Catholic Memorial Newspaper January Edition A Knight How we AdApted to Headed tHe pAndemic West By: Graham Horowitz ‘25 Most people can agree that we are living in a very An Interview by Austin McCarthy ‘23 interesting time. 2020 was filled with many unex- pected and unprecedented changes that challenged Although there weren’t games this past fall, there our staff and students. As the year comes to a close, was still some excitement coming from the foot- some teachers and students were asked to reflect on ball program as senior linebacker Will Stockwell those challenges and how CM responded. As mid- announced his commitment to play football at dle school English teacher Mrs. Eberly said, “I’m Stanford University. Stanford is one of the nation’s shocked we’re still here at Christmas.” biggest academic and athletic powerhouses. They play football in the Pac-12 conference, which is one Although I think many others are surprised to still of the power five conferences. Stanford was once be in school, we would not have made it this far if the home of current NFL superstars such as Richard not for the amount of time that teachers and ad- Sherman and Christian McCaffrey. In terms of ac- ministrators spent this summer working to prepare ademics, Stanford is considered by many to be the for the school year. Mr. Palm said that, “teachers most prestigious school in the country. It has about worked 60 to 80 to 100 hours throughout the sum- a 4% acceptance rate, which is lower than schools mer.” They had to redo their curriculum, prioritize such as Harvard, Yale, and the U.S. Service Acad- teaching objectives, and implement safety proce- emies. Stockwell is one of three division 1 football dures in their classrooms. Administrators had to commits in CM’s class of 2021 along with Owen think creatively to figure out the logistics of how to McGowan (Boston College) and Quincy Eutsay get everyone into school safely during this pandem- (Brown University). These players are inspirations ic. As a result of the new hybrid learning, teachers for myself and other underclassmen on the football have created new approaches to engage students. For team. The fact that three football players going to A New Hope: The example, Mrs. Eberly is incorporating a new strategy play at some of the nation’s top schools come from called, “Grammar Games,” where students help each Catholic Memorial, the smallest division 1 high Rise of the Vaccine other practice grammar skills. These techniques school in Massachusetts, really proves that. I was have worked. James Larranaga, an 8th grade student grateful to have a chance to interview Stockwell. By Garret Smith ‘22 said, “School started off pretty hard just getting in Continues on Page 3 Coronavirus was discovered to be rapid- the groove, but now it’s great.” 45 Plays For 45 Presidentsly spreading in China back in December 2019, initially appearing to be an isolated Overall, there have many positives to this year’s By Aidan Healy ‘22 event. This was soon proven wrong as cases hybrid model. As principal Mr. Palm said, “Instead As an American citizen, I firmly believe that an ed- began popping up across the United States of just saying I want it to go back to normal, I think ucated citizenry is the cornerstone of our Republic. and Europe. By early to mid-march, after there were some good things. That’s the question. As a student actor, I firmly believe that sketch com- the CM Freshman/Sophomore semiformal, How are you going to carry forward those good edy is one of the greatest from’s of human entertain- schools began to “temporarily” close, but things from this not very good experience.” Lots of ment. In my totally non - biased opinion, Catholic that also did not seem to be what ended people enjoy the hybrid approach. Kazuki Goode Memorial’s production of 45 Plays for 45 President’s up happening. Two weeks turned into two said, “One unexpected positive that has resulted was an epitome of both these convictions. months. Two months turned into perpetual from hybrid learning is how I am able to get outside Following the Spring release of Little Shop distancing to prevent a further rise in the more than last year, whether it is going to school, or of Horrors, the CM Drama Department once again case numbers. While many claimed that the sports.” Others have agreed that this year has been proved that it could adapted to the challenges pre- social distancing and government shutting less stressful when compared to a normal school sented by the Coronavirus. 45 Plays for 45 Presi- cities down were very effective in contain- year. dents - a series of skits recapping the chronological ing the spread, many argued that measures history of each United State’s sovereign - is an ardu- taken were not appropriate and did more Continues on Page 5 ous show in regular times. However, the limitations harm than good. Should the government imposed by the necessary COVID - 19 safety pre- be allowed to intervene in the lives of the cautions - such as performance masks, rehearsing in people for safety? Or should it be the individ- seperate groups, shortened rehearsals, and limited ual choice? This question seemed to be the costumes - made the Fall performance even more debate, but now with the vaccine, there is a improbable. large sentiment that seems to be skeptical of First and foremost, the unsung heroes of the “rushed” inoculation. By understanding the show (per usual) were the members of the stage the pros and cons of the vaccine and how it crew. Spearheaded by stage manager Tim Chevrette works, hopefully, people can have a better and tech guru Siro Jansen - Sanchez, the stage crew perspective on the climate we are in. played a pivotal role in a completely tech - reliant show. 45 Plays relies on an ambient narrative slide Moderna and Pfizer mRNA vaccines have Continues on Page 7 Continues on Page 8 Catholic Memorial Newspaper Page 1 Table of Contents Sports 3 Life Around CM 5 Outside CM 8 Politics 9 Faculty Corner 10 From the Editors 13 Editors Editor in Chief: John Marcucci ‘22 Managing Editor: Aidan Healy ‘22 CM Life Editor: Ryan Horrigan ‘21 Sports Editor: Brendan Galvin ‘22 Politics Editor: Joseph Cutting ‘23 - Guiseppe Presti ‘21 Staff Writers Nick Olwell ‘21 Sean Fay ‘22 Garret Smith ‘22 Jackson Lake ‘22 Jack Hood ‘22 Austin McCarthy ‘23 Aidan Dever ‘23 John Garvey ‘23 Sam Cahill Farella ‘23 Will Cummings ‘23 Alex Pappas ‘24 Matt Salafia ‘24 Christopher Boensel ‘24 - Matt Rotchford ‘21 T.J. Elrod ‘24 Eric Su ‘25 Graham Horowitz ‘25 Andrew McCarthy ‘25 Andrew Schwerdt ‘26 Connor Clifford ‘26 Seamus Henry ‘26 Liam Romano ‘26 - Michael Magee ‘21 - Mick Crowley ‘21 Catholic Memorial Newspaper Page 2 Sports A Knight Headed West By: Austin McCarthy ‘23 Continued from Front Page CM who have help me during the trek to California.” Q: Which played more of a role in the last six years. However, through your choice of Stanford over other this process Coach John DiBiaso has Q: In 2020, there were 32 Pac-12 schools; academics or athletics? been invaluable. When Coach DiB- players selected in the NFL Draft, in- iaso arrived at CM, he gave me the cluding three first round picks. How A: “While I was exploring my colle- opportunity to compete for a starting do you feel about playing against giate options during my recruitment position on the team. Coach DiBia- such high-level competition? process, one of the key factors that so’s efforts to develop me as a player propelled me to officially commit to and person has prepared me to play A: Another huge reason why I chose Stanford was the prestigious quality football at Stanford University.” Stanford was the level of competition of an education that I would receive that I will play against in the Pac- at the university. I had to determine 12. It is thrilling to realize that I will which school would develop me be competing against and playing to be the best student athlete that I Q: How do you feel about going with fellow athletes that have a great could possibly be. I was searching to college on the other side of the chance of advancing to the NFL. It for a place that would position me country? is also a motivating opportunity to to succeed in the career field of my see if I have what it takes to play at choice, a place that would benefit me A: “I feel excited and nervous about the level. Finally, the main reason for the next forty years of my life, going to a college that is on the other why I wanted to play against the best and Stanford was the obvious choice side of the country. There are many is because I want to improve as a to achieve that dream.” unknowns when moving to a new lo-football player. Iron sharpens iron, cation that you’re not accustomed to. and I expect through all the hard With that being said, I look forward work and determination at my time to exploring, learning, and meeting at Stanford, anything is possible! You Q: Which coaches, teachers and staff new people on my journey to the just got to believe! members would you say helped you west coast. It will be an eye-opening the most in getting where you are experience that is worth the risk. I today? expect to grow as a student athlete tremendously at my time at Stanford, A: “There have been many people at and I cannot wait to embark on my The Cross Country Season By: Garret Smith ‘22 Cross country, heading into their third month of the 2020 season, are not ready to see fall sports come to an end, like many other CM teams.
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