PITTSBURGH HISTORY & LANDMARKS FOTJNDATION ONE STATION SQUARE, SUITE45O PITTSBURGH, PA I52I9-II7O Address Correction Requested Published for the members of the Pittsburgh History & l¿ndmarks Foundation No. 128 March 1993 o What a "Landmark" May Be a Revisiting OId St. Luke's a Pittsburgh Architecture: Civilized Engineering Airy Engineering Getting Acquainted with Hornbostel Lartdmarks' Pre servation Fund As we usere going ta press with this isstq Sta.nlq Landmarks'loan will allow NLC to prepare its meeting. Neighborhood revitalization, community preservation goals include: I-owe antwunced. his resignatian as dírecør of 1992 year-end annual report, establish and reorganize development, and historic its executive committee, prepare incorporation and 501 Fund,, as During the First 100 Days: I-øndmarks' Preseruatian øprelimínnry ø (c) (3) documentation, adopt an annual operating runningfor Pítæburgh Cíty CowrcíL. Th.ese reports, budget, and continue to work with its partners such as . Proposing legislation to restore the Historic Rehabili- writænþr publicøtian hcrq describe recen initin- Allegheny General Hospital, Northside Civic Develop- tation Tax Credit. ment Council, Pittsburgh Community Reinvestment ¡ Directing the Council on Environmental Quality to tíaes wíth th.e, Prese¡vati.on Fund. Alæ Kønuth, usha Group, Northside businesses, and others. study subsidies that support suburban sprawl. hasbeen seruíng as an assßta,nr ø Stnnlq, uill hclp NLC executive director Nancy Schaefer expressed r Establishing a structure within each federal agency to us in thß trarcítiana.l periad,. gratitude and stated, "NLC was able to convene the facilitate the delivery of services to neighborhood annual retreat which allowed over 100 people to attend groups. and identify issues and problems affecting the North- o Protecting the discretionary fund within the Health Manchester's Section I Housing Development side. Moreover, the Northside Leadership Conference- and Human Services office which has provided money to community-development corporations for commer- La4dmarks'Preservation Fund has lent the Manchester Allegheny General Hospital partnership continues on cial development. Citizens Corporation (MCC) $50,000 to purchase four- track. The Conference and the hospital will be discuss- o Directing the General Services Administration, Postal percent ownership (a controlling interest) of the ing short- and long-term expansion plans, health needs Services, and other federal agencies not to move out of management rights of 96 low- and modetate-income of Northside residents, and ernployment and scholar- historic buil<iings into suburbia. units in Manchester. MCC, in association with Action ship opportunities." Housing, will form a partnership called Manchester She also said, "Operational support from Land- During the First Year: marks means that innovative plans for the Northside Action Corporation (MAC) to provide management o jobs programs putting people conference's May l0 dinner, participation in the Implementing emergency responsibilities for low- to moderate-income persons preservation. National Peoples Action Conference in Washington, to work in residing in the National Corporation for Housing Part- o Providing grants to states and localities to rehabilitate nership (NCHP) Eastman, Langenheim, and Sheffield D.C., and other important conference matters will continue." older and historic buildings. Street apartments located in Manchester. o Creating public-service training programs for young Landmarks'loan will be used to purchase the Preservation Fund Supports Hosanna House people and displaced workers in preservation activities. management rights and pay legal fees and other costs In the fall of 1992, Hosanna House executive director o Strengthening the Community Reinvestment Act and associated with assuming management control. The Leon Haynes came to Landmarks to ask what the obtaining broader compliance from local lenders. Urban Redevelopment Authority of Pittsburgh (URA) Preservation Fund could do to help create a more posi- has agreed to work with MCC and Action Housing, During the First Four Years: tive image in Wilkinsburg. Mr. Haynes told of his and will invest approximately $1.2 million in the reno- o involvement in a project to restore the Horner Middle Establishing a program of grants to states for grants vation of the historic housing units. Additionally, School, presently owned by the Wilkinsburg School and a below-market revolving loan fund program for MCC will work with Action Housing to form a tenant Board. He was seeking technical assistance and a preservation projects that would aid low-income per- selection team and property maintenance department, Preservation Fund grant to revitalize the building. The sons, including loans to low-income homeowners and and possibly establish a tenants' organization. project is known as Hosanna House, and a legal agree- small-business owners conforming to Secretary of MCC Board Chairperson Betty Jane Ralph stated, ment with the Wilkinsburg School Board allows the lnterior standards. "Landmarks'loan allows MCC to begin to make the Hosanna House, Inc. to take possession of the school . Developing and implementing initiatives for channel- Manchester neighborhood privatg owned and con- for SlO0 when a strategic plan and a fundraising strategy ing capital from large capital pools into neighborhood trolled by the residents who live here, not by Washing- have been completed. The building has approximately preservation projects, stressing projects that provide ton, D.C. Manchester residents will be involved with 126,000 square feet ofusable space. It contains a affordable housing and revitalize neighborhood and tenant selection, property restoration, property main- gymnasium and the only indoor swimming pool in downtown commercial areas. tenance, and neighborhood security." If MAC'S man- o Wilkinsburg. The second floor has a cafeteria and Achieving full funding for the Historic Preservation agement of NCHP units proves successful, MCC will numerous classrooms, and an auditorium is located on Fund and the Land and Water Conservation Fund. ask the Housing Authority of the City of Pittsburgh to the third floor. The school is structurally sound and o Signiflrcantly increasing the amount of money allocated investigate the possibility of MCC working with it to well suited for uses as a conìmunity center. It can be to community organizations under the John Heinz assist in management of public housing. renovated at a cost of approximately $6 million. neighborhood program, from $3 million to $50 million Technical Assistance to Community-based Pittsburgh National Bank has taken the lead in for the next two years. Organizations supporting Landmarks work with Hosanna House with a $30,000 grant for staffing and technical While he was director of Landmarks'Preservation assistance. Landmarks will continue to work with Fund, Stanley Lowe provided technical assistance to Hosanna House on the restoration of the Horner Uorf,ood leaders seek stable, Iong-term plan- over 2l community-based organizations. MCC has N"igt School and on other Hosanna House initiatives. ning by, and funding for, neighborhood organizations, received technical assistance in assembling l8 historic and press for less city government control. They stress buildings to be developed for the third phase of afford- Neighborhood Leaders Meet with President the importance of allowing residents to participate in able housing for low- to moderate-income residents. Clinton's Transition Team the decision-making process, and not have things done The community-based organization is working with The National Trust for Historic Preservation recently to or for them. the City of Pittsburgh, absentee o\ryners, and neighbor- invited Stanley A. Lowe, former director of Land- Neighborhood leaders and preservationists said hood residents in obtaining sales agreements to marks' Preservation Fund, to participate in a Presiden- that the administration needs to make a visi- purchase vacant land and buildings, which will Clinton tial Transition Round Table titled "Neighborhoods in ble, comprehensive commitment to cities and neighbor- be rehabilitated. America." The round table was called under the hoods. There was a great feeling cf unity among all Northside Iæadership Conference Receives auspices of David Wilhelm, political director for the present. The Development Training Institute announced \üilhelm's Technical Assistance and Preservation Loan Clinton campaign. deputy Christopher that it will host a follow-up meeting of round-table moderated a three-hour meeting in Little Landmarks'Preservation Fund has lent the Northside Highland participants about 100 days into the Clinton adminis- Rock, Arkansas on January 8. Its purpose was to pro- progress. Leadership Conference (NLC) $10,000 for operational tration to review vide Landmarks and others with an opportunity to support, of which $5000 is a recoverable grant. This give grass-roots input to the administration stop-gap lending supports NLC's work until its grant Clinton staff on neighborhoods, community development, and from the City of Pittsburgh's Advisory Council on historic preservation. Approximately 150 community Community Based Organizations (ACCBO) is development leaders and preservationists attended the received. Page2 PHI,F Neus . March 1993 ffiNEV/S Welcome Neu: Members What a66Landmark" May Be The Pittsburgh History & Landmarks Fciundation welcomes the following new members who recently joined Landmarks.
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