El Gaucho is published every Friday of 1700 copies published every Friday by the school year. No issues are printed on the Associated Students. Subscription holidays or during examination periods. rates, fifty cents per year. All-American honor rating for 1938-39. \U G g u u u c À æ SANTA BARBARA STATE COLLEGE VOL. XIX SANTA BARBARA, CALIFORNIA, FRIDAY, MARCH 1, 1940 No. 21 Departments Meet College Players Present Premiere Tuesday; Discuss Semester’s Activities f Three Flashes and 5 Elementary, Industrial Education Groups Barbary Coast Mystery Drama Opens Slate ‘Poor Taste’ Party; P.E. Women* Complete Arrangements for Concert Carnival Set Thursday for Two Night All departments of the College will hold regular meetings Tuesday during fourth hour to discuss plans for the rest of the For April 5 Run on Local Campus semester. Frederic W. Hile Directs Newcomers; Members of the elementary department will elect a new se­ Committee Slates cretary and a new publicity chairman to fill the vacancies left last Meeting Wednesday Lucille Chester, Ned Munsey Take semester by Norma Pratt and Bar- Dominant Roles in Lindsay Barbee Play barabara Wuest, respectively. Plans For Representatives Greek Men for the "poor taste” party to be "Three Flashes and Two” will make its West Coast premiere Days of Barbary Coast will be co-sponsored by the elemtntary and General chairman of the Barbary appearance when the mystery melodrama by Lindsay Barbee is re-enacted on the State College Attend Formal industrial education departments Coast carnival, to take place on Ap­ enacted by State players in the College theater, Thursday and Fri­ next Saturday night will be com­ ril 5 is BETTY PALMAYMESA. campus on Friday, Aprii 5 when day at 8:30 p.m. This is the first mystery to be staged on the cam­ Tomorrow pleted. the College’s second annual Bar­ pus since "Kind Lady”, in the fall of 1938. Mabel Forsyth, Walter Ebersole, bary Coast carnival will be held. T aking the dom inant role in the*' Fraternities Gather at presidents of the two departments, WAA Employs Representatives of the various production is Lucille Chester, in the Samarkand Hotel for Alice Boeseke, and Marion Maas­ campus organizations, appointed by part of Lady Helena. The role is the presidents of each group will 1940 Revue Dance; Doug Hoag Plays kant, social chairman, are in charge difficult as it requires the develop- Circus Theme "hold a second meeting Wednesday of arrangements. Ray Denno and ment of, great nervous tension. As Fraternity men will get together at 3:45^ p.m. in Pine hall 81, ac­ the mistress of the Beresford for­ Practice Opens Forensic coach W. CHARLES for their first big dance of the /ear his rhythm- band will entertain the For Play Day cording to Betty Palmaymesa, gen­ tunes Lady Helena attempts to con­ REDDING leads his Gaucho speak­ elementary students at T’uesday’s eral chairman of the carnival. At trol the activities of all the persons tomorrow night at the Samarkand ers to Los Angeles this weekend for Tuesday Night meeting in PiAe Hall. Women Expect 250 Guests last Wednesday’s meeting; 16 re- in the house. hotel for the annual Inter-fraternity the Los Angeles City College invita­ At Annual Affair for piesentatives present were assigned L ord A lan W om en’s P.E. tional tournament. formal. Dancing will begin at 9 to committee duty. Ned Munsey is cast for a signi­ Roadrunner Directors Nellie Shults, president of wo­ High Schools, Jaysees p.m. and will continue until 12, with Committee Members ficant part as Lady Helena’s son, Promise Innovation in Doug Hoag and his 8 piece orches­ men’s physical education depart­ Using the theme "A Day at the Working on the committees, mem­ Lord Alan. This part likewise re­ First Campus Vaudeville ment, will preside over reports on Circus”, the Women’s Athletic As­ bership of which is not yet copi­ Debate Squad quires a certain nervous atmosphere tra furnishing the music. An innovation Sajnta Bar­ píete, states Miis Palmaymesa, aré which heightens as the play attains Pat Quinn, president. of the Inter- the dance concert to be given March sociation will hold a Play day, on bara State College entertainment wili Earl Faris and Bob David, campus a climax. 13. Plans for meetings 'during the March 9 for the athletic associations Travels to L.A. be offered local students in the 1940 fraternity council, . is in charge of publicity; Pat Burdick, doymtown In the role of Terence O’Rourke, remainder of the semester will be edition of the Roadrunner Revue arrangements for the dance. Carlos of the high schools and junior col­ publicity; Virginia Taggart, special Doug Mattson once more returns to Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, formulated Tuesday in Room 91. leges in Santa Barbara county. The events; Bill* Russell, script; A1 M ans­ Invitational the college stage. As O’Rourke, Mat­ Bee, Dick McKeon, Howard Joham, May 15, 16, and 17, according to Social chairman Dorothy Geisel- event* will take place at La Playa field, Betty Peden and Dorothy tson will add to, the mystery of the and Marion Maaskant form || com­ Jack Richards, chairman of the Miller, concessions; James Widman, Forensic Team Competes - ploti mittee representing each fraternity hart of the junior high school de­ field, with 250 girls expected to at­ Jim Stanley and Charles Noble, Rally committee, organizers of the partment will reveal present plans In Senior Division of Other Roles to assist Quinn. tend. printing; Al Sprague and Ken Dyo, event. Rehearsals begin Tuesday for the department’s social gathe *- City College Tournament The three young girls who come Committee chairmen for the day production; Sophomore Squires and evening in the auditorium. Alpha Phi Omega Invited ings for the rest of the semester at under the aspirations of Lady Hel­ Las Espuelas, cl^an-up; Ellen Sey­ Headed by the veteran team of For the first tithe on the Gaucho Contrary to custom, Alpha Phi will be Dolly Randall, registration; ena’s designs are Vicky, Monica and the meeting in room 43. There mour, dance committed; Margaret campus, vaudeville acts will com­ will be a social affair once a month Phyllis McKibben, field marking; Waldo Phelps and Bob Scalapino, Peggy played by Rachel Ann Wal­ Omega, not a member of the Inter­ Parks, Joan Schmitz and Peggy En- prise the* show in its entirety, with Santa Barbara State college debators ker,. Helen Dixon, and Beryl David­ fraternity council, has been invited as well as regular business meetings Eileen Cozier, officials; Evelyn Co­ 15 acts having been arranged for yeart, decorations* Blue Key, traf­ son. Rosamond, shaper one to the President Paul Wingrem will ask zier, luncheon and decorations; De- yesterday invaded th$ southland for to date. Setting and continuity of to attend the dance. This arrange­ fic; and Block S, costumes. girls, will be played by Ruth Taylor for opinions on pictures in the'.an­ the tenth annual Los Angeles City the script have bten placed upon ment came through . a conflict of Lyte Focht, checkroom; and Nellie Organizations represented at the in her college stage debut. nual, and Fred Wessel, treasurer, will the campus. Shults, relays, with Mary Louise meeting included Women’s Athletic college Invitational forensic tourna­ Herbert Loewenstein will play the dates between an Alpha Phi Omega report on dues. Louis Moore, pres­ New songs and singing personali­ Association, Homle eci/ftomics de­ ment, the finals of which will be butler, Grantley, -while Morton Reit- dance and the fraternity formal. ident of the Student California Tea­ Moore, as general chairman and su­ ties will be intoduced during the re­ partment, Las Espuelas, Gamma ter makes his first dramatic ap­ cher Association, recently talked on pervisor of activities. held today. vue and the program will be high­ Thirty bids to the affair have been Delta Chi, Tri-Y, Delta Sigma Ep­ pearance as the Stranger. Ned St. a convention of that organization Piayday captains will be Kathleen A squad of nine members, the lighted by novelty dance routines and issued to each fraternity, with a silon, Las Meninas, the sophomore Albans, anotl^er mysterious Aar- in Los Angeles. class, Sophomore Squires, Leaf and largest in State’s history, made the specialty acts. crowd of approximately 100 couples Shigley, Frances Flowers, Jane acter, will be played by Waldon H.E. Meeting Scarab, Gnome club, the Social com­ trip with forensics coach W. „Charles Only two staff positions have been expected. Both the lounge and the Wood and Jane Boland. Stewart, who introduces an element Plans for a party to be held in mittee, Delta Zeta Delta, Sigma Redding. In addition to Scalapino filled at present, and students in of a coarser nature. jade room of the hotel have been honor o f new women Tuesday, March The collegé W.A.A. will play hos­ and Phelps are Harry Sloan and terested in securing any of the posi­ Alpha Kappa, the Org, Block S and Kathryn Davis will play ihe Ap­ rented, so that the floor will not be 12, will be told at a meeting of the tess to athletic groups from Arroyo Frank Douglas, Leigh Silliphant and tions still available are asked to con­ the Fourth Estate. parition. Miss Davis is also one of crowded. home economics department in the Harry Tapnatt, J. T. Daniel and tact Richards immediately. Stu­ Grande high school, Carpinteria, Beard Growing Tilt the neophytes to the college stage. Receiving Line music hall. Main program of the Harry Wollin, and Alice Benson. dents desiring to appear in the show Antelope Valley, Fillmore, Lompoc, Special events to take place a t.
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