THE EVENING STAR, D. C. M — Washington, Today's Assignment for I • SATURDAY, I9ftg I MARCH 1C A-25 JUNIOR EDITORS . TELEVISION-RADIO Television Today Saturday, March 10, 1956 ~P.M | (WRCTdi. 4) (Ch. WMAL WTOP (ChTeT ‘ iWTTG -Jl Pro luktttall Early Sat Stai Big Taa lasktttall . Miaaeaaetis " ” Marie* dak'T. ««. :3a n. St. Ltkia Sim K Saatik Wklrlwieet 4:15 " * 45 \ Prafrcis Pick ItafM't hock :M Ti Ik' Western •'tiitl taaeoacel llmtiri lasie Outlaws" 5:1530 Faatligkt Tkeatei “Dawa Riler” Futere Flyetf :*5 “Law aoe Leal Cla* Tewplt; Sat. Mawi. :M Ru Ball Capital Carina tellca Biases Tka Lac; Skew Fwatligkt Tkeatki Ilk McEwai Fniraai :30 ’a-Caracrs News Taea Talk Ckaaßiaatklß CaßtaM Me 5:151,«5 Tim Bette laraaia Bawliat ~ jigsaw “ PiraSt Brans " Ilia kotry* the BERRYS , ' :0B Your Hit 01a " o»ry ~gg£ 7:IS " 4HMM|| / :3B Tka In Serarisa * Ozark IklilH Bait tka Clack , j^nwrA^J " ” ” * " ” i :45 ; ’ :N Ferry Cam Tka Esaalai Mifia ” " lackla filiisai. "Tka ” ' “Slaty Glariaus * * HlilywiMon" " * :3»; * Tears" . Stateskaw 8:15 " “ " :«5 “ Anna Nimlt Dtrsny Britkera M people A7w ” LawneeaWafk TwntertkaHomy Funny " * " HerkSkrliir ” :30 jimmy Wrostlim trim “ Fart Star lakilaa Durants “ " " 9:15,45 * Hillywiil ! “Mill Tir" :M Ceorye Bake! ialspy Darky Chanel ts lia| Crasky a A:ls “ ’• ” ¦' A Lifetime Nucy Olsai I\J :30 Safeway Tktatil Westing house Pres. Turn ana Ceitltry Julia Aaltrsaa :45 “KillHim I Raaarti an Strike Jamkirea Etraratt Slain :fik Far Me" Featurama " “ 11 R.M Rcaorl ” " “ Arture Da Carim* Film Stella I n;ls:30 Leticia Palma ” " " " . "Tka Mafic Fata - “ " First submitted by: Viola Blount. Bumpass. Va. .45 " » lutker Adler POCAHANTAS—€ 12,M Rata: Inspiratiaa Jamkarie'TllM-.11 Kalgkt In the days when the English were colonizing Virginia there lived near the. Chesapeake a powerful tribal chief, Powhatan. -“Saturday, March 10, 1956 Though he had brave sons, his pride was his pretty daughter. Rodio Today Pocahantas. WWDC—I26O WTOP—ISOO English P.M. [ WMAL—63O j WRC—9BO One of the leaders of the settlement at Jamestown .00 Opera Maaitar Club 12M News: Halllay was Captain John Smith. One day he was captured, brought be- Baris Godounav " " Jack Rawin Ilk Bkltlk fore Powhatan for trial and sentenced to die. But just as the ,30 " “ " * Newi: Club IJM 4:15 M “ “ * was fall, went father, under :45 lickRiwiia ax about to Pocahantas to her and ~ tribal law, claimed the life of the captive. Powhatan tOB Fastival Minitar CiuT 12SB Mawl: Halifay ancient " " " granted request story an legend. lack Rawed Bek Oaltaa the and the has become American :30 •' ” News: Meniter NlwS; Club 12SI England, was captured “ " " After Smith returned to Pocahantas 5:15.45 Capital Hast CkiHrat la Trwkla by the English and later married Captain John Rolfe who took - Niws—Dsn Ilckanß’ England. :00 News: Pam Am Party News; McCirmick BakWiiff her to Pan American Party Sports. Simpsaa 1210 BanPstail klask Maws Bapart For your Pocahantas portrait, color the picture with crayons :3Q ! 1 Sports Kalaidescnpi Monitor Maws: Bonis Weethar: Sparta 5:15 " " and paste down on cereal box cardboard. Cut out the figure ! :49 Sports Alien I 1288 Baalstaol News Braater Walk. carefully. Then fold back the ends and it will stand. Place the “ ,00 It's Yaur Business Meniter Ripnrt la Pteple Lazy llltaalkl cape across Pocahantas’ shoulders and fold back the tabs to ) 7:15 As We See It 12S0 BanUstaed Listeaiai / ,30 were ot News: Mealtsi Serenafe la Blue place. '• keep it in :45 Tip Tuaes DrawPaariaa j Life __ (Violet Moore Higgins: AP Newsfeaturcs) ,00 News: Crewlorl Monitor rroml Town ‘ Mnws; Sat. Mill MONDAY: The Money Tree Bek Will Ciuitry Styli DR. GUY BENNETT 8 mombnt, :30 ! Crawford " " News: Arsual lawa Saturday Nigbt anp 8:15 '¦ «r.7?* " | —T^T assort wsrANCoj ] ,I. :45 ¦¦ Jack Rawzia Ciuitry Style; Spt few v,-'j gISHT. THINKS I’M A -•% rjPHW '/ | i¦ i l~r~ euy? HK IB.i ALL HlCllT* •0 News; Crawtard Monitar AraundTiwk lull 111 you MEAN WQNPERFUL EVEgygOPV <• "•• IV-Jjk L < rPJ LINE WEEK END OPEN j« Rawzia; Les Paul Jury I «¦ keep TV not engaged up anp youe TODAY'S ,30 - - Peter to I¦¦Tl ¦ u W. xTT. .T fU', : Grand Ole Opry News. Areuel.lewi Fetter 9:15 •• HIGHLIGHTS I BOWLIN :45 • » " Jack Rowzie Kan Murray; N't NO LEAGUES ,00 News; Crawtard Monitor U S Army Naur Bad OaltH Skew “ “ ” ' Faatstapa (7)—Champion- ddk:ls 6:30, WMAL 3O Crawford News; Westinihausa la Masla Maaitar ” " IU " ship Bowling: Joe Kristos ¦«S Crawford; News I “ Official* meets Don Carter in match ; :ld Town sad Country Monitor Dnnet Pnrty WiHd Ttmigbt elimination games. lamkorei ’’ " ” Waatkir, Sports ¦3O “ " « - News: Daaca Parly Maeadial 6:30, (s)—Teen * WTTG Talk: n:ls " I •45 Dance Party Eddie Sallakar A panel of young people dis- I Sign OH 1:05 Jazz at Midnight Daiei Party Music 711 Bawd cuss problems of teenagers; P|j|P 12:00 at Betty Jerome. (4)—Perry 8:00, WRC Como| Open Sot., 11 A.M. to Midnight I Other AM Stations FM Stations Re. 1340 Kc por.FM-93 WFAN-101.3 M(. Show: Guests will be Dinah 1 Open Sun., 2 P.M, to Midnight WGMS—S7O WOOR- " IMe Hudson, WPIK-730 AC. WWDC-FM—lOl.l MO. Shore, Rock and WOL-1450 Ac. , „ AC. lu Fl 4 s Mc Lafayette Bowling WARL-780 ““ WBMS FM-103.5 Ml. Louis Jordan. Center AC. WDON—IS4O Ac WGAY—IOSO WTOP-FM—Ol.3 Ml. FM-115.1m-i Md. 8:00, (9) Honey- 1535 Eye St. N.W. WP6C-15M It. mALWAAL-rrw— WTOP —The wIKT-mo kc Me. THE TOODLES Ralph RE. 7-3900 WEAM-13M Ad. «*SN-FM-«1./ Mc. WUSI-FM-IBU DON'T moners: resents and Parking Available in Building WFAX—I22O YmSKT! COME DM IfA 111 foMOORS/ WCFR—I3IO AC WINX-IMO Is WOL-FM-M.7 Me WMAI-FM-H7.3 Ml. ' f pay $5 : NERE 60 . refuses to additional _-* . HALF AN HOUR AND J ME YOU'RE THE ypHMr |gg(J KID NE)Ct < w EXPECTING V/AN-.’ for rent and is evicted. j ONE re-rucOF THE KIPS FROMrenkA l I'LL BE PEACN—-jgk FROM W s DOOR 7 MASSE iVE-OH-GOTTA 8:30, WTOP (9)—Stage Show: NEXT DOOR IS SITTING WITH i /Cl & ‘LASSIE* CALL A 6USTD The Dorseys are hosts to 'the obew<m*te; Crew Cuts, Les Cardinals and George Kirby. 9:00, WMAL (7)—Lawrence OZARK JUBILEE Welk Show: A program of f today 1 favorite melodies of and yesterday. 9:30, WRC (4)—Jimmy Du- rante: Liberaee visits. 9:30, WTOP (9)—Star Jubi- lee; (Color) Maxwell Ander- son’s musical version of his “High Tor,” a romantic fan- tasy; Bing Crosby, Julie; Andrews, Everett Sloane. j OAKY DOAKSr i „VU4UP llAul Kbut I KNOW \/ I AIM’T\i POMONA,THAT GOON IS CHALLENGE YE TO MORTAL 10:00, WMAL (7)—Chance of THAT MUSTACHE/ DE OMLY 1 PUBLIC ENEMY NUMBER )\ COMBAT-AH' DIS TIME I'LL £ Lifetime: New time for AWO THAT ' ILL a WIT' aud TWICE JT"V C "??rT—S l YE /\ talent contest emceed by Denis James. 11:00, WTTG (s)—Featurama: 1 Host Milt Grant introduces film features from world of adventure, drama, sports, and Fran “Aunt Fanny" Allison, music. the, 11l15, WTOP (9)—Film Studio Nine: "The Magic Face,” story of events leading to Nazi’s defeats and Hitler’s death: Luther Adler, Patri- cia Knight (1951). BALTIMORE TV JOHNNY HAZARD Johnny waits-then, jess leaves the house,! I—it's my... sister/ got \ as — evening r " f \TI \f "9 (Here are some pro-: "ACCIPENTALLY* BUMPS INTO HIM' f=CZ WORP SHE WAS IN ANAUTO ILLIt f ) grams on nearby Baltimore sta- JESS \ HANDED THAT PR.BLANIK A 1“ .. XT' SAW 4 7. I CRACK-UP' JUST THE POC IffffjS tions which differ from those SEALEP ENVELOPE.' PERFORMANCE j , ; RASCAL, J-JOHNW? I YOU OLD 1 WHO’S TREATING HER...SAYS rB^ULV available on local channels.) in iwunu ¦ 6:00—(2) —Lassie. 6:oo—(7)—This is the Story. ji> 6:00—(11)—Appeal. 6:oo—(l3)—Movie: “The Man Between.” (1953.) 6:30 (2)—Buffalo Bill, Jr. jl jw«»^*w^jo«o 6:3o—(ll)—Ramar of the* Jungle. 7:oo—(2)—Turning Point. < 7:oo—(9)—Gene Autry. , 7:00—(11)—I Search for Ad- venture. " 10:30—ill)—Mr. District At-, torney. NOW i| AUTT ANP JEFF WHAT WILL HAPPEN ' THAT OLX3HTTO \ f HIC.HIC/SO MUCH ) I CCCLf 10:30—(13)—Movie: “Cornin’' MV WIFE'S HICCUPS FRIGHTEN AWAY DOST UNDER THE / |C C C **», W.W&S ¦[ Round the Mountain.” 1 J 11:00—(2)—Movie: , ...... “The First Legion.” (1951.) AWW^j. 11:15 (ID—Your Hit Parade. ' 11:30—(13)—Nocturne Movie:j< “The Day the Greeks Was, lUE STRIKE Closed.” IN THE j11:45—(11)—Movie: “Secret* Service Investigator.” (1949.) < 12:30—(2)—The Pendulum. , Gas Water Heaters < MERION AGAINST WESTINGHOUSE? Installed—EASY PAYMENTS | CALI Chuckles duced and directed by Sir, E. A. GASCH & Son Channel Women Lose Debate RADIO Laurence Olivier; cast in-j WA. 7-3373 - -~~r ¦-!¦¦¦¦ TODAY'S , ¦ eludes John Gielgud, Claire i On Their Superiority HIGHLIGHTS Bloom, Ralph Richardson. NORFOLK, (/P).—' Mass. The 1 Hardwick, debating defending Sir Cedric Pamela male team, 2:00, WMAL Metropolitan 1 Brown. The Story of the Gwilym negative A. Price the of the resolution Moussorgsky's Opera: "Boris ’ 11:30, WRC—Monitor: Joe Loco "That Women Have a Natural Godounov." with George Lon- Superiority Men,” musical combo from Aardie’s, Emerald President of Westinghouse Electric Corporation i Over was ad- don, Mildred Miller, Laurel J Angeles.
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