Five Students To Vie For Top Honors Tonight In Annual Owl Oratorical Contest Slated for SsGh Clara In Adobe Lodge; TheOfficial PublicationSantaof the Associated Students the University of Santa Clara of § Hayes Chairman Vol. 34, No. 12 4§...» SANTA CLARA, CALIFORNIA, THURSDAY, MARCH 3, 1955 $2.00 Per Year Five outstanding orator* will compete for firt-t place honor-. in the Owl Oratorical Contest tonight at }{:()(! in Adobe Lodge, A senior, two juniors, a sophomore, and a freshman will seek the $23 award which is given annually by the directors of the Annual Novena of Grace Starts Owl magazine. These five contestants are Donald H. Johnson, a senior in the college of engineering; Duncan F. Fife and Salvador A. Liccardo," juniors in the college of arts and sciences; and Paul G. Bu- Friday Night in Mission Church sacca and Peter Henriot, sopho- more and freshman, respectively, in New Major the college of arts and sciences. TOPICS LISTED Speakers Johnson's topic will be "Arthur In Physics "Freedom" Topic Vandenberg"; Fife will talk on Ul- for timatum from Japan" and'Liccardo Listed on "Juvenile Delinquency"; Busac- Announced ca calls his speech "The American Of Lecture Series Way of Life", and Henriot's is en- This coming September, for the Each Day titled "A Great but Forgotten first time at Santa Clara, the Uni- 'American". versity will offer a physics major The Novena of Grace, in hon- Arthur H. Hayes, Jr., winner of. on its regular academic curricu- Opening Tuesday the 1954 contest, will be chairman lum. Courses to be given will in- or of St. Francis Xavier, will clude those in modern physics, begin Friday Mar. of this evening's program. Bv 808 WOOD this evening, Jndges include Hayes' father, Ar- electronic magnetism, nuclear phy- The second annual lecture series, -pfusornl by the ASI SC 4, in the Mission Church at 6:40. thur H. Hayes, Sr.. vice-president sics and advance laboratory in- According to Rev. Roger Me- struction. All present courses in will commence with a discussion on the problem of freedom next of the Columbia Broadcasting Sys- Auliffe, S.J., student chaplain, this tem: Prof. Robert V. Ackerman. physics will be continued and an Tuesday nifjlH in the I niversitv Auditorium. • novena presents to the entire stu- associate professor of English from introduction to theoretical physics This series of lertures en! titled, '"Freedom Weapon for five A dent body the excellent chance to Stanford; and Victor F. Stefan. will be offered. the iiiainiiig of Survival", will he staged rei Tuesdays March and gain extra graces, which are so im- Santa Clara alumni director. ATOM IMPORTANCE the of | of SC first Tuesday April. The purpose this ASI presenta- portant' during a college career. FINALISTS CHOSEN The University feels that with tion, as stated last \ear. is to furt her the educational opportunties Each and every student should try- The five finalists in tonight's modern advances of science and lof the students and their friends. to make this novena. especially contest were chosen from a field the growing interest and impor- since it is during the season of lent. tance energy, FOR FREEDOM" of 11 who tried out in a prelimi- of atomic a physics "BREADLINE The Novena of Grace came into major part The first lecture of this series nary contest on February 14. should be an important being during the 17th century when 17 Seniors w ill be delivered by Rev. Joseph D. PERSHING RIFLES DRILL TEAM members are seen in action Judges in the preliminary contest of the college of arts and sciences. members St. Francis himself suggested that It which Municr. Ph. D., currently professor during last week's informal ROTC review. Twenty new were James E. Wade, chairman of is this major Is the initiated into the at a ceremony Adobe a certain Father Mastrilli, whom must thorough for of Sociology and Economics at St. were recently organization in the English department; Richard preparation ad- Lodge conducted by Capt. Louis Souza. The initiation was followed he had miraculously cured at the vunee work the various In Patrick's Seminary. In his talk, M. Schmidt. English instructor; in fields Listed —Photo by Figini by a dinner in downtown San Jose. John point of death, make a novena. Its of atomic "Breadline for Freedom", Fr. Mu- and Rev. Joseph B. Wall, S.J., re- j energy and nuclear fls- name comes from the countless ; sion. The physics major its lder will point out that the pro- ligious instructor. and graces and extraordinary favors component courses the basis Who's Who moters of democracy must expose Dr. Wade is moderator of the are obtained through the intercession for work and research field, the deceptive "breadline" approach contest. in this Names of 17 Clara seniors Xavier. ~ a field which is assuming such Santa of Communism and must show the of who will be listed in the 195.") edi- 20 Pershing Riflemen The schedule of talks is as fol- vastly important roles In the mod- world the true breadline of free tion of Who lows: ern world. "Who's in American men. Colleges and Universities" were March 4, St. Francis Xavier, K«. Delta Sig Has The acquisition of the physics announced this On March l.~>. Rev. Joseph B. Stephen Early, SJ. ! major will put added stress on week. campus as professor Wall, S..L, on Week .March 5, The Atmosphere of Holi- , the however, addition to in Initiated Last physics department; In mention one ol Religion, will t»peak on "Faith Kev, Koger Dinner country's known - Were ness, MeAuliffe, Dance 1 this has been offset in the past of the best 'Who's and Freedom", discussing religious Twenty Reserve Officers' Training Corps cadets honored this Who" publication, these .17 seniors The Gamma Xi chapter of Delta I year with the arrival of Dr. John conviction us u foundation for full- week when they were formally initiated into the Pershing Rifles. Na- be by a page .March 6, Xavier and Christian Sigma ; Drahmann. head of the new phy- will honored in- the er personal freedom. Pi held its annual "Rose of Redwood and a certificate to be tional Honorary Military Society. Zeal. Rev. Carl Hayn, SJ. Delta Sig'' dinner-dance last Sat- sics .department, and Rev. Carl The following lecture will be presented at the last Senate meet- The initiation, which was conducted by Pershing Rifles Captain March 7, Xavier andgPrayer, Re*. urday, February 26. The setting j Hayn, S.J., from St. Louis. the given by Hymn J. Snow, acting Robert Hurst, S.J. Lodge ing of semester. by a was the beautiful Brookdalc j SCHOLARSHIP dean of the law school, who will Louis Souza. took place at Adobe Ix>dge and was followed dinner March 8, The Need of Grace, Rev. 17 seniors are James Howe, in the Santa Cruz mountains. Mu- In order to swell interest in the The discuss the problem of security's in Jose. O'Sullivan, 5.,1. James Bovven, Perry Carter, Adolf downtown San Vincent sic for the occasion was provided new major, Rev. Herman Hauck, i role in the freedom of expression March The Rev. Kltner, John (iinclla, Arthur Hayes, 9. Christian Life, by Robert Bush. ; S.J., president of the University. in politics, in "Freedom of Politi- OUTSTANDING CADETS Poeiask, S.J. George lleeg, Donald Johnson, HS Senior Joseph Despite bad weather, a fine turn- has announced a $4OO scholarship cal Expression". The society, which is named af- March Xavier, Missionary, Richard Jonscn, Lucas, 10, the out of couples enjoyed the relaxing in physics, which will be awarded Richard Rev. Austin Fajcothey, S.J. Muurd I'anelli, Wesley ARTHIR HAYES ter the late World War I com- atmosphere and a good meal. to a 19515 high school graduate. Kimules. March St. Francis and Modern Oeorge Scherrer, Kiehanl Schlem- The fourth lecture will feature Day Slated mander, is presently composed of 11. Capping the evening was the an- Any students with questions Times, Rev. Wilfred Crowley, mer, John Wade, Itohert Williams, Arthur Hull' Hayes, f ice-president outstanding ROTC cadets from the nouncement that the "Rose of Del- about the new physics department S.J. Miss and William Wiswall. ol CBS Radio, who will speak on and sophomore classes. ta Sig" for 1955 was Carole I are asked to go to the department For March 22 freshman March If, The Hound of Heaven, These men were chosen on the ""Freedom and Communications", Azevedo, a sophomore at San Jose office on the first floor of the basis of their academic achieve-, especially with regard to radio. On March 22, Santa Clara will One of the major activities of Rev. Herman Hauck, S.J. State. science building. ment and their service to the Uni- The final talk will be given on hold its annual senior day for the the "Rifles" is the composition of • a eraek BOTC drill team. Last versity. April 5, by Rev. Willis Egan. S.J., seniors of the local and Bay area Commenting on the Who's Who of University of San Francisco, year the Santa Clara group took the to KSCU Battle selections, student body president on "Academic Freedom", discuss- j high .schools Designed better first place ii» drill team competi- Boh Williams said. "Selection does ing freedom of thought in educa- i acquaint these seniors with the tion over all other ROTC units in not come in payment lor what they tion. University, past senior days have San Francisco's St. Patrick's Day Continues in Parade. have done at Santa Clara, hut as Student Body President Bob i alw-ays been well attended and a an honor in tribute to their quali- Williams, in commenting on the : large turnout is expected this year.
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