Pepart çglebeOttawa, August 15, 1986 Vol. 15 No. 7 Super Ex '86 City says it will enforce parking bylaws By Joan Over Street, south of Fifth Aven- at the intersections of Monk years the city bylaws pro- ue, will be closed to all Street and Holmwood Avenue, hibiting front-yard parking Ottawa City Council decid- but local and official ex- Monk Street and Wilton Cres- were generally relaxed dur- ed last Wednesday to close hibition traffic. cent, Ralph Street and Holm- ing the 10-day exhibition, some streets in the Glebe This will be the first wood Avenue and Ralph Street but last year more than 50 and to enforce bylaws more time for such closures dur- and Broadway Avenue. charges were laid against rigorously in an attempt to ing the Ex. They were first As in previous years, Glebe residents for renting improve traffic conditions tried during this year's streets close to the exhibi- out private property as during the 1986 Central Can- Winterlude and were deemed a tion grounds at Lansdowne parking space during the Ex. ada Exhibition. success. Park will become "no park- LAWN PARKING - p. 2 Beginning August 14, the "As an experiment," acc- ing" zones. day the Ex opens, Holmwood ording to Alderman Rob The city also intends to Avenue, east of Bank Street, Quinn, "local traffic only" enforce the ban on front- Adelaide Street and O'Connor signs will also be installed yard parking. Until recent nside Public meeting on market value assessment Travel news 8 Health 9 By Inez Berg Hospital area and other the Ottawa South Community parts of the west end. All Association at 7:30 p.m. on Books 11 In mid-September this year of these are areas which in- September 4 in the Assembly Music 12 City Council will be voting creased in popularity and Hall at Lansdowne Park. on whether to adopt the mar- value with the trend to move Spokespersons from the Prov- People 14 ket value assessment method to the inner city which occ- incial Assessor's office and Sports 15 for tax collection. urred in the late 70's and the city finance department, The merits of this system early 80's and stand to be as well as Alderman Rob GNAG 21 have been debated for some hit the hardest at tax time. Quinn,,will be on hand. time and are of great con- A public meeting on market The meeting will provide a cern in such Ottawa commun- value assessment will be last important opportunity ities as the Glebe, Ottawa held jointly by the Glebe for members of both commun- South, Alta Vista, the Civic Community Association and TAXES - p. 2 City's first skateboard park opens on Bell Street South By Joan Over sport if it is done in a safe place and with proper The skateboard craze app- equipment. "You can get ears to have hit a peak this hurt a lot more easily play- summer and, while the Glebe ing hockey," he said. Neighbourhood Activities This is the third major Group (GNAG) has formed a outbreak of skateboarding in committee to investigate the this city in the past 20 problems and safety factors years. The current craze of the sport, two entrepren- began about a year ago. eurs have recently opened A City of Ottawa bylaw the city's first skateboard prohibits skateboarding on park near the edge of the city streets and sidewalks. Glebe. It is allowed on recreation- Partners Mark Carrothers al paths and in city parks. and Mike Read spent about Police regularly hand out $6,000 to build the park at $16.75 tickets to violaters, 391 Bell Street South, near but that does not appear to Carling Avenue. It consists discourage many skateboard- of two large U-shaped ply- ers from using the streets. wood ramps, one slightly While many young enthusi- steeper than the other. asts are ignorant of the The park, which opened law, Ottawa Police Const. last month, is operated from Lynda Gibson says parents 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. daily. are also confused about Heavy locked chains across skateboarding, where child- the ramps prevent it from ren are allowed to skate and being used at other times. what kind of protective gear Users are charged $3. for they should wear. three hours and a $35-a-year Skateboarding equipment is membership fee. They must expensive. Boards can cost Photo Michael Lewis wear helmets, elbow pads and more than $200, helmets from from the top of a ramp at knee pads. $50 to $70 and knee pads up A skateboarder launches himself Park manager James White to $60. Elbow, wrist and the park on Bell Street. says skateboarding is a safe SKATEBOARDING - p. 2 N EWS Glebe with most vehicles residential areas from such minal during the from page 1 Ex. searching for a place to practices. The Ex continues until Lawn parking park and that they are pro- This year a well-publiciz- August 24 and officials are viding a service by getting ed, co-ordinated effort by predicting a record turnout. Long-time controversy some of these vehicles off the City of Ottawa, OC They are boasting a number the street. Transpo and the Central Can- of new attractions, some of over front-yard parking They also argue that the ada Exhibition encourages which are free. For examp- during the exhibition. extra income helps to comp- people to use the public le, spectators are invited ensate for the nuisance of transit system to visit the to view figure skating, a Most residents of the Ex noise and traffic in Ex. rodeo and pig races at no Glebe are all too familiar their neighbourhood. Visitors are asked to take extra cost. with the controversy and di- On the other side are the a bus directly from home or, For 50 cents children will vision over lawn parking residents who ask why they if that is not possible, to be able to watch a live per- which takes place in the should have to put up with a park their cars in specially formance of the popular community annually at exhib- parking lot next door. The designated parking lots, television program, Polka ition time. result in previous years has such as the one at Confeder- Dot Door, held three times On one side are the resid- been constant traffic flow, ation Heights, and to take a daily during the Ex in the ents close to Lansdowne Park door slamming, general bus to the exhibition McElroy Building. Proceeds who like to take the opport- noise and sometimes rowdi- grounds from there. from the show are to go to unity to earn additional in- ness continuing past mid- The south parking lot of the Civic Hospital's surgic- come by renting out their night. Abbotsford House, directly al research library fund. front lawns to park visit- These residents also argue across from Lansdowne Park Exhibition grandstand att- ors' cars. that front-yard parking agg- on Bank Street, has once ag- ractions include Huey Lewis Their argument is that, ravates an already bad situ- ain been rented by the and the News, Amy Grant, during the Ex, traffic flows ation and is contrary to by- park's administration to be Whitney Houston and Bill incessantly throughout the laws designed to protect used as a temporary bus ter- Cosby. from page 1 ing it before council in or- as many councillors as poss- of the Glebe. Inquiries can der to allow more time for ible to opt for a more bal- be directed to her at 233- Taxes public feedback. anced approach to tax coll- 0397. Both Alderman Rob Quinn ection," he said. "The tax Ottawa South Community and Glebe Community Associa- decreases their constituents Association's co-ordinator, Mayor Durrell favours tion president Jim McCarthy will benefit from are not Nels Jensen, would appreci- market value assessment have covered the issues and nearly as great as the tax ate hearing from Ottawa invited public feedback as increases that will be ex- South residents at 563-1566. ities to be informed and to early as January 1986. There erienced in Capital Ward While it is almost certain register their opinions on will be no August GCA meet- (many in the three-figure that the market value tax the issue. ing and September 4 is the range). I would hope other assessment system will-be - Mayor Jim Durrell favours earliest a community meeting aldermen will realize that voteA in, a-§-trong andTwell- market value assessment and can take place before counc- what market value assessment voiced objection from Capit- had hoped to have it approv- il's final vote in mid-Sept- may be doing to taxes in al Ward may help to balance ed for council's vote by the ember. Capital Ward could happen in or temper its effects in Administration, Policies and Alderman Quinn welcomes their areas in the next ass- favour of a more represent- Priorities Committee in written communication from essment update." ative method. Plan to att- July. A majority of alder- his constituents on the iss- The GCA's representative, end the public meeting on men on that committee, how- ue. "My main objective now Marilyn Marshall, is organ- September 4 or write to Ald- ever, voted to delay bring- will be to try to persuade izing the meeting on behalf erman Rob Quinn. the sport (although a number from page 1 of them showed signs of re- Skateboarding cent cuts and scrapes). Some said the extra equipment OBE's adult day school gets in the way of the feel- Most skateboarders don't ing of freedom they experi- moves to Commerce think helmets and pads ence on a skateboard.
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