"I I ' • 38 .. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. DECEl\IBER 14, ceiver of public moneys at Minot, N.Dak., vice Dean W. Ham­ He also laid before the Senate a communication from the Secre­ mond,· declined. tary of the Interioritransmitting, in accordance with law, two William H. Hare, of Ellensburg, Wash., who was commissioned copies of the genera statutes of the Territory of Oklahoma, com­ June 23, 1891, during the recess of the Senate, to be receiver of piled from the laws passed at the First Legislative Assembly of public moneys at North Yakima, Wash., vice ThomasM. Vance, that TerritOry; which, with the accompanying papers, was re­ resigned. · ferred to the Committee on Territories. Joseph C. Painter, of Walla Walla County, Wash., who was He also laid before the Senate a communication from the Sec­ commissioned March 25,1891, during the recess of the Senate, to retary of the Interior, transmitting in accordance with law, two be receiver of public moneys at Walla Walla, Wash., vice Robert copies of the laws enacted by the Twenty-ninth Legislative As­ M. McCalley, deceased. sembly of the Territory of New Mexico; which, with the accom­ INDIAN AGENTS. panying papers, was referred to the Committee on Territories. JohnH.Robertson,ofSantaFe,N.Mex., whowascommissioned COURT OF CLAIMS REPORT. June 30, 1891, during the recess of the Senate, to be agent for The VICE-PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communicar­ the Indians of the Pueblo and JicarillaAgency, in New Mexico, tion from the clerk of the Court of Claims, transmitting conclu­ a newly established office. sions offact and of law filed by that court in French spoliation cases George D. Day, of Glenwood, M.d., who was commissioned No­ under the act of January 20, 1885; which, with the accompanying vember 3, 1891, during the recess of the Senate, to be agent for papers, was referred to the Committee on Appropriations, and the Indians of the Kiowa Agency, in the Territory of Oklahoma, ordered to be printed. vice Charles E. Adams, resigned. PETITIONS AND MEMORIALS. Joseph A. Scott, of Holton, Kans., who was commissioned July The VICE-PRESIDENT presented a petition of the Legislature 1, 1891, during the recess of the Senarte, to be agent for the In­ of Minnesota, praying for th.e passage of what is known as the dians of the Pottawatomie and Great Nemaha Agency, in Kansas, Butterworth bill, preventing the sale of options; which was re­ vice John Blair, removed. ferred to the Committee on Agriculture and Forestry. John W. Crawford, of Salem, Oregon, who was commissioned He also presented a petition of the Legislature of Minnesota, June 30, 1891, during the recess of the Senate, to be agent for the praying that the anniversary of the discovery of America by Indians of the Umatilla Agency, in Oregon, vice Lee Moorhouse, Christopher Columbus be made a day of national thanksgiving; resigned. which was referred to the Committee on the Quadro-Centennial COMMISSIONER OF PATENTS. (Select). William E. Simonds, of Canton, Conn., who was commissioned He also presented a petition of the General Council of the July 1,1891, during the recess of the Senate, to be Commissioner Choctaw Nation, signed by J. B. Jackson, national secretary of of Patents, vice Charles E. Mitchell, resigned. the Choctaw Nation, praying that Congress give to courts of the United States, now established in the Indian Territory, full ju­ risdiction of all offenses committed there against the United States; which was referred to the Committee on Indian Affairs. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. He also presented a petition of citizens of Huntingdon County, SATURDAY, JJecernber 12, 1891. Pa., praying for the enactment of a law by Congress subject­ ing oleomargarine to the provisions of the laws of the several The House met at 12 o'clock m. Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. States; which was referred to the Committee on Agriculture and W. H. MILBURN, D. D. Forestry. The Journal of the proceedings of Wednesday last was read Mr. SHERMAN presented the petition of the Hough Avenue and approved. Congregational Church of Cleveland, Ohio; the petition of the COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS. United Presbyterian Congregation of Cadiz, Ohio; the petition The SPEAKER announced the appointment of the following of the United Presbyterian Congregation of Antrim, Ohio; the committees: petition of the United Presbyterian Congregation of Mount On Accounts-H. W. Rusk, of Maryland, chairman;- G. W. Perry, Ohio; the petition of the United Presbyterian Congrega­ Cooper, of Indiana; W. W. Dickerson, of Kentucky; C~ ~·Moses, tion of Hayesville, Ohio; the petition of the United Presbyterian of Georgia; J. J. Seerley, of Iowa; A. J. Pearson, of Oh10; J. A. Congregation of Tippecanoe, Ohio, and thepetitionofthe United Quackenbush, of New York; Matthew Griswold, of Pennsylva­ Presbyterian Congregation of Steubenville, Ohio, praying for nia, and J. T. Cutting, of California. legislation by Congress looking to the closing of the World's On Mileage-J.N. Castle, of Minnesota, chairman; W. T. Craw­ ColumbianFaironSunday; which were referred to the Committee ford, of North Carolina; J. W. Kendall, of Kentucky; J. A. Cald­ on the Quadro-Centennial (Select). well, of Ohio, and J.P. Flick, of Iowa. He also presented a petition of the Ohio Yearly Meeting of Friends, and a petition of citizens of Dell Roy, Ohio, praying for ADJOURNMENT OVER. legislation prohibiting the slave and rum traffic within the limits Mr. HOLMAN. Mr. Speaker, in pursuance of the agreement of the Free Congo State, as provided for in the so-called Brussels heretofore made, I now move that the House adjourn to meet on treaty; which were referred to the Committee on Foreign Rela­ next Wednesday. tions. The motion was agreed to; and aDcordingly (at 12 o'clock and Mr. CAMERON presented a memorial of the Susquehanna 5 minutes p.m.) the House adjourned. Synod of the Lutheran Church of Oriole, Pa.; a memorial of the Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor of Granville Center, Pa.; a memorial of the Young People's Society of Chris­ SENATE. tian Endeavor of Canton, Pa.; a memorial of the Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor of Monroeton, Pa.; a memorial of MONDAY, JJecember 14, 1891. the Young People's Society of Christian EndeavorofPotterville, Pa.; a memorial of the Eastern Bradford Christian Endeavor :Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. J. G. BUTLER, D. D. Union (Eastern Bradford, Pa.); a memorial of the Zion Protestant The Journal of the proceedings of Thursday last was read and Episcopal Church of Philadelphia, Pa.; a memorial of the Han­ approved. cock Street Methodist Episcopal Church of Philadelphia, Pa., REPORT OF UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY. and a memorial of the Patterson Memorial Presbyterian Church The VICE-PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communicar­ of Philadelphia, Pa., remonstrating against the opening of the tion from the Secretary of the Interior, transmitting the report World's Columbian Fair on Sunday; which were referred to the of the Government directors of the Union Paeific Railway Com­ Committee on the Quadro-Centennial (Select). pany for the year 1890; which, with the accompanying papers, Mr. ALLISON presented a petition of sundry citizens of Quas­ was referred to the Select Committee on the President's Mes­ queton and Rowley, in the State of Iowa, praying for a loan of sage transmitting the Report of the Pacific Railway Commis­ $5,000,000 by Congress to the Columbian Exposition in case it is sion, and ordered to be printed. not to be opened on Sunday; which was referred to the Com­ mittee on the Quadro-Centennial (Select). EXECUTIVE COMMUNICATIONS. He also presented a petition of a committee of the Society of The VICE-PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communica­ the Army of the Tennessee, praying that an appropriation of tion .from the Acting Secretary of War, transmitting, in response. $50,000 be made for the site, pedestal, and statue of Gen. William to a resolution of January 28, 1891, a report of the Chief Signal T. Sherman, being the same amount appropriated for the sites, Officer of the Army with reference to temperature and rain­ pedestals, and statues of Gens. Hancock, Logan, and Sheridan, fall in the agricultural sections of Texas, etc.;· which, with-the and asking that such sum be appropriated under the same con­ I accompanying papers, was referred to the Committee on Agri­ ditions; which was referred to the Committee on Military Af­ C'..llture and Forestry, and ordered to be printed. fairs. I ' 1891. CONGRESSIONA-L RECORD--SENATE. 39 Mr. WASHBURN presented a petition of the Minnesota Com- Life-Saving Service; which was referred to the Committee on mandery of the Military Order ofthe LoyalLegionofthe United Commerce. States, praying Congress to take prompt action in constructing Mr. GORMAN presented the petition of Julian Nolan, widow a navy sufficient to enforce the respect due the flag of the nation of Charles Nolan, late of Company C, Second United States Dra­ the world over; which was referred to the Committee on Naval goons, praying to be allowed a widow's pension; which was re- Affairs. ferred to the Committee on Pensions. He also presented a petition of the Chamber of Commerce of He also presented the petition of Anna M. Anderson and St. Paul, Minn., praying that an appropriation be made for the Charles Y. G. Anderson, executors of George \V. Anderson, de­ improvement of the haTbor of St. Paul; which was referred to ceased, late of Washington County, Md., prayingthattheirclaim the Committee on Commerce. against the United States for stores and supplies furnished to the He also presentedapetitionof citizensrepresenting theMetho- Army of the United States be referred to the Court of Claims dist Episcopal Church atHector, Minn., andapetition of citizens under the provisions of the act of March 3,1883, commonly called representing the Congregational Church at Morris, Minn., pray- the Bowman act, and of the act of March 3, 1887, commonly called .
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