1 1 4 m m n . * . j . An Independent Newspaper Devoted to the Interests of the People of Hightstown and East Windsor mOHTSTOWN GAZETTE, MBRCEK C O U m Y ^!EW JERSEY, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 198S 135TK TIEAK—NO. 20 PRICE — TWENTY-FIVE CENT BEHIND THE I OBITUARIES Councilman Answers EWT Motel CiTy? Heiman, Townahip Firt! Code Questions Zoning Bo«rd Head Halfway through the presen­ to be used in perpetuity. The On Annual Fee Use tation of Abington Realises con­ issue, he said, Is between the Dead A t SO Years cept review for the building of tw6 parties and the developer Dear Editor: Luxury Budget Inn on Mon­ should come hi with an amended This is in reply to your qura- mouth street and Woods|de ave­ plan. The zoning officer, he said, Carlin J., Hfeiman of East Windsor dlied at' the Mount Sinai tions at a recent Council meeting nue at Monday’s East 'V^lndsor has to decide if it' should be and to your article about thn Township Planning Board meet­ treated as a two acre parcel. Medical , Center in Miami Beach, Ma., BViday. Bc^n-in the Bronx, same meeting. The proposed OSf- ing, a long-time Woodside resi­ Santosiipsw wanted to know he was 50 years'did. dlnance establishing local fbr' dent exclaimed “East Windsor is if the higrras and egress Is serv­ forcement of the Slate Fire C o4» going to be motel city” . The con­ ing that lot or not At this point Mr. Heiman was tfie owner of conlairLs no language on how the cerned resident was one of the Kessous asked if there is an ac­ the C.H. Printing Company of revenue from annual fees will be several Hlghtstown Heights resi­ cess or not and what happens if East Windsor. Ife was an active handled, because the State Sta­ dents w h o had objected to member in the Township Com­ later the courts decide there is tute requires that all (no more, Econo-Lodge being built at the no access. munity and at ^he time of his no less) such revenue be spent intersection of Woodside avenue death chalrmap of the East on enforcement Kti'vity. I esti­ and Route 33. Econo-Lodge own­ Santosusso a''so told the de­ ■Windsor Towm^ilp Zoning mate that the revenue availaUe er Sydney Kessous was also In veloper the PB would like a het- flbard. He had' aerved on the to Hlghtstown (after the State the audience and raised a ques­ ter storm water management Board for 10 yean. He had also takes Its 20% cut) wlU be be­ tion regarding the one-acre ease­ plan. There are a number of served on the East Windsor tween $10,000 and $13,000. Hila EIGHT BALL ment between Mom’s Peppermlll problems, he said. Planning Board and Shade Tree will be allocated among the fire on Route 33 and the proposed SPORT SHOTS: The Monsters Commission. MrJfielman was for marshall’s salary, office over­ motel a decade oa the Board of the of the Midway are back. The List Dedication head, and maintenance of rec­ Twin Rivers Home Owners As­ mean, bad Chicago Bears are on Abington Realty who has built ords. Ceremony Saturday sociation and was a director of n e w MR. CLEAN. Hightstown sponsible for Hightstown’s ap- a tear. They hold a 11-0 record several Luxury Budget Lodges The fire marshall already ia- &e Twin Rivers Community Richard Auglumbaugh pearance in Ihe central emn- In the National Football League in upper New York State, Penn­ Of Peddie Lake speefe most, if not all, of the Central Division and waEoped sylvania and now into New Jer­ I discus»;a downtown clean up moreW district. He was empioy- properties that fall under the such teams as last year Super sey wants to build a 98 room, H ^tatow n Mayor Richard W. Mr. Heiman belonged to the with WilUam Taylor. Mr. Taylor ^ “ part of Bie H u g h ’s con- neyf State law. His now salary Bowl champs, San Francisco four-story inn on the Hights- Aughenbaugh announces the local Lions and Rotary CltAs, Works De- has not yet been determined but ’49ers, New England Patriots and town Country Club property, Peddie Lake restoration has the Millstone P^tography Club ^ trai* ^ h t e which Iwve will be established by Council in Ajperica’s team, the Dallas Cow­ facing Monmouth street, after been completed and the lake is and the KnlghW of Pythias, He employee and k re- pla«u6d the downtown area, the normal fashion starting In boys. Their chances for an un­ tearing down the Country Club once again filled and ready for bad for many yei^ri been a Dem- Fiscal 1988. In the unlikely event defeated season look good. At­ house which has been there since recreational use. A dedication ocratic County j Committeeman N E W LOOK FOR SS CH ECKS that an additional inspector is lanta is on the schedule Sun­ the 1930’s, or possibly the 1920’s. ceremony will be held Saturday and a member of flte Bast 'Wind- required, appropriate adjust­ day at home and haven’t been The developers contend they will at noon at the lake at the steps ®°r Democratic Club. Social Security checks will difficult to alter or counterfeit ments to the salary oi-dinance doing too well. This year’s offer a luxury inn comparable to in back of the municipal parking Weimfm is^mirvived bv his have a new look on December 8, More than a dozen security fea- will be made. Remember, ihe Bears' version reminds mo of the the Hilton Inn without the lux­ lot wito tea ^ daSers f Borough is not allowed to spend teams back In the late thirties, in uries such as the commons area. Steele of New Zealand and R o- Security office in the old check - are contained in more on enforcement than it 1938 and 39 your reporter There will be no restaurant. berta, at home, and grandson, Trenton said today. the design, the ink and the pa- collects in fees. We do not expect watched them maul the Phila­ "When Planning Board members per. that additional office space will Sam Steele, | The familiar green punched- delphia Eagles in Temple Sta­ asked the price, Richard H. be required. This is one of the dium & Kennedy Stadium, then Moore, Director of Real Estate A memorial service will be card Aecks t ^ t Social Securily The design features a full- positive aspects of the computer­ known as Municipal Stadium. for Lusniry Budget Inns, said in held at the East Windsor Mu beneficiaries have been receiving length reproduction of the Statue ization that our Borough offices Mtmicipial held 100,000 people New York state it is $39 or $40, niclpal Courtroom, One Mile IS'**’ will soon undergo. then, but pro football didn’t but a brochure they passed foad. East Windsor, Sunday, at a new, more counterfeit-resistant muted close-up of the Statues I hope that addresses your cost-effective paper check. head and torch on the right over draw but a few thousand In' around to PB members and the 11 am. concerns. I will be pleased to an­ those Days. The Eagles had a 'skidlence had printed the phrase The U.S. Department of Trea- a multicolored background rang- swer any additional questions sury’s Financial Management ing from light blue to pale peach. ono - eyed quarterback, Tommyi “Enjoy a King, One Person — John L. Maley from you or the public. Thompson. '|only $27.99” . There wag no date Service, the government’s finan- The letters “USA” create a back- Very truly yours, of cial manager, began planning the ground pattern on the front and Monster inventor George Ha- in Ihe brochure to indicate when John Lawrence Maley, 34, Torrington D. Watkins, Westerly, R.I., husband of Don- paper check conversion project back of the check, las was the Bears coach and he it was printed. Borough Councilman na Jean (Totin) Maley, died N o- in the late WTO’s because of new Supplemental Security Income believed in big men. Jack Tor- | The inn would face Monmouth vember 13 at the ITeterana Ad- technology and the need to' con- beneficiaries will continue to re- ranee went over 300 pounds. Big street and the easement acre in ministration Hospim in Provi- form to generally accepted bank- ceive the gold-colored pvmch- Christmas Parade To George Musso, 290. There were question would b e between dence. big practices. Taxpayers will card checlts, Purrelli said. TSie also the likes of Joe Stydahar Kick Off Holidays Mom’s and the back of the Inn. save $6 million per year in costs conversion process to the new and Bulldog Turner. Quarter Mom’s Peppermlll customers are A Navy veter^ of Vietnam paper stock and storage space, checks will not affect them until Santa Clus is coming to town back Sid Luckman ran the show currentlv using that acre for Conflict, he received an honor, The new check is also more April 1. on Friday, November 28, to help with backs like George Mcafee, parking and crossing over the able discharge in 1978 after eight Borough residents officially Hugh GaUemau and the Osman- footbridge which spans Timber years of active duty. A special kick-off their holiday season. ski brothers. In 1940 they whip­ MAYOR AUGHENBAUGH SERVICE NEWS St. James Church Closed Rxm. Ml-. Murphey, attorney for| instructor in ordinance mech- The annual Christmas Parade ped the Washington Redskins, Mom’s, said Mom’s does not own Mayor Aughenbaugh thanks anics, Mr.
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