Clarence A Torrey - Genealogy Source List TORREY SOURCE LIST A. Kendrick: Walker, Lawrence W., ―The Kendrick Adams (1926): Donnell, Albert, In Memoriam . (Mrs. Family,‖ typescript (n.p., 1945) Elizabeth (Knight) Janverin Adams) (Newington, N.H., A. L. Usher: unidentified 1926) A. Morgan: Morgan Gen.: Morgan, Appleton, A History Adams-Evarts: Adams, J. M., A History of the Adams and of the Family of Morgan from the Year 1089 to Present Evarts Families (Chatham, N.Y.: Courier Printing, Times by Appleton Morgan, of the Twenty-Seventh 1894) Generation of Cadivor-Fawr (New York: privately Adams-Hastings: Adams, Herbert Baxter, History of the printed, [1902?]) Thomas Adams and Thomas Hastings Families (Amherst, Abbe-Abbey: Abbey, Cleveland, Abbe-Abbey Genealogy: Mass.: privately printed, 1880) In Memory of John Abbe and His Descendants (New Addington: Harris, Thaddeus William, ―Notes on the Haven, Conn.: Tuttle, Morehouse & Taylor, 1916) Addington Family,‖ Register 4 (April 1850) Abbott: Abbott, Lemuel Abijah, Descendants of George Addington (1931): Addington, Hugh Milburn, History of Abbott of Rowley, Mass. of His Joint Descendants with the Addington Family in the United States and England: George Abbott, Sr., of Andover, Mass.; of the Including Many Related Families: A Book of Descendants of Daniel Abbott of Providence, R.I., 2 Compliments (Nickelsville, Va.: Service Printery, 1931) vols. (n.p.: privately printed, 1906) Adgate Anc.: Perkins, Mary E., Old Families of Norwich, Abell: Abell, Horace A., One Branch of the Abell Family Connecticut, MDCLX to MDCCC (Norwich, Conn., Showing the Allied Families (Rochester, N.Y., 1934) 1900) Abington Hist.: Hobart, Benjamin, History of the Town of Agar Anc.: unidentified Abington, Plymouth County, Mass. (Boston: T. H. Agard Anc.: unidentified Carter and Son, 1866) Ainsworth: Parker, Francis J., Genealogy of the Ainsworth Aborn: Aborn, Everett Anderson, Aborn Genealogy (Roch- Families in America (Boston: privately printed, 1894) ester, Conn.: T. F. Rady & Co., (1921) Albee (ms): Albee, George C., ―The Albee Family of Ackerman, Mr.: Rev. Arthur Wilmot Ackerman, 1875– Berkeley, Calif.: Their Lines of Descent 1640–1940,‖ 1938; see Register 92 (July 1938):211 for memorial manuscript (South Orange, N.J.: G. C. Albee, 1943) Ackley: Ackley, Buel Crawford, DeWitt Clinton Ackley, Alden (1901): Alden, John E., ―Descendants of Capt. John Clarissa Woodward Ackley: Their Ancestors & Alden of Boston,‖ Dedham Historical Register 12 (July Descendants (Washington, D.C., 1915) 1901) Ackley-Bosworth: Parke, Nathan Grier, The Ancestry of Alden (1905): Alden, Charles Henry, Eliab Alden of Lorenzo Ackley and His Wife Emma Arabella Bosworth Middleborough, Mass and Cairo, N.Y. (Boston: [T. R. (Woodstock, Vt., 1960) Marvin & Son], 1905) Adams (1861): Adams, George, Genealogy of the Adams Alden (ms): Alden Genealogy (published under auspices of Family of Kingston, Mass. (Boston: privately printed, the Alden Kindred of New York and Vicinity, 1935) 1861) Alden Chart: see Daniel Alden Gen. Adams (1881): Appleton, William Sumner, Some Alden Mem.: Alden, Ebenezer Alden, Memorial of the Descendants of William Adams of Ipswich, Mass. Descendants of the Hon. John Alden (Randolph, Mass.: (Boston: D. Clapp & Son, 1881) Samuel P. Brown, 1867) Adams (1895): Adams, Smith, Genealogy and History of a Alden-Pabodie: Alden, Mary Lonford (Taylor), Elizabeth Part of the Newbury Adams Family, Formerly of (Alden) Pabodie and Descendants (Salem: E. Putnam, Devonshire, England, Being the Descendants of Robert 1897) Adams and Wife Eleanor (Calais, Me.: The Calais Alden-Snell-Long: Long, Hallock Porter, Alden-Snell-Long Advertiser Office, 1895) Ancestry: Being the Compiler’s Line of Descent from Adams (1898): Adams, Andrew N., A Genealogical John Alden Who Arrived at Plymouth, Massachusetts, History of Henry Adams of Braintree, Mass. and His on the Mayflower, in 1620 . (Washington, D. C., Descendants; also John Adams, of Cambridge, Mass., 1925) 1632–1897 (Rutland, Vt.: Tuttle, 1898) Aldis: Whitin, Frederick H., The Aldis Family of Dedham, Adams (1900): Adams, Andrew N., A Genealogical Wrentham, Roxbury and Franklin, Mass. (Dedham: History of Robert Adams of Newbury, Mass., and His Dedham Transcript Press, 1905) Descendants, 1635–1900 (Rutland, Vt.: Tuttle, 1900) Page 1 of 94 Clarence A Torrey - Genealogy Source List Torrey Source List Alexander (1931): Alexander, Winthrop, ―Genealogy of Allen (1942): Allen, Devere, Some Prudence Island Allens the Alexander Family of the Connecticut Valley,‖ with a Few Connected Families ([Wilton?], Conn., typescript (n.p., 1931) [1942?]) Alger: Alger, Arthur M., A Genealogical History of That Allerton (1888): Allerton, Walter Scott, A History of the Branch of the Alger Family Which Springs from Thomas Allerton Family in the United States, 1585 to 1885 and Alger of Taunton and Bridgewater, in Massachusetts a Genealogy of the Descendants of Isaac Allerton (New 1665–1875 (Boston: David Clapp & Son, 1876) York: privately printed, 1888) Allen (#1): Allen, John Kermott, George Allen of Allerton (1900): Allerton, Walter Scott, A History of the Weymouth, Mass., 1635, of Lynn, Mass., 1636, and of Allerton Family (Chicago: S. W. Allerton, 1900) Sandwich, Mass., 1637–48 Together with Some of His Alling: Allen, George P., A History and Genealogical Descendants ([Brookline], 1924) Record of the Alling-Allens of New Haven, Conn. (New Allen (#2): Allen, John Kermott, ―Ralph Allen of Sand- Haven, Conn.: Price, Lee & Adkins, 1899) wich, Mass . .,‖ typescript (Brookline, Mass., 1924) Allis Gen.: Allis, Horatio Dana, Genealogy of William Allis Allen (#3): Allen, Willard Spencer, Genealogy of Samuel of Hatfield, Mass., and Descendants 1630 to 1919 Allen of Windsor, Conn. and Some of His Descendants (Hartford: Art Press, [1919]) (Boston: D. Clapp & Son, 1876) Allison: Morrison, Leonard Allison, The History of the Allen (#4): Hutchinson, Frank Allen, Genealogical and Alison or Allison Family in Europe and America, A.D. Historical Sketches of the Allen Family of Dedham & 1135 to 1893; Giving an Account of the Families in Medfield, Mass., 1637–1890 (Lowell, Mass.: F. A. Scotland, England, Ireland, Australia, Canada, and the Hutchinson, 1896) United States (Boston: Damrell & Upham, 1893) Allen (#5): Bent, Allen Herbert, Lewis Allen of Watertown Almy: DeRapalje, Joris Janssen, William Almy of Farms [Weston], Mass., 1656, and His Descendants, Portsmouth, R.I., 1630 (Chicago: Charles Kingsbury Including the Walpole and Lancaster Allens (Boston: D. Miller, 1897) Clapp & Son, 1900) Alumni Cantabrigienses: Venn, John and J. A. Venn, Allen (#6): Knight, Hiram, Biography of Deacon James Alumni Cantabrigienses: A Biographical List of All Allen (Worcester, Mass.: C. Hamilton, 1889) Known Students, Graduates and Holders of Office at the Allen (#7): Allen, William, A Genealogy of the Allen University of Cambridge, from the Earliest Times to Family from 1568–1882 (Farmington, Me.: Chronicle 1900 (Cambridge, England: University Press, 1922) Book and Job Press, 1882) Alvord: Alvord, Samuel Morgan, Genealogy of the Allen (#8): Allen, Asa W., Genealogy of the Allen and Descendants of Alexander Alvord, an Early Settler of Witter Families among the Early Settlers of This Windsor, Conn. and Northampton, Mass. (Webster, Continent and Their Descendants (Salem, Ohio: L. W. N.Y.: A. D. Andrews, 1908) Smith, 1872) Am. Anc.: American Ancestry, 12 vols. (Albany: Munsell’s Allen (#9): Allen, Daniel Gould, Genealogy of the Allen Sons, 1887–99) Family (Dekalb, Ill.: Press of the Advertiser, 1898) Am. Gen.: Jacobus, D. L, ed., The American Genealogist, Allen (#10): Allen, Orrin Peer, The Allen Memorial, First and New Haven Genealogical Magazine, v. 1+ (New Series (Palmer, Mass.: C. B. Fiske, 1905) Haven, Conn., 1922+) Allen (#11): Jackson, E. E., ―Allen Family of Braintree‖ Ambrose: Clemens, William Montgomery, The Ambrose (newspaper clippings from Boston Transcript, 1903, and Family Records (Pompton Lakes, N.J.: Biblio Co., handwritten genealogy concerning some descendants of 1925) Samuel Allen of Braintree), R. Stanton Avery Special Americana: Americana (American Historical Magazine), v. Collections, NEHGS, call no. Mss C 1536 1–37 (New York: Publishing Society of New York, Allen (#12): Allen, Joseph, Genealogical Sketches of the 1906–43) Allen Family of Medfield: with an Account of the Ames: Ames, Azel, Papers, R. Stanton Avery Special Celebration of the Golden Wedding of Ellis and Lucy Collections, NEHGS, call no. SG AME [214]; or Ames, Allen: with the Address Read at the Same Time: An Thales L., Genealogical Data on the Ames Family (n.d.) Account of the Golden Wedding of Gershom and Abigail Ames (ms): Sharples, Stephen P., ―The Ames, Eames, (Boston: Nichols & Noyes, 1869) Eimes, Ams Family . ., ‖ typescript (Boston, 1903) Allen (#13): Allen, William, Genealogy of Allens from Amidon: Best, Frank E., The Amidon Family: A Record of 1568 (Skowhegan, Me.: Boies & Spaulding, 1868) the Descendants of Roger Amadowne, of Rehoboth, Allen (#14): Bent, Allen H., Walter Allen of Newbury, Mass. (Chicago: Frank E. Best, 1904) Mass., 1640, and Some of His Descendants, with a Few Ammidown (1877): Ammidown, Holmes, Genealogical Notes on the Allen Family in General (Boston: D. Clapp Memorial and Family Records of the Ammidown Family & Son, 1896) and a Partial Record of Some Other Families of South- Allen (#15): Price, John, Genealogy of the Allen Family of bridge, Mass. (New York: privately printed, 1877) Manchester, Mass., from the Earliest Settlement to the Amory (1856):
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