Features . THE * Missions Advance * Conference Reports r * Literature Evangelism Southwestern Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists Vol. 59, No. 9 March 2, 1960 The Missing 144,000 R. R. FIGUHR, President General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists Some people have had a great burden to discuss the mission program. Regularity in Sabbath school attend- subject of the 144,000. What should and does burden ance brings innumerable blessings in its train." In dis- many of us is the startling announcement that 144,000 cussing this presentation, Elder C. L. Torrey, the General church members in North America are missing from Sab- Conference Treasurer, said: "I was stirred when I heard bath school. This subject of absenteeism from Sabbath these men talk about the question of missing members. school was discussed at considerable length at the recent Think of it, 144,000 missing members. That shouldn't Presidents' Council. be. I think in Africa we have (Continued on pg. 7) Basing his remarks on the statistics of North Amer- ica for the second quarter of 1959, one of the conference presidents pointed out that of the 317,000 church mem- bers in North America, only 173,785 of them, on the OPENING CEREMONIES average, attended Sabbath school. This, he maintained, . indicates that more than 144,000 members of our churches of were absent from Sabbath school during that quarter. Hays County Memorial Hospital In checking with the General Conference Sabbath School San Marcos, Texas Department, we find this to be a fairly accurate estimate. This conference president went on to comment on MARCH 6, 1960 the significance of these startling figures concerning missing members. In addition to all that the absentees missed in personal blessing, he called attention to the effect of this absenteeism on our denominational endeavor. He pointed out that if these more than 144,000 absentees had regularly attended Sabbath school, and they had averaged the same ratio of giving as those who did attend, there would have been added to our Sabbath school offer- ings close to a million dollars a quarter. (The General Conference Sabbath School Department estimates that this amount would have been over $700,000.) • "Think," he said, what this would mean to the cause of missions to have these missing members attending Sabbath school !" Open House from 2 until 6 o'clock Another conference president, in commenting on this subject, said: Everyone is welcome during these hours. "We might venture a conservative guess that at least Opening Service will be held in the after- 25 to 30 per cent of our church members do not go to noon conducted jointly by the hospital adminis- Sabbath school. tration and the county officers. "Whoever stays away from Sabbath school is depriv- This beautiful, modern 42-bed hospital will . ing himself of many choice blessings. One who attends receive its first patients the morning of March Sabbath school regularly learns of the progress of the 7, 1960. gospel message in lands afar through listening to the Located on an elevation along the Pan stories .from the Missions Quarterly. He realizes that American Highway (US 81) just within the . soon, yes, very soon, the gospel message will be proclaimed city limits of San Marcos, one mile south of in all the world and Jeus will return. In the Sabbath the circle. school one studies God's Holy Word and receives spiritual GLENMORE CARTER, blessings that will enable him to live a better Christian Medical Secretary. life during the days to come. He has the blessed privi- lege of giving financial assistance to our world-wide EDITORIAL THE Missions Advance . 1960 Vol. 59 March 2, 1960 No. 9 K. W. EMMERSON, Assistant EDITOR ______ Treasurer _____________ _ ______ Cyril Miller ASSISTANT EDITOR Frances Andrews General Conference Official organ of the Southwester n "Go ye therefore, and teach all nations," the Lord com- Union Conference of Seventh-day Ad- ventists. Published by the College Press, manded at the close of His ministry upon the earth. The ur- Keene, Texas. gency of this task was no greater then than it is today. This Communication or copy not originating command not only was given to those within the hearing of His in a local conference of the Southwestern voice, but was meant as the marching orders for all of His Union should be addressed to the South- western Union Conference of Seventh- followers down through the ages, and that includes you and me ! day Adventists, P.O. Box 518, Richardson, This command to "teach all nations" does not mean that all Texas. ALL C OP Y, SUBSCRIPTIONS, of us must leave the homeland to go out to other nations, but it CHANGE OF ADDRESS, ADVERTISE- MENTS AND CORRESPONDENCE from does mean that each one of us must make a contribution of church members in the Southwestern some kind. Union should be addressed to the LOCAL Those who are giving their lives in service for the Lord CONFERENCE OFFICE. In changing are constantly experiencing His protection and care. The - address, give both old and new addresses. following experience which recently occurred in Manaos, Bra- zil, demonstrates that modern miracles do occur. During the Published weekly (fifty issues a year) dry season many fires break out, especially in the poorer sec- by the College Press, Keene, Texas, for the Southwestern Union Conference of tions of the city where the homes are of partial thatch construc- Seventh-day Adventists. Price, one dollar tion. While our medical launch, the "Luzeiro IV," was anchored a year. Entered as second-class matter at the river's edge, one of these fires broke out, quickly consum- October 24, 1902, at the Post Office, ing thirty homes, and then leaping to the boats at anchor. In Keene, Texas, under Act of Congress of horror the people looked on from the river bank as six boats March 3, 1879. surrounding our medical launch went up in flames. Our dedi- cated workers were amazed when the flames suddenly subsided SOUTHWESTERN UNION CONFERENCE DIRECTORY and our "Lightbearer" stood unharmed. It will be an abundant reward for those who have given President L. C. Evans Sec.-Treas H. E. Schneider their lives in service to see how the seeds they were able to Auditor R. S. Blackburn sow have multiplied into a great harvest of souls. After many A. Nesmith years of faithful service in British Guiana, one of our mission- Home Miss. & S. S. Sec__.A. R. Mazat MV, War Ser. & Temp. Sec.____L. M. Nelson aries passed away. The Indians to whom he had brought the Publishing ____ T. Welch precious truth often gathered about his grave and sang his Pub. Rel. & Fund Raising_Cyril Miller favorite hymns. After a time they decided they should show their appreciation in a more tangible manner. Trekking for LOCAL CONFERENCE fifteen days on foot across the borders into Brazil, they brought DIRECTORY the gospel to a new tribe of Indians. It was not long until they ARKANSAS-LOUISIANA — I. M. Evans, had raised up a group of believers who had forsaken their evil President; P. I. Nosworthy, Secretary- Treasurer; (P. 0. Box 5548) 333 South- habits and were keeping the Sabbath. A worker was sent from field Rd., Shreveport, La. Boa Vista, Brazil, to baptize this new company. But this was OKLAHOMA — W. A. Dessain, Presi- not enough. They proceeded to cross another frontier to a tribe dent; G. L. Sather, Secretary-Treas- urer; (P. 0. Box 528) 525 N. W. 13th of Indians on the border of Venezuela. Again a group of be- St., Oklahoma City, Okla. lievers was made ready for baptism. God is using these humble SOUTHWEST REGION — V. L. Roberts, President; J. E. Merideth, Secretary- Indians to take up the work of carrying the gospel where this Treasurer; (P. 0. Box 6289) 1900 S. Boulevard, Dallas, Tex. dedicated missionary laid it down. TEXAS — B. E. Leach, President; 0. J. "What shall I render unto the Lord for His benefits toward Bell. Secretary-Treasurer; 2838 Hemp- me?" As the Holy Spirit touches our hearts, let us rededicate hill St., Fort Worth, Tex. our lives and our means to the Lord. Let us give, and give TEXICO — G. H. Rustad, President; H. P. Evens, Secretary-Treasurer; (P. liberally NOW, so that we can avail ourselves of the many • 0. Box 1399) 1522 Van Buren St., Am- opportunities which present themselves in every land, for soon arillo, Tex. it may be too late, and the freedom we now have to carry this message may be taken away. Those desiring should make wills, trust Is it not our holy and solemn responsibility to make this agreements, and annuities in favor of the legal association rather than the Missions Advocate Offering on March 12 the largest in our conference. Write your conference sec- history? In this way we will be able to show our humble grati- retary-treasurer for further information. tude to the Lord for his many benefits to us. 2 THE RECORD Ozark Academy Fund News Notes ► Dr. and Mrs. Delbert L. Brown and We are indeed grateful for the sys- boys, Kirk and Earl, visited the office tematic giving from week to week February 18. Mrs. Brown is the for- and month to month by our various mer Wynona Amrhein of Baton church members who regularly make Rouge, La., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. their gifts to the Ozark Academy I. B. Amrhein. Dr. Brown is with the Building Fund. Through their local United States Public Health Service Ozark Academy Needs Bus churches some of our friends have in Springfield, Mo. also given and we thank you for these Recent visitors to our new office • If the U.S.
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