E1046 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks May 20, 1999 and long-term commitment; strong leadership CONGRATULATING LEON MED- TAIWAN'S 3RD ANNIVERSARY OF and disciplinary policies; staff development; VEDOW ON HIS 70TH BIRTHDAY PRESIDENTIAL ELECTIONS parental involvement; interagency partnerships and community links; and a culturally sensitive HON. TERRY EVERETT and developmentally appropriate approach. HON. ROSA L. DeLAURO OF ALABAMA I am proud to join my colleague from New OF CONNECTICUT IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Jersey, Congressman ROBERT MENENDEZ as a Thursday, May 20, 1999 cosponsor of the School Anti-Violence Em- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES powerment Act because it includes many of Mr. EVERETT. Mr. Speaker, for the first Thursday, May 20, 1999 the recommendations of the GAO report. This time in Chinese history, Taiwan held a truly democratic presidential election three years bill would: Ms. DELAURO. Mr. Speaker, it gives me Provide grants for school districts to hire cri- ago. As the people of Taiwan celebrate their great pleasure to rise today to recognize Leon president's third anniversary in office on May sis prevention counselors and fund anti-school Medvedow as he celebrates his 70th birthday. violence initiatives. 50% of the grants would 20, 1999, I send them my congratulations. This evening friends, family, and the New I applaud President Lee's recent proposal go to fund crisis prevention counselors and Haven community will gather to pay tribute to that Taiwan and the mainland work together in crisis prevention programs. 50% would go to Leon for a lifetime of contributions to the City drafting a comprehensive financial plan to help school districts who would have the flexibility of New Haven. solve the current financial crisis affecting their to spend these funds on projects which would neighbors in Asia. President Lee's innovative best improve security at their schools. A respected leader of the community, Leon ideas deserve serious consideration by the Increased funding for COPS. 50% of the has served the City of New Haven and its mainland China authorities. funding would be targeted for cooperative residents with an unparalleled commitment for The Chinese people as well as the inter- school-police partnerships to place safety offi- over fifty years. His distinguished record of national Community, stand to benefit if Taiwan cers in schools. public service began with his election as New and China continue to have a meaningful dia- Implements after school and life skills pro- Haven's Old Third Ward Alderman in 1953. logue about their hopeful unification. Taiwan grams for at-risk youth. For decades, Leon continued his leadership and the Chinese mainland have much to learn Directs the Department of Education to work and vision for New Haven in many other ca- from each other. Taiwan's economic miracle with the Department of Justice to develop a pacities including City Clerk, Chairman of the and a thriving democracy will be a useful model violence prevention program for school Board of Finance, and Chairman of the 25th guide to the mainland China's progress toward districts to use. In addition, the Department of Ward Democratic Committee. a free and open economic and political cli- Education would create a clearinghouse of Leon was honored by former President mate. anti-school violence to allow school districts to Congratulations to President Lee Teng-hui see what types of initiatives are working in Jimmy Carter with an appointment to the Fed- eral Small Business Administration Advisory and best regards to Foreign Minister Jason Hu other schools across the nation. for their effort on behalf of democracy in the Council in recognition of his professionalism It is imperative that we implement aggres- Pacific Rim. as a small business owner. Today he remains sive and comprehensive approaches to keep f our children safe. They deserve to have an president of Leon A. Medvedow & Associates, educational experience free from fear or the Inc., a printing company he built from the IN HONOR OF BELVA DAVIS AND threat of violence. ground up, and continues his political career ROLLIN POST as Campaign General Chairman for New Ha- f ven's current mayor, John DeStefano, Jr. His HON. NANCY PELOSI LAW ENFORCEMENT exceptional talents remain focused on the im- OF CALIFORNIA APPRECIATION MONTH provement of the New Haven community. HON. BARBARA LEE The generosity Leon has shown throughout OF CALIFORNIA HON. ALLEN BOYD his life has made him a true friend to the com- HON. LYNN C. WOOLSEY OF FLORIDA munity. He gives his seemingly endless time OF CALIFORNIA and energy to many community organizations. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Thursday, May 20, 1999 Currently, he is a member of Congregation Beth El-Keser Israel as well as the Board of Thursday, May 20, 1999 Mr. BOYD. Mr. Speaker, today I rise in Directors for the New Haven Jewish Commu- Ms. PELOSI. Mr. Speaker, we rise today to honor of Law Enforcement Appreciation Month nity Center, overseeing a myriad of social pro- mark the contributions of two highly respected to pay tribute to our nation's more than grams for New Haven's Jewish community. He California journalists. On Sunday, May 23, 700,000 men and women who serve our com- is a former trustee of the University of Con- 1999, veteran Bay Area television journalists munities as law enforcement officers. We owe necticut's Alumni Association and a founder Belva Davis and Rollin Post will be honored at these individuals a tremendous debt of grati- and past president of the UCONN Club. An the San Francisco City Hall Rotunda. Their tude for the many sacrifices they make so that avid basketball fan, he is a fifty year veteran combined experience spans 70 years, a long we might enjoy safer places to live and work. basketball season ticket holder showing true and rich engagement with the social, cultural, Each day, America's law enforcement offi- and political history of the Bay Area. loyalty and spirit for his alma mater. His pas- cers put their lives on the line as our first de- Belva Davis, winner of multiple professional fense from violent crime. But these public sion for the sport led him to sponsor a local awards, has worked continuously on television servants do so much more than apprehend team, the New Haven Elms, bringing the since 1966, when she became the first Afri- criminals: law enforcement officers are com- game he loves to the City of New Haven. can-American female reporter on the West munity activists, role models for our nation's After five decades of accomplishments, you Coast. Since that breakthrough, Belva has young people and defenders of law and order. wouldn't think Leon would have anything left contributed significantly to the shape and the This month, in honor of Law Enforcement to achieve and yet he continues to add to his texture of today's television news. Her sharp, Appreciation Month, I hope that Americans will extraordinary life. Just five days ago, Leon poignant reports stimulate community aware- take time to thank their local law enforcement celebrated his Bar Mitzvah, fulfilling a promise ness. Her commitment is further demonstrated officers for their dedication and hard work. We he made to himself over fifty years ago when by deep involvement in numerous community should also take this moment to remember the circumstances forced the ceremony to fall by organizations. She is also a labor activist and ultimate sacrifice made by the many officers the wayside. a visible supporter of African-American culture who have lost their lives in the line of duty and and history. pay our respects to the families these individ- Mr. Speaker, it is with great pride that I rise During her career, Belva Davis has reported uals have left behind. Most importantly, as this today to join Leon's wife, Phyllis, children, for, or anchored, such public affairs programs month comes to a close, we should strive to grandchildren, friends, and the entire New as KRON's ``California This Week'' with Polit- honor these brave officers each day and give Haven community to wish my good friend a ical Analyst Rollin Post, BayTV's ``Close-up them our support so that together we might very happy 70th birthday. Leon's work and with Belva Davis'' and ``Bay Area Close UP,'' make our communities an even better place to commitment have truly left this community a KQED's ``A Closer Look'' and ``Evening Edi- live. better place and for that we thank him. tion.'' She has also served as News Centers CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks E1047 4's anchor and urban affairs specialist. Most A TRIBUTE TO CITY YEAR SAN and said it really helped them. They thought recently, she joined Congresswoman Barbara ANTONIO they had passed it.'' Lee's citizen delegation to report a week-long Fighting Back, a substance abuse, crime and violence prevention and community de- series on the people, culture and politics of HON. CHARLES A. GONZALEZ velopment program, has 60 full-time volun- Cuba and on Cuba's relationship with the OF TEXAS teers. They are recruiting more than 100 high United States. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES school students for a new part-time service Belva has received six local Emmys, the Thursday, May 20, 1999 program in San Antonio. 1996 Governor's Award of the Northern Cali- Mr. GONZALEZ. Mr. Speaker, I rise today City Year and Southside High School re- cently started a part-time volunteer pro- fornia Chapter of the National Academy of Tel- to ask unanimous consent to submit into the gram for students called City Heroes. evision Arts and Sciences, a Certificate of Ex- RECORD an article that appeared in the San Most of the full-time volunteers started cellence from the California Associated Press Antonio Express News recently.
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