2526 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE February 17 state the amount of money which was paid I offer in evidence Commission's exhibits NOM1NATIQN to the Cooperative Manager & Farmer 'for 37, 37-A, 38, an'd 39. · · the printing of said articles and reprints, but Examiner SHEPPARD. Accepted. Executive nomination received by the he does recall very distinctly that on one Mr. FLANNERY. I offer page 40 of the stipu­ Senate February 17,1959: occasion the amount paid by the respondent lation in evidence, which reads as follows: U.S. CIRCUIT JUDGE chamber of commerce for some of this work "That he [Adams] tried to convince his Lester L. Cecil, of Ohio, to be U.S. circuit was $5,200. associate, the respondent Fleming, and to judge for the sixth circuit, vice Potter Stew­ "'With reference to the article in second convince the secretary of the respondent art, elevated. section on pages 43 to 50 of exhibits 37 and chamber of commerce that it was a mistake 37-A (collection of reprints), which is an to continue these attacks on the Equity Co­ article entitled "Equity Cooperative Ex­ operative Exchange, and that he had written •• .... •• change Question Book," (the same being out a notice to the effect that the policy of Commission's exhibit 38 (question book) in the Cooperative Manager and Farmer in that HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES its original form), that all of the copy and respect was to be changed, and that he data were furnished by the secretary of the would have published this notice in the next TuESDAY, FEBRUARY respondent chamber of commerce. issue of the paper, but his partner procured 1_7, 1959 "'With reference to Commission's exhibit an injunction from the court enjoining him The House met at 12 o'clock noon. 39 (picture book) that his recollection was from carrying out his intention to publish somewhat vague as to the total number of said notice and that shortly after this he The Chaplain, Rev. Bernard Braskamp, copies of this issue which were published was forced by his said partner to disassociate D.D., offered the following prayer: and delivered to the respondent chamber of himself from all connection with the paper." commerce, its members and others engaged Galatians 6: 2: Bear ye one another's Mr. FLANNERY. I offer pages 41 and 42 of burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ. in the grain business, but he is certain that the stipulation in evidence, which read as there were at least 20,000; that practically follows: Eternal and ever-blessed God, we be­ all of the copy and data used in publishing "Julius Rebholz, if called as a witness, seech Thee in this Brotherhood Week to the articles in this issue concerning the would testify as follows: inspire us with a clear vision of the Equity Cooperative Exchange were supplied "'With reference to Commission's exhibit many high and helpful things that we and the same were published in the form 38 [Question Book] and various issues of the are privileged to do together for the and manner requested by the respondent Cooperative Manager and Farmer and the welfare of one another and all mankind. chamber of commerce; that he (Adams) publication and distribution thereof, that he was in favor of publishing the said picture Grant that, in none of life's human is a printer and that while he was employed relationships, we may allow those feel­ book without referring therein to the Equity by the Cooperative Manager and Farmer he Cooperative Exchange, but that the secretary assisted in the printing of various issues of ings and attitudes to permeate our char­ of the respondent chamber of commerce in­ that paper containing attacks on the Equity acter and conduct which are alien and sisted that it be printed in its present form, Cooperative Exchange, and he also assisted contrary to the spirit of our blessed Lord. containing derogatory statements about the in the printing of Commission's exhibit 38 May we be loyal partners with all who said Equity Cooperative Exchange, and its [Question Book] ; that practically all of the method of transacting business.' " are dedicating themselves to the glorious copy used in printing the said issues of the and adventurous taslt: of establishing a Mr. FLANNERY. I ask that the following Cooperative Manager and Farmer and all pamphlet be marked for identification, Com­ of the copy used in printing said Ques­ social order in which the fatherhood of mission's Exhibit 37, the same purporting to tion Book was furnished by the respondent God and the brotherhood of man are the be a collection of reprints from the Coopera­ chamber of commerce. ruling principles. tive Manager and Farmer. " 'That while acting as an agent of said Hear us in Christ's name. Amen. I also ask that the following pamphlet be paper he submitted to the assistant secre­ marked for identification, "Commission's Ex­ tary of the respondent chamber of com­ The Journal of the proceedings of hibit 37-A," the same purporting to be a merce, an estimate qf the cost of printing yesterday was · read and approved. collection of reprints from the Cooperative a certain number of copies of said question Manager and Farmer. These are not dated, book; that thereafter said secretary ordered but are various reprints. In other words, the printing of 3,000 copies of said question WATERSHED PROTECTION AND this matter appeared in the Cooperative book; that said cbpies were printed and Manager and Farmer in various issues and delivered to the respondent chamber of FLOOD PREVENTION has been compiled in book form. commerce, and a statement of the cost there­ The SPEAKER laid ·before the House Examiner SHEPPARD. They are admitted. of rendered to and said bill was paid by said Mr. SIMPSON. Exhibits 37 and 37-A are sev­ the following communication, which was· chamber about the month of February in read by the Clerk: eral different reprints bound together, each the year 1917. volume containing, I think, three separate "'That shortly after the publication of COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC WORKS, reprints. Each of the reprints contained in said question book and while respondent HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, the volume was issued at different times and Fleming, the manager of the Cooperative CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES, circulated at different times. The earliest Manager & Farmer was in Chicago, Mr. Tei­ Washington, D.C., February 16, 1959. reprint was entitled "History of the Equity gen, who was chariman of the committee ap­ Hon. SAM RAYBURN, Cooperative Exchange" and was very gen­ pointed in 1913 by the Minnesota Legislature The Speaker, House of Representatives, erally circulated as a separate reprint in for the purpose of investigating grain ex­ Washington, D.C. pamphlet form containing about 16 pages, changes, ordered 200 copies of said question DEAR MR. SPEAKER: Pursuant to the pro­ and was reprinted from a publication of the visions of section 2 of the Watershed Protec· Cooperative Manager and Farmer. Subse­ book; that he furnished said Teigen with 200 copies, and charged him $20 therefor; tion and Flood Prevention Act, as amended, quently other reprints were made from arti­ the Committee on Public Works has approved cles appearing in the Cooperative Manager that upon respondent Fleming's return from Chicago, he was informed of this transaction the work plans transmitted to you which and Farmer, and were circulated. The latter were referred to this committee. The work part of 1916, for convenience of reference and became very angry about it and said plans involved are: and to keep these reprints together, 50 copies he did not want the copies sold in that were bound in the form in which they appear manner; that the resulting friction between as exhibits 37 and 37-A, but the volume as him and Mr. Fleming caused him to leave Exec· utive Committee so bound was never circulated. • * * the employ of the paper.'" State Watershed com- approval Mr. FLANNERY. I understand then, that the mit tee original articles from which the reprints are No. made, were circulated; but the collection as ADJOURNMENT TO THURSDAY it stands was not circulated. Texas .••. Cbiltipln·S.ln. Fer- 515 Feb. 10,1959 Mr. SIMPSON. That is right. Mr. MORSE. Mr. President, in ac­ nando Creeks. Mr. FLANNERY. I ask that the :f;"ollowing cordance with the previous order, I move Do ••. San Diego-Rosita 515 Do. pamphlet be marked for identification, Creeks. "Commission's Exhibit 38," the same purport­ that the Senate stand adjourned until ing to be pamphlet entitled "Equity Coopera­ Thursday next at 12 o'clock noon. Sincerely yours, tive Exchange Question Book." The motion was agreed to; and (at 5 CHARLE;:; A. BUCKLEY, I ask that the following pamphlet entitled o'clock and 11 minutes p.m.) the Senate Member of Congress, "Cooperative Manager & Farmer" be marked adjourned, the adjournment being, under Chairman, Committee on Public Works. for identification, "Commission's Exhibit 39," the same purporting to be a special issue of the order previously entered, until The communication and the accom· that publication designated as the "picture Thursday, February 19, 1959, at 12 panying papers were referred to the book." o'clock meridian. Committee on Appropriations. 1'959 GONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE 2527 DESIGNATION ·. OF _MEMBER TO he suffered toward the close of his career, of his home ·district. · Perhaps I can give READ WASHINGTON'S FAREWELL Mr. EBERHARTER carried on his duties you a picture of Mr. EBERHARTER's service ADDRESS ' with a fortitude and determination that to his constituency which you have not evoked the praise· and admiration of his seen.
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