Frequently Asked Questions What Types of Companies Are on the "Don't Test" List? This list includes companies that make cosmetics, personal-care products, household-cleaning products, and other common household products. All companies that are included on PETA's "don't test" list have signed our statement of assurance verifying that they and their ingredient suppliers don't conduct, commission, pay for, or allow any tests on animals for ingredients, formulations, or finished products anywhere in the world and will not do so in the future. We encourage consumers to support the companies on this list, since we know that they're committed to making products without harming animals. Companies on the "Do Test" list should be shunned until they implement a policy that prohibits animal testing. The "do test" list doesn't include companies that manufacture only products that are required by law to be tested on animals (e.g., pharmaceuticals and garden chemicals). Although PETA is opposed to all animal testing, our focus in those instances is less on the individual companies and more on the regulatory agencies that require animal testing. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Legend V - The company makes or sells strictly vegan products. L - The company has licensed PETA's official cruelty-free bunny logo. F - The company is a PETA Business Friend, and shopping at this company supports an innovative partnership for compassionate companies willing to assist in PETA's groundbreaking work to stop animal abuse and suffering. Companies Whose Products Are Available in France V L 23Beauty Paris https://23beauty.paris/ L 4Beauty Group http://www.4beautygroup.com/ L Adélie et Cie http://adelieetcie.com/ V L AEGIS PHARMA https://www.aegis-pharma.com/ V L Akita Brands http://www.akitabrands.com/ V L F Alchimie Forever 1-877-920-7546 http://www.alchimie-forever.com/ V L amatera http://amateracosmetics.com/ L Amly https://www.amlybotanicals.co.uk/ L APPLE & BEARS http://www.appleandbears.com/ L Atelier Populaire https://www.atelierpopulaire.fr/ Australian Bush Flower http://www.ausflowers.com.au Essences V L Autumn Bear Botanicals http://abherbals.com/ Last Updated 09-25-2021 Page 1 V L Ayda http://www.aydamaroc.com/ V L AZATURE http://www.azature.com/ V L babybulles http://www.babybulles.com/ V L Bakel +39 0432 502910 http://www.bakel.it/ L Bawaw http://bawaw.fr/ V L Baz Cosmetics http://www.baz-cosmetics.com/ L Beautaniq Beauty http://www.beautaniqbeauty.com Beauty Sanctuary V L http://www.beautysanctuarycosmetics.com/ Cosmetics L Beefayre + 44 (0) 1858 43 44 http://www.beefayre.com/ V L Beihao Bio https://www.midflower.us/ V L BelleRadiance https://belleradiance.com/en/belle-radiance/ L Bespoke Europe https://www.bespokeeurope.co.uk/ L Bio-T http://www.bio-t.fr/ V L Biocoiff http://www.biocoiff.com/ L Biolao Cosmetics L biolys L Bioreline http://www.bioreline.com/ V L BIOSME http://www.daydry.fr/en/ V L Biosol Tech Corp +886-2-22988500 Buckley & Phillips L 03 9735 3755 http://www.buckleyandphillips.com/ Aromatics L BYS Cosmetics https://www.bys.com.au/ V L C.Lavie Cosmétiques http://www.c-lavie-cosmetiques.com/en/ Cadiveu Professional Hair V L +55 11 3165 6897 https://cadiveu.in/ Remedy V L Canisfair http://www.canisfair.com/ V L Caupe Cosmetics http://www.caupecosmetics.com/ L CBB http://www.charlottebabyfamily.com/ V CEÏBO Cosmetics V L Cellu-cup http://www.cellu-cup.com L Chantecaille Beauté 1-877-673-7080 https://www.chantecaille.com/ V L Clémence et Vivien http://www.clemenceetvivien.com/ V L CleanerAll V L Clever Beauty http://www.clever-beauty.com V L COLORISI http://colorisi.com/ Last Updated 09-25-2021 Page 2 Comette Cosmetics https://comettecosmetics.com/ New! V L CORANIA +33 491 24 34 63 www.corania.com V CORPUS http://corpusnaturals.com L COSLYS http://www.coslys.com/ New! L Dabur +91 9930140722 V L Daisy Nail Products http://dnddaisy.com/ V L Daylily Paris http://www.daylilyparis.com/ V L De Vermalle https://www.devermalle.com/ V L Dear Dahlia http://www.deardahlia.com L DermaPharm http://dermapharm.com.pl L DERMO http://www.comptoirdeslys.com Dermotechnic Beauty V L http://www.epongekonjac.bio/ Systems L Design Essentials https://designessentials.com/ V L Dessine moi un savon http://dessinemoiunsavon.com/fr/ V L Devance Cosmétiques http://www.livenat.fr/en/ V L Diora Kimya http://www.diorakimya.com/ DOGS LOVE / https://www.dogslove.com/ CATS LOVE L Doll 10 https://www.doll10.com/ L Doucce https://www.doucce.com/ L Dr. Botanicals http://drbotanicals.com/ V L Dr. PAWPAW https://www.drpawpaw.com/ New! V Dragun Beauty 818-636-8551 www.dragunbeauty.com 1-877-324-4367 V L Earthly Body http://www.earthlybody.com 818-993-3880 L Elave Skincare http://www.elaveskincare.com/ ELEPHAS (Connected V L http://www.elephas.fr/ Beauties) V L EMBLÁ http://www.myembla.com/ V L Énamour https://enamour.co/ Energie Fruit (Beaute V L https://energie-fruit.com/ Resort) L ETAMINE DU LYS http://www.etaminedulys.com V L Eve & Rose https://www.eve-rose.com/ V L Fares Group http://fares.legal.com V L FiiLiT Parfum du Voyage https://fiilit.com/en/ V L Floratropia Paris https://floratropia.com/ Last Updated 09-25-2021 Page 3 V L FLUX Undies Ltd +44 7470254733 https://www.fluxundies.com/ L FunEthic http://www.fun-ethic.fr/ V L Fusion Body Art http://www.fusionbodyart.com L Goldfaden MD https://goldfadenmd.com/ V L Gymspell http://www.gymspell.com V L HAME http://hame.care/ V L HC Care https://www.hc.com.tr V L Herbivore Botanicals https://www.herbivorebotanicals.com/ New! Honua Hawaiian Skincare 650-762-6269 www.honuaskincare.com Huiles & Sens L 04 90 36 22 03 http://www.huiles-et-sens.com/en/ (Laboratoire Centiflor) V L Imperial Bioscience http://imperialbioscience.co.uk/ V L Invogue https://www.invogueinternational.co.uk/ V L Isla Apothecary https://islaapothecary.com/ J Beverly Hills 1-800-980-0098 http://www.jbeverlyhills.com/ L Jack Black 1-877-766-3388 http://www.getjackblack.com V L Jeste Cosmetics http://jeste.co/ V Julie Labelle Beauté https://julielabelle.co/ L KANITÉ https://kanite-naturel.com/ L Karethic http://www.karethic.com/en V Keys Soap 1-877-878-4082 http://www.keys-soap.com/ L Klar Seifen https://www.klarseifen.de/ V L KRAPULE http://www.krapule.com/ V L Kroll Cosmetics http://www.krollcosmetics.com/ L Kurlee Belle https://kurleebelle.com/ V La Bougie Herbivore https://www.labougieherbivore.com/ L La Bulle de Maryse +32 496 480 728 https://www.labulledemaryse.be/ V L La Folie des Senteurs https://www.lafoliedessenteurs.com/ L LA FOURMI VERTE http://www.comptoirdeslys.com/ V L La lessive de Paris https://www.lalessivedeparis.fr/ V L La Natura https://www.lanatura.com/ La Savonnerie du Nouveau V L http://www.lasavonneriedunouveaumonde.com/ Monde L Laboratoire B Blanche http://www.alvend.com/en/ V L Laboratoire Beauterra http://www.beauterra.com/ Last Updated 09-25-2021 Page 4 Laboratoire Bio V L https://www.biocolloidal.fr/ Colloïdal V LABORATOIRE HIPPOCRATE http://laboratoire-hippocrate.fr Laboratoire In Gratia V L https://druydes.com/ Herbarum LABORATOIRE V L http://www.secrets-des-fees.com INNOVEFFETS L Laboratoire INSPHY 04 67 107 110 http://www.kinesoins.fr/ L Laboratoire Phyto-Actif 05 56 07 00 70 http://www.laboratoirephytoactif.com/ V L Laboratoires Roig http://centella.com/en/ V L Laboté 01 45 48 97 48 https://www.labote.paris/ L Lady Green (LYSEA) http://www.lady-green.com/fr/ L Laila London +44 (0) 151 207 6496 http://www.lailalondon.com/ V L Lamazuna 336 71 60 73 30 http://www.lamazuna.com LASplash Cosmetics (Jon L 626-941-6558 http://www.lasplashcosmetics.com/ Davler, Inc.) L Latika soap 512-719-3302 http://www.latikasoap.com/ L LCB Cosmetiques http://www.ylae.fr V L Le Château du Bois http://lechateaudubois.fr V L Le chaudron à Plumes https://www.lechaudronaplumes.fr/ V L Le Jardin De Lilith http://www.lejardindelilith.com/ L le MOLY http://www.lemoly.fr/ V L LE PURE http://lepure.com/ L Les Artistes de Nature http://www.lesartistesdenature.fr/ V L Les Happycuriennes http://leshappycuriennes.com/ Les Ptites V L http://www.les-ptites-coquettes-paris.com/ Coquettes Les savons de V http://lessavonsdebroceliande.over-blog.com/ Brocéliande L LETIKA http://www.letika.fr/ L LILAS BLANC http://www.lilasblanc.com/ V Live Native +44 (0) 1599 530 367 http://www.livenative.com/ V L LMP Santé http://www.lmp-sante.com/ L Lorac https://www.lorac.com/ V L LOVA NAIL SYSTEM http://lovanailsystem.com L Love and Green http://www.loveandgreen.fr/ Lovegrove Essentials Skin https://hannahlovegrove.com/ Care V L Lupa Skincare https://lupaskin.care/ V L M.BOHEME http://www.m-boheme.fr/ Last Updated 09-25-2021 Page 5 L MÊME COSMETICS https://www.memecosmetics.fr/fr/ L Môme Care http://momecare.com Ma thérapie by L https://www.matherapie-by-cj.com/ Céline Julien MaCosmetoPerso L http://www.macosmetoperso.com/ (Laboratoire Centiflor) V L Maggie Anne Beauty http://www.maggieanne.co.uk/ L MAGICSTRIPES http://magicstripes.com/ MAISON DASSAM http://www.maisondassam.com/ V L Maison de Chanvre http://www.maisondechanvre.fr/ V L MAMA-SANGO http://www.mama-sango.net/ Mamabali https://www.mamabali-spa.com/ V L Manège Botanique http://www.manegebotanique.com/ V L Marisol Paris https://www.studiomarisol.com/ V L Marlay Cosmetics https://www.marlaycosmetics.com/ V L Meanail Paris http://www.meanail.com/ V L Melchior & Balthazar http://www.melchior-balthazar.com V L Mini Bloom http://www.minibloom.com L MISTER KUTTER BEAUTY CARE http://www.misterkutterbeautycare.com/ V L Mitty https://www.mitty.com.au/
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