All the News I of All the Pointes Every Thursday Morning ews Complete.News Coverage of All the Pointes I Home of the News VOLUME 23-NO. 45 Entered as Second Class'Matter 7c Per COpy at the Post OffIce at DetroIt, Mich. GROSSE POINTE, MICHIGAN, NOVEMBER 8, 1962 M.OO Per Year 20 PAGES-THREE SECTIONS-SECTIONS ----------------------------------(V Halloween Candy Sent to Less Fortunate 'Kids HEADLINES Store Clerk Held WoOds Solons oj the \VEEK Tell Owners As Compited by the A. s PerPetrator 0 To CleanUp Grosse PoitJte News f Thursday. November 1 ' " , 1. Filthy Phone Calls ~~~:.~~~r2t;:'~;:~ THE UNITED STATES re- _ • At Special Meeting sumcd "quarantine" measures against Cuba at 8:30 this morn- Paul J. Herrick Admits Tel~phoning Obscene Messages The Grosse Pointe Woods ing. Decision to reinstate .....1 naval blockade and air survel- .. .' .1 to More Than 1000 Wives of Professional City Council h~s directed liancc procedures in the ab~ .1 Men..: His Wife Also Arrested property owners of the 7 sence of "effective United Na- Mile-Mack Shopping Center ':11 Paul J. Hernck, 23, of 12992 Glastonbury, Detroit, and adjacent parking lot to '" was arrested 'by Detroit police on Saturday, November attend a special meeting 3, and held for investigation of makir!g more than 1,000 next Monday, November 12, obscene phone .calls, including 54 in the Pointe. ' t 7 30 Detectives used an attractive & ' a :. p,m. wife of a physician as a decoy Topics for discussion will in- and seized Herrick, a super- Youth Runs clude the cleaning and surfac- market clerk, who is accused of . ing of the parking lot, the pos- conducting "a reign of terrO'l''' sibility of permanently closing with phone calls to Detroit area Into Trouble~ and vacating the northwest park- wives of doctors and, 1awyers ing lot exit onto Bournemouth almost daily since 1!f58, S k · C and of eliminating the Bourne- Police said.that one hour after nea tng ar mouth exit immediately west of bis arrest, Herrick adlThittedhe Mack avenue, and what meas- was respoDlSiblefor the calls I' dAd Wh I ures they (the property owners) that have been plaguing the nlure in cci ent i e intend,to take against rats, wives of the professional men, Driving Withcut Parents This will be an open meeting. Followed Pattern Permission; Faces Two and residents are invited to at- It was said that Herrick would Ch tend. The 7 Mile-Mack property phone his victims, and posing arges owners have been advised that, as a police officer, informed the ,.1 - if they fail to show up at next women that their husband had A lo-year-old Woods boy Monday's mef'ting, the Council . been kidnapped, He would tell who took his mother's car will be forced to take positive. the frightened women that they without permission and in- appropriate action. PidU!re by Eddie McGrath, Jr. would receive instructions on valved himself in an acci- Residents Petitioned Grosse Pointe Children displayed an exceptional will be given out. Shown loading the Ferry School how to secure the release of dent Sunday, Nove:rp.ber 4, Residents of Bournemouth altruism recently in connection with the Trick or portion, about 370 pounds, is a third grade class as their husbands. has been released in his road, directly adjacent to the Accorcliqg to Inspector Wi!- parents' austody pending a parking lot, petitioned tLe Coun- * '" Treat loot they collected on Halloween. More than (from the left) MRS. DORIS POWELL, JRC Motor 1,600 pounds (4/5's of a ton) was donated by most of Ham Ellenberg, head of the De- J nil C t cil last May 7, requesting re- Sa'turday. November 3 Corps Driver, Teacher CAROLE CHANEY, MRS. troit S p e cia I Investigation uve e our appearance. lief from rat-infestation and de- A SOVIET PROPOSAL for the Grosse Pointe elementary schools to Jumor Red ALICE SHEAFFER, JRC District Sponsor, and Prin- Squad, He<rrickwould then pass The teenager told his mother manding a general parking lot International Red Cross insp~- Cross personnel for their distribution to others less cipal EDWIN WENDT look on. The cartons each con- along obscene instructioDlSto and father he wanted to sta~ c!ean-up. They also asked that tion of ships carrying cargoes fort una t e. Franklin Settlement, Casa Maria arid tain a different type or variety of candy. all of which the wumen and make them re- home alone to do some school the Council consider closing the to Cuba has won the President Mariner's Inn are a few of the places where this candy is individually wrapped. peat them. work. The adults left t.he house, Bournemouth parking lot en- of the United State's' official The inspecor said that the and the boy. using a car key he trance west of Mack avenue. approval. but problems involv- N Slad T T . accused man upset the women had had mace, took his mo-' clain:i.ingthat it constituted a in~ .the :verification of Sov~et ame en wo eenagers Arrested so badly that in one case a ther's car, intending to visit a danger to children in the area, mISsile wlthch"awalfrom the IS- Concert S,et woman fell and broke her leg. friend in the Park. Council agreed that the park- ~~~e/~~~ hO:~o~~e;:dd~:~- '"-'--Sy-C:- ->"'p--J':-o'-<",tY' '~~~=~;:~m:~~~~ta~~C.ited IDts 'Car in Rear ing lot waS in a dirty, disrepu- Headiiiuster -.'Iii Park After Atteriip' "-tfug" .- By m ,t He was headed west on Jef- table state. and promised to take Cross inspection of outgoing , - Wives of Pointe professional ferson when he ran into the the matter of closing the exit men 'were' not immune to the rear of a '62 Pontiac, driven by under consideration. ~~li:f;:~e~~e~~~~~r~~~For Liggett 'To Hit Officer with Trucl{ For. N ov • 18 morbId calls. ~ccording to rec. Charles M, Watson. 17040 East The City undertook to clean possibl.Ythe actual dismantling ords of the various Pointe police Jefferson. Watson had stopped the parking lot, using its own of missile bases. to the original Soviet inspection proposition. Former Pointer Will Return Boys SRought to Escape by,RlammingdPolice Chruilser and James Tocco, Pianist,' Will depar;,~~~'wives on List near St. Clair. and was waiting trucksrtand personnel, and the To'Succeed M'lss Kather'lne unning Down Patro man; A mit Ye ic e Be Solo"lst'at Event'to Be for on-comiJ;1g'traffic to clear prope y owners promised. Ve1"- An all-Swiss organization head- They showed flhaJt the Pointe before making a left turn' into bally. to reimburse the City for ql.lartered in Geneva, the In- Ogden, Head for 34 Years Theft an d Burg Iary Held in ParceHs School wives began receiVingthe filthy a side drive. clean-up expenses. To date, no tW'national Committee' of the ' Mi h t' b . t ' . k . calls in December 1961. The such reimbursement has been Red Cross, would supply in- Liggett School, the statt:'s Two Cl10, c., eenage oys In a s o.l.en pIC -up first call was reecived by a Earl H. Quibell, 17031 East received. spection teams.. ld t 'd' d t h 1 truck, who tried to run down a Park policeman early. The Grosse Pointe Sym- Farms woman at that time. Jefferson, telephoned a report * ... • o es In epen en sc 00, Monday mo~ning, November 5, to avoid being questioned, h Since then, Oftherwives have of the accident to City police, Appear Again Monday which will move to a new . , pony Orchestra will pre- bId Officers George Braclee,Donald Bournemouth road residents Sunday. November 4 locatl'on on a ten'-ac-re sl'+e were charged with felonious assault with a motor vehicle. sent its firSt concert of the een p ague. F F'tz d WID' nr 'd aga1O'appeared before the Coun- LOMA IC f v The youths were forced to a' ' 1962 63 S' , It was disclosed that 16 suoh . n an I lam .. at ecker, DIP T reports rom in Grosse Pointe Woods in h I - eason on Sunday calls have been made to Woods Jr.. responded. and Waldecker cil, meeting in regular session Moscow indicate that Soviet S t b 1964 hat at gun, point after ~t~ey youths had stolen the truck, a afternooh, N ovemb.er 18, at took the boy to Bon Secours Monday evening, November 5. Premier Nikita S. Khrushchev ep em er, ~ as an- daInJa~~ a ~cout car, according 1963model. a few hoQrSearlier. 3:30, at the Parcells School wives; 20 to Farms wives; 12 in Hospital. In a memo addressed to Coun- is about to demand new Berlin nounced the appomtment of to PolIce ChIef Arthur Louwers. .afte~ which they burglarized a Auditorium. ~~o;~r~~~~t;~e each in the The hospital authorities re- cilman Thomas E. L€ah, him- peace negotiations "within a Frank J. Sladen, Jr., as, Arrested were Darwin J. Bel- gas station near Clio, aqd were ' Th D tr ' fused to treat the teenager's cut self a Bournemouth road resl'- week or two." A number of top- headmaster when the new kenap, 16, of 1440 West Lake driving through'the Park when In celebration of its TentIi e e Oltdetectiv~ devised ' f ff' a technique of tracIn'g th b lower lip until his parents had dent, members of the "Resident level Satellite officials paid re. school opens its doors. road. the driver; and James L.
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