Life: The Excitement of Biology 3(4) 304 Male wild Green Iguana, Iguana iguana (Linnaeus, 1758), a widespread reptile of the Neotropics, at the Botanical Garden at Portoviejo, Ecuador. Image from https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Iguana_iguana_Portoviejo_01.jpg. This species is mentioned in the papers by Ríos-Franceschi et al. (2015:254) and Low (2015:290). Image by “Cayambe”. ¤ ¤ ¤ Index for Volume 3 (2015) of Life: The Excitement of Biology Jorge A. Santiago-Blay1 This index includes topic and authors (alphabetized by last name) of every paper published in Life: The Excitement of Biology volume 3. The first number of an entry indicates the volume followed (parenthetically, by the issue) and the first page of the corresponding paper. For example, amphibians are emphasized on 3(2):61, 3(2):118, 3(2):137. This means, that the interested reader should look for information on amber beginning in pages 61 and 118 of the second issue of volume 3. 1 217 Wynwood Road, York, Pennsylvania 17402 USA. DOI: 10.9784/LEB3(4)Santiago-Blay.03 Electronically available on January 31, 2016. Mailed on January 31, 2016. Life: The Excitement of Biology 3(4) 305 Activation hormone ………......….. 3(3):188 Costa Rican amber ………...…….. 3(3):207 Adam Hart-David, A. ………….… 3(4):291 Course redesign …………………… 3(1):33 Adult predation ……...…..…….…. 3(2):137 Culebra Island, Puerto Rico ……... 3(4):254 Agosto-Torres, E. ….…… 3(2):61, 3(2):137 Culebra National Wildlife Refuge . 3(4):254 Aloes ….……………......…….…… 3(2):83 Cultural cognition ……...……..…… 3(1):33 Amber ………………………...….. 3(4):231 Curculionidae ……………...……… 3(1):15 Amber …………………………….. 3(3)207 Dactyloidea …..…..……. 3(2):118, 3(2):137 Ameiva exsul …...…….………..…. 3(2):118 Damsel bug ……...……...…………. 3(1):20 Amphibia …….. 3(2):61, 3(2):118, 3(2):137 Darwin …………………….…….. 3(3):153 Amphibian husbandry ………..…… 3(2):61 De Loof, A. …………..………….. 3(3):153 Amplexus ……………….…....…… 3(2):61 Definition of Life ……………….. 3(3):153 Anolis …..…………...…. 3(2):118, 3(2):137 Development …………………….. 3(3):153 Anolis gundlachi ……………...….. 3(2):137 Díaz-Vázquez, C. J. ………..……. 3(2):118 Anura ………………..….. 3(2):61, 3(2):137 Direct development …………….... 3(2):137 Arachnida …………………...…... 3(4):213 DNA damage ……………………..… 3(1):3 Arachnocoris berytoides ……….…. 3(1):20 Domestic mammals ……...………. 3(2):118 Arachnophilic ………………..……. 3(1):20 Double clutches ………………….. 3(2):137 Araneae ………………………...... 3(4):213 Ecdysteroidal vitamin D6 ….…….. 3(3):188 Avian predation ………….………. 3(2):118 Ecology ………………………….. 3(4):254 Backshall, S. ………………...…… 3(4):294 EES ………………...…………….. 3(3):153 Basal eudicots ….…….….………… 3(2):83 Eleutherodactylidae …….. 3(2):61, 3(2):137 Belaphopsocus ……………………. 3(3)207 Eleutherodactylus portoricensis ...… 3(2):61 Bernardi-Salinas, A. …………….… 3(2):61 Eleutherodactylus wightmanae ….. 3(2):137 Bioaccumulation ………..………..… 3(1):3 Engineering. ……………….……… 3(1):33 Biodiversity ……………...………. 3(4):254 Erbey, M. …………...……………... 3(1):15 Biomaterials ……………...…….... 3(4):213 Erratum ……………………………. 3(1):60 Biotechnology ………………...…. 3(4):213 Bird-Picó, F. J. …………..…….… 3(4):254 Eshbach, B. ……………...………… 3(1):33 Book Review …………………… 3(1):57, Eudicots ….……………….….….… 3(2):83 3(4):291, 3(4):294, 3(4):297 Evo-devo …………….….……….. 3(3):153 Borikenophis portoricensis …...…. 3(2):118 Evolution …………………..…….. 3(3):153 Brachiodontes (Mollusca: Mytilidae) .3(1):3 Ex-situ conservation ……….....…… 3(2):61 Brachiodontes exustus …………...….. 3(1):3 Extended New Synthesis (ENS) .... 3(3):153 Cağlar, Ü. ………..…...…………… 3(1):15 Exudates ….………….……….…… 3(2):83 Candan, S. ……….………...……… 3(1):15 Farndon, J. ……………………..… 3(4):291 Captivity ……..……………….…… 3(2):61 Feeding behavior …….……………. 3(1):20 Carrasquillo, L. D. …………...…... 3(4):254 Female genitalia …………...……… 3(1):15 Chandler, D. ………...…………… 3(4):294 Female Sphex pensylvanicus ….…. 3(2):149 Civic engagement ………….……… 3(1):33 Filter feeding ……………………..… 3(1):3 Coleoptera ………………………… 3(1):15 Fishing ………………………….... 3(4):213 Collado, E. ………………………..… 3(1):3 Flores-Rodríguez, Y. M. ... 3(2):61, 3(2):137 Comet assay ……….……………..… 3(1):3 Folk medicine ……………………. 3(4):213 Communication .……...… 3(1):33, 3(3):153 Francine, G. ………………..……….3(1):58 Complex problems ………...……… 3(1):33 García-Cancel, J. G. ……………... 3(4):254 General education courses ………… 3(1):33 Conservation …………….……...… 3(2):61 Gibson, C. ………………………... 3(4):294 Copal ……………………………. 3(4):231 Godfrey, B. K. ………………….... 3(4):213 Coquies ……………….… 3(2):61, 3(2):137 Green, D. ………………………… 3(4):291 Coquis………………….…3(2):61, 3(2):137 Gum resins ….………….…….…… 3(2):83 Corpus allatum hormone …..…….. 3(3):188 Gums ….……….……….…….…… 3(2):83 Life: The Excitement of Biology 3(4) 306 Harvey, D. ……………………..… 3(4):291 Materiomics …………………….... 3(4):213 Heavy metal contamination ……....… 3(1):3 Mathematics ……….……………… 3(1):33 Hemiptera …………………………. 3(1):20 Medicine …………………………. 3(4):213 Henson, R. …………………….… 3(4):294 Megaevolution ………………..….. 3(3):153 Hernández-Muñiz, R. M. .. 3(2):61, 3(2):137 Melodious Coqui ……………..….. 3(2):137 Herpetofauna …………………..… 3(4):254 Mercado, J. E. …..…………………. 3(1):20 High impact educational practices ... 3(1):33 Metadarwinism ……….………….. 3(3):153 Higher education …………..……… 3(1):33 Metamorphosis ……………….….. 3(3):205 Hind-lef clasp ……..………….…… 3(2):61 Mockford, E. ………………….…..3(3):207 Homing flight distances …………. 3(2):149 Molecular classification ….…..…… 3(2):83 Hormones ………………….…….. 3(3):188 Mollusca: Mytilidae ……….……..… 3(1):3 Hume, R. ………………………… 3(4):294 Molting ………………………..…. 3(3):205 Hymenoptera ……………………. 3(2):149 Monocots ………………….….…… 3(2):83 Iguana iguana …………………… 3(4):290 Mount Resaca, Culebra ………..… 3(4):254 Iguana iguana ….…..……………. 3(2):118 Mountain Coqui …………..….…… 3(2):61 Imagination ……...…...…………… 3(1):33 Multidisciplinarity……..……...…… 3(1):33 Index ……………………...…...…. 3(4):304 Multiple mimicry …………………. 3(1):20 Insect ………………….. 3(3):188, 3(3):205 Mussel ……………………..……..… 3(1):3 Insect hormones ……...………….. 3(3):188 Myrmecomorphy ………...…..……. 3(1):20 Insect molting ……………………. 3(3):205 Nabidae ………………...…………. 3(1):20 Iowa, USA ………………….……. 3(2):149 Narciso Rabell Cabrero (1873-1928): Japan ……………………………... 3(4):231 Naturalista y Servidor Público Pepiniano Jobos Bay Bational Estuarine Research ……………………………...…... 3(1):57 Reserve, Puerto Rico ……...…..… 3(1):3 Natural history ………………...…. 3(2):118 Joglar, R. L. ………………...……. 3(2):118 Neuropeptides ……..…………….. 3(3):188 Johnson, P. …………………….… 3(4):291 Neurosecretory cells …….……….. 3(3):188 Juvenile hormone …….………….. 3(3):188 New species …………………..….. 3(3):207 Kinos ….…………….….…….…… 3(2):83 New Synthesis ………..………….. 3(3):153 Kleptoparasitism ……..…...………. 3(1):20 Nguyen, T. V. ……………………. 3(4):231 Kress, S. ……………………….… 3(4):294 Nieves-Rivera, A. M. ………...….... 3(1):57 Kuji, Japan ……………………….. 3(4):231 Lambert, J. B. ……………………. 3(4):231 NMR (Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Lambert, J. B. ….……..…………… 3(2):83 Spectroscopy) ….…….………… 3(2):83 Lechner. G. K. ………………...…. 3(2):149 NMR ……………………………... 3(4):231 Let’s Make a Difference: Learning About Nomenclature ………………….… 3(4):290 Oophagy ……………..….…....…… 3(2):61 Our Oceans ………...…….…….. 3(1):58 Origin of the Species …………….. 3(3):153 Levy, A. J. ……………………….. 3(4):231 Levy, A. J. ….…….…….…….…… 3(2):83 Packham, C. …………………...… 3(4):294 Painting ………………………….. 3(4):213 Life ……………………...……….. 3(3):153 Palmer, D. ……………………...… 3(4):291 Life history …………………...….. 3(2):137 Parental care ………………………3(2):137 Life-long learning ………………… 3(1):33 Parker, S. ………………………… 3(4):291 Liposcellidae ………………….…. 3(3):207 Parsons, K. …………………….… 3(4):294 Low, M. E. Y. ………………….… 3(4):290 Perry, J. ………………………...… 3(4):294 Lugemwa, F. N. ………………..… 3(4):297 Phenolics ………………….…….… 3(2):83 Luis Peña Cay, Culebra ………….. 3(4):254 Phyllobiini ……………...……….… 3(1):15 Magnoliids ….…………..…….…… 3(2):83 Phyllobius glaucus ………………... 3(1):15 Maíz López, E. J.. …….………….... 3(1):57 Plant exudates ….…...………...…… 3(2):83 Male genitalia ……………...……… 3(1):15 Pragmatism …………...…………… 3(1):33 Mansilla-Rivera, I. ……..………..… 3(1):3 Predation ………………..……..… 3(2):137 Life: The Excitement of Biology 3(4) 307 Proof: The Science of Booze ...…... 3(4):297 Vayanian, S. …………….………… 3(1):58 Protein engineering …………...…. 3(4):213 Velikan, P. …………...….………… 3(1):58 “Psocoptera” ……………….…….. 3(3):207 Vertebrate fauna …………………. 3(2):118 Puerto Rico ……………… 3(1):3, 3(1):20, Vicéns-López, C …...…… 3(2):61, 3(2):137 3(2):61, 3(2):118, 3(2):137, 3(4):254 White, E. …………...…………..… 3(4):294 Recombinant spider silk …………. 3(4):213 Wu, Y. ……………...……………. 3(4):231 Reproductive biology ………...…… 3(2):61 Wu, Y. ….…………...…….….…… 3(2):83 Resins ….………...……..…….…… 3(2):83 Yellow-Chinned Anole …...……... 3(2):137 Ríos-Franceschi, A. …...………… 3(4):254 Ríos-López, N. .. 3(2):61, 3(2):118, 3(2):137 Rivera, I. …………………………. 3(2):118 Rodríguez-Gómez, C. A. …...……. 3(2):118 Rodríguez-Sierra, C. J. …………….. 3(1):3 Rogers, A. ………...……………… 3(4):297 Rueb, N. R. ………...………….…. 3(4):231 Santiago-Blay, J. A. ……….... 3(1):1, 3(1):20, 3(1)33, 3(1):57, 3(1):60, 3(2):83, 3(3):205, 3(4):231, 3(4):291, 3(4):294, 3(4):297, 3(4):304 Sastre, M. P. ……………………..… 3(1):3 Saurophagy ………………………. 3(2):118 Sciences ………….……...………… 3(1):33 Seabids….…………………......…. 3(2):118 SENCER ……………..…………… 3(1):33 Shaffer, S. C. ……………………… 3(1):33 Sioux City, Iowa, USA …......……. 3(2):149 Sláma, K. ………………...…...….. 3(3):188 Small Indian Mongoose ….…...…. 3(2):118 Sparrow, G. ……………………… 3(4):291 Spatiotemporal changes …..…...… 3(4):254 Sphecidae ………………...…...…. 3(2):149 Sphecinae …………...……...……. 3(2):149 Sphex pensylvanicus ………......…. 3(2):149 Spider webs ………….....………... 3(4):213 Spider web-inhabiting …...…......…. 3(1):20 Squamata …..…….……. 3(2):118, 3(2):137 STEM ……...………...…………… 3(1):33 STEM education ……...…………… 3(1):33 Technology …………...…………… 3(1):33 Textiles ……………………...….... 3(4):213 The first two years (2013-2014) of Life: The Excitement of Biology ………..…… 3(1):1 The Practical Naturalist. Explore the Wonders of the Natural World …... 3(4):294 The Science Book: Big Ideas Simple Explained ………………………… 3(4):291 Tirado-Casillas, W. N. …..…...…… 3(2):61 Turkey …………………………..… 3(1):15 USA …………...…………………. 3(2):149 .
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