Major League Players Here Saturday 24-HOUR WANT-AD SERVICE . CALL ANYTIME ... DA 5-1515 * H. RtDONDO * TOKRANCE * C\RSON it AVA1ON * Gfy it tOMITA YILLAftI AWAAD WMMC* * HARIOR CITY WAlTtftlA L TORRANCE PRESS 3238 SEPULVEDA BLVD., TORRANCE, CALIFORNIA lOc PER COPY VOL XII }• THURSDAY, MAY 5, 1960 NUMBERS Parking Meter Plague Gone; Downtown Torrance Jubilant Enrollment of 39,000 Seen Delegation in Torrance Schools by 1970 Demands 101 Consenratlvt estimate* Indicate Torrance'* school enrollment should reach more than 39,000 within 1U j Traffic Light years, according to a report to the Board of Education. Currently, some 25,000 students attend Torrance ichoola. Group Jams Council Prepared by the department of special services and to Tell Urgency of research in consultation with experts, the report indi­ Tulira Ave. Control i cates Torrance's total population probably will be about 150,000 in 1970, with about 28 rr of the sroup in school. A delegation of residents The report indicates most experts feel Torrance and and parents of the Ton am'e- Southern California will continue to grow as at present. Redondo section at Highway These figures would hold true if available land zoned 101 jammed the City Coun­ for homes is- used and if no re/on ing occurs in areas for cil meet in jr Tuesday to de­ industry. mand a traffic lijrht at the Within five years, in 19G5-66, the school enrollment highway and Tulita Ave. is expected to be about 26.200 including 27.300 elemen­ Several hundred children rro^n tary and 8900 hi.di school students. In 1970-71, the en­ the highway daily rn route to rollment would be 39,300 including 28,000 elementary school, said G e o r K e Snyder, and 11,300 high school students. spokesman for the group, and it is becoming increasingly likely Today, about 20% of the total school enrollment is that * death must precede traf­ in high schools, but in 10 years, about 29 r'r of the total fic controls. will be on the secondary level. H* cited narrow escapes at the Torrance's Planning Commission expects some 4000 crossing and introduced a guard and two children who barely got single-family homes and 12.000 multiple-unit dwellings out of the way of a speeding within the next 10 years, it was indicated. car in time. The council was told that the parents are willing: to spend time and money, provide delegations Dodger Players Will Take to Sacramento if necessary, and do anything: in their power to expedite a light at the intersec­ Part in Baseball Day Here tion. Redondo already is hospitable By MIKK CALL AS Mildred Hunt, Bill Schepper, and to the plan. Snyder said. The PreHs Sport* Kditor thin reporter will select two Torrance council last year unani­ Sandy Koufax, Carl Furillo, queens. One for the title of "Lit­ mously approved R signal, but and Joe Pignatano of the world- tle Miss Little league" (girls it is tip to the state Division of champion Los Angeles Dodgers between R and 12) and "Mis* Highways to make the arrange­ will take part in the Baseball Baseball" (girls between IS and ments. Day parade Saturday morning, Ifi). 1 Wade Peebles, director of pub­ it wan announced today by Coun­ The winners will rid* in the lic works, said the highway de- OUT THEY GO Ab» Robinson, president lice Chief Percy G. Benneft and Wray Wil­ cilman George Viro. lead car, sharing honors with j partment found a signal inadvis­ Downtown Merchants, impatiently helps Po­ ton, repairman, tear out parking meters. Three thousand youngster* of the Dodger guests. MISS LA ROMERIA Janet Speaks of 20010 Talisman St reigned able in 1968. the Little, Bahe Ruth, and Pony Sam Levy, Dr. J. H. Hull, and over this week's community fair at Southwest Park. In addition j However, be said he received leagues of thin city partici­ Harry Van Bellehem will award to title of Miss La Romeria Park for I960, she won gifts from I a reply last month to a fresh trophies for best, theme, most pate in a mammoth outdoor *how downtown merchants. Judges for the beauty title were Mayor communication, stating that an Meters Gone; original, and most beautiful in at 10 a.m. Isen, Wade Peebles, director of public works, Herma Tillim and investigation now is being made. Civic Symphony Art Festival The parade route will be from floats. Margaret Clark. The fair was termed a hug* success. Councilman Nick Drale moved Shoppers Sigh Crenshaw Blvd. west on Torrance Music for the parade will be that Torrance's share of money Blvd. to the Civic Center. provided by the Torrawe Area for the signal be appropriated Gels Under Way Tomorrow Their Relief At 9 a.m. at 800 Klm St. Junior Youth Band. at once. The motion unanimous­ Th« Civic Symphony's Festi­ Hoshino will be partrierod by ly carried. If you dropped a cent In those Torrance Memorial Planning Mayor Isen named a committee val of Arts, under direction of John Frayer who toured Europe downtown parking meters yes­ of Drale, Victor Benstead, and Klyse Aehle, will be presented with the Ballet de Monte Carlo terday, you got took. tomorrow through Sunday in Ke- George Bradford wbo with and was recently featured dancer The meters were ordered inop­ Hospital Week Observance Peebles will join three residents dondo High School auditorium. with Most Happy Fellow at the erative at once by the City Coun­ It will open with an art show, from the area in seeing the proj- Kl Capit.au Theater. cil under an emergency ordinance "Many Hands-Many Skills" is visitors will be able to see the ei-t through Redondo and stats Dale Brent Sexton, chairman, Tuesday nigh/t. the theme of National Hospital suite where 4H18 operations were which will be on display all throe red tape. Week, which will be observed performed in 19M)-an average of Assemblymen T"harles Chapel, days. The show will opon with H Yesterday morning Police throughout the United States 11.8 operations each day. The in whose district the intersection i reception in honor of the Chief Percy C. Bennett was on artist R. starting Sunday. tour also will include a visit to lies, and Vincent Thomas will re­ Tomorrow at 8 p.m. tbe Holly­ hand early to see that the meter As part of the observance Tor­ the maternity wing and if pos­ ceive communiques of urgency wood Shakenpeare Festival, with heads are removed with all pos­ rance Hospital will hold open sible the delivery suite where from this city. v an all-star cast, will be presented. sible speed. house Tuesday from 10 a.m. to 1786 children, including 16 sets Abe Robinson of T.awson's The cost will be shared by On Saturday at R the sym­ 3 p.m. Tours will be conducted of twins, were born last year. / Torrance, Redondo, and the state. phony-ballet program will pre- Jewelers said his Downtown Mer by members of the Hospital Aux­ Among the other hands per­ aent the Civic Symphony, 8-year- chants' Association is scheduled iliary at whic)i time members forming the many skills neces­ old Jimmy Howard of Torrance to put sin;ns on the meter posts of the commvmity may become sary for the operation of a hos­ aa piano soloist, and Ballet ViO today. .The signs will advertise acquainted with the hands that pital which will he seen by the School Board mnder direction of Wilson Morelli. free two-hour parking. perform many skills in the hos­ visitors will be kitchen and diet Morellf, after receiving acclaim As the council passed the or pital. departments, laundry, and phar­ OKs Building In South America and the United dinance Tuesday, Mayor Isen in­ According to Leonard A. Kns- macy. Knsminger, the board of States, touring an a soloist with structed (Jeorge Stevens, city minger, administrator, the open directors, and the Auxiliary are Ballet" Theater and partnering manager, to see that the meter house will enable the public to I inviting interested people to at­ at South High T^slie Caron, Krassovuka, and heads were pulled first thing eajlor the first time some of tend the tours and tea between Final plans for the fourth unit Tarrmra Toumanova, since has yesterday morning and not to Jet the many changes and improve- tout's. of South High Schoo' were ap­ choroegraphed ballets in numer­ up till they are gone. menta which were effected at the proved by the Board of Education ous cities in this country includ­ ft was a toss-up yesterday who hospital la.ot year. Tuesday night. ing the staging of (Jiselle in Dal­ were more jubilant over the new One of the most extensive Im­ Rites Conducted The board al.«o awarded bids las with Natalie Kransovska as freedom the merchants or their! provements was the complete for additions at four elementary remodeling of the for Torrance guest star. customers. Riddance of the pen X-ray depart­ schools. , The preHent company WBM ; ny-grabbersjierceptibly lifted the ment including purchase of a DR. ll!ILLIM,HA\i 2M>.000-vo)t deep-therapy unit Crash Victim The"district will call for bids formed by More/If in lf>:">8. Jt, ap i mounting oppression that so long DODGER STARS Carl Furillo, Mt) "<* Sandy Koufax con­ for the South High additions and peared in the 1%!) May Festival i has wracked the nerves of down­ firm their appearance at Torrance't Baseball Day parade Sat­ and some of the most advanced James Matthews, 55.
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