'sBtick Today: Tfa Register's Adult Weather Distribution Mottly ranay beaming bnexy Today •wl warmer today, high near THEMILY ». Chance of nattered showers tonight, tow la mid Ms. Tomor- 26,900 row mottly sanny, windy and 1 Red Bank Area much cooler with Ugh |n Ms. Out- look Thursday, (air, similar tern- Gjpyright-The Red Bank Register, Inc. 1968. DIAL 741-0010 peratures. MONMOUIH COUNTTS HOME NEWSPAPER FOR 88 YEARS w.S«K>n4 7c PER COPY ~" PAGE VOL. 89, NO. 70 *"**• ttronUi »FM TUESDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1966 Heading for County Trial Coppoiino Expected Today By CHARLES A. JOHNSTON planned to return with his prisoner tomorrow, landing at Meanwhile, Sheriff Paul Kiernan said no special arrange- FREEHOLD — In an apparent change of plans. Dr. Carl Kennedy International Airport, New York. ment* will be made for Coppoiino while he is confined to A. Coppoiino was due to leave the Sarasota, Fla., county On touching down at Tampa Airport in Florida, Chief the county jail here. " , iail at 9 a.m. today for a flight to New Jersey and a murder Gawler first went to talk with Mrs. Marjorie Farber, EXAMINATION PLANNED trial here. 53-year old widow of the retired Army colonel, William E. "He will be examined by our jail physician (Dr. Frank Previous announcements from Monmouth County officials Farber, for whose strangling death in 1963 Coppoiino is to Niemtzow) on admittance and we will be guided by whatever had listed his departure under an extradition order for tomor- be tried here. is prescribed." Mr. Kiernan »aid. "He will be held in the row. But the 34-year-old doctor's jail guards told The Red Present at their conference at her swank home at the regular section for homicide prisoners and will receive his Bank Register that the trip had been advanced. Longboat section of Sarasota, a short distance from Coppo meals there." The accused double-murderer was visited last night by lino's home, was Mrs. Farber's Florida lawyer, Warren Coppolirio has reported heart attacks three times since' his wife, the former Mary Gibson whom he married a year Goodrich. his arrest in Florida July 2 and has been hospitalized briefly ago, and their four children — his two daughters by his , ARRANGEMENTS TALK on each occasion. But state's Attorney Frank Schaub has first marriage and his wife's two daughters by her first It was understood that the chief discussed arrangements declared in court that he believes the alleged attacks have husband. for Mrs. Farber's presence In Freehold when Coppoiino is been self Induced. Mrs. Coppoiino said that she planned to fly to Newark brought to trial, probably in lite November or December. At the Sarasota jail, Coppoiino was described as cheerful, this morning on the same airline carrier with her husband. Besides the murder of Colonel Farber, Coppoiino also is In- talkative and friendly. She also said she believed she would accompany him on an dicted for fatally drugging bis wife, Dr. Carmela Coppo- ''You've never seen such a happy prisoner on this kind air taxi from Newark to the Red Bank airport from where iino. of charge," observed a guard early today. he will be taken by car here. Prosecutor Keuper yesterday abandoned the originally Despite the in transit plans, Coppoiino still is slated to VISIT COPPOLINO — Mrs. Mary Coppoiino, right, and ( GAWLER ARRIVES scheduled Oct. 24 trial date he had reserved for Coppoiino. appear tomorrow at 2' p.m. before Superior Court Judge four children, two heri and two thoie of her huiband, Chief of Monmouth County Detectives John M. Gawler The suspect's attorney F. Lee Bailey, has made it clear he Elvin R. Sirnmill to plead to the Farber murder indictment. Dr. Carl Coppoiino, vitit the accused double tlayer at arrived in Sarasota yesterday to take custody of the anes- expects to be in trial in Cleveland then defending another Prosecutor Keuper has said he will resist an expected thetist-hypnotist-author. The chief had said earlier that he doctor, Sam Sheppard for the killing of his wife 12 years ago. application by Coppolino's counsel for bail. Saraiota, Ha., jail last night. 1AP Wirephoto) Dirksen: r Lynch Convicted Allies Pound War Has Viet Foes On Grow In 2nd Degree WASHINGTON (AP) - Senate Three Sides Republican Leader Everett M. FREEHOLD — Second degree mum of 30 years in prison may his friends in the spectator rows SAIGON (AP) — American, namese unit was the 610th dl- Dirksen predicted today the war murder was.the verdict yester- be ordered. to give him a cigarette. But Korean and Vietnamese troops vlsion. In Viet Nam will have to be ex- day by a jury of eight men and While the defense maintained such services were barred and panded won. four women for Edward A. Lynch, that the fatal shooting of the warden Earl A. Smith, who was drove from three sides today U.S. casualties were reported against a Communist force on However, Dirksen made it 34, for the fatal shooting of Mrs. 44-year-old Toms River mother directing a force of five sheriff's light. which they already have inflicted clear Jn an Interview he does Dorothy L. McKenzie of Toms of four was accidental, it did officers, stared sternly in dis- U.S. casualties in the opera- not expect President Johnson River. not call for an acquittal. couragement. a three-day toll of 478 killed or tion, which has been named Irv. to resort to the use of nuclear Deliberating, just "17 min- Lynch, three times an ex-con- (See LYNCH, Page 4) captured- ing, were reported light. weapons — an action GOP Pres- utes short of three hours, the jury vict, wearing a black suit, Bur The Allied troops kept up their The U.S. command said the ident Dwight D. Eisenhower said did' not agree with prosecutor gundy-colored tie and a white pressure on a force of North Viet- American troopers were fight- he would not "automatically" Vincent P. Keuper that the kill- kerchief in his lapel pocket, took namese army regulars and Viet ing a Communist battalion, nor- preclude. ing was premeditated first de- the verdict with a tight-lipped Cong main force units operating mally about 500 men, The Al- "Things can't go on like they gree murder and warranted the smile. in the mountains and lowlands lied force was described only as near the coast of central Viet are in Viet Nam," the Illinois death penalty or life in prison, Seated next, to his .lawyer, multibattalion. PICKET COLLEGE—Negro students picketed Monmouth Nam 30 miles north of Qul leflttor said. "You either .esc* Nor did it follow assigned-de-Lynch, of Silverton, the father College yesterday in proteit against altegad racial dis- NhoB. late.the lighting'tt think in ferise 'attorney, Joseph F. Mat-of four, nervously chatted with •am* other Urms. We can't crimination in college approved off campus bousing. The tice, who in his 45-minute sum- the attorney in the five minute* .The tffMr'got ondterway SUTP Alarm Fault •urreader «nd we cant retreat.1 picketing will continue today and demonstrations mation, said, "There can be no it took to assemble all of-the day when helicopter-borne troops in court personnel to hear the ver- Meanwhile, others had this to murder in the first or second of-the U.S. 1st Air Cavalry, Di- other forms may be held tomorrow and Thursday. The 20 degree here." dict. cay about military action in south- vision launched the operation. Nets School "No matter what they say," •fit Asia: , ' pickets marched for three hours at the college and « Monmouth County Judge Thom- Since then the Americans, bear- as :J, Smith, who had presided he told Mr. Mattice, "I am sat- ing down from the north, have ~+ the SUte Department: Its naarby boarding house where they contend discrimina* in the six-day .trial, set Friday, isfied with what you have done." reported killing 291 Communists Drill (See DIRKSEN, Page J) tion exists. •••'.• ! Oct.'14, for sentencing.. A maxi- During a pause, he gestured to and capturing 131. MATAWAN TOWNSHIP - From the south, units of the More than 1,100 students at the Korean Tiger Division pressed Regional High School partici- Officials Await Housing Bias Proof northward in the Phii Cat Moun- pated in a' realistic fire drill tains- and reported killing 5] of yesterday when a faulty relay the enemy since Sunday. system triggered the fire alarm in Matawan Borough. From the west, South Viet- namese infantrymen and para- Borough fire equipment raced Picketing of College to Continue troopers worked toward the sea. to the school as the students They reported four Viet Cong calmly evacuated it at By SANF0RD R. STAROBJN some M Negro and three white D. Ferrara, was one of two col- until discrimination had been Demonstrations tomorrow and Edward A. Lynch killed. 3:10, p.m. WEST LONG BRANCH-Negro students picketed from 10 a.m. lege approved housing units the proved by the state. Thursday . are scheduled, Mr. U.S. and Vietnamese patrol School officials were at a loss students picketed Monmouth Col- until shortly after. 1 p.m. The demonstrators contended pro- Kenneth Morris, 22, a politi- Morris said, but their forms nave boats waited offshore to inter- to explain what caused the lege yesterday in protest of al< demonstration, observed by West hibited Negroes. cal science major who led the not yet been determined. Dr. Army Aids cept any of the hard-pressed borough sirens to sound." The Jeged racial discrimination in Long Branch, Long Branch and Say No Complaints demonstration, took sharp issue Martin Luther King, Jr., is sched- Communists who might try to school's fire system provides housing, but college officials in- state police, began in front of A statement issued late in the with the statement this morning, uled to speak'in the college gym- escape by sampan.
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