TORRANCE HERALD MARCH 15, 1959 Sidewalks to Phone Firm Obituaries Be Completed Stressing WKSLEY J. ARMSTRONG' Slogan Makers Put Axioms Completion of a sidewalk Funeral services for Weslcy project for which residents Home Safety Julius Armstrong, 74, of 1831)8 Forms petitioned almost two years Pacific Telephone men and Mansel, were held yesterday Into New, Strange ago. will be provided by a women in Torrance arc cur­ afternoon at the Chapel of The Calle Mayor Elemen- Papadakis. painted the signs. contract awarded this week, rently receiving safety instruc- the Chimes in Inglewood and lary School safety campaign A 58-member committee as­ according to Los Angeles City tions on how to prevent injury j interment followed in the in- 4 Council President John S. Gib- has taken an intellectual twist.. sists i n patrolling various while off the job, telephone glewood Park Cemetery son. pointed chrisitan Science services will f After debating the best ways of the campus to be sure manager R. S. Pyle of their fel- parts The new contract will in­ out yesterday. be read by Virgil L. Happy. I to focus attention safety on I low students on safety, the that students observe clude installation of walks The manager said that sta- j Mr. Armstrong, who was < eight-man student safety com- rules. the wes* side of Norniamiie tistics prove the home is twice i i)0rn in Colorado June 1!. nut tee came up with a novel Robert Fisher is student Ave. from 208th to 209th Sts.. as dangerous as any industrial igg4. had lived In this area < of Brighton, I Idea. They painted signs on safety chairman, assisted by on both sides plant and that injuries while for oo years. the sidewatks which sent stu­ Halldale, and Dalton Avcs., off the job annually cripple i He is survived by a son, t Chere Dindley, Russ DeVore, side of 209th dents scurrying to their direc- Lynn Poser, Darig Edman, and on the north thousands of workers and j Richard Armstrong of ('Hi- \ tionaries to find their mean- Greg Jurisich, Street to 135th St. west of Dal­ force absenteeism upon thou- vcr city; a brother, Charlos Sandra Wall, ton. Portions of the original l ings. and Kay Simmons. sands more. ' M. Armstrong of Los Angeles: 1 Instead of the customary work were completed earlier, Both on and off the job an(| two sisters. Mrs Nell "In addition to making stu­ i Sheets Construction Com- of Inglewood and Mrs. 1 "Walk, don't run" signs, the dents more safety conscious, safety are vitally important to Dunn i Calle Mayor students now read | pany of Gardena, will complete business and industry, the jesse Mensch of Monterey the new signs also have help­ I the work at a cost of $3.609. ark. ) such warnings as "Promenade ed to send many students to manager said. He .'aid all p ' 5 ! *t Desirable Velocities." "Alac- approximately 15 per cent less phases of safety will be dis- Funeral arrangements were their dictionaries," noted than engineers had estimated. by the Halverson- • rity is Obnoxious." "Mobilize Principal Myrl C. Rupel. cussed at the sixth annual handled Tour Torso Meaningfully," or Work is expected to begin in Western Safety Congress| Leavell Mortuary. "Traverse Slowly." about three weeks according which meets at the Ambassa­ The old warning to "Look MANY VISITORS to the Board of Public Works dor Hotel in Los Angeles j MASSIE |,. D1XON Both Ways" has been replaced Observation floors on the which awarded the contract. March 23, 24 and 25. Funeral services for Mas by a sign urging students to 86th and 12nd floors of the Pyle urged local business- Logell rjixon, 57. of 1651 Van "Exercise Optical Muscles Dili­ Empire State building normal SUB-FREEZE men to attend and narticioate Tress Ave., Wilmington, will gently." ly atract great throngs of visit­ Bill Harris reported late to in the important discussions. be |le],j at 2 p.m. tomorrow ;it The safety committee, guid­ ors, estimated at up to one the Dodgers in Spring training ________ the Stone and Myers Mortuary ed by faculty sponsor George millon persons during a year because the snows cancelled The Southwest Keystone Im- chapel here. Mr. Dixon, a travel out of his New Bruns­ provemcnt Assn. will meet Fri- member of Steamfitter's Localg* EXERCISE OPTICAL Ml SCLES DILIGENTLY . That's what the sign says that Calle day evening. March 13. at 8 at 250. died here Friday after' sidewalk in wick, Canada, home for several Mayor School student Lynn Poser and Greg Jurisich arc painting on the [days. It was eighteen below the 223rd St. School to elect hying in this area for 14 years. front of the school. The school safety committee came up with this Idea instead of the to head a repre- He was a native of Texas, signs When he left and Vero Beach officers and conventional "Look Both Ways" signs. School officials say the "intellectual" looked and felt mighty sentative of the County Road Rev. Marvin Bryant will con- create interest both in safety and the dictionary. good to him. Commission. I duct tomorrow's final services, and burial will be in Roose\e!t Cemetery. ...Lawndale He is survived by his widow, Beatrice, of the home address: a son, James M. Dixon of is being sought by the city of Texas: two step-sons, Sidney Hawthorne. Walker of Canoga Park and Robert Walker of Lamasad.% Are Yok* Looking For A A question of precedence Calif., and one brother, James SOUTHERN BAPTIST CHURCH? between the Lawndale incor­ H. Dixon of Texas. Seven HERE IT IS poration move and the previ­ grandchildren also survive ously filed Torrance annexa­ him. Narbonne Avenue tion proposal may wind up in TRYOUTS SET the courts for determination, The Magnolia Theatre. 2400 Baptifist Church officials have said. One coun­ Magnolia Ave., Long Beach, 24730 Narbonne Ave., Lomita ty official said the laws on the announces that tryouts for REVIVAL MARCH 15-22, 7:30 P.M. point are "muddled." Arthur Miller's play about WELLS PREACHING Backers of the Lawndale early American 'witch-hunt­ PASTOR BOB ing.' "The Crucible." will bet MUSIC DIRECTOR ED ISBELL incorporation, however, claim held at the theatre Tuesday, at "There Is A Difference Come And See" their action takes precedence 8:00 p.m. over all annexation proposals. T TORRANCE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE PtlSIUIIZID CONSTIUATIONS If You Are A & Loan South Bay branch, at 16818 Hawthorne Blvd., ARTIST'S SKETCH OF NEW BANK . Shown above is Newcomer APRIL 3 THRU APRIL 11, 1959 an artist's rendering of the new Great Western Savings scheduled to open March 31. DEPARTS FROM L.A. INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT to Costs Only $«M£ 1ft Includes All This Torrance S316.72 South Bay Supervisors To Appraise Channel Land : Included Cill Round Trip Transportation Appointment of independ­ from its headwaters in south about $20,000,000. Flood Con­ the outlet at the are allocating Gourmet Meals Served Aloft Bank Branch ent appraisers Ralph S. Bow- Inglewood to trol engineers Dorothy Stoeckle One Full Week At The Magnificent die and Jack P. Merrick to bay. It drains a heavily-popu­ approximately $2.000,000 an­ Air Conditioned 18 Acre "HAWAIIAN determine property values of lated area and plays a vital nually for construction work DA 3-2494 VILLAGE HOTEL (Six Swimming To Open Soon the downstream end of Domin- role in the two storm drain on the project, which includes to the ac­ bond issue programs being di­ not only the concrete lining Pools) and Complete Sav­ guez Channel prior for i vitit from H.Y NOW-PAY LATER . Program of Planned Sightseeing Work on Great Western quisition of the right of way rected by the Flood Control of the channel but also the re­ fOR FREI INFORMATION CALL OR WRIT! TO feasts and Special Events ings' new South Bay branch, was announced this week by District, Chace said. construction of several bridges Wolcom* Wagon the waterway, the GARDENA THE located at 16818 Hawthorne Supervisor Burton W. Chace. Ultimate improvement of which cross lie Supervisor added. Travel Agency GLOBE TROTTERS ........ ....... Blvd., is progressing toward a Parcels of land affected the channel is expected to cost Agents J fj Ptwt Mnd frt« breihun March 31 formal opening, Pal­ adjacent to the channel south 16504 So. Berendo Ave. Travel from the Southern Pacific rail­ Garden! 701 $. Pacific Coist mer Briggs, new branch man­ Hwy., Redondo Beach way, just above Anaheim or FA 1-2146 ager, announced today. DA 3-3440 OR 8-5433 or FR 2-3535 Street, to the drainage artery's 1 «och. [l.lundobi. I Exterior sign plans have termination at San Pedro Bay. been completed and approved, Appraisal and acquisition of and installation will take place right of way is a preliminary within the next week. The to improvement of the chan­ TRANSOCEAN sign work has been assigned nel by the County Flood Con- to Health & Company, who are L..*. trol District, Chace said. responsible for a large per­ Dominguez Channel runs centage of the signs in the Cleaners-Laundry South Bay Shopping Center. No Extra OPTIONAL: $284.50 TOUR PRICE, INCLUDING MEALS, Briggs also pointed out that Girl Scout Troop 434 Charge AVAILABLE TO PASSENGERS DESIRING TOURIST interior construction and fur­ Girl Scout Troop 434, spon­ Washeteria CLASS ACCOMMODATIONS nishing will begin this week. sored by the Torrance Terrace Garden Club, will hold an all- day bake sale Saturday, March 28, in front of Newberry's Variety Store, beginning at 11 TAKE THE a.m. Proceeds will go toward a three-day trip to Malibu READY-MIX WAY ..
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