1784 CO .GRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE Feb1·ua'Y'Y ;~, 197G HOUSE OF REPRESENT~t\TIVES-· Monday, February 2, 1976 The House met at 12 o'clock noon. The message also announced that the H.R. 8628 The Chaplain, Rev. Edward G. Latch, Senate had passed concurrent resolutions Be ·it enacted by the Senate ancl House D .D., offered the following prayer: of the following titles, in which the con­ of Representatives of the United States of currence of the House is reque ted: America in Cong1·ess assembled, That sec­ Let the words o.t my mouth and the tion 3 of the Act of August 20, 1912, chap­ meditation of my hea1·t, be acceptable in S. Con. Res. 84. Concurrent resolution au­ ter 309 (37 Stat. 319, 320), is amended to Thy sight, 0 Lord, my strength and my tborizi.ng the printing of the report of the proceedings of the 47th biennial meeting of read as follows: "That in compliance with redeemer.-Psalms 19: 14. the Convention of Alnerican Instructors of said conditions the principal of the sum w Eternal Father, from whom all bless­ the Deaf as a Senate document. received and paid into the Treasury of t11.e ings :flow, make us conscious of Thy United States shall be credited on the books S. Con. Res. 88. Concurrent rPsolution au­ of the Treasury Department as a perpetual prese:tlce as we lift our hearts unto Thee thorizing the printing of additional copies of trust fund; and the sum of two thousand in prayer. Prosper us in our noble en­ tlle open hearings and the final report of the dollars, being equivalent to 10 per centum deavors, sustain us in our times of trou­ Senate Select Committee on Intelligence Ac­ tivities; and on the principal of said trust fund, be, and ble. And keep us humble in periods of the same is hereby, appropriated, out of any happiness and success. S. Con. Res. 90. Concurrent resolution t.o in ap­ provide for a Committee on Inaugural .'\.r­ moneys the Treasury not otherwise VIle pray for those who guide our Na­ rangelne!1.ts. propriated, a.nd sncl• appropriation shall be tion. And in s-o doing contribute to peace deemed a permanent annual appropriation and justice within our borders and and sl1.all be expended in the manner and beyond. f0r the purposes herein authorized and as CONSENT CALENDAR provided in the said bequest: Provided, how­ Enlighten with Thy wisdom and The SPEAKER. This is Consent Cal­ ever, That the United States of America shall strengthen with Thy power our Presi­ pay interest on said principal only at an dent, our Speaker, Members of Congress endar day. The Clerk will call the first bill on the Consent Calendar. annual rate which is the higher of the rate and all who work on Capitol Hill and of 4 per centum per annum or a rate which throughout our land, that they may is 0.25 percentage points less than a rate guard our rights, keep us free, and make PROVIDING FOR ADJUSTING determined by the Secretary of the Treasury, us good. taking into consideration the <'urrent average AMOUNT OF INTEREST PAID ON market yield on outstanding marketable ob­ Grant that our faith in Thee and in FUNDS DEPOSITED WITH TREAS­ ligations of the United States with remain­ America may be strong enough to exalt URY OF THE UNITED STATES BY ing periods to maturity comparable to the our Nation in righteousness and good LIDRARY OF CONGR.ESS TRUST average maturities of such investments, ad­ will. FUND BOARD justed to the nearest one-eighth of 1 per In Thy holy name we pray. Amen. centum: Pro11ided further, however, That The Clerk called the bill (H.R. 8627) such rate shall not exceed 10 per centum per to provide for adjusting the amount of annum.". THE JOURNAL interest paid on funds deposited with the The bill was ordered to be engrossed The SPEAKER. The Chair has exam­ Treasury of the United States by the and read a third time, was read the third ined the Journal of the last day's pro­ Library of Congress Trust Fund Board. time, and pa sed, ar_d a motion to recon­ ceedings and announces to the House his There being no objection. the Clerk sider was laid on the table. approval thereof. read the bill as follows: The SPEAKER. This concludes the call Without objection, the Journal sbmds H.R.8627 of the eligible bills on the Consent approved. Be it enacted by the Senate and House Calendar. There was no objection. of Rep1·esentatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That sec- tion 2 of the Act of March s, 1925, chapter PUNXSUTAWNEY PHIL PREDICTS MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT 423, as renumbered by the Act of April 13, (Mr. MURTHA asked and was given 1936, chapter 213 (2 u.s.c. 158) • is amended permission to address the House for 1 A message in writing from the Presi­ by striking out "the rate of 4 per centum per minute and to revise and extend hi dent of the United States was communi­ annum," and inserting in place thereof "a cated to the House by Mr. Heiting, one rate which is the higher of the rate of 4 remarks.) of his secretaries. per centum per annum or a rate which is 0.25 Mr. MURTHA. Mr. Speaker, there may percentage points less than a rate deter- be over 2 million gi'OUndhogs in the mined by the Secretary of the Treasury, tak- United States, but there is one that is ing into consideration the current average more important than all the other.­ MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE market yield on outstanding marketable ob- Punxsutawney Phil. A message from the Senate by Mr. ligations of the United States with remaining Punxsutawney Phil-who happens to periods to maturity comparable to the aver- Sparrow, one of its clerks, announced age maturities of such investments, adjust- be a constituent of mine-is the premier that the Senate had passed without ed to the nearest one-eighth of 1 per · groundhog who each February 2 has his amendment a concurrent resolution of centum". special day. Emerging from his home in the House of the following title: Jefferson County, Phil either sees his H. Con. Res. 535. Concurrent resolution The bill was ordered to be engrossed and read a third time, was read the third shadow-insuring . 6 more weeks of directing the Clerk of the House of Repre­ winter-or fails to cast his shadow­ sentatives to make a correction in the enroll­ time, and passed, and a motion to re­ ment of H.R. 5247. consider was laid on the table. meaning an early spring thaw. When people ask me· about his accuracy, I tell The message also announced that the them that in predicting the weather, Phil Senate had passed with an amendment is every bit as good as the Government's PROvroiNG FOR ADJUSTING in which the concurrence of the House economists are at predicting our eco­ is l'equested, a bill of the House of the AMOUNT OF INTEREST PAID ON nomic future. following title: FUNDS DEPOSITED WITH TREAS­ URY OF THE UNITED STATES PUR­ I am proud to report to the Members H.R. 5608. An act to extend until the close SUANT TO AN ACT OF AUGUST 20, on the results of this morning's excur.. jon of 1983 the pe1·iod in which a.ppropl'iations to Phil's home on Gobbler's Knob. Phil ro·e authorized to be appropriated for the ac­ 1912, TITLED "AN ACT TO ACCEPT saw his shadow in the early morning quisition of wetlands, to increase the ma.x­ AND FUND THE BEQUEST OF GER­ sunlight, so we can look forward to 6 im.um amount of such authorization, and for TRUDE M. HUBBARD" other p'lU'poses. more weeks of winter. The Clerk called the bill 'H.R. 8628) In celebration of Groundhog Day I The message also announced that ·the to provide for adjusting the amount of hope you will all go home this evening Senate agrees to the amendment of the interest paid on funds deposited with and toast Phil with a cup of Punxsu­ House to the amendment of the Senate the Treasury of the United States pur­ tawney Punch. The :-eceipt calls for 1 to a concurrent resolution of the House suant to an act of August 20, 1912, titled gallon of fresh cider, 1 pint of applejack, of the following title: "An Act to accept and fund the bequest and thin slices of red apple. H. Con. Res. 533. Concurrent resolution of Gertrude M. Hubbard" (37 Stat. 319). on behalf of the Punxsutawney rei­ directing the Secretary of the Senate to make There being no objection, the Clerk dents and Phil, I wish the House a happy corrections in the enrollment of s. 2718. read the bill as follows: Groundhog Day. Februa1y 2, 1976 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE 1785 APPOINTMENT OF CONFEREES ON who do support reestablishment of an TENTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE H.R. 7988, NATIONAL BIOMEDI­ FEC would burden such a bill with addi­ DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND CAL, HEART, BLOOD VESSEL, tional features such as congressional URBAN DEVELOPMENT- MES­ LUNG, BLOOD, AND RESEARCH public financing, post card registration, SAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT OF TRAINING ACT OF 1975 a.nd so forth, which might attract a veto. THE UNITED STATES (H. DOC. NO. 94-346) Mr. STAGGERS. Mr. Speaker, I ask Therefore, it will take extraordinary unanimous consent to take from the leadership in this Congress to see that a The SPEAKER laid before the House Speaker's table the bill <H.R.
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