Index Index Accepted Dental Therapeutics, 187 169, 187; see also Journal of the American Medical Advances in Experimental and Clinical Chemotherapy, Association 94 insurance reimbursement and, 187, 189, 191 Adverse effects, 234-235 macrobiotics, 60 Antineoplastons, 93,95 American Quack Association, 169, 171 biologically guided chemotherapy, 118, 119 American Society for Clinical Oncology, 140, 141, 164, cellular treatments, 98 168-169,233 Chinese medicine, 69 Animal research, 226-227 coffee enemas, 51 Antineoplastons, 95 defined, 15 biologically guided chemotherapy, 118 dietary treatments, 42,47,60,63-64 Essiac, 73 dimethyl sulfoxide, 99-100 Immuno-Augmentative Therapy (IAT), 133-135 Gerson treatment, 47 laetrile, 103-104 herbal treatments, 69,79,84,87 ozone infusion, 114 Immuno-Augmentative Therapy, 131-132, 136, 138- vitamin C, 121 140, 143,233-235 Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 135 Anthroposophy, 14,81,82-84,85 information on, general, 15, 17,26 Antineoplastons, 14,91-97,157,162,182, 183,206-207, Iscador, 84,87 210,219,323 laetrile, 103, 107,201 adverse effects, 93,95 Livingston-Wheeler regimen, 110 clinical trials, 93-95 macrobiotics, 60,63-64 oxygen treatments, 114 effectiveness, 93-97 Food and Drug Administration, 92,219 selenium, 118, 119 metastasis, 96 vitamin C, 121, 122, 123, 126 remission, 94-95, 96-97 see also Toxicity Ascorbic acid, see Vitamin C Agua del Sol, 222-223 Assessment, see Evaluation AIDS, 136-137, 139-140,209 Association of Community Cancer Centers, 166, 191 Aihara, Herman, 60 Attitudes Alliance for Alternative Medicine, 173 Allopathic medicine, 216 as cancer cause/cure, 29, 31-34 patients, 3,24-25,49,50,61, 140, 147, 154-155, Alternatives: New Developments in the War Against 192-193 Breast Cancer, 157 Autogenous vaccine, Livingston-Wheeler regimen, 14, AMA Drug Evaluations, 187 41, 107-111, 183,211-212 American Cancer Society dietary regimens, 41,42,44,64,208 Bacillus Calmette-Guerin, 168 hydrazine sulfate, 100 Bahamas, 15,131,136,137,139,143, 145,146,147,149, Immuno-Augmentative Therapy, 131, 135 162, 179,234 information dissemination, general, 11, 153, 157, Bailar, John, 10, 141 164-166,169 Barberry, 78 Basic Macrobiotics, 60 insurance eligibility, 5, 186 Beadle, George, 134 psychosocial support, 30 Beard Howard, 104 Revici, Emanuel, 115, 118 Beard, John, 102 statistics, 11 Behavioral approaches, see Psychological and behavioral Unproven Methods List, 5, 15,44,60, 100, 112, 115, approaches 164-166, 168, 191 Benjamin, Harold, 30 American Council on Science and Health, 156-157 Bergsagel, Daniel, % American Medical Association, 5, 12,215 Best case approach, 23,25,97, 142,231-233 Gerson treatment, 43-44 Beta carotene, 63, 113 Hoxsey treatment, 81 Biological approaches, see Immuno-Augmentative Ther- Immuno-Augmentative Therapy, 140, 141, 168 apy; Immunological system; Pharmacologic and information dissemination, general, 157,164,166-168, biologic approaches –291– 292 ● Unconventional Cancer Treatments Biologically guided chemotherapy (Revici), 14,115-120, Cellular treatment, 97-98 169, 173-174,202,203,220-221 Center for Alternative Cancer Research, 172 Biological response modifiers, 12 Centers for Disease Control, 131, 137,139 BlackStein, Martin, 96 Certification, see Licenses and permits Bladder and bladder cancer, 93,94-95,99, 185 Cervical cancer, 96 Block Keith, 13-14,44 chaparral, 70-71 Blood products, Immuno-Augmentative Therapy, 4, 8, Charting the Journey: The Cancer Survivors’ Almanac of 15, 19,22,131-149, 153, 158, 162, 168, 173, 182, Resources, 157 192,211,230-231,234-235 Chelation therapy, 189,219 Blue Cross/Blue Shield, 187-188, 190, 195 Chemotherapy, 11-12,202 Bone cancer, 93,96, 122-123, 127 biologically guided (Revici), 14, 115-120, 169, 173- Boyle v. Revici, 223 174,202,203,220 Breast cancer, 11,33,36-37,92,93,95, 103-104, 106, breast cancer, 36 108, 111, 135, 157 colon/rectal cancer, 10, 11 Brenner, Seymour, 120 conventional, 8-9 Buckthorn, 78 fraud, 194 Burdock, 78 herbal sources, 69 Burk, Dean, 104 Children, 18,200 Burton, Lawrence, 15, 131-149 (passim), 158 Chiropractic treatment, 187 Burzynski, Stanislaw, 14,91-97,157,163,182, 183,194, Chlebowski, Rowan, 101 206-207,210,219 The Choice, 172 CA-A Cancer Journal for Clinicians, 166 City of Carter Lake v. Aetna, 192 Cachexia, 92, 100 Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Uniformed Caisse, Rene, 14,71-72,73-74 Services, 186 California Institute of Technology, 133, 134 Civil suits, see Litigation Cameron, Ewan, 21, 120-127 (passim) Clement, John, 132, 141, 143 Canada, 14,71,74-75, 179, 181 Clinical Oncology, 166 Cancer and Vitamin C, 122 Clinical trials,, 12,21-23, 162,227-230,234,235 Cancer: A New Breakthrough, 109 adjunctive treatments, 229 Cancer as a Turning Point, 33 Antineoplastons, 93-95 Cancer Control Journal, 169 biologically guided chemotherapy, 119-120 Cancer Control Society, 113,169-170 eumetabolics, 113 Cancer Forum, 171 Gerson treatment, 49 Cancer Information Service, 25, 153, 161-163 herbal treatments, 69,80-81 Nieper, Hans, 112 hydrazine sulfate, 15,21, 100-101 Cancer Manual, 166 Immuno-Augmentative Therapy (IAT), 22, 142-149 The Cancer Prevention Diet, 60,61,62,64 insurance eligibility and, 177-178 The Cancer Survivors and How They Did It, 138, 157 Iscador, 86 A Cancer Therapy: Results of Fifty Cases, 45,47,48 laetrile, 21-22, 104-105, 106-107 Cancer? Think Curable: The Gerson Therapy, 48 Livingston-Wheeler regimen, 110 Cancer Victors Journal, 170 radiotherapy, 9 Cascara, 78 vitamin, C, 21, 122-125, 126 Case histories Coalition for Alternative Medicine, 172-173 Antineoplastons, 96-97 Coalition for Alternatives in Nutrition and Healthcare, biologically guided chemotherapy, 117 169, 171 dietary treatments, 20-21,45,48,55-58 Coffee enemas, 4546,47,51,49,52,55 Gerson treatment, 45,48 Cole, Donald, 222 herbal treatments, 71,74,80-81 Colon cancer, 10, 11,36,56,84,93,96, 106, 123, 125, Imrnuno-Augmentative Therapy, 142-143 144, 148 Kelley regimen, 55-58 Committee for Freedom of Choice in Medicine, 172,209 Iaetrile, 104-106 Commonweal Cancer Help Program, 31 macrobiotics, 65-66 Comprehensive Crime Control Act, 206 Pau D’Arco, 87 The Conquest of Cancer, 109 vitamin C, 122 Consumer protection, 156 Cassileth, Barrie, 18, 139, 140-141, 153, 185,218, v. “freedom of choice”, 7, 199, 200-203, 209 230-231 litigation, 6 Index .293 see also Cancer Information Service; Fraud; Food and Kelley regimen, 13,20-21,42,51,51-58 Drug Administration macrobiotics, 12, 14,4142,58-66, 162 Contract law, 186,187-188, 189,191, 192,193-195 quality of life, 43,49,50 Conventional treatment, 8-10, 155 sodium, 43,46, 113 controversies, 10-11 wheatgrass regimen, 41,42 evaluation, 226-228 see also specific vitamins unconventional treatments and, 178; see also Diet and Diet, Nutrition, and Cancer, 208 nutrition: adjunctive uses Dimethyl sulfoxide, 14,99-100,222 Costs, 3,18-19,177 Disciplinary measures, practitioners, 7, 212,215,217-222 clinic charges, factors, 178-185 Kelley regimen, 54 dietary treatments, 178, 180, malpractice, 202,215,218,222,223 information on, 178-179, 181, 182, 185 vitamins, 192 biologic and pharrnacologic approaches, 179-180,181, Donsbach, Kurt, 99-100, 114 184 Dr. Donsbach Tells You What You Always Wanted to see also Insurance; Medicare Know About DMSO, 99-100 Counseling Drugs psychosocial, 29-31 see also Chemotherapy; Pharmacologic and biologic spiritual, 12 approaches Court cases, see Litigation Drugs Under Experimental and Clinical Research, 94 Crime and criminal, 6, 16, 18,201,205-206,207, Dulbecco, Renato, 134 222-223 fines, 206,207,209,211,221 Eastern philosophy, 58-59,60-61 malpractice, 202,215,218,222,223 Economic factors, see Costs; Financial arrangements; racketeering, 194, 210 Insurance unlicensed practitioners, 16,26, 199,215,217,222 Educational attainment, patients, 154 see also Fraud Educational programs, 166,216 c riminal Fines Enforcement Act, 206 Effectiveness, 3,20,23-24,25,226,230-233 Current Procedural Terminology, 194 Antineoplastons, 93-97 Customs controls, see Import controls best case, 23,25,51,97, 142,231-233 biologically guided chemotherapy, 116-117, 118 Dallis v. Aetna, 192-193 Federal role, 6,199, 203,205; see also National Cancer Data bases, 78,226 Institute Food and Drug Administration National Cancer Institute, 153, 161, 163 Gerson treatment, 47-50 Decisionmaking, by patients, 10,30, 154-155, 157-158 herbs, 72-73,77-81,84-86 Defender Magazine, 79 Hoxsey treatment, 77-81 Department of Health and Human Services, 221 hydrazine sulfate, 100-102 see also Medicare; specific administrative subunits imagery and visualization, 35-35 DeVita, Vincent, 100 Immuno-Augmentative Therapy (IAT), 132, 140-147, Diagnosis 168,230-231 biologically guided chemotherapy, 117 information on, 25 costs, 178, 181 insurance eligibility and 177-178, 185-186, 189-190, Kelley regimen, 53 192 Diet and Health, 121 Iscador, 84-86,87 Diet and nutrition, 12, 13-14,41-66, 155, 164,208 Kelley regimen, 56 adjunctive uses, 14,42-43,44, 101, 110, 111, 122,229 laetrile, 103-107,201-202 adverse effects, 42,47,60,63-64 Livingston-Wheeler regimen, 110-111 American Cancer Society, 41,42,44,64,208 macrobiotics, 64 carbohydrates, 113 meditation, 34 case histories, 20-21,45,48,55-58 pharmacologic and biologic approaches, 83 cost of treatment and, 178, 180, 184 psychological/behavioral approaches, 33 eumetabolics and, 111, 112-113 vaccines, 110-111 evaluation of, 48-50,55-58,64-66, 229 vitamin, C, 120, 121-122, 122-127 Gerson treatment, 13,22,41,43 -50,114,162-163, 192, wheatgrass regimen, 41 215 see also Clinical trials hydrazine sulfate,
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