THURSDAY, MAY 25, 2017 DAILY EXCELSIOR, JAMMU daily Brig Anil Gupta restless due to non-availability of arms and ammunition and most Excelsior he recent events in Kashmir important the youth was getting dis- Established 1965 have made it amply clear that No Azadi but Islamic State enchanted from the promise of Aza- Tthe slogan of "Azadi" by di, the ISI has changed the strategy Founder Editor S.D. Rohmetra Kashmiri Muslims was only a façade for the sake of Islam. Sheikh Abdul- tionable conduct and policies. Yadav Islam" entered the Valley, via Pak- agenda of total Islamisation of Kash- lah who was vying at that time to refers to the agitation by the Praja istan. Free flow of petro-dollars mir and part of the global pan-Islami- by propping up Zakir Musa who to keep under wraps the real motive announced to go the Al Qaeda way of establishment of an "Islamic State" assume the mantle of the leader of Parishad in 1952-53 for complete began to gradually side line the Sufi sation movement now spearheaded Kashmiri struggle was quick to grab integration of the State with the Indi- Islam and marginalise Kashmiriyat by the Saudi backed Wahhabis. thus promoting Islamist nay Wahhabi Hospitals sans faculties in Kashmir. Much against the popu- ideology for liberation of Kashmir as lar belief the fact is that Pan-Islami- the idea. In his speech, in the Jamia an Union on the basis of one Consti- (a mix of Sufi Islam and Hindu cul- The Hurriyat leaders, mostly Masjid, Srinagar on the 10th of July, tution. He writes, "Sheikh Abdullah ture) in the veil of "Azadi". It also with Jammati background and are first step towards for establishment overnment Medical College Jammu is a classical sation is not a recent phenomenon in of Islamic Caliphate. example of appalling disparity between the Kashmir. Under the Dogra rule, Jam- 1931 Sheikh Abdullah had said that tried to use this agitation as an excuse gave spur to the growth of political Kashmiri Muslims which constitute "Maulana Abdul Qadeer Khan Ghazi to stall his previous commitment of Islam that had been pioneered by only 30% of total Muslim population The silver lining is that even sanctioned posts of various faculties and the mu & Kashmir was the most secular today more than 70% of Muslims in G state in Princely India wherein Hin- has been prosecuted for the cause of accession to India in all fairness. He Sheikh Abdullah and his followers. of Kahmir, are used by Pakistan as actual number at work. This is despite clear instructions Islam and for the Kashmiri Muslims. openly challenged India's secularism The so-called mainstream political pawns to hide the real intent of Kashmir believe in Sufi Islam and are dus, Muslims, Sikhs and Buddhists opposed to Pak sponsored politico- from the Medical Council of India that are obligatory for all practising different faiths lived He asked the people to pray for his on this incident and put forward an parties also realised the importance Islamisation by portraying them as acquittal and show complete solidar- argument that the integration of Jam- of "Islamic Card" to remain relevant seekers of "Azadi." With growing religious militancy fuelled by Wah- all recognized Government Medical Colleges in the together peacefully. In pursuance of habi ideology. Unfortunately, the country. Last year much pressure was exerted on the its agenda Anglo-Muslim alliance ity with him." In his another speech, mu and Kashmir and particularly of and did not prevent their cadre from influence of Wahhabism among the he had asked the Kashmiri Muslim to the Kashmir valley and certain being radicalised. The unhindered terrorists the farce separating the ter- 30% Kashmiri Muslim minority MCI to increase the number of seats for MBBS in the wanted to destabilise the Maharaja of dominate the political landscape of Jammu & Kashmir, Mahrajdhiraj prepare themselves for sacrifices for adjoining parts which had Muslim growth of Wahhabism particularly rorists and separatists was to be GMC and consequently it was raised from 100 to 150. the sake of Islam. Thus, Sheikh majority with Hindu India would not among Kashmiri Muslims posed a exposed sooner or later. Remember Kashmir and are the real power bro- Hari Singh, who had openly chal- kers. They have managed to befool When that was done, it was but natural that the number lenged the propriety of continued Abdullah became the flag - bearer of be in the interest of the Muslims of strategic challenge to India which the the slogan of Geelani, "Azadi Barai Pan Islamisation in Kashmir, much Kashmir." Sheikh started showing governments of the day chose to Islam"!!! Though working for a com- the rest of the nation and internation- of faculties should also have been enhanced to meet the British Rule in India at the Round al community as real representative additional requirement of the students. Table Conference held in London. before the arrival of Wahabism, the his true colour and his growing close- ignore leading to the present state of mon cause, Kashmiri Muslims seeds of which had been sowedby ness with Pakistan forced New Del- affairs when the Sunni Wahabi Jiha- except a handful of nationalists were of the Kashmiri people. Even the This is not the only malaise with which GMC is suffer- Buoyed by their successful policy of media is playing into their hands "Divide and Rule" in the British Abdul Qadeer. At the same time, hi to dismiss him and order his arrest di Terrorist outfits(with their bases in wearing different masks of Sepa- ing. The glaring discrepancy in the GMC as well as the Sheikh Abdullah also emerged on charges of treason. Af-Pak region) feel that they are close ratists, Soft Separatists, Mainstream when they permit them to rant India, the British conspired to unabashedly on national channels Super Specialty Hospital is that both institutions are run- encourage Muslim uprising against undisputed leader of the Kashmiri Formation of Jamat -e Islami- to realise their cherished dream of Politicians, Stone Pelters and Terror- Muslims. His political party Nation- Kashmir (JEIK) in 1953 which was "Gazwa-i-Hind" with Kashmir as the ists. The killing of Burhan Wani lift- that it's a political problemand refuse ning on adhocism, a word that is usually abhorred in the the Maharaja. In Abdul Qadeer Khan to acknowledge the real truth that it's lexicon of medical history. We fail to understand why the Ghazi, a Pathan, they found the per- al Confernce formed in 1938 also fol- closer to Jamat-e-Islami- Pakistan launch pad.There is a direct connect ed the veil when his father said open- lowed the ideology of exclusivity in than Jamat-e-Islami- Hind was the between Wahhabism and terrorism. ly that he was happy that his sons have Islam vs India, it's Jihad vs democra- Health and Medical Education Department has become fect collaborator they were looking cy, it's not political but 100% com- for. as much as it looked down upon non- first attempt of Pakistan of direct Unable to justify their violent form of died for the cause of Islam. His suc- a victim or a prisoner of this much hated system of Kashmiri Muslims like the Punjabi interference in Kashmir with aim of Islam involving mass killings, cessor Zakir Musa refused to mince munal. All is not lost as yet. We need The Kashmiris then were gener- to catch the bull by horn and empow- administration. Hindsight will show that from the highest ally peace loving and submerged in Muslims, Paharis, Shias, Gujjars, Islamisation in the garb of freedom beheadings and other inhuman forms words and came out openly in favour Bakkerwals and Dogra Muslims or "Azadi." The constitution of JEIK of torture within the realm of Quran of creating a Muslim Caliphate and er 70% Sufi Muslims of Kashmir to post of Principal/Dean, GMC Jammu has not seen any Sufi Islam that preached co-exis- challenge Wahhabi dream of an confirmed Principal after superannuation of Dr Rajinder tence, inclusivity, tolerance and mul- alongwith the other minorities. is based on the principle of "Ikmat-e- or Sharia, the Wahhabis embraced challenged the farcical concept of Sheikh succeeded in fulfilling Deen" - to establish and maintain the jihadi terrorism as a tool to propagate Azadi of the separatists. The Wah- Islamic Caliphate with full Govern- Singh. Thereafter all were opted as in-charge Principal. tilateralism. Pan- Islamism was intro- ment support. The exposed Hurriyat duced in the Kashmiri society in 1931 his ambition, with active support Shariah in the universe. Syed Ali their ideology of "Takfeer." The ulti- habi indoctrination of the terrorist The practice of enforcing adhocism is actually of the from Jawahar Lal Nehru, in ensuring Shah Geelani is a founder member of mate aim of Wahhabis is "establish- commander encouraged him to leadership needs to be proceeded by Abdul Qadeer Khan who against legally and ensure that their choosing of bureaucracy and the institution of Public appeared suddenly in a street meet- exile of the Maharaja after the acces- JEIK and was the first to give the slo- ment of an Islamic Caliphate which unveil the real Kashmir narrative to sion of the State with India and he gan of "AzadiBarai Islam"- "Free- is co-terminus with the ideology of the entire world much to the dismay marginalisation is full and final. Due Service Commission. MCI has highlighted this lacuna in ing in Srinagar where Sheikh Abdul- to political inept handling in the past GMC a number of times but it appears the concerned lah, a Kashmiri Muslim, was also assuming absolute powers as Prime dom For Islam." Before the emer- JEIK.
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