[THIS PAGE IS INTENTIONALLY BLANK] Editor-in-chief: Daniel Sneider Associate Editor: Robyn Quijano Managing Editors: Kathy Stevens. Vin Berg Art Director: Deborah Asch. Martha Zoller Circulation Manager: Lana Wolfe From the Contributing Editors: Lyndon H. LaRouche. Jr.• Editor Criton Zoakos. Nora Hamerman. Christopher White. Costas Kalimtgis. Uwe Parpart. Nancy Spannaus INTELLIGENCE DIRECTORS: Africa: Douglas DeGroot Asia: Daniel Sneider Counterintelligence: Jeffrey Steinberg Economics: David Goldman Energy: William Engdahl and Marsha Freeman Europe: Vivian Zoakos "A n educational revolution" is on in the Soviet Union and has Latin America: Dennis Small been since the late 1960s, precisely the time when American youth Law: Felice Merritt became submerged in the drug-rock culture, and "dropouts" from Middle East: Robert Dreyfuss Military Strategy: Susan Welsh society-and school-became the rage. Science and Technology: Today the Soviet Union has millions of scientifically trained youth Morris Levitt graduating from high schools and universities every year. "The Soviet Sector: Rachel Douglas disparity between the level of training in science and mathematics of United States: Konstantin George United Nations: Nancy Coker an average Soviet skilled worker or military recruit and that of a non­ college-bound American high school graduate, an average worker in INTERNATIONAL BUREAUS: Bogota: Carlos Cota Meza one of our major industries, or an average member of our All­ Bonn: George Gregory Volunteer Army is so great that comparisons are meaningless. and Th ierry LeMarc Izaak Wirszup, professor of mathematics at the University of Brussels: Christine Juarez Chicago: Mitchell Hirsch Chicago drew this conclusion in a report comparing the U.S. and Copenhagen: Vincent Robson Soviet scientific education systems. Mexico City: Josefina Menendez Our Special Report details the facts of the "Education Gap," Milan: Muriel Mirak exposing one of the biggest scandals in U.S. history. We excerpt the New Delhi: Paul Zykofsky Paris: Katherine Kanter Wirszup report at length, and show the extraordinary applications of and Sophie Tanapura the Soviets' scientific revolution in a profile of the Siberian university Rome: Claudio Celani city of Novosibirsk. Stockholm: Clifford Gaddy Washington D.C.: Laura Chasen We also include a commentary on the destruction of scientific and Susan Kokinda education at West Point by Dr. Morris Levitt, Executive Director of Wiesbaden: (European Economics) the Fusion Energy Foundation. Education, you will see, is the most Mark Tritsch and Laurent Murawiec crucial of national security questions. Executive Intelligence Review is published by But there is even more of a scandal than meets the eye in comparing New Solidarity InternationalPress Service the one year of training in geometry of an American high school 304 W.58th Street. New York. N. Y.l0019. graduate to the eight-year geometry training of his Soviet counter­ In Europe: Campaigner Publications. Deutschl. GmbH. + Co. Vertriebs KG part. Dr. Steven Bardwell, associate editor of Fusion magazine, de­ Postfach 1966. D. 6200 Wiesbaden scribes the incompetent "New Math" being taught in U.S. schools Copyright c 198 0 New Solidarity and demonstrates why this "educational reform" is destroying our International Press Service All rights reserved. children's capacity for creative thinking. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission strictly prohibited. Subscription by mail for the u.S.: 3 months-$125, 6 months-$225, I year-$396, Single issue-$l0 ISSN 0146- 9614 • TIillContents Departments Economics 1 From the Editor-in-Chief 6 Mass unemployment is national policy 5 Editorial At least through April, all the Rethinking national goals nasty features of the present "recession" were a product of 46 Dateline Mexico Carter administration policies to create those features, and if Battle at the unemployment hit 9 percent in interparliamentary 1974-75, it's sure to hit 12 meeting percent this time. But from now on, even the "controlled 47 Middle East Report disintegration" crowd in the 'Death of a princess' White House can't plan on controlling matters. 60 Congressional Calendar 9 Gold 64 Campaign 1980 Will France put gold on the Venice agenda? 10 Domestic Credit Foreign aid for Chrysler 11 Agriculture Get a horse! 12 International Credit Germany seeks an 'island of stability' 13 Foreign Exchange 14 Trade Review 15 Science & Technology MHD: High-technology ' power production 16 Business Briefs Volume 7. Number 20 May 27 Special Report International National I 32 Brown and Muskie put SO Carter and Brzezinski's the screws on Europe mad drive toward war The Americans came into the The recent speeches of President Brussels NATO meeting Carter and Zbigniew Brzezinski threatening and armtwisting, have committed the nation to telling the continent's leaders that confrontation with the Soviet detente is finished. The Union-that is, to strategic Europeans, for their part, tried to humiliation, or holocaust. stall the issue, while the Kremlin Neither American interests nor issued warnings about 'whole anybody else's are involved. The Soviet school children take a class in geometry, which they study for a minimum nations burning up.' only question is the pervasive of ten years. Photo: Sygma insanity in the White House. Documentation: The official communique, plus statements by 53 Heroin and Brzezinski's 18 The education gap: Soviets Harold Brown, General Luns, Islamic friends leave America far behind Hans Apel, Klaus Boelling. The Malthusian program of 55 A bad day for 35 West Germany America's ruling circles has the Club of Rome degraded the nation's young and A vote in the Ruhr virtually wiped out quality for Schmidt and peace education. But in the Soviet 57 'We created the ecology movement' Union, the momentum of the 37 Italy 1960s space-exploration period An exclusive interview was never lost. As "Aquarian" WilL Cossiga survive the new terror scandal? kookery sweeps American youth, 59 UNITAR speaks the Russians are turning out 39 Middle East 'How we shall mathematicians and scientists by regionalize the world' the millions. Here are the facts Iraq leads the Arabs suppressed by the U.S. against 'Islamic pact' 62 National News government. 40 Iran 21 The Wirszup report President Bani-Sadr 'Soviet education: so far ahead versus the Mullahs comparison is meaningless' 41 Asia 25 Novosibirsk The Soviets warn Ohira tames Siberia on 'China card' 26 Can we restore 43 EIR's Frankfurt conference: West Point's tradition? realizing Nehru's dream The speech of Raghunath Reddy 28 Math vs. 'New Math'­ how it should be taught 48 International Intelligence • Editorial Rethinkingnational goals "A basic rethinking of national goals, policies, and Who is to blame for the destruction of our strategies regarding the use and misuse of psy­ youth through drugs, for the degeneracy of our choactive drugs is required," states a recent report military, for the destruction of our educational of the Drug Abuse Council. "To state it plainly, the system that now teaches adaptation to "post-indus­ challenge facing America regarding drugs is to trial society?" determine how best to live with the inevitable avail­ Behind the heroin epidemic and the drug decri­ ability of psychoactive drugs." minalizers is the basic economic and political policy The Drug Abuse Council, the White House which cannot be implemented unless the moral, advisory panel on drug policy, openly endorses this cultural and intellectual life of the nation is im­ marijuana decriminalization policy called for by paired. That is why drugs have been systematically both Ted Kennedy and Jimmy Carter. introduced into the United States from the time of The drug epidemic has become a question of the CIA's MK-Ultra project into the 1980s. national security if one compares the degraded Who is to blame for the current "rethinking of state of the majority of the youth of the United national goals?" States with the education and scientific capacities Milton Friedman, champion of austerity and of Soviet youth. Yet the policy coming out of the depression economics and a top advisor to Ronald White HOuse demands that we learn "how best to Reagan, firstendo rsed drug decriminalization, not live with the inevitable ..." From a national secu­ only marihuana but heroin, in 1972. He was also a rity standpoill,t, this is treason. key proponent of the disaster called the All-Volun­ According to a confidential report compiled by teer Army, where drugs are rife and the average the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency in November volunteer reads at a 5th-grade level. 1979, the U.S. will fa ce the worst·heroin epidemic The Islamic fundamentalists, lead by the Aya­ in its history as h!=roin floods in from Iran, Paki­ tollah Khomeini, are growing poison for American stan, and Afghanistan. The 1980 opium crop from youth-the same Khomeini put into power by these countries is estimated at 1,500 metric tons, Carter advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski. The same almost ten times the opium harvest of the Golden Brzezinski praises and funnels funds and arms to Triangle area of Southeast Asia, traditionally the "the fiercelyind ependent" Afghan tribesmen who supplier of three quarters of the world's opium are the opium growers. exports. Ayatollah Khomeini's heroin exporting Behind the Carter administration's inaction policy is responsible for this extraordinary crop in against the drug menace is "Dope, Inc.," the inter­ the regions dominated by his Islamic doctrine. national drug cartel which is run by the same The new Mideast supply of heroin will consti­ families that brought you the Trilateral Commis­ tute open warfare on the nation's youth. Aside sion, the New York Council on Foreign Relations fr om the massive increase in quantity and the low­ and the Club of Rome. ering of prices, the unusually high potency will The same policy makers who advocate the make addicton and overdose rates soar. The purity "controlled disintegration" of the U.S. economy of a "dime bag" now being sold in New York has a must bring you drugs, counterculture and mysti­ dangerously high rate of purity ranging from 2.3 cism.
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