This “quick, dirty, and compact” (QDC) edition of the January 1981 issue of Softalk magazine (Vol. 1 No. 5) was created by, and is made freely available by, The Softalk Apple Project (www.SoftalkApple.com). We thank fellow Friend of Softalk Steven Brosch for donating his copy of this issue to The Softalk Apple Project document archive. For other PDFs of whole issues and sample pages, go to the Issue Profiles section of the project website. For more on the “preserve, explore, extend” mission of The Softalk Apple Project go to: www.SoftalkApple.com/about Thank you… Enjoy! --Jim Salmons-- Research Director The Softalk Apple Project 3 E list Kf r fK> Sa f t*;' w t W I Wm 7 V V J ■39S •# ISFSftrH v H IT . \ 11 :. \fTi t; |#« IN I I X ■ 2 J S 1 ; | _ i i U DM itf Beyond Adventure Lies AKALABETH WORLD OF DOOM \ Available thru your local Computer Store A TOP OF THE ORCHARD SOFTWARE PRODUCT from California Pacific Computer Company JANUARY 1981 Chairman John Haller CONTENTS President Margot Comstock Tom m ervik Vice-President Al Tom m ervik Vice-President William Depew Treasurer William V. R. Smith Big Apple Gives Little Apple the Business Secretary John Mitchell Apples are selling like hotcakes in New York City— many to Editor Margot Comstock megabusinesses. Tom m ervik MARGOT COMSTOCK TOMMERVIK......................4 Technical Editor William Depew Contributing Editor Roger Wagner Art Director Kurt A. Wahlner Robot War: Strategy for Learning Production M anager Al Tommervik Revolutionary concept in gaming software teaches logic and programming through fun. Business William M anager V. R. Smith MARY TAYLOR R O LLO ........................................... 18 Operations John Mitchell M anager Editorial Robert Koehler A ssistants Patrick J. Ratchford Circulation Carmen Cowper Softalk's First Annual Most Popular Software Poll Advertising Sales A1 Tommervik 213-980-5074 Margot Readers have a chance to air their opinions of the all-time top Tom m ervik ten in popular software .................................................................................................. 26 W illiam V. R. Smith Cover by Kurt Wahlner. “Pascal Spoken Here” sign used with permission of Apple Computer Inc., Cupertino, California. New York City taxi courtesy of Michael Strum, driver. In the background is the statue of At­ Disk Drive Doctor Moves East las in Rockefeller Center in New York, New York. A very special person, Mike Cornblith deals in Apple service Composition by Photographies, Hollywood, California. Printing by California Offset Printers, Glendale, Cali­ and general good will. fornia. \ Apple is a trademark of Apple Computer Inc>, Cuper­ AL TOMMERVIK........................................................ 30 tino, California. So/talk. Volume 1. Number 5. Copyright 1980 by Softalk Publishing Inc. All rights reserved. ISSN: 0274-9629. Sub­ scriptions to Softalk are complimentary to all owners of Apple computers In the USA; multiple or non-Apple- owner subscriptions for one year: one, $10; two through five, $8 each; more than five, $6 each. Back issues. $2; November and December issues are sold out. Softalk is Dublished monthly by Softalk Publishing Inc., 10432 Bur- Exec California Pacific: Dank Boulevard, North Hollywood, CA 91601. Tel. (213) 980-5074. Controlled circulation postage paid at Los Quiet, thoughtful Al Remmers has made his software company Angeles, CA. Postmaster: Send address changes to a howling success. Softalk, 10432 Burbank Boulevard, North Hollywood, CA 91601. RICHARD KNUDSEN............................................... 32 ADVERTISERS INDEX Avant Garde .........................................................10 Book Publishing.................................................. 17 Contest and Contest W inners............................. 2 T ra d e ta lk ............................................................. 21 Broderbund S o ftw a re........................................29 Open Discussion.......................................................9 Assembly Lines: Roger W a g n e r..................... 22 California Pacific .....................................Cover 2 The Logical Way: Bill D e p e w ......................... 12 Marketalk News ............................................... 28 Cavri Systems.......................................................31 Marketalk Reviews............................................... 16 Bestsellers............................................................. 36 Continental Software ........................................34 Datasoft ................................................................... 3 Edu-Ware Services ..............................................8 FSI ............................................................................28 Image Systems............................................. 12, 33 Information Unlimited ..........................Cover 4 Micro Lab ............................................................. 14 Microsoft ................................................................. 7 MUSE Software.................................................. 24 On-Line Systems ....................19, 21, 23, 25, 27 Peripherals Plus ................................................ 11 Rainbow Computing..........................................22 PREVIEWS Sirius Software............................................. 13, 15 Whispers of February . Apple on Small Business Computer Systems 16 Television— via the airwaves . Exec Software Publishing ..........................................35 On-Line . Assembly Lines, Part 5 . Southwestern Data Systems...........................26 Portrait of Bill Budge . and more. Spectrum Software............................................30 Stellation Two .........................................................2 Strategic Simulations............................Cover 3 Synergistic Software.....................................9, 20 2 s o n A l i JANUARY 1981 Holy Smoke! More Contest Winners! Korenkiewicz photo Enter the words, Left to right: Elliott R. Greene of Computerland of Nassau, New York, presents Lawrence Lancia with a Magic oh so slow Window. Landa was winner of October's Bobbing for Apples contest. Gary Iverson of Computer Technologies, Out with the anagrams Albuquerque, New Mexico, awards VisiCalc to Mark Korenkiewicz, one of September's contest winners. and on we go Two-sixteen with which to play That turkey CONTEST: LILTIHr LIMERICKS had a lot to say To honor the gremlins so prominent in tain within it either the name of one of Apple listings a game reviewed this month, January’s Softalk's January advertisers or of one of oh so quick contest involves another product of Irish the products of those advertisers. This Then a word— inventiveness: the limerick. name need not be the subject of the lim­ FANTASTIC! A limerick is a five-line verse of a light, erick, but may be merely worked in some usually humorous, and sometimes non­ way. For example: With those words, Dave Pointon of sensical nature. Its meter is anapestic, “Odds Bodkins,” young Romeo did muse, Sparks, Nevada, summed up Novem­ meaning each line is made up of group­ “Soft, where are my Juliet’s shoes? ber’s contest. He’ll get another chance to ings of two short syllables followed by Is her power for losing regale Softalk with poetry if he enters one long one; its rhyme scheme is By chance or by choosing? this month’s limerick contest. aabba— lines one, two, and five rhyme Ye Gads, how it doth me confuse!” Fantastic was the message we were and lines three and four rhyme. Rules 3. To be eligible, each entry must be looking for, but our program to ensure such as these are made to be broken, but accompanied by a secret word, which that it was the only sensible answer avail­ your entry must be recognizable as a lim­ those rascally gremlins have hidden able failed miserably, as witnessed by erick. Here’s a limerick: • somewhere in the pages of this issue. fifty-two entries that found other an­ There once was a girl from Poughkeepsie, When you find it, you’ll know it; if you swers. All were accepted. Who liked to get just a bit tipsy. have a doubt, you haven’t found it. J. V. McGinn of Mount Clemens, Mich­ When they held back her wine 4. You can enter as many limericks as igan, deserves special recognition for Just to keep her on-line, you like, but each must be attached to an finding ten alternative answers, none of She became an itinerant gypsy. entry form or a copy or simulation of an which were fantastic. Writing limericks is meant to be fun, entry form. As with every contest in which there is not work, and you need not be a poet to 5. Limericks will be judged the only more than one correct entry, Apple’s ran­ come up with a fun one. way they can be judged—subjectively. dom number generator was used to de­ Here are the rules for Softalk's Liltin’ Judges will be looking for wit, humor, termine the winner. Limerick contest: originality of rhyme, and originality in Jerry L. Kynsi of Longview, Washing­ 1. Any subject is okay, and your lim­ general. Softalk judges will choose ten ton, was so anointed. He chose a selec­ erick can be funny, punny, witty, subtle, semifinalists whose limericks will ap­ tion of Quality Software’s entertainment broad—do what suits you best. pear in the March Softalk (Saint Pat­ programs as his prize. 2. Each entered limerick must con­ rick’s Day—gremlins at work again), the final winner to be chosen by Softalk's readers. 6. All entries must arrive at Softalk by SUPERCHARGE February 2, 1981; late arrivals will be gobbled by groundhogs.
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