUCN) Natural Resource Governance Framework OECM Other effective area-based conservation measure PA Protected Area PA-BAT Protected Area Benefits Assessment Tool PAME Protected Area Management Effectiveness PAMETT METT adaptation for Madagascar PEV Participatory Economic Valuation RAPPAM Rapid Assessment and Prioritisation of Protected Area Management RFGI Responsive Forest Governance Initiative RSIA Rapid Social Impact Assessment SAGE Site-Assessment of Governance and Equity (provisional name) SAPA Social Assessment of Protected and Conserved Areas SAPM Management Effectiveness Assessment for Madagascar’s Protected Areas System SGBD/SMART SMART variation specific to Madagascar SMART Spatial Monitoring and Reporting Tool SR Survey Response Management Effectiveness, Governance, and Social Assessments of Protected and Conserved Areas in Eastern and Southern Africa 9 SWIFT Methodology for High-Frequency Forest-Poverty data collection TAI The Access Initiative UNEP United Nations Environment Programme WCMC World Conservation Monitoring Centre WCPA IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas WDPA World Database on Protected Areas West Indian Ocean MPA West Indian Ocean Marine Protected Area Assessment WH Outlook Report World Heritage Outlook Report WHS World Heritage Site Management Effectiveness, Governance, and Social Assessments of Protected and Conserved
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