« Cairistmas is closing in fast. • These Santa Claus parades Start now and you can stili demonstrate a Board of Trade l>ny aimost anything but more can’t float alone. There must time to buy. The Glengarry New be public interest. ONE OF CANADA’S AWARD-WINNING WEEKLY NEWSPAPERS TOL. LXIX — No. 50 ALEXANDRIA, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15th, 1960 SINGLE COPY lOo Federation Of Agriculture Hears Loot Recovered In Santa’s Bag Not Address On Land Acquisition Montreal From Big Enough A talk by Don Middleton on Land privileges of an owner of property Area Burglary Santa Claus come in by plane, Acquisition and the policies of the (1) he pays the taxes; (2) he can Saturday, but it was not due to rederation of Agriculture for this use the property as he sees fit; (3) Three Montreal men are in jkil weight restrictions on his luggage subject, featured the annual meet- he can mortgage it; (4) he' can will, In Cornw'all and will appear' in court that the treats ran short. Some j ing of the County Federation which sell or deed it. here Tuesday to face charges in 1700 bags of goodies were dished out ■was held in the High School here Regarding the same property the connection -with the theft of some but Santa found himself short — «n Thursday night last. Mr., Mid- state can: (1) tax it; (2) police it; $800 worth of goods from the shop about 65 treats when it cam( linn dleton is head of the newly created (3) can take part of it; (4) can of Aime Fillon at Apple Hill. ’Ihe for the babes in arms to get their’s. Properties Department of the Fed- take it all. Expropriation is a men were caught in Montreal hours Sanba’s helpers aver reason for eration, and he works full time formality by which the state takes after the burglary, early iVednes- the shortage was because so many j throughout Ontario In situations over -what is yours. The state, un. day morning and- the loot was re- of the bigger kids wangled a si’toiid ■where farm property is being taken der present conditions, pays the covered. serving. by public utilities. Many farmers market value of farm, property, plus Taken were a TV set, tubes to the They went to work Sunday and in the section of Lancaster Town- 10% for inconvenience. value of $100, a radio, toaster, packed another 100 treats which ship affected by Highway 401 at- The Federation of Agriculture be- watches, cigarettes and some cash. were delivered to shut-ins whom lieves a settlement should be based tended the meeting. Mr. Pilion recalls this is the- 13th Santa could not serve. Mr. Middleton, on his first trip on: due compensation, plus replace- time he has been burglarized in 31 Many of the floats promised for here, made several personal contacts ment cost, plus inconvenience, plus years at Apple Hill. It is also the the parade failed to show and it government assistance in moving. ■with farmers affected by exprop- first time the culprits were caught. would have been a flop except for riation, and spoke in general terms Some farmers In attendanct pro- the colour and music of the Vank- regarding OPA policies. The legal tested that if an economic unit Represented County leek Hill Collegiate’s fine kiltie teiin “fee simple” describes the (Continued on Page 4) band. The Lions Club, Brown Shoe, In Publie Speaking and the Children of Mary, St. Fin- WILL ATTEND DEFENCE COLLEGE — Brigadier This week. Brigadier Cameron was uniquely hon- Antoine Chenier Estelle Macdonell of St. Raphael’s nan’s parish, had floats behind Donald C. Cameron, of Alexandria, relinquishes ored by the town council of Soest, reported below. Fifty Years A Separate School, was one of the Santa who rode behind ponies command of Canada’s NATO forces in Germany He is pictured, above, centre, discussing battle Paid Last Tribute eleven contestants taking part in driven by Coimclllor Les Fraser. early next week and leaves for England where he operations during exercise “Holdfast”, in October, Priest Saturday the Elastern Ontario Public Speak- Several clowns also enlivened the will attend Britain’s Imperial Defence College. in which 50,0(X) NATO troops participated. A respected businessman and ing competition for elementary frosty scene. resident of Alexandria for more Saturday marks the 50th anni- schools, held at Ingleside early In- Doug Baxter piloted Santa to a lhan 50 years, Antoine Chenier died versary of the ordination of the December. Estelle was accompanied sate landing- north of town after, Thursday, Dec. 8th, at his home dean of the diocesan clergy, Rt. Rev. by her parents, ,Mr. and Mrs. Cor- presumably, picking him u-p at the LETTERS Soest, Germany, Pays Unique Civic here. Though retired from active Monsignor Ewen J. Macdonald, North Pole. mic Macdonell, an-d her teacher. TO THE EDITOR business because of ill health for A.P.,' V.(3. Father Ewen was or- Sister Miriam Hilda, CS.C. Honor To Brigadier D. C. Cameron the past 25 years Mr. Chenier was dained to the priesthood in Mont- Alexandria, Ont. mot seriously ill until ten days ago real by Archbishop Bruchési, De- Grandnephew Car Mr. Editor; The 1,000-year-old German town built about 200 years before Colum- ^when he suffered a stroke. cember 17th, 1910. Last Tribute Paid Your opinion expressed in an of Soest, and the county which bus discovered America, on Monday News of his death was received There will be no special celebra- Crash Victim editorial in December 1st issue of bears its name, bestowed the high- evening. est honour ever given a foreigner ■with regret by many old friends, tion of the event Saturday, it hav- Misses Georgina and Angeline the Glengarry News, has every in- The bestowal of the civic honours here and in the Alfred area. ing been marked in September when W.R. McEwen dication that you made a supreme at a special council n^eeting on by- his German hosts preceded by a Sabo-urin were in Valleyfleld, Mon- Deo. 12 when they paid tribute to Mr. Chenier was born at Alfred, Funeral services for the late Wil- effort to prevent two candidates, week' the departure of Brig. Cam- 178 years ago, a son of Edouard day, attending the wake of a grand- one of whom Is myself, from being the Commander of the 4th Cana- eron for the United Kingdom, where fred Ryan McEwen, who passed dian Infantry Brigade Group, Bri- Chenier and his wife, Mal'vtna away in the Cornwall General Hos- nephew, Bruno Theoret, 20, victim elected in the municipal referendum he will attend the Imperial Defence gadier D. C. Cameron of Alexandria. Xavoie. A tinsmith by trade he was pital on December 7th, were held of a car accident. election of Dec. 5th. College. He leaves for England The old town, which dates back •employed at Maxville and Vankleek Grandson of their brother, the December 20th, his mother, Mrs. Saturday in the Maxville United I purchased from the Glengarry to Charlemagne’s empire in the Mill before coming here some 51 Church. A -large congregation of R. W. Ciameron, has heard. late Auguste Sabourin, and a son News an ad. indicating part of my early niifth century, has for the years ago. He started the business friends and relatives gathered to - In medlev-al times, Soest was one of Mr. and, Mrs. Raoul Theoret, he programme, and soliciting the rate- first time in its history invited' a of Chenier’s Hardware In 1919, ill pay final tribute to this very widely of the main way stations on the payers’ support. I feel that in fair- non-elected person -to preside at a health forcing his retirement some known former and citizen, who had was one of two passengers, victims commercial salt route between Salz- ness, you should not have expressed special council meeting. The ex- 35 years ago, since which time it been seriously ill for three months. of a December 2nd car crash. He burg, Austria, and cities on the your strong personal feelings in traordinary session of the town had been in the hands of his son, Mr. McEwen was sixty years of Baltic Sea. The oldest town In the survived untiUkiday, when he suc- that issue.' I look upon this as a council wrote into its archives pub- Elie Chenier. age and was born on the farm just province of Westphalia, it was one cumbed to critical' inj-uries. very -unorthodox business practise; lic tribute and appreciation to Brig. Since his retirement, Mr. and north of Maxville village, which he of the fotmders of the former Han- Mrs. Chenier had spent their sumn The funeral was held In Valley- you have exploited some half truth Cameron for the harmony and close seatic League and at that time its operated- until -the time of his death. about me and my experience, to co-operation which Germans and mers at Lancaster where he could He came of a Glengarry pioneer field, yesterday. population was about the same as Indicate that I could lack leader- Canadians have enjoyed during his indulge his favorite sport, fishing. family, his father being the late today’s 35,000. They had also lived part of each ship towards the welfare of. the three years’ command of Canada’s The records In which Brig. Cam- Finley McEhven and his mother the m-unicipality. NATO Brigade. year at Alfred, and in their home late Ada Ryan. Mrs. E. Bishop eron’s name and the tribute to the here.
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