----------------- ~ --~- -~- -~ • • .Gonzo -page 5 VOl .. XV, NO. 103 an mdependem studem newspaper serving notre dame and samt mary's TlJESDA Y, MARCH 3, ll)H 1 For EI Salvador State Dept. announces aid WASIIlNGTON (AP)- Tht: State crease the $63 million economic aid delivered equipment has arrived in Departmt:nt, declaring that leftist planned for the current fiscal year. Nicaragua for trans-shipment to El guerrillas in El Salvador may launch The announcement on military as­ Salvador. a nt:w olti:nsivt:, announced Monday sistance represents another escala­ Under American pressure, a S2'i million increast· in military aid tion in American military however, the Nicaraguan govern· and a 20~man incrt:ase in U.S. involvement in El Salvador. But the ment has pledged not to deliver any military training experts for that administration has said there are no additional equipment to the rebels. country. plans to send combat forces nor to More than 40 congressmen, Spokesman William Dyess said the establish a Vietnam-type involve· meanwhile, said in a telegram to aid will indudt· additional helicop· ment there. President Reagan that advisers are ters, vehicks. surveillance equip· Nonetheless, the steps taken thus likely to be killed, "forcing the mt·nt and small arms. far reflect the administcation's deter­ United States either into another Tht· additional training personnel mination to ensure there is no Mar· Vietnam or a humiliating would raise to 'i4 the number of xist takeover in El Salvador. withdrawal." Americans serving in military­ The Soviet-bloc countries arc The House members said related capacities in El Salvador. alleged to have delivered at least Congress must be consulted under Dyess said the U.S. personnel will 200 tons of an 800-ton commitment the War Powers Act "since you are not go beyond the garrison area or to the leftist rebels. U.S. officials have involving U.S. military personnel in take part in combat operations. said they believe the bulk of the un- hostitities in El Salvador." "The insurgents are regrouping and massive quantities of arms remain in their hands, either inside El Salvador or they have reason to expel'! that additional arms are John Pow-ers relates waiting to be smuggled in," he said. "We want to improve as much as possible the government's ability to dt·al with this problem." 'Catholic experience' lie said the S I 0 million in military aid authorized by the Carter ad· By NORMAN PLATE amused the audience was the com· ministration was not designed to News Stuff parison of Catholic girls to wiffie copt· with tht· level of external arms balls: "alot of effort and little dis­ assistance that now confronts the The Sophomore Literary Festival tance." Salvadoran government. continued last night with author Powers continued the program He said the new military person­ John Powers, who addressed a with a question and answer session. nel being assigned to El Salvador will Library Auditorium audience that Along with relating certain events in train the Salvadoran military and exceeded capacity. his childhood and adolescence, communications, intelligence, logis­ John Powers, a self-described Powers revealed that the play, Do Novelist john Powers addresses an overflow crowd in the Library tics and other skills to stop infiltra· "product of sixteen years of Catholic Black Patent Leather Shoes Really Auditorium as the Sophomore Literary Festival continues. (Photo by tion and to respond to terrorist education," used humorous Reflect Up?, which is based on the TimMcKeogh) attacks. anecdotes in relating the "Catholic book of the same name, will even­ The leftist rebels launched a experience" of growing up. tually reach Broadway. Powers also major offensive on January I which Drawing from his books The Last said that he does not intend to write the State Department said was Catholic in Amerit·a, Do Black another novel in the near future be­ Observer announces carried out with the help of at least Patent Leather Shoes Really Reflect cause "it's really rotten to write, but 200 tons of weaponry supplied by Up?, and The Unoriginal Sinner and nice to have written." new editorial board Vietnam. Ethiopia and other the Ice Cream God for many of his Powers finished with some letters countries and shipped through Cuba stories, Powers comically related from "God" to a child, taken from and Nicaragua. such common Catholic experiences The Unoriginal Sinner and the Ice Members of the 1981-82 Observer Editorial Board were announced Dyess said there is no condusive as sex education in Catholic schools, Cream God. One letter concerned last night by newly-elected Editor-in-ChiefJohn McGrath. t•vidence that a new offensive is nicknaming nuns, and mom making the child's belief that God never Tom Jackman, a junior majoring in English and American studies planned but "the best way to you dress in a bright, yellow raincoat laughed. The response reflected from Reston, Va., will serve as Managing Editor. He is now Executive prevent ont· is to prepare for it." He and heavy boots "if there was a John Power's philosophy: "To me News Editor. Jackman will also supervise the content of the Editorial said the Salvadoran military per­ cloud somewhere over the con­ laughter is taking a bite out of life and Opinion sections. formed well in January. tinental United States." and saying 'Thanks God, it's just Rich Coppola, currently employed as Student Union Director, will The administration also may in- One story which particularly right.'" serve as Observer Business Manangcr. Coppola is a junior accounting major from Quincy, Ill. Lynne Daley, an American Studies major from Pittsfield, Mass., has Illuminating darkness been promoted to Executive News Editor. She currently serves as a News Editor. Tim Vercellotti, a sophomore government major, and John Higgins, a sophomore marketing/philosophy major, have been appointed Senate proposes improvements News Editors. Vercellotti, a native of Oakmont, Pa., and Higgins, a Miami, Fla .. native, now serve as Senior Staff Reporters. Beth Huffman, currently Sports Editor, will continue to serve in that By JEFF CHOPPIN Security of these areas. 7:30 in LaFortune Little Theater. capacity under the new board. Huffman is a junior American studies News Stuff In addition, Ms. Kay handed out a Dean Roemer, who is the ad­ list of 24 on-campus locations where ministrative head of security, and major from Ludlow Falls, Ohio. Ryan VerBerkmoes, an Aptos, Calif., native, has been promoted to Four security proposals were the lights were extinguished. She stated the assistant director of security, the position of Production Manager. He currently serves as a Oesign highlights of last night's Student that she had called the rectors of all Rex Raco, will be there. Editor. Senate meeting at Hayes-Healy. The the dorms who had lights that were The Senate survey results will be Mary Fran Callahan, a sophomore English major, will continue to Senate also approved Karen Kiley as out but not broken. She urged made known next week. Student serve in her capacity as ObsenJer Senior Copy Editor. Callahan is a Park next year's Student Government security to increase their checks on Body President Paul Riehle also an­ Ridge, Ill., native. Treasurer. In addition, surveys and the lights and maintenance to act as nounced that he was sending out a Mark Ellis, a junior marketing major from Detroit, Mich., will also housing were lliscusscd quickly as possible on Security's survey to Catholic colleges and uni­ continue to serve in his present role as Advertising Manager. The four recommendations dealt report. versities. Riehle stated that the Rick Hermida, a first year law student from Miami, Fla., has been with dark areas on campus, where Ms. Kay also proposed that purpose of the surveys was to gather appointed Features Editor. Hermida was formerly features editor of certain lights needed to be fixed, the telephones be installed in isolated information on the institutions in or­ the University of Miami Humcane .. installation of telephones, and car buildings on campus. She rcpoted der to compare their policies and John Macor, a junior chemistry major from Bridgcwatt·r, N.j., will pick-ups. that Tara Kenney was still working problems with Notre Dame's. Rose Kay, Student Government on getting telephones installed in The housing problem was also dis· continue to serve in his current role as Photo Edit<~- Mary Agnes Carey, a Saint Mary's junior majoring in English from Security Commissioner, reported the parking lots. cussed at the meeting. Riehle stated Kokomo, Ind., will serve as Saint Mary's Executive Editor. Cathy six specific dark areas; along Saint The proposal to allow males to that Fr. Heppen was "really vague" Domanico, an Addison, Ill., native and English major. will assist Carey Mary's Road, bt·tween Nieuwland receive a I '5-minutc pass to bring about the number of students over &knee llall and the Fieldhouse, the cars on t·ampus if they are picking up the housing limit. Riehle stated that. as Saint Mary's News Editor. Joe Mulflur, a junior accounting major from Jeffersonville, Ind., h~s been appointed Controller. Uc currently Fisher/ Pangborn an·a by the golf a female passenger has received a the housing problem would con· courst·. around the Architt•t·ture negativt· response by security, it was tinue and advised the Senate to look serves on the Obsen1er Advertising Department design staff. Tom Madcnnan, a sophomore from San Bernardino, Calif.. has been Building, hy the Grotto ncar the reported. into longtcrm solutions. promoted to Circulation Manager. Madennan plans to major in Freshman Year Building, and the in­ There will be a meeting for all Riehle announced that there Finance. tlrmary/Saint Ed's area.
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