.',. ~ " I ./ ,.! >'P('](;. (:()II. :::: I I) 'I ? i), (0) C!:) () 7 ~-, (A r c h -i V ('; ~») ()1~l()N, :1/; 1 (~ Oct :1 (il, l ') 9 () _ Haunted Chico Endorse this r~(-~ce'il/ed (,n: ll",;!;~,-q('i ~1 t:: I? J 1\ r~ L llJ 1\ f\ I~ Y " ,. CS I. J , C111 C0 Real ghost stories from The Orion makes around Chico and campus its '96 decision ;" .. Dimensions 15 •• l:, ...~ .•. Opinion 12 October 30, 1996 California State Univer Chico Volume 'II, Issue 10 ...",;,. , ~anta Barbara Hallo-vyeen just ((trick, no treat Geshekter being investigated .. ' ... TRACI MOON MATT NOTLEY fact gathering and will be presented as a report to Manllglng Editor News Editor Esteban, who will then make a decision based on the . 'If you think Chico has high The investigation into Professor Charles report. partying fines, don't venture south Geshekter's threat to punch a female student who "We are still infonnally gathering infonnation to 'Santa Barbara for Halloween. was yelling at his wife is underway and a group of from people who were at the debate," Carter said. The studellt-populated town ofIsla students are still rallying support in their attempt to Carter said the investigation is going smoothly Vi~ta has ILhe reputation of hosting have action taken against him. and people have been cooperative. the'greatest college Halloween Michael Biechler, vice provost for human re­ Biechler said the investigation will be thorough baSh. But with the past few years sources, and Charles Carter, student activities ad­ and fair and illustrates the university's grave concern , ," bringing nothing viser, are conducting the investigation at the request regarding the incident. but more out-of­ of President Esteban. Esteban requested thc investigation during a meet­ towncrs and more No infonnation has been released regarding the ing Wednesday in the Acadcmic Senate meeting trouble, the ongoing investigation into the threat to punch a room in Kendall Hall when students demanded im­ lmiversity and female student who was yclling at his wife incident mediate action be taken. police have occurring at last week's debate on Proposition 209 Since then a group of students headed by Jason prepared some involving Professor Charles Geshekter and Carol Hawkins, president of the sociology club, and festive fines for Burr, director of the Campus Center for Multicultural Armando Sanchez, commissioner of student fees, costumed students and Gender Studies. have meet with Esteban to further question what who misbehave. Carter said the investigation will be completed by Tiffany Jackson, the student Professor Geshekter threatened to Increased next Wednesday, Nov. 6. The investigation is only See Investigation, page 5 punch, listens to Pres. Esteban Thursday, as Jason Hawkins looks on. Halloween fines ,', include up to $1000 for public intoxication, $275 for urinating in public, and between $100 and $400 for disturbing the peace, depending oi{how you do it. Flag burners protest United Nations :;':'UCSB 's vice chancellor for sti,ident affairs and the associated stlidents external vice president Gets national cttculated a little announcement throughout the state alerting attention, causes pc:>iential guests that if they come to ~anta Barbara this Halloween, they rnay go home with an arrest record. media blitz ',','-:For years, out-of-town guests MATT NOTLEY have not been allowed into the News Editor donns on Halloween weekend How do you get every local and now many apartment leases television, radio and print me­ now have polices stipulating no dia to show up to an event and gu~sts over Halloween. get national attention from ,.:"., Talk about an unwelcoming Washington D.C., the Marine committee. Corps and the American Le­ "',' gion? Tell them you're burning Something's happening here a flag. " -'They've had it. Enough is That's what happened enough. They're walking out. Thursday when two Chico Today at 11 :30 a.m. students State University students sent a~l over campus are walking out out a press release to all local of'their classes and meeting at media announcing a flag burn- the Free Speech Area on cam- 'ing. However, the press re­ 1'.us. At noon, the group will lease didn't make clear the niarch through downtown to flag would be a United Na­ Plaza Park where several tions flag. speakers will speak out against Nathan Tucker and Michael Proposition 209, the initiative Pucci, who identified them­ 'constitutional amendment on the selves as members of Young b,illot that prohibits discrimina­ Americans for Freedom, burned tion or preferential treatment by the United Nations flag in the state and other public entities Free Speech Area to protest ~ased on race, sex, color American involvement in the ethnicity or national origin. organization. ":The walk-out is organized by "We are protesting the sub­ the Students for Affirmative ordination of American sov­ Action and is part of a state-wide ereignty to the U.N.," Tucker Students Michael Pucci (center) and Nathan Tucker (right) raise a burning United Nations flag in protest of American involvement. protest happening today. said. "We don't want the : ....•.... United States a part of the theD.N. ana want it off our soil," a dinner that day to commemo­ day that watching the U.N. flag go The protest produced more ~ast your ballots U.N. It represents a New Pucci said.' rate the anniversary. Members up in flames made him fi'ght back than ill feelings from Model ,: ',Something else is happening World order." They were protesting because of the Model U.N. were at the an overwhelming' urge to punch U.N. members, the A.S. gov­ next Tuesday. Chico State Univer­ The students said the United Thursday marked the 51 st ann i- protest and were ,angered by the the protesters. ernment . office received nu­ $ity students will tum out in record Nations was founded with goals versary of the Unitcd Nations, flag burning. "1 understand why there isn't a merous calls all morning from numbers at the polls and make a of one-world government and which is commonly referred to The Model U.N. representative, ban on burning a flag," Elsom said' , concerned citizens and go v- choice for their futures. But a lot of global socialism. "We oppose as U.N. Day. The Model U.N. R,ichard Elsom, who is also the Friday. "But it's a very 'trouble- pe~ple don't believe that. continued U.S. membership in Club on campus w'as alshlfaving' , A.S. legislative analyst, said Fri- some issue." , ''''::::: :':,;.I,:,;~;;;:::"'!.:r.', . See Flag, page 2 ' .. As one local columnist wrote tetently, "The fact is Chico State ·1,' ' .. stil'gents by and large don't vote; ~~~Y're generally uninformed, d,otI't bother to read up on the ~s~ues or fonn political posi­ Inside The Orion Mino17ities say tension does exist t191,tS, and many don't even 1?<?ther to register." '-',We know tons of you regis­ the minority students at Chico ie~ed, it's obvious you've Students telltheir State. ~,?~ed positions by holding Since then, an African­ x:a~lies, protests and walk-outs, Chico experj~Jjces American football player's car and this week The Orion has has been vandalized with racial made it really easy for you to KRISTIN CARMICHAEL slurs, white-supremacy fliers re~d up on the issues with a ' Asslstlnt Nows Editor have been passed out at several supplement summing up every­ Today's Weather Racism is a word the pre­ , Chico locations and an African­ thing you need to know. It's all Partly Cloudy dominantly white Chico com­ American student was verbally til~ same stuff you've already High 65 Low 35 munity has become quite famil­ abused at a recent Proposition seen and heard but we think this iar with as minority studcnts 209 debate. ~~~omething you'll want to read. continue to question their ac­ "You can't concentrate on your ,:' So prove'em all wrong. There Index ceptance in Chico. studies here at Chico State 'cause is ~ lot of stuff on the ballot that Weather 2 As Lefika Setshwaelo, a stu­ these ideas keep floating in your affects you - you have the right dent at Chico State University, head that you're not wanted here," to:make a choice. Don't forget SQorts 9 likes to put it, "If I was white in said Luis Preciado, a Chico State wh:at some people went through Chico, I'd love it." student. to give you this right. Entertainment 19 Chico State began the school However, not all students, fac­ ... ,~ /' ... year with a report by the West­ Ulty and administration fcel rac­ Repeh Trael Moon through e-mail Classifieds 23 ern Association of Schools and ism is as big a concern as it has at [email protected], by Colleges (W ASC) accreditation been made out to be. p~~ne at 898-4033 or fax at . Comics 24 team reporting that the Chico University President Manuel 898-4839. community is "uninviting" to Esteban said he wasn't necessar- . ~ ',. j) ,"\ ::.: - -----,.----------- -----------------,------_._-_.. _----_._-'----,---- ... ,:- I 2 The Orion October 30, 1.99,6.,,';, I Weather halts 'Week') Rain postpones 'Rape "that we as women are doing these things." SPe.... thinks that if we were equal "this wouldn't have 16~.:... eport happen." . Awareness Week' finale All last week, the Women's Center put on evenfi':; ELISA BONGIOVANNI to recognize Rape Awareness Week. On Oct. 23 •. ,~ Chico Forecast Staff Wrltor the Clothesline Project was displayed, which con- Rape Awareness Week ended abruptly after sisted of shirts that survivors of violence created to . poor weather conditions cancelled its final event· show their anger.
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